Read Draeger Legacy 8 Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Draeger Legacy 8 (12 page)

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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“Well, you’ve started it,” James said to him. “Now if we can only get it finished.”

“You didn’t really think this was going to happen overnight, did you?” Drake poured himself a cup of coffee. A woman served him a tray of food during the proceedings.

“To be honest, I really didn’t think you were going to get the change you did.” James poured himself a drink. “Millard isn’t happy about it and a few other important families aren’t either.”

“They’ll get over it.”

“So when are you going to let him know?” He nodded in the direction Millard stood in.

“Maybe when I have my first born.” Drake turned and headed over to his father. He heard James laugh behind him.

“I must say I’m impressed,” his father said. “Two major changes.

That’s something to be proud of.”

“Long way to go.”

“Drake you’re not going to change things in a snap of a finger. Stuff like this takes time. I doubt either one of us will see the changes we want in our lifetime.”

Drake took a deep breath. “I don’t want to have a daughter and 70

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worry about some animal raping her in front of men like this.” He looked around the room with disgust. “I want to know that when her time comes she’ll be claimed with respect.”

By nightfall, the new law was in place. It wasn’t what Drake wanted, but as his father pointed out it was a start. No more public screwing. Now if it he could get them to take the rest of it out he would feel at ease.

Drake headed for his car. He was tired, hungry, and worried about Natasha. He reached his vehicle when Millard stepped out of the shadows.

“You took her, didn’t you Draeger?” he said.

Drake crossed his arms over his chest, head cocked to the side,

“That’s the second time you’ve accused me of taking you daughter Millard. Why?”

“Only a male who has something he might lose puts up a fight such as you did in there today.”

Drake snorted, “I put up a fight for future children, mine included.

Tell me something, Millard. What the hell would you do if some male walked into your house, grabbed your daughter, and just fucked her on the table in front of your eyes? With the way the laws are now, any one of us could do just that and there isn’t fuck you can do about it.”

“I swear to you now, if it was you who took her I’ll make sure with everything I have I’ll bury you.”

“Threatening me now?”

Millard did take a threatening step and went nose to nose with Drake. “I’m promising you.”

“You know, Millard, as long as you keep pushing, keep threatening, no one is going to come forth and admit to taking your daughter. I know I sure as hell wouldn’t tell you shit. Now get the fuck out of my face.”

“Do we have a problem here?” James Laswell came up to them. His tone of voice made Millard take a step back.

“No problem, Laswell,” Millard said.

“Oh we have problems, Millard.” Drake yanked his car door open, all his gaze riveted on Philip Millard. “We have major problems.”

Drake got into the car started the engine and peeled out of the drive.

He drove fast with the need to see Natasha, to check to make sure she was fine. She was his only concern at the moment, his only thought.

The sun shined bright when he pulled into the drive. As exhausted as he might be, the need to see her seemed to push it away. Drake parked in front of the house got out and rushed inside. He didn’t even let anyone 71

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know he was home as he raced up the stairs, two at a time. He opened the door and just about lost his breath.

Natasha wasn’t in bed.

“Drake, is that you?” Nelly’s voice came from the bathroom.

He gave a silent sigh. “Yeah, Nelly.”

“Good, come in here and give me a hand.”

Drake turned, went into the bathroom. Nelly had Natasha in the tub.

Her eyes were closed and her body shaking. He took off his jacket, tossing it onto the counter and kneeling down at the side of the tub.

“I just finished washing her,” Nelly said. “You get her out and dried, I’m going to change those sheets. Think the fever broke, but she has the chills now.”

Drake picked Natasha up from the tub wrapped a towel around her quickly and held her close. She pressed her face into his neck, shivering.

He dried her off, put another towel around her body, and carried her into the bedroom as Nelly finished changing the bed.

He placed her on the bed, covered her up to her chin, and touched her forehead.

“How’d the meeting go this time?” Nelly asked.

“We got one law somewhat changed,” he told her. “Still have a long way to go.”

