Dragon Legacy (12 page)

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Authors: Jane Hunt

BOOK: Dragon Legacy
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The golden curls revealed glistened, slick with the moisture of her arousal. Lukas cradled her against his thighs with one hand and recaptured her gaze. It shone with arousal as she anticipated his touch on her most secret place. He let his other hand rest on her inner thigh, ran his fingers across the tiny curls, which protected the center of her desire. He found what he sought with an age-old expertise and rubbed the tip of his finger across her sensitive bud. Fleur closed her eyes and bit down on her full lower lip. His engorged shaft pressed against his jean's buttons. He ignored its demands and replaced his finger with his lips and tongue. Her eyes shot open in shock. Her gaze was unfocused as he intensified her pleasure with every lick and kiss. Her gaze anguished as she crossed the border from pleasure to pain. He ignored her desperate screams for release. He balanced her on a carnal knife-edge. One more touch and she would fall into a sensual nirvana and fly in her own unique way. Lukas stopped.

Before Fleur protested, Lukas removed her jeans, unlaced and removed her boots and socks. He raised her so she sat half-straddled across his thighs. He unfastened his own jeans and pushed them and his boxers down his thighs. His powerful, erect shaft sprang against his taut abdominal muscles. Fleur's gaze raked his manhood and glanced at him, impatient. He assuaged her discontent as he lifted her other leg wide and cradled his thighs. His erection pressed against her feminine core in an intimate caress. She sighed and trembled. He pushed into her, tested her readiness for him. Perfect. He almost withdrew before he thrust into her again, harder. He filled her. She tightened around him. He thrust again. So aroused, she climaxed, pulsed around his erect shaft, and pushed him beyond the edge of his control within seconds. He let go and flew again with Fleur this time, destined for ecstasy. When the muscles in his thighs and calves ached with the strain of squatting, Lukas rose, still intimate with Fleur. He withdrew and let her slide down his half-aroused body.

“Oh, it’s wet! What happened to my boots?”

Lukas lifted Fleur. “Stand on my feet. I’ve still got my boots on.”

Fleur did as he asked. They held each other and enjoyed the afterglow of their fiery coupling. “I like your fantasy."

"I think it may become a favourite one of mine," Fleur murmured.

He let go of Fleur as she balanced on his feet and pulled up his boxers and jeans. “It’s cold.”

Half-dressed, he steadied Fleur with one arm and retrieved her jeans. "Afraid these are a little worse for wear. You shouldn't wear them for long.”

“Down boy! You are insatiable, aren’t you?"

“Not quite what I meant, Fleur. We'll leave here soon.”

Fleur laughed and took the jeans from him. “These jeans are foul. More slime than denim."

Lukas bantered with Fleur. His heart beat a tattoo against his ribcage. It pleaded with him to share his true emotions with her.

Fleur retrieved her ruined thong. She caught Lukas’ eye. “Impatient, weren’t we?” She slipped the underwear in her pocket and refastened her top and rain jacket. “Help me with my boots, please.” She stared at the top of his head as he fastened her boots and willed him to voice the emotions his body expressed so beautifully minutes before.

“They should be tight enough for you now, Fleur.”

Fleur sighed. “Yes, they’re fine, thank you.”

He buttoned his shirt’s few remaining buttons, zipped his clothes. “Let's go.” He pulled her close to his side and protected her from the cave’s many inhabitants. Lukas tried to get his bearings. He noticed the uneven path. “The deep water-filled cavern is behind us, so it must be this way.”

“Yes, you’re right.” The couple set off, hand in hand, bathed in the afterglow of their loving.

Chapter Twelve

“I heard footsteps, Zane."

“Yes.” Zane checked the dragon egg, still safe on his back.

"Is it...?"

“Xavier. Could be, but Lukas smashed his human body beyond recognition.” Jasmine shuddered. "He couldn't help it.”

“Well, he would disagree. He hates any loss of control.”

“Xavier did abduct Fleur. She's important to Lukas; despite the short time they've known each other.”

“True. It's one battle he'll lose.”

“Everyone's life needs love."

“Not in his case. He’s a dedicated demon slayer. Since the death of his parents, he's always lived alone.”

