Dual Abduction (9 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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Despite their captive status, if her observations were correct, their captors were a decent pair who showed not the slightest interest in her jailbait girls who kept parading half naked in front of them. It stunned Louisa when some of the girls more precocious antics to get noticed didn’t even earn them a batted eye. Her ex-husband, the pig, would have been on them at the first flirty smile. Not Brax and Xarn. They reserved their lusty looks and suggestions for Louisa. And fought over who would get her.

Fuck, I would think of that and make myself even hornier.

What a shame they’d not come to her one by one, like they did before. A token resistance against their seduction would have made this morning a whole lot more fulfilling. A quiver went through her at the thought of them touching her again, their large size making her feel petite, dainty. The reverence in their expressions spoke more than words of their attraction to her. What a heady feeling for a woman who’d spent a lifetime lamenting her wide hips, and rounded belly.
It figures the two guys to turn me on wouldn’t be human, and worse, they’re best friends. How can I choose one when it might hurt or piss off the other? How can I be responsible for them fighting?
But if she abstained from choosing, who would put out the fire in her pussy?

She sighed. Who indeed? It wouldn’t be the first time she needed to take care of herself. It just sucked that she needed to when there were two virile males willing to do it for her. But short of doing them together, which would be so wrong—even if it titillated her beyond belief—she would just have to take care of her needs herself.

Crouching down, she leaned back against a slippery wall, parting her thighs and exposing herself. Cupping her hand, she let the spritzing foam fill her palm before she brought it to her pussy, rubbing it over her sex. Lubed with the odd soap, she started to work her clit, her finger rubbing back and forth across it with the ease of familiarity. But, it seemed she dallied too long in the soap cycle because the mist of before returned, and it brought friends in the form of jets which buffeted her body, distracting her.

Standing, she decided to give up on trying to get off—the odds seemed against it. As she turned to rinse, the angle of one of the water streams hit her just right.
Mmm, that felt good.
Tilting her hips, she sought a better position and sighed as the warm spurt hit her clit. She rotated her pelvis, making the liquid jet dance on her pussy, doing the pleasuring work for her. Oh yeah, just like her detachable showerhead back home.

Head angled back, she moaned as she cupped her breasts, thoughts of purple hands filling her mind. Imaginings of a hard cock thrusting, made her channel clench, and when she came, she swore it felt like they were with her, basking in her pleasure, showering her with their delight.

I wish.




In the command room, matching groans erupted as Xarn watched, along with Brax, while the female he wanted to possess pleasured herself in the shower. Wrong so wrong, although whether he meant that she climaxed without him, or the fact he watched when he knew it would irk her, he couldn’t tell. Both, probably.

If only Brax hadn’t also noticed her actions on the screen when she awoke, Xarn could have reached her first and taken care of her need. Instead, she’d ordered them both to leave. But it didn’t stop them from returning to the control center and watching her, then almost dying from the torture of not joining her as she touched herself in the shower.

At least I’ve learned one important thing, other than my cock might self-destruct if I don’t take her soon—my human has a lusty temperament.

That wasn’t all she had though. She possessed an odd sense of courage that allowed her to stand up to them no matter the fact they could make her obey if they truly wanted. Loyalty to her charges, demanding they save them, or else. Stubbornness in refusing to choose him over his brother in arms, even though he knew he gave her great pleasure and could tell she wanted more. She owned many intriguing qualities that he wished to explore.

She also possessed a bunch of demonic students that would surely drive him to an early grave.

A warning went off, the third in a series of alarms, all originating from the leisure chamber where the troublemakers were penned.

Switching cameras, he peeked in on the brats and groaned. “What are they doing now?”

A frown creasing his brow, Brax leaned forward. “I believe they have demolished the seating area to create weapons.” They started misbehaving not long after the pair had taken Louisa from the room.

