(Dragonkin) Dragon Rider (8 page)

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Authors: C.E. Swain

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: (Dragonkin) Dragon Rider
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   "We would all love to hear his story." Saesic said in a mocking tone, as he looked at the warrior across from him. "Surly he has some great tales that would thrill us all, and send the children to their rooms to cower under their covers."

   "You are just mad because he beat you in the competitions, Saesic." Chrisanna said. "And I was talking to the prince."

   "The trip was mostly uneventful my lady, but I did see a curious sight on my way through the north." Litlorn said, as he looked at the woman beside him. "Small groups of men, all traveling west, it was very odd."

   Saesic looked at the elf as he spoke, but showed little interest in what he said. He would steal looks at Menimeth, as Litlorn spoke to his sister, and they were not kind looks.

   "Men move west all the time, and there is empty land to be had if you will clear it." Falendor said. "As regent I opened those lands just for that purpose."

   "There were no women with them, and they only traveled at night and they avoided the open places, staying in the trees and brush." Litlorn said, as he turned his attention to the regent. "In four days, I spotted more than fifty of these groups." He added. "And they use only the north part of the Empire."

   "That is odd, but I am sure it is nothing." Falendor said.

   "How did you do that with the ribbon?" Chrisanna ask Menimeth, and looked at him with her big blue eyes. "It was the most incredible thing that I have ever seen, you did it so easily?"

   "It was nothing, just something I learned from a friend, Princess." Menimeth said.

   Chrisanna's smile widened with the bestowal of that title.

   "I saw a lot of Captain Brandt in that shot." Litlorn said to Menimeth, with a smile.

   "You know Captain Brandt?" Menimeth asked, with surprise in his voice.

   "Yes, I met him when he was a guardsman at Dansig in his youth." Litlorn said. "And many times since then. He is also a friend of my fathers."

   The regent was talking to his son, and the conversation became heated. All heads were turned to father and son as their voices grew louder, and then louder still. Litlorn leaned to Menimeth, and in a low voice, said.

   "When this banquet is over, I need to speak to you and your companions in private."

   "Come to our room at the Red Falcon, it is the one at the end of the hall." Menimeth replied, quietly.

   The quiet conversation between Elf and warrior went unnoticed by all but Chrisanna and Chanry. Chanry watched Chrisanna with suspicious eyes, but something about her was different. She was not like the other girls he knew, and he thought she was pretty. She was a girl, and girls were usually mean to him, but she was nice, and she smiled at him. She acted as though she did not hear his master and the prince, and in the end, he decided he liked her.

   The regent calmed himself after stopping the conversation abruptly, cutting his son off with a final word meant to end the argument. Aliseain guided her husband's attention away from his oldest son, and his back to his guests. She was a very beautiful woman, and an older version of her daughter, and looking at Menimeth she smiled and said.

   "The shot with the bow was exceptional, but your swords were even more amazing to watch. How did you ever learn how to do that?" She asked.

   Litlorn excused himself for the interruption, and said.

   "He did not learn it my lady. It comes from within him, and it is well known in the Elvin kingdoms that he fights for justice, and he fights with honor. His style of fighting is unique to him alone, and all that have seen him say he fights like a dragon."

   All eyes were on Menimeth once again with this revelation, and Saesic looked at him with envy and hatred. He had been the champion of the fair for the last two fairs, and received all of the attention at the banquet. He did not like the man, but feared him, and this made him even angrier. Chrisanna looked at Menimeth with dreamy eyes, and said shyly.

   "You look so handsome in your armor, and you thrilled us greatly with your skills, today."

   "Thank you my lady, that is quite a compliment coming from the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen." Menimeth said, as he took her hand, and kissed it.

   Chrisanna looked down as her face turned very red, and withdrew her hand slowly.

   "Hummm" Falendor cleared his throat, and said.

   "Yes, well, we were all very entertained today, and you are the champion of the fair. Have you thought about what you will choose? A request, or the gold." As he said gold, he sat a coin purse on the table in front of him, and looked at Menimeth.

   "Yes I have." Menimeth said, as he looked at Falendor. "My request is that the competition ends this year, and all who did not pass today be excused, and allowed to return home until the next fair. That includes the towns that failed to have the four contestants, and were considered forfeit."

