Dreamers of a New Day (52 page)

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Authors: Sheila Rowbotham

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  Lois Waisbrooker, ‘A Sex Revolution’ (1894) in ed. Kessler,
Daring to Dream
, p. 179. The term ‘everyday makers’ comes from Denmark, where it is used to describe activist women citizens engaged in local issues around everyday life. Lister,
, p. 151.

Archives Consulted

Angela Tuckett Manuscript on Enid Stacy, Working-Class Movement Library
Charlotte Perkins Gilman Collection, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
Eleanor Rathbone Papers, University of Liverpool
Ellen Gates Starr Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Emma Goldman Papers, University of California, Berkeley
Ford Family Papers, Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
Ford Scrapbook, Leeds Archive
Hale Family Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Havelock and Edith Ellis Papers, British Library
Helena Born Papers, Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Helen Tufts-Bailie Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
H. J. Wilson Papers, Sheffield Archives
Jane Addams Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Karl Pearson Collection, University College, London
Margaret Ashton Papers, Manchester Central Reference Library
Margaret Sanger Papers Project, New York University
Marie Stopes Papers, British Library
Mary E. Gawthorpe Papers, Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Ministry of Health, Interdepartmental Committee on Abortion, National Archive
Richards Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Samuel Bale Collection, Bristol Public Library
Sylvia Pankhurst Papers, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
Vida Dutton Scudder Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Wheeldon Papers, National Archives
Women’s Rights Papers (Biographies), Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
Women’s Suffrage Collection, Manchester Central Reference Library

Sources of Illustrations

‘Fabian Women’s Pamphlet’ is from the Library of the London School of Economics (
Chapter 2
); ‘Edith Ellis’, Carpenter Collection, Sheffield Archives (
Chapter 3
), Carpenter/8/83; ‘Cronwright and Olive Schreiner 1894’ (
Chapter 9
), Carpenter/8/91; ‘Bunty Pulls the Strings’, National Co-operative Archive (
Chapter 7
), from
Woman’s Outlook
, Vol. 3, No. 28, February 1922; ‘The Woman with the Basket’ (
Chapter 10
), from
Woman’s Outlook
, Vol. 3, No. 27, January 1922; ‘The Tree of Life’ (
Chapter 10
), from
Woman’s Outlook
, Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1920.

Every effort has been made to secure all necessary permissions. The author and the publisher will be glad to recognize any holders of copyright who have not been acknowledged in the credits.

Selected Bibliography

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