Duet in Blood (21 page)

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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Duet in Blood
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Right. I see him. He’s in the Great Hall surrounded by guards. So far, we remain undetected, but
he must sense our presence. I see you being brought before him—Joseph, where are your clothes?

There are more pressing concerns at the moment than my nudity, Marcus.

True…but you present a fine show
, he replied.

Roger’s thoughts invaded our mental conversation, and despite my predicament, I smiled.

Angelo glared at me as I was dragged before him. He had not bothered to cloak himself in the disguise of the beautiful young man he had once been. Now, he stood in front of me, his face made even more ugly by the evil that roiled and writhed within him.

“You smile, Joseph?” he spat at me, the pain he obviously still endured fuelling his rage. “You think this is amusing?”

“I think you are pathetic, Angelo,” I replied candidly. “You have allowed yourself to be duped by the Dark Forces, who I am sure, are watching this charade with glee. They are not your allies nor will they ever be. My friends are on their way here—allowed to pass through the time portal by the Dark Forces themselves. And what happened to the net of invisibility you cast around this place? You didn’t remove it—they did. You see? You are as much a pawn in this game as we are.”

“We shall see.” He stared at me, malevolence streaming from his eyes. “In a few

minutes, the sun will rise, and the Great Hall will be flooded with light—daylight, Joseph, from which you and your friends cannot escape. I offered you a place here by my side. You repaid that offer with betrayal—”

“And a nasty bite,” I interrupted, enjoying the look of outrage on his wrinkled face.

“It’ll take a great deal of magic to make you whole again, if ever.”

“That’s enough!” He snapped his fingers, and I was grabbed on either side by the guards. “Bind him so he cannot fly.”


J.P. Bowie



Angelo smirked as my hands were tied behind me, and I was pushed into the centre of the floor, directly on the place where the first shafts of morning sunlight would fall. I braced myself for the searing pain I knew would come when the rays of the sun bathed my bare skin with its killing fire.



J.P. Bowie


Chapter Twelve



We stood, hidden in the shadows, on the stone steps that led to the Great Hall,

watching as Joseph was brought in to confront the demon Angelo. Joseph was naked, and even in this moment of danger I couldn’t help the feeling of lust that swept over me as I gazed at this beautiful man.
He’s just perfect in every way
, I thought, my eyes taking in the graceful symmetry of his body, the round swell of his butt, the strength in his thighs and calves. His head was held high, giving me a wonderful view of his noble profile. I wanted to break from my hiding place, rush across the Hall and throw my arms about him—and get him the hell away from that monster.

As if he’d intuited my thoughts, Marcus gripped my arm and held me close to his side.

I winced—these guys just don’t know how strong they are! I glanced up at his face, set in a grim expression. I didn’t know it then, but he and Joseph were in mental contact with one another, had been for some time.

“What will they do to him?” I whispered.

“They are going to stand him in the path of the sun’s rays.”

“He’ll burn.” From behind me, I heard Jean-Claude’s gentle voice confirm my greatest fear.

“No!” I yelled, struggling to free myself from Marcus. In the Great Hall, all heads swivelled in our direction as my shout echoed around the Hall’s stone walls.

“Guards!” Angelo screamed. “Get them—kill them all!”

“Stay here,” Marcus hissed at me, pushing me back a step or two. He, Roger and the other vampires flew from our hiding place into the Hall, swooping down on the guards and knocking them flat on their backs. While the vampires kept the guards busy, Marcus zoomed across to where Joseph stood, bound and helpless. He picked him up in his arms then flew back to where I stood watching the action, my mouth slack with awe.

“Untie him, quickly,” Marcus barked at me then flew off again.


J.P. Bowie



“Marcus,” Joseph yelled after him. “The sun!”

As I untied the knots on the ropes that bound Joseph’s hands, I glanced up at the topmost window set high in the walls of the Great Hall. The glass was beginning to glow with the first light of day. In a moment or two, the hall would be ablaze with sunlight, and the vampires would have to retreat—but to where? We couldn’t run outside, and to go underground would run us into a trap.

He crushed me to him in a brief embrace, then yelled at the top of his voice. “Marcus, the dungeons!”

