Duet in Blood (10 page)

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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Duet in Blood
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He led me into an enormous room, beautifully decorated with a stunning array of art-deco furniture and wall hangings. If I’d felt out of my depth in Joseph’s hotel suite, I was truly floundering now. I had never seen so many beautiful things all in one room before—

except at the Getty, but this all seemed to fit perfectly together, giving the room a truly comfortable atmosphere, rather than the impersonal air of a museum.

“This is just beautiful,” I murmured, as Marcus stepped behind what looked like a really well stocked bar.

“Thank you.” His smile was genuine, yet he must have heard that same remark a

hundred times from a variety of guests. “Roger and I love this room. Would you care for a glass of red wine? I have an excellent Pinot Noir…your favourite, Joseph.”

“Lovely,” Joseph said. “But Micah prefers beer.”

“I have that, too.” Marcus ducked below the bar and retrieved a bottle of Michelob. “Or would you prefer a Bud?”

“The Michelob, please,” I muttered, wishing I liked red wine. Somehow, beer just seemed so…so out of place in this setting.

After Marcus had poured our drinks, he led us to the gigantic fireplace that dominated one wall. “To friends, old and new,” he said. He raised his glass, smiling at me.


J.P. Bowie



“So…starting without me?”

I turned, startled at the peeved voice behind me. A young guy with blond hair and a scowling face stood, hands planted on his hips, glaring at us.

Oh, oh,
I thought.
Here comes trouble
. I backed up slightly as he marched straight towards me. When he was almost in my face, he stopped short, his expression changing from a glare to a sunny smile.

“Micah, right?” He clapped my shoulder, then took my hand, pumping it rapidly. “I’m Roger—the big guy’s other half.” He shook my hand so hard, I felt my fingers grow numb.

“Roger…” Marcus murmured.

“Oh, sorry.” Roger released my hand. For a cute little guy, he had a surprisingly strong grip. “Sorry,” he said again. “I’m always a little pumped after my nap.” He grinned at me.

“No broken bones, I hope?”

“N…no. I’m fine, thanks.” I stared at him for a moment. “Haven’t we met before? You look familiar.” He did…but changed somehow. “Wait, I think I met you at a party last year in Palm Springs—the White Party?”

He stared back at me, trying to place me. “Oh, yeah,” he said finally. “That was back in my single days. Small world, eh?” He turned to Joseph and gave him a hug. “Good to see you again, Joseph.”

“And you, Roger,” my date said, patting his back. “You look very well.”

“Thanks to him.” Roger smiled up at Marcus.

“Have you been sick?” I asked, watching him go to his lover and wrap his arms around him.

“A few months ago,” he replied, his voice muffled by Marcus’ chest. “But, I’m all better now.”

Marcus kissed the top of Roger’s head, and my heart warmed to see the love and

affection between them. Marcus smiled at me. “Well, better is a relative term. He’s still a little unruly at times.”

Voices in the foyer caused Marcus to gently extricate himself from Roger’s arms. “Time to greet our other guests,” he said, laying a kiss on Roger’s cheek. “And don’t try to frighten them like you did poor Micah.”

Roger threw me an apologetic look, so I said quickly, “You didn’t scare me.”


J.P. Bowie



“Darn…” He winked at me. “I’ll have to try harder, next time.”

Into the room stepped the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
, I thought.

Doesn’t Joseph know any ordinary looking people—apart from me?
Looking like an even more glamorous version of Selma Hayek, the woman seemed to glide across the floor, her long gown of coral silk floating and shimmering around her. In contrast, the man at her side was almost homely. He was tall, lanky even, but with a friendly smile under his thick eyebrows. I watched the friends greet each other with hugs and kisses.

“You looked wonderful, Roger,” the lady said. She glanced my way, and her next

words seem to stall on her lips. Then she looked at Joseph, and her smile was entrancing.

“Joseph, my old friend.” She glided towards us. “I haven’t seen you for so long. And who is this enchanting boy?”

Enchanting boy—that would be me?

She held out her hand to me as Joseph introduced us. “Micah, this is the Lady Andorra.

Andorra, Micah.”

I gazed at her beautiful face, totally in awe of her. I took her hand gently in mine.
I kiss it?
I wondered.

