Dragon Legacy (14 page)

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Authors: Jane Hunt

BOOK: Dragon Legacy
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The demon's head came terrifyingly close to Fleur's.
, her mind screamed. In reality, her petrified state meant she couldn't move. The demon's gaze penetrated hers with a strange magnesium-bright light emitting from its eye sockets. It opened its mouth. Thousands of droplets flowed from the cavernous orifice onto Fleur. They burned like strong acid through the clothes she wore. She steeled herself for the burn when the droplets hit her skin. They appeared cold rather than hot. Fleur relaxed.

Her skin stung. Something bit her and buried under her soft skin. Debilitated, she swayed. She sank onto the ground, careless of where she lay. The drowsiness overpowered her. Fleur lay curled like a baby as darkness claimed her. Her mind numbed. She lost her grip on reality. Death wanted her. Poisoned by thousands of demons as they buried in her body. Terrified screams punctured the silence—hers. A silver wolf watched her from a distance with a sorrowful expression. Did she see tears in its silver eyes? Fleur blinked. When she reopened her eyes, the wolf disappeared. Each bite drained Fleur's will and physical resistance. The demon possessed her. A little of her spirit survived. Could she force her body and mind to fight for their identity?

Fleur lost consciousness, her pain unbearable. She longed for continuous sleep. She fought her drift back to reality and sensed something dark close by.

Chapter Fourteen

The demon snake retreated, content to control Fleur's mind. Relaxed, the demon didn't fight the transformation into its human form. Xavier materialized, elated with his plan's success. His total domination of Lukas was close. He saw Zane in his wolf form watching Fleur’s demise. Soon, Lukas would be his captive audience as he watched Fleur's desecration, unable to change her fate. His revenge would be complete. He heard footsteps and the wolf's large paws pad across the floor. Time for the final scene. Xavier ran into the cave's center, the star of his demonic scenario. He sensed Lukas and Zane.
, he appeased his inner demon as he suppressed the verbal taunt on his lips. When he touched the wall the demon snake built, it fell away—another illusion. The demon imprisoned Fleur, not with rocks, but by her manipulated mind. The demon snake made her believe the illusion's reality. A stronger paranormal mind might have seen through the deception, but as a human, Fleur fell into the trap. The huddled figure was a pitiful sight. Fleur believed the demon possessed her through its creatures that bit and ate into her while she still lived. He absorbed and fed on her terror. His power magnified as he reflected on his plan's success.

Fleur proved ripe for manipulation. The demon snake infected her with a low-grade, poisonous, hypnotic drug. It blurred her perceptions. The rest was an illusion, a product of her fear. He enjoyed her pain as an appetizer before the long-awaited main course, the dragon’s despair and torment. Xavier opened his mind. He didn't hide his identity. He was the show's star, the circus ringmaster. The dragon lord's anger and impotence coursed fiery blood through him. Time to turn the screw a little more.


Lukas' head throbbed as he fought for control of his emotions. The demon wanted the dragon lord prostrate before him as he begged for Fleur’s life. Lukas almost did when he first saw her. His dragon seared his insides as he witnessed Fleur's mental torture. He would have changed places with her. His rationality pushed aside his emotions. He needed a clear head, the objectivity of a demon slayer, not the desperate lover. He could save her if what he suspected proved true.

Xavier left his own mind unprotected so he could absorb the dragon’s pain. Lukas capitalized on Xavier's first mistake. A powerful paranormal mind could attack and manipulate the demon. Not him—he lacked objectivity. He looked across at Zane. Zane's mind would be strong enough and he would help, but could Lukas risk his oldest friend for the life of his lover? He hated himself, but asked. He protected his mind from Xavier and concentrated on Zane. He requested rather than demanded as he let Zane see his plan. His friend's telepathic message didn't disappoint. Lukas’ mind remained blocked as he pushed into Fleur’s psyche. She must question the demon's possession and see it as illusion rather than reality.

Lukas watched Xavier parade a broken Fleur in front of them. He hid the despair Xavier wanted. Xavier’s mind probed the edges of his. He maintained his barrier as Zane prepared for his attack.

Zane foraged into Xavier’s mind. The disarray and confusion he encountered encouraged him. He concentrated on the dragon egg, careful with the information he imparted. Too much and Xavier would know where to look for it. He relived his discovery, visualized the wood and the dragon egg nestled under the earth, covered with demon snake slime. He focused on the shell's cracks.


"Wake up, Fleur. I have a surprise for you,” Xavier said.

She feigned sleep and kept her eyes closed, a last show of defiance. Xavier dragged her by her long, dark blonde hair until she stood. She bit down on her lip, hard. She wouldn't cry. He forced her towards the rock prison's front. She swayed in the darkness. A movement above her caught her gaze. So tired, she couldn't focus her eyes.