“I thought he lived with you."

“No, we respect our privacy. Emotional commitment isn’t part of either of us.” Jasmine didn't comment. Zane's implacable statement made her reflect. Zane didn't want her expectations of him raised. No chance. At least they agreed they were unsuited. Her traitorous heart beat a tattoo against her ribs; it liked the sexy wolf. She changed the subject. “I can’t hear any more footsteps.”

“Good. The house can't be much further.”


Zane looked at Jasmine, beautiful and quite intelligent for a witch. A delicious mystery he must explore in depth. He shook his head. He didn't need the complication of a witch in his life or his bed. Women clamored to warm his bed; Jasmine would set it on fire. His shaft hardened at the thought of his fingers in her fiery hair. He forced his mind to remember why he avoided emotional attachment. He lived alone since the fateful night when Lukas rescued him from the demons.

His family, high-ranked wolf-shifters, fought for good, but their power attracted greed and deceit. Other less scrupulous wolf-shifters betrayed them, bribed by demons with material gains. On Midsummer’s Eve nine hundred years ago, the demons attacked the wolves’ compound and killed all his family. Without Lukas, he would have suffered the same fate. The dragon flew across the compound on his way back from a mission, oblivious to the commotion below. The angry cries of desperation from his allies, the wolf-shifters, alerted him. He swooped and scorched the demons with his fiery breath. Too late. All the wolf-shifters lay dead, except for Zane. He still fought, covered in blood and gore, with tears of hate and grief on his face. He didn't notice Lukas at first, fighting for his life with increased desperation as he watched his family die around him. The attack was so quick; the wolves couldn't shift in time. Zane killed the last demon as Lukas landed. He turned to him and didn't see the demon recover. It dug its claws into his neck. He couldn't dislodge it, and the demon’s fatal venom seeped into his system. Lukas flew back into the sky and attacked the demon with his fiery breath until it ceased its death grip. His action saved Zane's life. Lukas took care of him and healed him with ancient magic. His inner scars healed much slower, but Lukas supported him. Now they often worked together, but each lived alone. Zane still missed his family and avoided commitment. He wouldn't feel the pain of loss ever again.


Hallows House appeared on the horizon. When they reached the wild garden, Zane sensed danger, his hackles rising. He must shift into his wolf. A dark and evil presence waited for them. He couldn't warn Jasmine. He hoped she would follow his lead. The shift's spontaneity left no time for undressing. Zane's clothes tore and flew in all directions. The bag fell onto the mossy ground, unnoticed. His pain intensified as his wolf body fought for supremacy. The shift completed in seconds. The silver wolf looked for Jasmine. She had disappeared.

Zane's mood swung between anger and despair as he scanned the wall outside the garden for Jasmine. A rustle from inside drew his attention. He caught a glimpse of windblown, titan hair. The sound of voices echoed somewhere in front of him, Jasmine's and someone else's. Zane headed for the unkempt area, where the cultivated garden met the wild hills. Someone held Jasmine against a willow tree, by a long forgotten garden pond. He dropped his head, crawling nearer. His four legs splayed outwards as he hugged the ground. When a fierce gust of wind blew the willow fronds upwards, he saw Jasmine's captor. The demon. Xavier's body appeared unhurt, as if Lukas’ attack had left no permanent damage. Zane growled. Jasmine must have sensed the demon's presence when he did. He shifted. She offered herself as demon bait. She went into the garden and drew the demon into the open. Through his anger, he admired her courage and planned his attack route. Zane rose. He would attack from the rear and hope for the element of surprise.


Jasmine watched awestruck. Zane looked spectacular as the silver wolf. Something caught her eye as she watched the wolf shake his fur into a perfect shaggy coat. The padded bag, which contained the precious dragon egg, lay unprotected. A quick look revealed the dragon egg unharmed. She closed the bag and opened her jacket, which contained a large inner pocket. The padded bag, with the egg safe inside, fit into it. Jasmine took a tentative step into the wild garden

“You seem surprised, Jasmine.”