“There’s a way out down there?” I asked him.

“There’s always a way out,” he replied, taking my hand and leading me to large

wooden door set in the wall behind us. He pushed at it, but it didn’t budge. My heart sank as I saw the surprised expression on his face.

“Locked. But how?” he muttered. Marcus, Roger and the other vampires crowded

around us thinking Joseph was leading them to safety. “The door’s locked.”

“That hasn’t stopped you before,” Marcus said, grabbing the handle. The door

remained stubbornly closed.

“Marcus…” Roger tugged on his shirtsleeve. “I don’t mean to be an alarmist, but the sun…”

We all gazed with horror as the sun’s rays spread across the floor of the Great Hall, filling the farthermost corners with a light that should have been a welcome sight, but instead was going to bring a fiery death to all my new friends.

“The Dark Forces,” Marcus muttered. “They have locked the door with their newfound magic.” Both he and Joseph took turns trying to break down the door, but it withstood even their combined supernatural strength.

The vampires moved back into the temporary safety of the stairwell, but it would only be a matter of seconds before the light found even this sheltered place. I wrapped my arms around Joseph and pressed my face to his. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

“Micah,” he whispered. “The sun will not harm you. There is no reason for you to stay here with the rest of us.”

“I am not leaving you, Joseph,” I said. “Where would I go without you? You think Angelo would let me live?”


J.P. Bowie



I mean, if I was going to die, I would rather it was with Joseph than at the hands of that demon Angelo. I couldn’t even guess what nasty stuff he’d throw at me out of spite.

In the Hall came the manic sounds of Angelo’s laughter as he waited for the vampires to combust. His cackling was cut short suddenly and replaced by a howl of surprise. I gasped as the light in the Great Hall began to grow dim, then darkness fell over us.

“What’s happening?”

Joseph stepped out of the shadowed stairwell. “The sun is gone. There is a great black cloud at the windows.”

As we stood stock still with surprise, candles and torches flared into life, illuminating the Great Hall’s walls and beamed roof.

“So,” Marcus murmured, almost to himself. “The game continues.”

“What d’you mean?” I asked.

“Darius and his Dark Forces are not yet finished with us. They barred our escape route then hid the sun’s rays with a cloud. They mean us to fight to the death with Angelo and his men. I don’t think they actually care who wins.”

“But they evened our chances,” Joseph pointed out. “They could have let us burn.”

“They might still,” Marcus said grimly. “But let us worry about that later. Now we fight!” He zoomed off again, Roger and his friends hot on his tail. Joseph hesitated, and I knew he didn’t want to leave me alone. I ran to where an unconscious guard lay on the ground and picked up his sword. It weighed a ton, but I managed to wave it around a bit.

“Go, Joseph,” I yelled. “I’ll be all right.”

“Micah, brave as you are, you have never wielded a sword in your life, and now is not the time to start.” He grabbed me in his arms and flew straight up at the ceiling.

“Whoa,” I yelled, hanging on tight. We hovered over the struggling mob below, then he sat me on a wooden ledge.

“There,” he said, smiling at me. “You’ll be safe there. Don’t move!”

As if.

I watched him dive down to join in the fray. My naked warrior, dealing knockout

punches from above. What a sight. Seemed to me that Angelo’s guards were just no match for the vampires. Their speed and ability to lift the guards high in the air then drop them on their heads was proving to be just too demoralising for Angelo’s men. All the while, Angelo DUET IN BLOOD

J.P. Bowie



was leaping about, waving his arms, exhorting his men to ‘Slay them! Leave not one alive!’

But I couldn’t see one vampire in any kind of trouble.

Andre’s girlfriend, Melissa, was delivering karate chops to two of the guards, while Andre himself flew straight into one of the stone walls, a guard under each arm, their heads being used as a sort of battering ram. Ouch! In no time, Angelo was the only bad guy standing, his men sprawled about him in various positions of agony.

Okay, Joseph, it’s over. Come get me down from here, please.

But it wasn’t over yet. They’re ba-ack…

I watched the outline of the black wraiths I’d seen before materialise in the middle of the Hall. Angelo shouted in triumph as the Dark Forces appeared.

