Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition (91 page)

BOOK: Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition
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Chapter 35

oran hurried home
, his heart hammering in his chest. He’d been visiting with Olek and Yusef in the medical wing, waiting for his injured brother to get the final results from his most recent blood test so that he could leave the medical ward, when the queen’s servant came to retrieve him.

Leading him into the hall, the servant had given him a missive from his mother. It said the queen had been to his house and there was an emergency at home. She didn’t indicated what may have happened, but it had something to do with Pia and a sword.

Thinking she’d hurt herself again, he ran to be with her. The door slid open and he rushed inside, his heart thudding in fear, his whole body tense. His eyes flew to the couch, remembering how he’d come home to find her with the medic.

With a sense of urgency, his voice hoarse, he called out, “Pia!”

“In here,” came the soft answer from his bedroom. He looked, seeing that the door was no longer blocked. Rushing forward, he was desperate to see for himself that she was well. Once in the bedroom, his eyes darted around. Nothing.

Suddenly, a sword poked into his back. Pia’s voice washed over him, as she commanded, “Move and I’ll skewer you.”

Zoran tensed, ready to do battle, but her next words stopped him from disarming her.

“Prince Zoran, Captain of the Guard, you are now my prisoner,” Pia stated.

Zoran waited to see what she would do with him. The blade again poked his back. His groin filled—hardening and becoming eagerly erect. He breathed deeply, detecting the awakening perfume of her passion as she dominated him. Her smell drove his enhanced senses into madness. The beast within him stirred with lust until he could only think of taking her. Excitement and fierce desire flooded him at the dangerous game she played.

ia stood
behind her husband and grinned. She wore one of his dark tunics with a red dragon surrounded by a shield on the chest and nothing else. Her bare legs poked out from beneath the shirt. Her eyes unabashedly roamed over the firm ass of her prisoner.

The queen had been most helpful in her advice to the princesses, and now that Pia had a plan of action, she felt three-hundred percent better. Queen Mede told her that with a man like Zoran, she needed to be bold. She had to command the commander, conquer the conqueror, in order for him to respect her completely.

Zoran was used to being in charge, doing what he wanted, having every order followed. Her husband answered only to one man, the king. So, in order to earn his trust and his respect, she had to be the one in charge—bold and unflinching, in absolute control. She had to make him realize that he had to answer to someone much more important than a king. He had to answer to a wife.

“Pia,” he began in warning.

“On your knees, prisoner,” Pia ordered. When he didn’t readily obey, she kicked him in the back of the knee, forcing him to drop to the floor. “You will speak only when asked a direct question. Do you understand?”

Zoran said nothing. His jaw lifted.

Pia chuckled, letting him hear that she was unconcerned with his defiance. “I have ways of making you talk, prisoner.”

“Take off your shirt,” she said. “Let me see that you have no weapons.”

Zoran grinned as if he couldn’t help himself. With one swift movement, he obeyed. He tossed his shirt to the side and she discovered a knife next to his back.

The tip of her sword slowly edged over his shoulder by his neck. His head turned slightly as if he watched the blade. It barely missed the tender flesh of his throat. She took the knife from his waist and tossed it aside.

Pia studied the hard lines of his back. Not a measure of fat marred his flawless body, as muscles sculpted his taut flesh in a symphony of masculine perfection. “Put your hands above your head before I cut it off.”

Zoran stubbornly refused. The blade dipped, brushing his skin lightly as she lifted his chin up with the blade. He lifted his hands and placed them on the back of his head.

Pia lashed his wrists tightly together with leather straps. He could have fought her, struck her down while her hands were busy tying him, but he waited, letting her plan unravel.

Pia took advantage of the view and looked over his back and arms, liking the way his muscles bulged beneath his flesh. She was erotically pleased by the contrast of dark leather restraints to his wrists.

“Now what?” Zoran chuckled, mockingly.

Pia shook herself back into action. With the back of her hand, she knocked him over the head. “Quiet!”

Zoran instantly obeyed. His breathing deepened.

Throwing a long strip of leather rope over a high beam on the ceiling, she tied one end to Zoran’s hands and pulled. Zoran was forced to stand, his hands brought high. Pia tied the other end to his wrists as well, trapping him up.