Instead, I bowed slightly over her hand.

“What lovely manners,” she cooed. “Tony, come and meet Joseph’s friend, Micah.”

Tony ambled over, hand outstretched.

“How’s it goin’?” He looked from me to Joseph and raised one thick eyebrow. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joseph give an almost imperceptible shake of his head, but I had no time to wonder what that was about as I saw Ron walk into the room, accompanied by a slender dark-haired man who had his arm around Ron’s waist.
Must be the elusive Jean-Claude
, I thought.

“Ron,” I called, giving him a little wave. To say he looked surprised to see me would be a huge understatement. I could swear that, for a moment, panic flared in his eyes.

“You know him?” Joseph asked at my side.

“Yes,” I replied. “We’re old friends.” A subtle look passed between Joseph, Andorra and Tony. What was that about?

Didn’t they like Ron?


J.P. Bowie



They were greeting him and Jean-Claude with warm hugs, so I must have gotten that wrong. Ron, looking more composed and slightly less startled to see me, came over, leading Jean-Claude by the hand.

“Micah…what a surprise. I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He kissed me on the cheek. “This is Jean-Claude.”

The handsome Frenchman took my hand in both of his. “I am very happy to meet you at last. Ron had told me so much about you.”

“Only the good things, I hope,” I said, trying for humour.
Another one with incredible
, I thought, gazing into the midnight blue orbs that were fixed on mine.

“All good things,” he murmured, still holding my hand. And it was then that I realised all these people had one thing in common. Whenever they touched me, I felt a release of some kind of energy from them, as if they were passing something to me—but what? I hadn’t felt it from Ron or Tony, only from these exotic beings, even cute Roger.

Maybe they were into some kind of spiritual tantric expression, or Zen, or something.

Heck, I didn’t know, but it certainly felt…good. Almost as good as when Joseph held me in his arms…almost.

“Well…” Marcus beamed at us all. “Now that we are all here, what about a drink to toast our reunion?”

A young man wearing an Arnold’s Catering uniform appeared on cue, carrying a silver tray laden with crystal glasses filled with red wine.
Okay, that does it
, I thought.
I am not going
to be the odd man out drinking beer.
Joseph winked at me as I accepted one of the glasses.

“Just pretend to like it, then I’ll get you a beer,” he whispered.

“No, it’s fine,” I whispered back, squeezing his hand. “But thanks.”

Marcus raised his glass. “I would like to thank you all for coming, and I know you all would like to thank our dear friend Joseph for taking such great care of our business affairs—

as he has done for so many years.”

I found myself wondering just how many years could that be. He’s still young.

“And for bringing his delightful friend, Micah, into our company. Welcome Micah.”

Everyone turned and smiled at me, and I felt myself blush. Joseph compounded my

embarrassment by kissing me on the cheek.
These people are so nice
, I thought.


J.P. Bowie



“Finally,” Marcus continued, “I would like to thank all of you for being so kind and concerned while Roger recuperated and regained his strength—especially to you, Andorra and Tony. Without you, I would have been lost. Roger and I love you both very much.”

Boy, Roger must have been really sick. I wondered what it could have been. He looked so darned perky now—and those hands of his could crack a rock if he tried hard enough.

I felt Joseph’s hand rub the back of my neck, and I leaned into him, putting my arm around his waist.

“How’s the wine?” he asked.

“Good,” I said. “Very good.”

“Marcus only has the best.”

“Of everything,” I remarked, looking around. “What was wrong with Roger?”

“It’s a long story. Perhaps on the way home, I will tell you about it.”

Dinner was served in a spectacular setting under yet another exquisite chandelier. Lots more wine was served, and I began to feel slightly buzzed. I looked across the table at Ron who gave me a little smile. He really wasn’t happy to see me there. Maybe he didn’t like me being a part of this group, but I would never have thought of Ron as the proprietary type, keeping his friends separated from one another. Maybe he didn’t think I should be dating Joseph. Now when I thought about it, he had seemed a bit cool towards him. Maybe…maybe he just wasn’t into renewing our friendship after all—or was I just being paranoid? Well, one way to find out. I’d ask him, soon as dinner was over.