   This caught everyone off guard, even Litlorn. Falendor sat with his mouth open, and could not speak for several minuets. Aliseain smiled brightly, and Chrisanna smiled as well. Saesic was furious, and standing abruptly, stomped from the hall. After his son was gone, Falendor looked at Menimeth for a while, before he spoke.

   "That would reduce my forces and I need them, but the thirty men that were hunting for Grif no longer need to. I will grant your request if you will agree to grant one for me." He said, and without waiting for an answer, continued. "South of here there is an old church that has been taken over by highwaymen. Inside is a statue of Darious, the priest of Glansford. A hidden compartment lies in the base of his statue with a small box inside. The box is what I seek, that is what I want you to bring to me."

   Menimeth thought for only a second before replying.

   "I agree to grant your request sir. Just send someone to my room in the morning, with a map with the location marked so I may find it."

   "Very good." Falendor replied, with a look of glee at the prospect of receiving what he had asked for. "Now we must drink to it gentlemen." He said, as he raised his goblet. "And ladies." He added.

   All of them raised their goblets and waited for Falendor to drink. When he was done, Falendor stood and wished his guests well. It was getting late, and it was close to time to put his younger children to bed he informed them. Menimeth stood also, and kissed the hand of both Chrisanna and her mother Aliseain, before bowing to Falendor and bidding them a goodnight. Litlorn stood and bowed low in the manner of the Elves.

   When the regent and his family had departed the hall, all of the other guests were allowed to leave, or stay as they wished. Chanry looked tired, and there was no reason to stay, so they returned to the Red Falcon. Litlorn retrieved his horses, and put them in the stables behind the inn. With the help of Javen and Feran, Litlorn brought in the gifts that had been sent by his father.

   To Kyler, Feran, and Javen, chain mail made of dragon steel with a dragon of gold woven into the chest, were their gifts, and an Elvin sword in a finely crafted scabbard, decorated with gold and jewels. To Chanry, a belt knife in a similar sheath, and crafted by the Elves was his gift, as well as Elvin silk garments his size, and soft leather boots that went up to his knees.

   Menimeth received a full set of plate armor made of dragon steel with a golden dragon on his breastplate. The dragon was made of dragon gold, and was identical to the one on the armor he received from Captain. Brandt. New scabbards for his swords were also included, and strange words were inlayed into them. Litlorn pointed to the scabbards, and said to Menimeth.

   "Each scabbard is for one sword only, and no other sword will slide into it. The magic used to make them came from the swords themselves, and was crafted by Dar'Anthril during the first dynasty of the elves. He was the keeper of the dragons, and the most powerful mage in the history of the Elvin race. He made the swords you carry with you now, and each has a name. It is written in the ancient language of the elves from the time before men, but I can read it still.

   "My swords are named?" Menimeth asked, with surprise on his face.

   "Yes, and their names are written on the blade in the same script and language as the scabbards. You can only see it when they are pulled from their scabbards, and it fades slowly away until they are returned to them." Litlorn explained.

   "Which sword goes with which scabbard?" Menimeth asked, as he pulled one of his swords from the plain scabbards that he wore.

   "I do not know." Litlorn replied "You will have to try to slide it into one, and if it does not fit, try the other.

   Menimeth picked up a scabbard and looked at it. The two were identical except for the words inlayed in them, so he tried to slide the sword he held into it. He could not get it to go in, regardless of what he did, and it surprised him. The sword seemed to miss the opening and slide passed it, though he tried several times. When he picked up the other scabbard, the sword went in almost by its self.

   "That one is named Da'Thinagul, The Dragons Tooth." Litlorn said, looking at the sword. "The other is named Da'Thinfekal, The Dragons Claw. They are made of Alezium, and glow with a white light when a dragon is near. They never need to be sharpened, and they always shine, as you have noticed I am sure. However, when drawn from their scabbards, they become even lighter than they seem now."

   Menimeth slid the sword from its scabbard, and the name was clearly visible. He slid both weapons into their scabbards, and attached them to his belt.

   Elvin traveler's cloaks, and a broach shaped like a dragon were given to all, even Chanry.