She smiled, very pleased with herself. As she came around to face him, she rested the sword over her shoulder. Zoran’s brown gaze dipped over her attire. His eyes glinted with golden purpose, causing her to frown.

“Shift and I’ll be forced to run you through,” she warned, her expression serious. As if to prove her point, she took the sword to his waist and held it to his stomach. Zoran tensed, his eyes daring her, challenging her to lose her composure.

Pia enjoyed the game immensely and didn’t even flinch at his fiery look. She moved to set the sword on the floor beside her.

“You’ll never get away with this,” Zoran said, like a good defiant prisoner. His jaw hardened.

“I already have.”

“What do you want?”

“In due time,” she said, “but first...”

Pia made a great show of studying him. Her eyes moved over his nipples, already budded with the excitement of his straining body. His long hair fell over his shoulders, a lock caught between his determined eyes to slash across his bold nose. Every defined ridge of his stomach flexed with his deep breath. Taking a finger to the center of his chest, she pressed her nail, scratching down to his navel to the little trail of hair she found there.

“Let’s just make sure you don’t have any more weapons hidden, shall we?” It wasn’t lost on her, as she unlaced his pants, that his entire body was a hot, hard weapon. With a jerk, she tugged the material from his hips, baring him to her completely. His pants fell around his ankles. Pia eyed the full length of him, already at full arousal. She almost lost her composure, but quickly caught herself.

“Why don’t you disarm that weapon?” he suggested, his voice a guttural plea. “It looks as if it could be dangerous.”

Zoran’s body tensed when it looked as if her hand was going to touch him, but at the last minute, her course changed and she leaned over to take a knife from his boot. Bouncing it on her hand, she turned and threw it across the room, embedding it into the wall

“I think I can handle it,” she answered, turning back. “Besides, only good prisoners are rewarded in such ways.”

Zoran’s eyes lit. He instantly understood the rules of her game.

“Kick off your boots.”

Zoran obeyed, kicking off his pants in the process to stand before her naked.

“Ah,” she nodded in approval. “Glad to see you understand who is in charge here.”

“Where’s my reward?” he asked, his body straining for her.

“What do you want?” She pursed her lips together, looking him over.

“Your clothes,” he answered, eyeing her with a hunger. “Take them off.”

“What?” Pia asked, smiling prettily. She took up the edge of the tunic and lifted it over her thighs. Giving him only the barest peek of her nether hair, she dropped it back down. Zoran groaned in protest. “Sorry, you are in no position to command me.”

“Untie me, Pia,” he ordered. His body lurched as if he would free himself.

“No, I have a few questions for you first.”

“What?” His eyes darkened suspiciously. Suddenly, he pulled with renewed force to be free. The binds were too tight. Silly dragon if he thought she didn’t know how to tie a person up.

“Tell me about the Var threat.”

“There’s no threat—”

Pia slapped him across the face, leaving the imprint of her hand. She demanded again, louder, “What is the Var threat?”

“They have been sensed outside the forest. It’s believed that they plan to overthrow us and take the Draig throne. It’s possible they seek to harm anyone of the royal family, though they more than likely will go after the king and queen first,” Zoran answered. She already knew as much but was glad he confirmed it. Finally.

Pia stepped to him. He tried to pull away, but she pressed her body against him and lifted up onto her toes. To his obvious surprise, she dragged her tongue slowly over his cheek where she’d struck him only to lightly suck the tip of his ear between her teeth and bite.

Pia felt his heartbeat quicken. She soothed the bite with her lips, before whispering, “Much better, prisoner.”

When she pulled back, his eyes were swirling golden fire. Pia drew her hand into the sensitive bend off his throat before trailing down.

“Why did you not tell me this before?”

Zoran didn’t answer. Pia frowned up at him and flicked his nipple with her nail. His body jerked.

“Why?” she insisted. Again she flicked him. Zoran closed his eyes, moaning in pleasure.

“I wanted to protect you from it,” he said, as if mindless to the words. He clearly didn’t want her to stop her torture.

Pia rewarded him with soft licks to his erect nipples. He rewarded her with a groan of longing so intense it shook her to the core.

