Drawn to you (3 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Drawn to you
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When Finlay comes back out to join us, he’s showered; his hair still damp and all those perfect strands lay like silk over his face. He’s wearing light blue jeans, and a black sweater. I’ve always known he’s good-looking but so has he—
instant turn off.

“I have friends coming over, Gabs. You might want to take Antonia out for a bit, do girl stuff or whatever.”

“That would be right,” Gaby snaps. “You waltz in here, tell me I can’t have people over, but it’s okay for you to have people here.”

It was more of a statement then a question but he feels the need to answer her anyway.

“I pay for everything around here, so I can do what I like. Plus, all your friends are either tramps or thieves. Mine are not. Well, they’re not thieves.” He grins.

I’m insulted but I don’t voice my disagreement because Gaby is spitting teeth she’s so mad at him.

“Mia didn’t steal my fucking ring, Finlay! She wouldn’t do that, and you didn’t turn Kristy down when she offered you that blowjob, so how can you judge her? You’re just as bad.”

“One, watch your mouth! Two, Mia stayed here and was gone when you woke up, as was your ring. You don’t need to be a detective to figure that one out!” He turns to flash me a sarcastic look, one side of his face rising with his lip curl. “Three, I don’t want you hanging around girls who offer blow jobs to people after knowing them for only two hours. Four, I only let her give me one because I was drinking. She practically tackled me to the bed and was gobbling my cock like an enthusiastic drug whore hoping I’d cum crack. And might I add, she did it before I could push her off, and for the record, she was fucking bad at it and I didn’t even come so it doesn’t count.”

He who protests too much
. . .

“Ew, gross. Enough info, Finlay! Geez!”

“If you’re staying then order food for everyone. I need to go to the store for beer because you can’t keep the fridge stocked.” He throws money on the table and leaves.

change of clothes to freshen up, and opt for jeans and a tee that shows a little midriff. I untangle my blonde spiral curls that hang down my back and tie it into a messy ponytail before applying my cover up to conceal the faint scar on the base of my neck. It covers easily but still leaves me paranoid that someone might notice it. I hide the other scars with thick bracelets on both wrists. One is a cute white gold charm bracelet; James bought it for me as a gift the first time he said he loved me. Memories of how awkward and nervous he was when he gave it to me and then spoke those special words always make me smile.
And make me sad.

On my left wrist I wear a leather, plaited rope friendship band Gaby made me when we were thirteen; it’s faded but holds sentimental value.

I apply a little mascara over my lashes that frame my oval-shaped bright green eyes. James always said after my boobs they’re my best feature.
Boys and their toys.

“Dinner’s here,” Gaby calls out, snapping me from my thoughts. “Hurry, before the boys get here.”

The divine scent of pizza fills the apartment from the five large boxes stacked on the dining table.

“Dig in,” Finlay says from over my shoulder. “Then again, maybe you don’t like to eat.” He casts a snide look down at my stomach. I have lost a little weight overdoing track and gym but I’m not skinny by a long shot. He’s just being a dick, and my Finlay Hayes tolerance limit is already brimming.

“Actually, I do like to eat. And I’m not bad at it.” With fake confidence, I walk past him and reach for a plate.

He was just taking a swig of his beer as I said it, which he is now choking on as he appears to realize I was referring to his earlier conversation about Kristy eating his cock. He looks at me like I’ve just done a magic trick. Wiping the beer from his lips with his forearm, he stares at me with bemused eyes.

Ha! Take that you cocky shit.

He smashes my pride a few seconds later, finding his voice, “Well, well, and here I was thinking you were an innocent virgin.”

I can feel the color drain from my face, along with every bit of fight in me. My body solidifies to the spot.

How would he even know that?

As if reading my mind he continues, “My sister talks; that’s how I know.”

My mind races with everything else she could have told him. I need something to say but can’t bring myself round from this awful, sinking feeling.

Loud laughter resonating from the hall interrupts the mortifying exchange. Five guys bowl into the living room, followed by Gaby.

“Hayes,” one of the male voices shouts, but I can’t focus to see which one is speaking at first.

“Clear this up for us. If your buddy’s seeing a girl but hasn’t boned her yet, she’s fair game for the rest of us. True?”

“That doesn’t usually stop you either way.” Finlay snorts. Noticing me, the guy talking pins his dark blue eyes on me, finding my chest before my face. He walks over to me, invading my personal space. “Well, hello, cutie. Where you been keeping her, Hayes? I’m Gavin.” He smiles, showing off a perfect set of white teeth. He has dirty blonde hair in a crew cut, and a cheeky face. He’s a little shorter than Finlay but not by much, and everything about him screams designer. He takes my hand to his lips. “You can come stay with me when you get bored of him.” He nods his head towards Finlay.

“Wow,” I breathe, almost relieved that I don’t feel frozen to the spot anymore, and my wits come back to me along with the feeling in my legs. “As appealing as that sounds, Gavin, Finlay will never be exciting enough for me to even become bored of. I’m here with Gaby.”

Laughter breaks out around the room, all except Finlay’s.