"Try harder, Fleur. See if you can recognise who’s here.” Xavier danced around her like a demented marionette.

Did she really care who watched her? No one would help her. She must help herself. Fleur’s spirit was motivated at last. She must escape from the demon.


Frustrated with Fleur's lack of interest, Xavier acknowledged her catatonic state must be indicative of her crushed spirit. He opened his mind, but couldn't feel the pain he expected from Lukas. It disturbed him. Why didn't the dragon react to his taunts? Doubts flowed into his mind. Had he misjudged the strength of Lukas' and Fleur's bond? His frustration grew as his revenge fizzled like a firework on a rainy night. The demon asserted control. Xavier's incoherency grew.


The demon snake's poison effect diminished and Fleur's mind became coherent. She took deep breaths and calmed her sensitized body. She shuddered as the demon snake’s creatures moved inside her. She sensed Lukas and Zane close by, their presence a source of reassurance. When she made a break for her freedom, Lukas and Zane would help her. She hoped it would it be enough. The rock prison's front wall had disappeared. Her spirit soared. Not if, but when she escaped, she would reclaim her body and mind from the demon. Perhaps Xavier would leave her unguarded if he believed she couldn't escape. He didn’t watch her much now. She edged away from him. Slumped forward each time, she moved so he would remain unthreatened by her. Xavier appeared distracted and unaware. He rocked backwards and forwards like a bouncing nursery toy and muttered strange words, which sounded like an incantation.

Fleur almost reached the outer cave. She looked towards her lover and her friend. This close, she could see their outlines, but not their facial expressions. They could use telepathy. She could transfer her message to Lukas or Zane. She must let them know her plan. She couldn't see Xavier. Maybe he realized they outnumbered him. She sighed. A heavy hand branded her back. Xavier pulled her against him. She bit back a scream of pain as her bruised ribs banged into his hard body. She must get away from him.

“Keep positive. Don’t let him into your mind. It’s all an illusion. There’s nothing of him inside of you, Fleur. Push the negative emotion away.” The voice in her head sounded like hers, but the ideas came from Lukas. Emboldened, Fleur pushed at Xavier’s chest until he backed away in surprise. He still stood much too close, but at least she could breathe unhindered.

“Let go of me, Xavier.”


Could Fleur's uncommunicative state be a ruse? Perhaps the demon snakes' hypnotic venom diminished sooner than expected. He must subdue her and quickly. If the dragon saw her resist him, he would fight for her. “You didn’t mind when I touched you earlier.”

“I mistook you for Lukas. You looked like him.”

If he couldn't control her, she must die. He hadn’t planned a quick death, but at least dead the dragon couldn't have her. Xavier grabbed Fleur, intent on physical domination. Images of the dragon egg and Zane flooded his mind. He lost his intent and pushed Fleur away from him. He heard his inhuman scream as the demon realized the wolf had found the dragon egg. His rants echoed around the cave. The image intensified. It panned outwards and showed the broken trees covered in a viscous liquid around Zane as he held the dragon egg against his bare chest. Xavier cursed his stupidity. He should have left with the egg when he found it, not indulged himself with ideas of revenge. The next powerful image showed a long, deep crack in the dragon egg's shell surrounded by a myriad of smaller cracks. It must be close to hatching. He wouldn't be the dragon's guardian now. Incoherent, the demon clawed at his insides. He screamed in fury.


Fleur forced her mind from the pain in her ribs. Xavier ranted as he exhibited signs of a seizure. He held his head and muttered,
No! No! This can't be
. His eyes rolled in his head, and he drooled. Fleur didn't know the cause, but took advantage of his lack of awareness. Now she could escape. She learned meditation in yoga classes at university, and she hoped those skills would help her send a telepathic message to Lukas. The cave was the antithesis of calm. Full of noise, Xavier screamed, bats screeched, and other unidentified creatures scurried in all direction as they sought sanctuary from the demon and his torment. Fleur blocked them from her mind as she edged away from Xavier towards the rock prison's front and freedom. She imagined Lukas. His image dominated her mind, not too hard since she imagined him countless times.
Where should I go? She
thought as she ran into the main cave.
Come on, Lukas. Help me! Which way?
She ran away from her rock prison as her desperate gaze searched for a path. She couldn't reach Lukas. Perhaps if she repeated her message like a mantra she could reach him.
Come on, Lukas. Help me. Come on, Lukas. Help me. Come on, Lukas. Help me.
Fleur soon built up a rhythm in time with her running. A solid cave wall loomed before her. Fleur screamed in frustration. Xavier must be behind her now.
Come on, Lukas. Help me. Come on, Lukas. Help me.