She controlled her terror. The demon fed on fear. At the garden's edge, she had sensed the demon's malevolent presence. Xavier attacked her and brought her here. Now exposed, he should be vulnerable if Zane attacked.

“Did they tell you they'd destroyed my body? I'm like a Phoenix reborn from the ashes.”

“So I see.” Jasmine injected as much disdain into her voice as her fear allowed. He ran his fingers under the wide sleeve of her coat. She noticed the skin on his fingers looked soft and new, wrong on a man of his age. Her skin prickled where he touched. She saw a flash of silver-grey fur. Zane. Xavier's fingers neared the dragon egg. She needed a distraction and cursed her lack of forethought. The dragon egg would have been safer where it fell.

Zane attacked with precision and impact, the element of surprise in his favor. He knocked Xavier forward with force, which surprised Jasmine. She sidestepped Xavier's body as he flew through the air. Unhurt, he held his prize high above his head.

“Careful, wolf, you mustn't damage this.” Zane growled a deep, fierce sound. The angry the demon had thwarted his attack. “I’ll leave you the witch. A fair swap I’m sure you’ll agree, given your lust for her.”Zane growled.

Jasmine gasped. “You shouldn’t judge everyone by your own standards, Xavier.”

“Feisty witch, breaking you would have been interesting." He looked at the dragon egg. "I have what I came for, so I'll forgo the pleasure for now.”

Xavier edged towards the wall. He turned and vaulted it and continued into the wilderness. Zane followed, but the demon vanished with the precious dragon egg. Zane shifted back into his human form. He mesmerized her, despite her anger. Perhaps Zane would walk into Hallows House naked because his clothes lay in tatters outside the garden.


The phone rang twice before Jasmine answered. “Mum, what's wrong?"

“I fell and may have sprained my ankle.”

Silence... “Zane’s on his way.”

The gorse bushes rustled behind her. Grace looked beyond the low wall before she dropped below it. The rapid movement caused a sharp pain in her leg, which she ignored. A horrible snake-like monster headed her way. Perhaps she suffered from shock after her fall, maybe she hallucinated. She peered into the bushes. The creature changed. It became more human in appearance. She suppressed her gasp of surprise and horror. Xavier stood and brushed his immaculate clothes. Her worst fears were confirmed when she saw his cruel, beautiful face. She dipped below the wall and prayed he didn't see her.

Grace risked another look. Xavier squatted where she’d first seen the creature. He retrieved an object. She cursed the poor light straining her tired eyes. He held a smooth egg, the shell's turquoise color discernible even from where she hid. Xavier had the dragon egg. Grace looked along the path as far as she could see no sign of Zane. She must warn him about Xavier’s unwelcome presence. The sound of footsteps stopped her musing. She shuddered, aware of her vulnerable position. If he found her, death would be her best option. She made herself as small as possible against the wall. The footsteps stopped. The demon would sense her fear and attack her. Grace waited, scared.


Xavier sensed a human presence. Perhaps the young titan-haired witch pursued him. The pain he could inflict on her occupied him as he walked closer, sure he would find Jasmine. No, not the young witch, but her mother, the guardian witch. A more powerful, wiser psychic signature. He smiled at his good fortune. He salivated when he imagined the witch’s power flood into him as she drew her final breath. Poised, his senses detected another vibrant, furious psychic presence close by. Zane. Angry at the interruption, he looked for an escape route. He mustn't lose the dragon egg. He crossed the damaged wall towards the cave. A whimper piqued his curiosity, and he looked back. The guardian witch pressed against the wall, trembling under his scrutiny. Maybe he could torture and kill the witch before Zane arrived. He looked at the dragon egg in his hands. He couldn't risk it. The dragon egg must hatch in his presence or he couldn't corrupt the infant dragon and steal the power he wanted. He needed revenge. He must punish Fleur for her escape. Her torture and death would be the ultimate revenge against the dragon.


Zane slowed his pace. He sensed this could be a trap. Glad he shifted into his wolf, he walked towards the wall. His hackles rose, and his nostrils twitched at the demon stench all around him. Zane’s sensitive nose followed the trail of slime until it stopped at the path. Zane sniffed the ground and detected the unmistakeable scent of Xavier. The demon must be in human form now. He leapt the wall and found Grace huddled against it. He feared the demon had found and killed her. Zane padded towards the huddled form and snuffled it.