Speaking of dinner—it was nice, though the steak was a little underdone for my taste. I couldn’t help noticing that everyone seemed to leave an awful lot on their plates—all except Tony and me. That guy fairly wolfed his down, but even Ron didn’t appear too interested in his meal. Roger caught my eye and grinned at me. He seemed like such a sweet guy and so in love with Marcus. But who could blame him for that? Marcus, with his better than movie-star looks, and gracious manners—what a catch.

“Hey, Micah,” Roger called across the table. “You like horror movies?”

“Love ‘em,” I replied. “Everything but zombies.”

He laughed aloud. “Right. There’s nothing erotic about a zombie. All that rotting flesh, bad teeth and drool.”


J.P. Bowie



“Now, vampires,” I said. “That’s a whole different story. Totally sexy.” Roger was still smiling at me, but I was suddenly aware that everyone had gone quiet and stared at me intently.

“Who’s your favourite?” Roger asked, egging me on. “Did you see that one with Gerard Butler? What a hunk!”

“Wow,” I said, chuckling. “I thought I was the only one who’d seen that one. I loved that bit when he was making love to the girl, and he levitated them both off the bed. Totally cool.”

“Yeah,” Roger murmured, with a sidelong glance at Marcus. “That always gets me


“Roger.” Marcus fixed him with a reproving look. “Can we keep the conversation on a subject in which we’re all interested?”

For a moment, I thought Roger was going to argue the point, then he looked at me and said, “Later, Micah.”

I nodded and glanced across at Ron, who was still staring at me like he wished me gone.
, I thought.
What have I done, Ron?
I sighed with relief as Marcus pushed his chair back, and everyone took this as the signal to return to the living room.

Joseph touched my arm, and whispered, “I’ll be right back. Marcus and I have some business to discuss.”

“Okay. Hurry back. I miss you already.”

He blew me a kiss then hurried from the room.

Jean-Claude was busy talking to Andorra, while Roger and Tony stood by the fireplace, laughing about something or other. This was the moment when Ron had some explaining to do. “Ron…” I took his arm. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Looking like he’d rather jump from the top of the Empire State building, he gave me a sickly smile and nodded. I followed him out through the French doors to a vast balcony from which one could see the bright lights of LA sparkling in the distance. I wasn’t at all interested in the view at that moment, although Ron seemed to have found it fascinating as his eyes were everywhere but on me.

“Ron…” I moved between him and the view. “What’s wrong? Has my being here upset

you? Please tell me.”


J.P. Bowie



He lowered his eyes from my intense stare. “I’m sorry, Micah. Yeah, I was upset when I saw you here—but not for the reasons you think.”

“Just tell me what it is,” I said. “If it’s something I’ve done wrong, let me know so I can make it right. Is it about Joseph?”

“No…yes…partly, I guess.” He squeezed my shoulder. “Do you know who these

people are?”

“They’re friends of Joseph’s—and yours. They seem like terrific people.”

“Yes, they are…terrific people. But—”

“Ron…there you are.” Jean-Claude appeared on the balcony, smiling at us both.

“Enjoying the view?” He put his arm around Ron and pulled him close. Ron nuzzled his neck for a moment then looked back at me, an apology in his eyes.

“Time to go,” Jean-Claude said gently.

Ron hugged me. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Micah.”

“Okay,” I said, hugging him back.

Jean-Claude kissed me on both cheeks. “
Un plaisir
,” he whispered. “
Bon soir

“Goodnight, Jean-Claude. I hope we can get together real soon.”

He nodded. “Of course. Goodnight.”

I watched them leave, their arms around one another’s waists. Boy, they sure seemed in love, I thought wistfully.

Roger came bouncing onto the balcony, followed more slowly by Tony.

“Micah, what do you say we take in a movie next week? Just you and me—we’d bore the pants off the rest of ‘em.”

“Well, Joseph’s in Europe next week, so that’d be good. What about you, Tony?”

“No can do. Andy and I go back to Spain at the end of the week.”

“Gosh, you all live so far away,” I said.

“Yeah, but we have frequent flyer miles,” Tony replied, chuckling at some joke only he and Roger seemed to get.

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