“You’ll get there. Want something to eat?” Drake answered her by shaking his head. “Well then why don’t you lie down and get some sleep also. You look like you’re about to fall over or something.”

Nelly left, and he sat on the side of the bed, bent and took his shoes off. Damn he was tired. So tired it took a lot of energy just to strip down.

The second he slipped under the blankets, Natasha was there. She curled up against him, shivering. Drake sighed, wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, and close, giving her his body heat. Even though she was sick, his body hardened for her— hunger that no matter what was always there.

He didn’t give into the hunger, or the need to rest. With his mate close by his side, Drake let the sleep take him. His body relaxed, expect for his damn cock. Eyes closed and darkness took him.

How long he was asleep before waking, he didn’t know.

Drake slowly came back to his senses when he felt a hot, wet mouth suck his flesh inside. He opened his eyes, looked down and the air just held his in lungs. Natasha was between his legs, his cock in her mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned. “Natasha, what are you doing?”

“I burn,” she said against him when she released his cock. “God 72

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Drake, it burns.”

Again, she took his cock into her mouth, sucking the flesh hard. He reached up, grabbing the headboard of the bed tight and arched with a moan. All the way down her throat, she took him, pulling, moving her head up and down.

She drove his hunger, his desire, and lust so high that he was powerless to stop the climax. It rushed out of him fast, stealing his breath, making him feel weak and helpless under her.

And under her, he was.

Drake didn’t even get a chance to come down from that high when he felt her crawl on top of him, his cock in her hand, posed at the entrance to her pussy. She was wet, hot silk that seemed to just milk him.

He took hold of her hips, helped guide her down onto him. Fuck if she wasn’t tight. He could feel the scorching muscles of her pussy part, contract around him, and that pressure of climax once more quickly collected in his balls.

“Shit, I’m not going to last,” he groaned, closing his eyes at the sweet tormented pleasure.

Never once did he ever experience a female close or during her cycle. Always he heard the rumors. Deep down he did want to go through it once. The sexual need that he heard the females go through, the demands they make on a male was something he really did want to do. And now he was.

Her hands pressed on his chest, eyes closed, mouth open, head back.

The sight of her passion as she took him into her body filled him with so much joy and love that he thought for the first time ever he might cry with pleasure. Natasha touched him in places he never thought could be touched. She had his heart, his soul, and for as long as she wanted, she had his body as well.

A gasp from her parted lips and she had him filling inside her.

Natasha didn’t stop for a breather. No, she moved and moved hard and fast on him. Control from her—out. She rode him hard, fucked him with a need that overwhelmed even him.

Once more, he had to hold onto to the headboard instead of her. He bucked up, growled with each slam downward of her body. He was so close that he ended up biting the inside of his mouth to still the orgasm.

“Drake, please,” she begged.

Her plea pushed him over. With an arch from him, he yelled and it wasn’t just from the pleasure that raced through him. He came hard the second she lowered herself down and bit him right on the chest above his 73

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left breast.

The pain mixed with the pleasure. His seed shot out of him in waves of pure, raw ecstasy. It drained him and fueled him at the same time.

“More,” she demanded her voice weak.

Drake sat up. He linked her legs over his arms and just moved her again. He kept her on top, but this time he controlled it.

Her arms went around him and he kissed her deep. He moved her fast, hard on him once more. This time it was her making the noise. She whimpered at each thrust, each power slap he gave to her. This time, when she came, he held off, pushing her higher.

“Drake!” she cried out and he moved again.

Drake flipped them over, him coming over her, his cock surging into her hard. He fucked through the orgasm times two. His mouth moved over her throat, moving to his mark. Nails dug into his shoulders, raked down and around his hips to clamp on his ass. He hissed at the pain but welcomed it also. It started his downfall.