“You’ve done it, Zane. He's confused and furious. Fleur, run, sweetheart. Escape.”

The wolf growled in agreement and jumped from his vantage point. He waited for Lukas.

“Let's destroy Xavier.” Lukas fought for control. The dragon roared and burned his human body with his zealous fire. “Don’t stop me this time.” Zane played the wise, silent wolf and trotted towards the rock prison.

They reached the abandoned rock prison. Lukas swore. He searched for Fleur with his mind, but there was nothing.
I must have missed something important
, his subconscious insisted. Zane found both Fleur's and Xavier's scent near the rock room's open front. He tracked them into the main cave at a run with Lukas close behind. Lukas stopped; sure he heard Fleur's voice. He looked around him. He could feel her presence. She must be hiding. He couldn't find her. Confused, he focused his mind on her disembodied voice. He saw her image at the solid rock wall they passed through earlier. Xavier pursued Fleur. She must go through the wall or he would capture her. His mind screamed within Fleur's.
Walk through the wall. Follow the light.


Lukas' voice echoed inside her head. It could it be Xavier. Walk through the wall.
Mindful of Xavier’s probable pursuit, she stood before the solid cave wall and pushed her foot tentatively against it. Her foot disappeared but without pain. Before her nerve deserted her, she tried an arm—same result. She took a deep breath and walked her entire body through.
Made it
. The path stretched before her. She headed towards the distant light and hoped it guided her to the cave's entrance.


Xavier slipped inexorably towards his demonic form with the knowledge that Zane must have hidden the dragon egg after he liberated from Xavier's hiding place... He must find Fleur. He could use her as leverage for the dragon egg. In her debilitated state, Lukas couldn't refuse. He reflected on Lukas' difficult choice: the fate of humanity or the life of his soul mate. The demon's power transfused his body. He could still have it all if he found Fleur.


The faint light from the rocks around the cave's entrance hurt her eyes after the darkness. When they acclimatized, she looked around. No sign of Lukas and Zane or Xavier. She looked for somewhere to hide. Outside tempted her. She decided against that in case Lukas and Zane couldn't find her. Piles of rocks covered the cave's entrance. She squeezed between two larger rocks hidden from the inner cave.

A faint, pitiful cry broke the cave's eerie silence. Her compassion aroused. Fleur followed the sound. A rock stood proud from the wall. It moved when she touched it. She jumped back in alarm when she saw a miniature turquoise-scaled dragon emerge, straight from the pages of a fairy tale. The broken eggshell lay all around the distressed, mystical creature. Her sensitive nature overcame her fear. Tentatively she stroked the dragon's head. Hot air blew from the little dragon's nostrils as it turned towards her. She withdrew her hand and avoided the flames. How could this be real? Fleur knew she must protect this dragon from Xavier. The duty fell to her in Lukas' and Zane's absence.

The dragon stretched its neck and rubbed its scaly head against her hand. Its golden eyes opened so like Lukas'. The dragon gazed at Fleur. Flames leapt from its open mouth. She didn't move her hand quick enough. The fire seared her. She inhaled and waited for the sting of pain. Her hand tingled, but not with the pain from a burn. Strange. A powerful vision cut through her thoughts. Xavier stood at the cave entrance. Her stomach filled with acid, which rushed through her esophagus and burned the back of her throat. Where could they hide?


Zane passed through the wall at breakneck speed, with Lukas on his tail. They saw Xavier illuminated with odd shafts of moonlight shining through the rock roof's cracks. He stepped onto the path. “Catch him, Zane.” Zane assessed the distance. He shook his head. Lukas sighed. They resumed their journey with heavy hearts. Fleur would face Xavier again, all alone.


Xavier couldn't believe he hadn’t caught up with Fleur before now. She must know the way. Perhaps Lukas helped her. Interesting. He didn't know she was telepathic. Yesterday, he judged her as a weak, vulnerable human woman. An error of judgement which he paid for now. At the cave’s entrance, he slowed. He didn't want her forewarned of his presence. Fleur stood with her back towards him. She whispered to something in front of her. He stopped and appreciated what the shards of broken eggshell meant. Fleur must be the first person the dragon saw when it hatched. Fleur would be the dragon's guardian and keeper of all its potential power. Did she know? Probably not. Lukas wouldn't share such a momentous secret, even with her. The egg was gone, the infant dragon’s powers unobtainable, unless... Fleur couldn't have spent long with the baby dragon before he got there. If he killed her and the infant dragon saw him, it would forget her because it needed a living guardian. Risky, but his only chance. The woman deserved death. He'd suffered enough frustration at her hands: payback time.

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