Duet in Blood

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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Duet in Blood
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A Total-E-Bound Publication




Duet in Blood

ISBN # 978-1-906590-94-9

©Copyright J.P. Bowie 2008

Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright August 2008

Edited by Michele Paulin

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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Published in 2008 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road,

Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated




J.P. Bowie


For my partner Phil…always, and for Michele Paulin, a writer’s best friend


Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Michelob: Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated

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American Airlines: American Airlines, Inc.



J.P. Bowie



From the journal of Joseph Meyer


Hundreds of years ago, before even I was born, in the time historians call the Dark Ages, a war was waged between two supernatural powers. On one side, a race of immortal warriors, men and women collectively called Vampires. On the other, members of a cult named the Wizard Brotherhood.

The wizards had discovered that drinking vampire blood would bring them longevity in life—not immortality, but a lifespan much beyond that of mortal man. Yet, they wanted more, and to that end, they became hunters of the vampire, using their dark magical powers to snare an unwary vampire and bleed him or her dry, before throwing the luckless victim into the sunlight, to be reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Through artifice and deception, the wizards were successful for a time, but then the vampires rose up under a new leader, a man who had been a Roman warrior, trained and skilled in the art of war. His name was Marcus Lucius Verano, and under his leadership, the vampire army defeated the Wizard Brotherhood, destroying their strongholds, and scattering those few survivors to the winds.

But a faction of vampires was jealous of Marcus Verano’s success and the love and respect his followers had for him. They openly scorned his philosophy that the humans from whom all vampires must take nourishment should not be injured or killed during the feeding.

“Why kill those who have gifted their blood to us?” he asked his fellow vampires. “Of what benefit is that to us? It only evokes fear and mistrust in their hearts. A mortal man or woman has not the power to overcome us. If we are in danger, we are stronger and can escape at lightning speed. There is no need for death nor injury to be inflicted on any mortal.”

His words were greeted with derision by those who sought to depose him, and after harsh and hostile arguments, it was decided that those dissenters should choose a leader and DUET IN BLOOD

J.P. Bowie



go their own way. Marcus was unhappy with this decision, for he saw it as a weakening of the vampire solidarity that had brought down the Wizard Brotherhood—but worse was to come.

The wizards had invented a weapon conjured from magic, a device that could simulate the sun’s rays, causing death by fire for any vampire caught in its lethal light. It had been seized by the vampires during the last battle and destroyed, but Darius, the new leader of the breakaway group had the formula in his possession and offered it to the surviving wizards in return for knowledge of their magic. It was his belief that the Dark Arts, together with vampire powers, could produce a force that would be unbeatable.

Darius called those who followed him, the Dark Forces.

It was not long before Darius challenged Marcus, asking by what right he had elected himself leader. Marcus replied that he had not elected himself their leader, and indeed, he had no wish to remain in that position. His only thought had been the preservation of the vampire race.

Darius would not consent to conciliation, urging those who agreed with him, and any others who found Marcus to be a weak leader, to follow him. In the fight for survival that followed, the Dark Forces were driven underground by Marcus’ superior army. There they remained for hundreds of years, perfecting the magic the wizards had given them and propagating the belief that vampires were cold-blooded killers whose bite would bring a mortal immediate death, or a nightmarish existence in the Afterworld.

The wizards, strengthened by their alliance with the Dark Forces, regrouped, and for many more years were a constant source of danger to all who crossed their path.

In the early days of the Catholic Church, a Pope came to power with an all-consuming ambition—to rid the earth of all vampires. His desire was born not for the benefit of mankind but because he envied the legend that they had become. To that end, he decreed that silver be a blessed metal, for it was silver alone that could render a vampire incapable of movement if bound by silver chains or bring death if struck in a vital organ by a weapon forged from silver.

The reformed Wizard Brotherhood used that announcement well, fashioning chains

and knives of silver with which to subdue their vampire prey.


J.P. Bowie



For Marcus and his followers, the Pope’s revelation came as an unwelcome shock. They had long known of silver’s adverse effects upon them, but had supposed no mortal knew of its powers. How then had the Pope discovered it?

Marcus could only guess at the answer and vowed that if he was correct in his

supposition, Darius would, one day, pay for his betrayal.

From that day on, the schism that divided Darius and his Dark Forces from Marcus and his band of loyal vampires grew until all communication between them was lost, leaving only a deep hatred and sense of distrust.

But vampires live long lives and have long memories, and nothing that had gone before was ever forgotten or forgiven.



Castle Fortneaux, France, 1624


“Joseph…Joseph…” The voice I had come to hate whispered in my ear, waking me

from the deep sleep my mind and body had demanded of me since I had been changed.

“It is time, Joseph. Time for you to awaken and serve your masters.”

I opened my eyes and stared up at the grotesque man they called Tito, hovering over my sleeping pallet. His pale, lined face poked out from the black hood that covered his head.

In his hand, he held a wooden goblet, which he held out to me as I sat up.

“Here, dear Joseph. Here is that which will make you strong. Drink it, dear boy, and feel it renew your flesh and blood.”

I grabbed the proffered goblet and greedily drank its contents. He smiled, knowing I could not refuse. What the goblet contained kept me alive, although the hell I had endured for longer than my first life made me often long for death. But I knew they would not let me die. They would force this life-giving fluid into me, and they would compel me to live until I was of no more use to them—until they tired of the pleasure I gave them.

“Your masters will be here presently,” Tito snickered. “Best bathe before they arrive.”

He left me to do as he bid, and I rose from my bed to stare into the mirror that hung over the washbasin.


J.P. Bowie



Beauty can be a curse. In my modesty, I had never considered myself more attractive than any other young man I knew. I was born of good stock, of a father who stood taller than most men and a mother whose raven black hair and silver grey eyes were bestowed upon me at birth. As I matured, I was aware of the long looks that both men and women would cast upon me, but my natural modesty and shyness prevented me from taking advantage of any circumstance presented to me. That is, until the day I met the one man whom I would never forget.

He was truly handsome, his demeanour imbued with a kindness that was somehow at

odds with his military bearing. His hair hung to his broad shoulders in dark curls, his noble features enhanced by the intelligence and compassion that shone from his emerald green eyes. He rode into our village in the southern region of Germany one day, a little after sunset and asked me if I knew of an inn where he might rest for the evening.

“Indeed sir,” I replied, smiling up at him. Taking hold of his horse’s halter, I led him to old Franz’s hostelry where, after making arrangements to stay for the night, he asked me to join him in a cup of wine.

“For your kindness,” he said, capturing my heart with his smile.

I joined him for a cup that became two and then three, and before I knew it, old Franz was leaning on our table, telling me to go home for he was shutting down the tavern. My new friend walked with me part of the way, and as we talked, I became more and more aware of how attracted to him I had become. I wanted him to kiss me and perhaps do to me things I had only heard about. Emboldened by the effects of the wine, I put my hand on his chest and slipped it behind the opening of his shirtfront. He smiled at me, took my hand in his and kissed it gently.

“Sweet lad,” he murmured. His eyes, fixed on mine, seemed to cast a spell over me. I felt myself move closer to him and his arms enfold me. Our lips met in a kiss that instantly filled me with desire.

That is all I remember of that time. It seemed to me that I had blacked out, for when I opened my eyes, he was gone, and all I had was a vague recollection that something wondrous had taken place. To my chagrin, I could not remember what.

The following morning I went to Franz’s inn and was delighted to hear that the man had decided to stay another night. “But,” old Franz told me in a warning tone. “He says no DUET IN BLOOD

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