“What do we know for sure?” she asked.

When he didn’t readily answer, she lifted her tunic to reveal her upper thighs. His head turned, eagerly waiting for her unveiling. She stopped right before she reached her naked sex.

“We know the Var have been...” He swallowed and tilted his head more. She lifted the tunic higher. “They’ve been overbold as of late. We...” She revealed a hip and parted her legs. “We know they plan something, we just can’t seem to discover what.”

When his words stopped her movement stopped. Zoran tilted his head as far to the side as it would reach. The tunic was high enough he’d be able to see the bottom curve of her breasts.

“We believe they have broken into the royal offices to study blueprints of the palace,” he offered hopefully.

Pia tossed the tunic over her head and stood before him naked. Zoran’s mouth opened, ready to devour her.

“Pia,” Zoran moaned, the words were a plea. His eyes dipped over her. In his most commanding tone, he ordered her, “Untie me now.”

“One more thing,” she said instead. “What are we doing about this problem?”

“The war council has been called to meet tomorrow,” he rushed. “It’s our law that the Var be given a chance to defend themselves before we declare war. The noble households have been alerted and those who wish to will come. Now, untie me.”

Pia eyed him one last time, taking the opportunity to go to him. Lifting her hand to his erect member, she boldly stroked it. His face tightened as she played with him.

“Good prisoner,” she murmured in a most seductive tone.

“Climb on me,” Zoran urged, thrusting his hips into her fingers as he dipped his face forward in an effort to catch her lips. He missed. “And I’ll show you how good I really am.”

Pia backed away from him. Her body was heady with power in the face of his need. She’d learned what she needed to for now. Turning around, she didn’t think as she bent over to pick up the sword.

Zoran groaned as her ass poked toward him. He lurched against his ties. They wouldn’t give. It didn’t stop him from trying. Pia smiled. Slowly rising, she stopped with her backside still pushed out to him as she glanced over her shoulder. He was fighting his restraints with a force she had never seen in him.

“Oh,” she teased. “Do you like it when I do that?”

He nodded, reduced to nothing more than grunts and moans. His nostrils flared, as if smelling her. She detected a slight shifting above his eyes as his brows lowered.

Pia turned with the sword. She blinked with innocence. “I would let you go, but I’m scared you might try to punish me for my insolence. I might just have to leave you there.”

Zoran growled, his expression saying he had every intention of punishing her in the most pleasurable way possible.

Pia was surprised when he still didn’t speak. His skin darkened along his cheeks, as if he was reduced to the most basic of primal instincts. He was a dragon, and by the look in his eyes, he was going to free himself and mate.

She swung the sword over his head, breaking through the leather that held him to the ceiling. His bound wrists dropped, still tied. He stalked toward her. Pia dropped her sword in her haste to back up. Zoran lunged. His wrists hooked over her head, capturing her to him.

He breathed in ragged pants for a moment, as he reveled in his capture of her. Then, he ordered, “Get on your hands and knees.”

Pia gasped at the force in him as he threw her toward the bed. She landed on her stomach. Zoran was instantly behind her with his supernatural speed, kneeling as he forced her legs apart. He hooked his wrists around her neck and pulled her to kneel before him. She groaned in excitement of his rough passion.

Zoran aimed, too far gone to stop himself as his animalistic needs took over. Striking with a calculated accuracy, he pulled back on her neck to embed her completely on his shaft. He shouted in gratification. Pia gasped. His thighs pushed her legs apart, opening her helplessly to him.

Controlling her with his bound wrists Zoran thrust, driving hard and fast as he rode her in frenzied passion. He forced her to match his need, howling and grunting his enthusiasm behind her.

Pia thrilled in the uncontrolled claiming. Soon she was pushed beyond all reason.

Zoran pumped his hips, slamming her onto his thick erection. It was the most magnificent feeling of indulgence and power. Even as he controlled the movement, Pia somehow knew she had all the power over him.

Pia screamed, moaned, gasped, breathlessly begging for him to continue. His name left her lips with a desperate plea for more. She couldn’t take it, she felt the end coming for her, and she felt him riding her higher, higher—
! Pia tensed, trembling uncontrollably as she quaked in climax.

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