Grace froze. She stared into the silver eyes of a huge wolf. When she had recovered from the shock, she noticed the wolf's gaze looked concerned, an almost human expression. Could this be Zane? Grace knew he was a wolf-shifter but the reality of him amazed her. “Zane, it is you.” Zane rubbed his large furry head against her hand. He growled in recognition. “I'm glad you came for me.” He pawed the ground and nudged Grace. “I’m not sure I can even move, Zane, but I’ll try.” She pushed herself onto all fours and stood up as she held onto Zane’s shaggy coat. “I hope I’m not too heavy for you.” Within minutes, Zane trotted along the path towards Hallows House, Grace clinging onto his long neck fur. Zane stopped where the garden hid him from the house. Grace realized he mustn't be seen. People bustled inside and through the conservatory window, where she saw Jasmine. “Oh my goodness! It’s the murder mystery dinner dance in less than two hours.” Zane bent his front legs so Grace could clamber from his back without additional weight on her ankle. “Thank you, Zane.” Grace called Jasmine on her mobile. She saw her daughter look into the garden. She didn’t question why Zane didn't bring her in.

“Zane, we’ve found Fleur. She’s in a rocky cave, which overlooks the dragon egg hideaway. Lukas sent me back. He needs you.” Grace said. Zane paced, agitated for the first time.

"Are you alright, mother?” Jasmine rubbed the wolf’s head. He stopped.

Grace smiled and repeated her story to Jasmine. “Lukas has found Fleur. He needs Zane. Xavier is headed there.”

“I should go with him.”

Zane growled. He wouldn't let Jasmine risk more danger.

“No, you must stay here.”

Jasmine exchanged a long look with Zane. “Be careful, Zane. Remember about the trees and the rocks.” Grace touched him as he trotted past her towards the hills.


Zane found Xavier’s scent, but tracked him from a distance. The scent disappeared close to where they found the dragon egg. Puzzled, Zane checked the immediate area—no trace. The demon must have used a different path. He backtracked and reached the point where the path split into two. His sensitive nose identified Xavier's scent on the path he and Fleur used earlier. Zane's keen gaze followed the rough hillside path through its twists and turns. He recognized Xavier's dark outline near a group of trees. From the directions Grace gave him, the caves must be through those same trees.

He shook his head in frustration. Xavier tricked them. The reason he didn't leave with the dragon egg was obvious now. He had risked its recapture because he needed revenge. But Xavier couldn't know Lukas' whereabouts. Perhaps he hunted Fleur, not Lukas. He would know where she hid after she discovered his treachery. Now that he possessed the dragon egg, he could torture and kill Fleur. The perfect revenge on Lukas.

Zane let Xavier walk into the trees. He bounded along the rough path. His paws gripped the uneven, slippery surface as he neared the trees. No sign of Xavier. He navigated the congealed slime. A faint rustle stopped him. A long slimy creature emerged from a pile of broken branches. Zane wrapped a protective cloak around his mind and held his breath. The creature mustn't sense his psychic signature. He lay in long grass, well-camouflaged, close to a wide tree trunk. His gaze followed the terrible creature's progress until it slithered away from the wood. Zane padded in its wake. New demon snake slime coated the damaged trees. The almost unbearable stench assaulted his sensitive nose. Determined, he held his breath and carried on. Zane reached the woods' end. The demon snake reached the caves. It twisted its long length through the thin entrance. Zane stayed back until its second mouth disappeared.

Zane sighed. Could he survive a fight with this hideous creature? What chance would a human woman have? His conscience provoked him. He must find Fleur and protect her if he could. The cave entrance reeked. Zane didn't discern any psychic activity. He eased his head and long muscular body through the narrow entrance. The demon snake slime matted his fur. A flurry of tiny rodents scattered in all directions. Zane ignored them, conscious he mustn't become the demon snake's prey. The small creatures' presence disturbed him. They shouldn't still be there. He stopped, aware of something evil close by. Perhaps the demon snake still lurked.

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