“Oh, Hayes, she’s feisty. I like her and she has a sexy accent too.”


“Hey, I’m Brad, and this is Jason, Mike and Gabe,” says a cute dark-haired guy, pushing Gavin aside and smiling at me. He has light blue eyes, complementing an angelic face. He’s about six feet two in height, the same as Finlay.

“Antonia.” I offer my hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you.”

“Well, let’s get this party started,” Gavin bellows, grabbing a beer and cramming a slice of pizza into his mouth.

“I have some things I need to do, so have fun,” I say, leaving the room, quickly followed by Gaby. Gavin holds his arms up in the air with mock offence. “Was it something I said?”


Once in Gaby’s room, she rushes over to me.

“You okay, Antonia?” she asks, concern deepening her voice.

“No. Why did you tell your brother I’m a virgin?”

She turns her head away, her cheeks pinking and her eyes cast down sheepishly. “I just wanted him to keep his friends away from you. I’m sorry. They can be full on. I didn’t want you to have to deal with . . . that, so I wanted to warn him to not let them be jerks. Really, I’m sorry.” Her voice is full of remorse.

“It’s fine, Gabs, but I’m not going to break just because there’s a bunch of rowdy men. It’s not like that. I can handle myself anyway. Believe it or not, I don’t mind male attention.

The sick fuck that did what he did wasn’t anything like them. I know the difference.”

“I’m so sorry,” she quietly pleads, her sorrow evident in her body language as she reaches to embrace me.

“Did you tell him anything else?” My voice breaks slightly.

“No! You told me not to tell anyone. I wouldn’t.”

“Okay, well, it’s just . . . I don’t need people knowing my shit. I want a fresh start.”

time Finlay’s friends left last night but they were loud when they did. The door crashing closed behind them nearly made me pee all over poor Gaby, who hogs the covers, by the way. I make my way to the kitchen looking like an extra from
The Walking Dead.
Coffee is already filtering in the percolator and there’s an entire breakfast buffet laid out on the table.

“Morning,” Finlay chirps from behind me. He’s topless and I’m not sure I’ve actually woke up yet because surely no man that defined can be real. “Have you never seen a topless man before?”

“Yes, of course I have.”

“Your dad’s doesn’t count.”

I offer him the finger. He holds his hands up in surrender and tilts his head to the side while observing me, and I try not to blush under his scrutiny, but the way his tongue dips out to moisten his lip makes it hard not to.

“I’m just joking, and I offer breakfast as a peace offering for my shitty behavior last night.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Really?”

His throaty laugh echoes around the kitchen. “I’m not usually such a dick. I was just thrown seeing you there when I came in. Gaby isn’t the best when making people choices but it was unfair of me to assume you were just another friend she picked up.”

“I am one of her friends though, which makes me . . . what? A thief or a tramp?” I ask, not letting him of the hook just yet. He nods and folds his arms over his chest. “Well, I know you’re not hurting for money so I’m ruling out thief.”

“So . . . tramp?” I brace my hands on my hips, readying my foot to swing forward and collide with his balls.

“Would it be bad of me if I said I’m kinda hoping that’s the case?” A huge smile breaks out across his face as my mouth drops open.

“Oh my God. I must admit, I love this about you when you’re here,” Gaby says, walking in and pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Yay, food!” She walks over to the table and snatches up a crispy piece of bacon, and bites a chunk of it. “He may be a douche at times, but he’s a douche who can cook.”

She’s right; breakfast is divine and makes me too full to go for a run.

I’m staring up at a tall, mirrored building. It’s impressive and makes me want to sketch it. Finlay had called Gaby, asking her to bring a file he left back at the apartment down to his office. I decided to tag along so we could stop off at a store and pick up some candy for a film night we have planned later. I pull a Twizzler from my bag, ignoring the judgmental eye from Gaby.

“I like candy, sue me.” I shrug, causing her to roll her eyes. “Well, save some for tonight because I nervous eat when watching scary movies.”

I don’t bother to tell her that while she was looking for lemon drops down the hard candy aisle, I bought over $10 worth of Twizzlers.

The building is heaving with people in suits, all looking important and hot and bothered, rushing from one office to the next. They all appear to know Gaby and an array of greetings are fired at us.

Finlay’s office is freaking huge. The desk his ass is sitting on is the size of Gaby’s bed.

“Oh, you both came. Wanted to bring me lunch, Antonia?” he asks.

I’m too busy scanning the impressive space and the amazing artwork on the walls to care that he’s being cocky again.

I pull the half eaten Twizzler from my mouth and stride over to his desk, leaning past him and placing the Twizzler beside his steaming cup of coffee. “Sure did. Enjoy.”

Leaning over, he grabs the chewed on candy stick and shoves it in his mouth. Talking around the mouthful he moans, “Mmm, Antonia. Spit flavor may be my new favorite.”

“You’re gross.”

He rewards me with one of his throaty laughs that make me tingle in my nether regions.

“I’ll wait outside,” I tell Gaby, who jumps into a conversation with Finlay about their mother acting off.

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