In an effort to placate their initial rowdy behavior, he delivered them garments to keep them occupied and grateful. They mangled the clothes he sent to them, turning perfectly respectable shirts and pants into items bordellos would pay a fortune to own. Since then, they’d also started a fire, trashed the place with a food fight, and conducted a few brawls that taught him some dirty moves he catalogued for later use. And now they destroyed the furniture.

“This is not seemly behavior from female children,” Xarn stated, a comment which would have probably caused more than a few of his acquaintances to choke, probably in mirth.

“At least they are no longer lighting things on fire and sucking on the fumes,” Brax added.

“What will we do with them?” Xarn asked. “We cannot keep them on board for long. They are liable to destroy the ship at their current rate.”

“Or mutiny and take over.” They exchanged a glance, not entirely joking. As their female rested, a drug induced slumber they’d both decided she needed, they came to the conclusion that despite their urge to kill the young humans, they couldn’t. Louisa would most definitely get angry if they did. Dumping them on a planet also seemed out of the question as did trying them up, or using the mind wipe on them. In a quandary, they didn’t know what to do—although defying the laws of the galaxy and retuning them home was appearing more appealing all the time.

“Look, our female has located them and appears to be taking them to task.” She appeared in the leisure room, dressed in Brax’s shirt, the hem of it falling mid-thigh while a belt cinched her waist. With the ferocious demeanor of a battle queen, she planted her hands on her hips, her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed as she spoke to the unruly brood.

“Turn up the sound. I want to hear what she says.”

“I can’t. Some of the food from their previous battle has jammed the receiver. All we’ve got is the video feed.”

But given Louisa’s angry mien, he could guess what she said. A grin split his lips as he waited for the miniature wrecking crew to fall to their knees and plead for forgiveness. Instead, the young females raised their makeshift weapons, their eyes alight and their mouths open on a chant that while he couldn’t hear, he could guess at.

“Um, Brax, I think we might have a situation.”

“Do you think she knows we watched her in the shower and is retaliating?”

“Perhaps. I will tell her it is your fault.”

“I was just making sure she did not accidentally injure herself. What’s your excuse?”

“Ha. Like she will believe that. I will tell her, I only watched to make sure she rinsed all the cleansing foam from her body.” He and Brax exchanged a glance. “On second thought, let us pretend neither of us watched.”

“A better plan. She and the halflings are on the move. Should we arm ourselves?”

“And harm her precious brood?” An arched brow said eloquently what he thought of that.

Brax sighed. “So, we are to let them take us captive?”

“Do you have a better plan?”

“No. Let me lock in the coordinates for Aressotle and place the ship under autopilot. Short of an attack or a newly formed asteroid belt, we should then at least make it safely to our world.”

“Home? To our mothers?”

“And where else would you have me take us? Tren’s planet? Honorary cousin or not, I do not wish to return and listen to more of the piercing shrieks of his infant.”

“Good point. And Aylia is no fun since she began breeding. But you know how our mothers feel about us bringing females to the house.”

“But Louisa’s different.”

That she was, and gloriously so even at the head of her demonic army, which crowded in behind her as she swept into the command center.

“Surrender your ship or else,” she stated, her unbound hair spilling around her shoulders, her legs bare where they peeked from under the shirt.

Exchanging a quick glance with Xarn first, Brax stood from his seat and with a shrug of his shoulders, slid to his knees and said, “You win. I cannot hope to prevail against your human savagery. I am yours to command.”


Chapter Eight


Okay, slow motion blinking seemed to be part of her new norm as events kept unfolding in unexpected directions. Annoyed that she couldn’t put two purple hunks out of her mind—and couldn’t help imagining them in between her thighs—she enlisted the aid of her girls in staging a mutiny. She never expected it to work, but she needed something to occupy her mind and to keep the girls busy. And maybe she’d kind of hoped her purple hunks would ‘capture’ and maybe punish her for her temerity.

Nope. Instead, she ended up with two big dudes, on their knees, hands over their head stating she could command them. Unfortunately, the only things she could think of ordering them to do weren’t suitable for the current audience.