   "Dragon steel is very hard to find, and dragon gold is even harder." Litlorn said. "It is the hardest, and strongest metal, in all of the lands of magic, except Alezium, and will not tarnish. These gifts of my fathers, were three hundred years in the making, and were only possible because of a dwarf named Donderan. The dragon metals are made from the remains of ancient dragons, buried in the times since magic first began. The steel, as you can see, has a bronze tint, while the dragon gold is brighter, and unique in color. "

   Litlorn handed Menimeth one last gift, and said.

   "This one, I give to you, and I hope it will serve you well."

   Menimeth opened the small box, and inside was a ring made of Alezium. A large diamond that had the shape of a dragon in its center was set in the ring, and in the Elvin language below the diamond, and in the language of man above, it said, Dragon Lord.

   The companions put on their new gifts, and marveled at their incredibly lightweight. Menimeth looked like a king in his new armor, and this was not lost on Chanry. To him, his master was the greatest warrior that ever lived, and he would follow him wherever he went, and nothing would stop him. Looking at Menimeth for a moment, he walked over to the bag that was his masters, and he searched through it for several seconds until he found what he was looking for, and turned to Menimeth.

   Chanry looked at him with serious eyes, and said.

   "You do not look right yet. You should be wearing this." And handed him the circlet with the blue stone in the center.

   Menimeth had forgotten all about it in his bag, and smiled at Chanry as he took it from him.

   "This does not belong to me. I found it among the treasures at the crossroads, and it caught my eye. It was the only thing that I kept and I do not think it is worth much, but I like it". Menimeth said.

   "It is yours now, and it looks like it belongs on you I think." Kyler said. "You should put it on, so we can see how it fits.

   When he placed the circlet on his head to let his friends see how it looked on him, Menimeth's life changed forever.

Chapter Seven

   The man moved quietly from the castle, through the secret door in the back. Completely dressed in black and keeping to the shadows, he made his way to the small clump of trees not far from the walls. A horse waited for him and he was running late, so he picked up his pace. No one from the castle saw him as he rode from the trees, and into the empty land to the north, but he believed in being cautious. His destination was the ruins several miles away, but he kept to the trees and the darker shadows until he was well passed the farmlands.

   The messenger paced anxiously while he waited on the traitor to arrive. He did not like this job, and he did not trust the man from Argnon at all. Anyone who would turn on his own people would turn on you, if they believed it was in their best interest. He was more than two hours late, and the messenger was about to leave when he heard the horse in the distance. The man in black dismounted when he reached the ruins, and walked his horse up to the messenger to report.

   "Where have you been?" The messenger asked.

   "There were some unforeseen delays." The man in black replied. "I came as soon as I could."

   "I will have to ride hard to relay your information to Avren now."

   "It was unavoidable, there is an elf prince who appeared this afternoon out of nowhere, and he is staying at the castle." The man in black said. "There is also a warrior who showed up to the fair that could cause us trouble."

   "We already know all about him." The messenger said, as he dismissed the matter with a wave of his hand. "We have it taken care of, and it is not for you to worry about."

   "It concerns me when he agrees to make a trip to the old chapel in the south for the regent." The man in black said.

   "Why does he go to the old chapel in the south?" The messenger asked.

   "To get the key of Darious." The man in black replied.

   "This is news indeed. When does he leave, and how many go with him?"

   The man in black did not speak right away, and he had to think quickly. "That information was not available to me before I had to leave and come here." The man in black said. "That was because of the elf and the warrior."

   "The elf spoke to the warrior?" The messenger asked, with a surprise in his voice that he could not mask.

   "Yes, but it was only at the banquet I think. I tried to have him watched, but Elves can just vanish sometimes, and this one did."

   " I will give Avren your message when I get there, but I must leave now if I am to make it in time."

   "One more thing. The regent is sending the thirty men that hunted for Grif, north tomorrow morning. You must avoid them at all costs, we cannot afford an investigation right now."

   "Don't you worry about that, we will be just fine, traitor." The messenger said as he mounted his horse. "You better get moving if you want to beat the light."

   The messenger turned his horse rode away, lost to the darkness within seconds, and becoming angered by the messenger's remark, the man in black raced back to the castle. As the two men left the ruins and rode from sight, they did not see the dark figure as he walked from the trees a short distance from where they stood, and mounted his horse. The man in black's horse was lathered and faltering when he reached the trees by the wall, and he walked the horse to the stream, which flowed through the castle and on to the south, and looked around. He removed the saddle and blankets, hiding them under some brush until he could come back to retrieve them, and the horse he released to drink and graze by the stream. It was unlikely that anyone would find the horse before he could be taken to the stables, so the man hurried back to the secret door, and disappeared back into the castle.