“Now you are finished, Marcus,” he yelled, almost jumping up and down with glee.

“You, and all your cohorts—and especially you, Joseph. All of you are doomed!”

If this hadn’t been so serious, it would have been hilarious. I mean, there he was hamming it up like some terrible actor in an awful horror movie. Even the worst Hollywood director would have told him to tone it down. But as hammy as he was, I knew that he was also lethal, and if the Dark Forces had decided to play dirty with Marcus, it really was all over for us. From my vantage point, way up high, I watched as Angelo approached the sinister, smoky images. He bowed low to them then pointed at Marcus.

“Surely now, Masters,” he simpered. “Surely now, you see the wickedness and

treachery of the vampire hordes. They are not to be trusted. I offered this one…” He pointed at Joseph. “I offered him the chance to rule with me under your auspices. He betrayed me to his friends—those who would be the orchestrators of your demise, if they could but succeed in their vile plans to end your reign.”

Marcus stepped forward. “If the Dark Forces are your allies, ask them why they left the time portal open long enough for us to follow you here.”

“To lure you into their trap, of course,” Angelo sneered.

“What trap? We have defeated your men,” Marcus said mildly. “Look around you. You are the vanquished one. You stand alone, surrounded by your enemies. Perhaps that’s the trap you spoke of? If so, you are well and truly caught.”

Good one, Marcus
, I thought.
Let’s hope you’re right.


J.P. Bowie



A sinister laugh echoed through the Great Hall, sending rivers of goose bumps all over my skin. One of the wraiths extended a cloaked arm.

“Well said, Marcus.” Its voice was like the grinding of a rusty wheel. “But not quite correct.”

Oh, what now?

“You are all caught in our trap,” the wraith continued. “With one thought, I could banish the clouds that darken this hall, and you and your friends would perish

immediately.” It turned towards Angelo. “With the wave of a finger, I could reduce you to a puddle of black slush. But we are not without mercy, so it has been decided that the winner of the duel we will now witness shall be the one to walk free.”

“And if I win this duel, my friends will also go free?” Marcus asked.

“Your vampire friends will also go free, yes. But it is not you who will fight Angelo to the death. Joseph must be the one. He has the most to gain—and the most to lose.”

I almost fell of my perch with shock. How much longer would this nightmare go on?

Now Joseph had to fight a crazy demon to get us out of here? I had no doubt that my man was capable of defending himself in a fight—I’d just seen him do it. But Angelo was vile, evil and full of tricks.

“Joseph!” I yelled. “Get me down from here!” I gulped as every face below was turned upward to stare at me sitting on a ledge high above their heads.

“I wondered where you were,” Roger shouted.

“Stay there, Micah,” Joseph said. “Until this is over.”

“Oh, the pretty mortal,” Angelo sneered, lifting his hand in my direction. “Come down, and watch your lover die at my hands.”

A force surrounded me and lifted me from the ledge. For a moment, I was suspended above the crowd then sent spiralling at breakneck speed towards the ground. Just before I thought I would be splattered all over the place, strong arms caught and held me. Joseph’s beautiful face was pressed to mine as he carried me to where Marcus and Roger stood.

“What a touching scenario.” Angelo’s carping voice cut through the air like a dull knife through bone. Joseph’s body tensed as he held me close to his chest. He kissed my cheek, then lowering me to the ground, he released me from his arms.

“Joseph,” I whispered. “Don’t do this, please. That guy won’t fight fair, I know it.”


J.P. Bowie



“I know it also,” he said quietly. “Don’t worry. I am prepared for that.”

“Come now,” the wraith said. “We tire of this. Angelo, as your adversary is naked, so must you be.” In an instant, Angelo’s cloak and long robe disappeared, and he stood naked before us, all eyes immediately taking in his mutilated penis.

“Ouch,” Roger murmured, glancing at me. “That must have been some blow-job!”

Angelo’s face burned with shame and outrage. Well, as Marcus has said a dozen times, you can’t trust the Dark Forces.

“There must be no magic used against Joseph, Angelo. Joseph, you cannot use your ability to fly. Now, weapons of choice?” the wraith asked.

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