He swelled, the sensation raced down his spine and his seed once more shot out. Harder her
nails dug into his ass and he didn’t mind. He closed his mouth over the mark, bit her, and enjoyed the scream that came from her lips, just as he enjoyed the tight contractions of her pussy around his cock. She clamped down so hard on him that he couldn’t move, even her legs wrapped around his waist, holding him tight to her.

“Thank you,” she sighed, her hold on him loosening.

Drake raised up enough to look down at her. Natasha’s head turned to the side slowly, her eyes closed. He felt her release under him and smiled.

“I love you Natasha,” he whispered, kissing her lightly on the lips.

Natasha smiled. “I love you too,” she breathed out.

* * * *

Millard walked into his office, slamming the door closed. He went right up to the bottle of whisky, poured a large glass, and took a heavy drink, hissing at the burn. He looked out the window, watched the other members of the board leave. Pissed off was such a mild term for how he felt right now. The meeting didn’t go like he wanted, he didn’t get the things he needed and no one seemed to know what the hell happened to his daughter.

“Tell me you have something,” he said.

“One that was here tonight carries her scent.” Boris stood in the far corner of his office hidden by the dark shadows.

“Which one?”


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

“The one you were talking with.”

Millard fisted his hand so tightly the glass shattered. Dark liquid hit the rug, glass dug into his hand. He breathed hard, heavy, his anger boiling over to a point where he only saw red.

“I want that bastard dead,” Millard stated.

“After the full moon it will be done.”


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

Chapter Seven

“The first new Gathering is scheduled for the week before the next full moon,” Allen Draeger said as he sat down across from Drake in the new dining room at the new table.

Drake was still very tired. He didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, mostly because Natasha woke up once more and took what she needed from him. It also surprised him to be a bit sore, on not only his chest where she bit him again, but his cock was also a bit tender.

The fever finally broke during the fourth or was it the fifth time she woke and crawled on top of him? He couldn’t remember. Hell, he didn’t care. He just wanted to be there for her and was going to do anything he could for her.

Nelly fixed a large breakfast and took up a tray for Natasha. His father showed up out of the blue with information about the changes the Cabinet was finally making. Drake’s mind was on the upcoming full moon.

“Drake, are you listening to me?”

Drake raised his eyes, looking down the table at his father. “No.”

“Didn’t think so,” Allen sighed. “I asked you if you’ve ever heard the name Lanz Martin before.”

Drake reached for his cup of coffee, “Nope. Who is he?”

“Human,” Allen stated. “One that is causing some trouble around here.”

“How so?”

“He saw one of us.” That statement had Drake sitting straighter in his chair. “And it’s causing some major trouble.”

“I’m listening.”

“He’s telling anyone that will listen that there is such a thing as a werewolf and he’s going to prove it.”

Drake rubbed his face, set his cup down and slumped once more in the chair, “I don’t need this shit right now.”

“No you don’t, and it just gets better.” Allen crossed his arms over his chest, lowered his head, but his eyes stayed fixed on Drake. “Millard is also causing more trouble. He has a hunter out there looking for his daughter and the one who took her. After you left heard some talk that the hunter was there, sniffing to see who had her scent upon them.”

“Shit,” Drake hissed.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

“Yeah, so I’m going to take a leap here and say he’s going to be on your ass soon.”

“Millard can’t do shit.” Drake stood up, anger giving him the energy he needed to fight off the tiredness in his body. “He has no rights to her.”

“Just because he might not have the rights doesn’t mean he can’t fight for them back.” Drake glared at his father. “He can challenge your claim Drake. Don’t mistake his cunningness. You’ve embarrassed him twice now not only in front of the Cabinet but also in front of his peers.

He will want to honor his name.”

“First off he has to figure out if I have her or not.”

Allen also stood up. He fixed his suit jacket and tie, “He isn’t stupid Drake. Stop thinking he is. Millard knows you have his daughter, he just can’t prove it yet. So watch your back.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to look into this Martin guy,” Allen said. “I think it needs some looking into. We don’t need some human trying to bring us down or think he’s the next messiah who should rid the world of the beast.”

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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