   Danorathin left the mountains behind, and flew over the lands of men and sheep. All of the farms were empty now, and the sheep were gone. These were some of the lands that the evil mage king had overrun in his bid to return to power. These lands should be almost crowded and the towns swelling with people, but they were not. The great dragon picked up speed, and gained altitude as he flew southwest and toward his master. Soon they would be together, and his master would set things right.

   The farmlands soon gave way to the fishing villages of the great lake of Kathirem, and then the lake itself. Here the dragon turned to the west and the Shimmering Mountains, which separated the Elvin kingdoms from the lands in the east, and the lands to the south. At the edge of the mountains was a cove where he could hunt and rest for a while. It was an Elvin place, and protected by magic, and only the creatures of good and right could enter the cove of the dragon. Evil could not, for it could not pass the barrier that the elves had constructed in times long passed.

   Two large bucks were enough to satisfy his hunger, and he rested for a short time afterwards. He needed to keep moving as soon as he could, but a tired dragon would not do his master any good. He would be in Glansford by dark, and would wait for his master there. After a while Danorathin felt better, and walked to the spring where elves and men camped when they were here. Drinking from the small pool that the spring fed, he filled up as much as he dared. Too much, and he would never get off the ground. He left the cove just after midday, and once again, flew southwest.

   The day was old, and the mountains were far behind him as he neared the end off his journey. Flying low and fast, he skimmed the treetops as the land passed quickly beneath him. He could see the old capital of the dragon riders now, but something else caught his eye. He slowed his speed, and changed course to see what it was that had captured his attention. A dwarf and a man were on the road to Glansford, and they traveled together. Something about the two travelers seemed almost familiar, but he could not place it. It was not his memory, but that of a dragon that came before him that emerged. They were going to the old dragon rider capital he was certain of that, and they would be in danger as well.

   It was dark when Danorathin reached the abandoned city. The magic of the place kept it from falling apart like the castles of the old empire, and a dragon rider must enter the city before others could gain access. He landed on one of the shorter towers, and sat down to watch and wait. The statues of dragons that were everywhere through out the city, adorned many of the towers as well. To any one who passed, he would appear to be just another statue on the top of the buildings. He sat there for only a short while, before the static from his master cleared abruptly. Danorathin stood and stretched his wings as if to leap from the tower, and then his master spoke.


   Rylee rode hard to get to Argnon from the camp in the north, and he was tired when he arrived. The fair was over, and the men were leaving when he made his camp close to the stream that supplied Argnon with its water. From here he could watch the road, and the town, until the warrior appeared. He cooked his supper and lay back while he ate, making sure he was not seen. It was late when the man in black slipped from a door in the back of the castle, and rode to the north. He watched as another dark figure followed soon after, but he could not tell who the men were. Less than an hour before the first gray light of the morning began to illuminate the land around the castle, the man in black returned and entered the castle again, but the man who followed him did not reappear.

   He wondered who these men were, and what they were doing at that time of the night, but did not make any effort to find out. His job was to keep watch on the dragon man, and report back to the messenger at the ruins. Not to get caught snooping around.

   Early that morning, Rylee watched as the dragon man crossed from the town to the garrison, and talked to Captain Brannor at the gates. It was getting lighter now, and he was worried that he would be seen if he had to saddle his horse, but then the man crossed back into the town, and disappeared back inside the tavern.

   Rylee sat in his camp, and waited for the man with the dragon armor to leave Argnon. He did not like to work alone, but had no choice this time, and besides, he was only ordered to watch and report. He saddled his horse as fast as he could, keeping to the brush to lessen the chance of discovery, and tied him to a tree nearby. He did not have to wait long for the dragon man to reappear, with three other men, and they met a forth in the great road before riding east.

   Rylee was about to mount his horse and follow them, when he spotted the boy running into the woods where he had planned to ride. He changed his mind at the last minute, and decided to ride back to the north to report to Avren. It was that decision that saved his life, but it was to be the last smart decision he ever made.

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