Thankfully, while her tongue remained tied in knots, Katrina knew what to ask for. “Take us home or else.” She punctuated her threat with a jab of something sharp and pointy they’d torn from the couch.

“We regret that is not possible.”

“Okay. I wasn’t that keen on going back anyway. How about the nearest McDonald’s then?” Talk about a rapid change of direction that took Louisa by surprise.

“A what?” Brax looked adorably confused.

went through the girls. “You’ve never heard of Mickey D’s? Like how can you have lived if you’ve never tasted a Big Mac?”

“Whoppers are better.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.”

Louisa found her tongue. “Girls, you’re getting off track. Rewind a second. I thought the mutiny was about going home?”

“No, that was your plan, Ms. F. I’d rather not go back.”

“What do you mean, you’d rather not go back, Katrina?”

“I’m with her on that one too actually, Ms. Fontanna. What have we got waiting for us back home? Nothing. In less than a year, I’ll be eighteen and out on the street.”


“She’s right, Ms. F. You know and we know that if we go back, chances are most of us will end up in juvie or jail at some point. The system ain’t got no room for girls like us.” Nancy’s explanation emerged matter of fact.

“It doesn’t have to be that way. There’s programs. I can help you.” It appalled her to realize her girls thought they didn’t have a future if they went home. It stunned her even more to recognize the truth in their claims. Abandoned children like these, without the proper support networks, often fell through the cracks despite all the best intentions of the government agencies that cared for them in their youth.
But I won’t let them down.

“You already have helped us. The fact you’ve managed to keep eleven of us out of serious trouble for three years is almost a miracle, ain’t it girls?” Heads bobbed all over the place. “We understand though if you want to go back. I mean, you had a career after all, and without us dragging you down, you’d probably have a life.”

Tears pricked her eyes.
How can they think they’re dragging me down?
She loved the challenge of working with them, seeing their smiles when they accomplished something they’d thought impossible. Reveling in their control when they did the right thing instead of the easy. Looking into their faces, it shocked her to realize she cared for these girls, and more than just as students and charges. They were her girls. And despite their numerous flaws, she loved them. As if she’d leave them to go back to an empty life without them. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily. Someone needs to keep the galaxy safe from Chloe’s nimble fingers, and Betty’s way with words.” Cheers met her words.

“Excuse me, but while I am sure this discussion is important, shouldn’t you be fastening Brax and I to something, stripping us of our clothes and torturing us to do your will?”

“And just so we’re clear, we’re talking about Louisa doing these things,” Brax added with a fierce glare directed at her charges.

A wide grin spread across Betty’s face and her mischievous dimple appeared. “The purple dudes are right. We haven’t mutinied properly at all. Girls, let’s leave Ms. Fontanna to torture them into taking us to a cool planet with really cute guys.”

“And beaches. I need to work on my tan.”

“Shouldn’t we stay and help her?” Sade asked. A comment whispered in her ear by Clarabelle saw her eyes widen and an “Oh,” emerge from her. Sade scurried from the room, her cheeks pink with embarrassment, and Louisa wanted to groan.
I can just imagine what she told her. Probably the same thing I’ve been thinking.

“They’re all yours Ms. F. Don’t worry, we’ll ignore any screaming we hear, so feel free to go wild.” Anne winked as the girls left, the door sliding shut behind them.

Mouth suddenly dry, hands sweating, and her pussy suddenly throbbing despite her recent shower fun, she turned to face the two males on their knees.
Prisoners my ass.
They weren’t even tied down. Shit.

Backing away, she gnawed her lower lip as the sought a way out of the odd dilemma she found herself in.

“Where are you going, little human?”

“Would you prefer to torture us one at a time? Are we wearing too much clothes?”

“I’ve got handcuffs in my room if you’d like me to fetch them for your use.” Xarn grinned.

She almost moaned as the vivid image of him spread eagle and bound, naked of course, flooded her mind, along with various ideas of what she could do to him “I’m not torturing anyone.”
Other than myself by not giving in.

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