Duet in Blood (27 page)

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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

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When I went back into the bedroom, Joseph was fast asleep. It was almost seven, so not wanting to disturb him I slipped on my new robe and walked through to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. Outside, the sun had still not risen, but it was light enough to make me take my coffee out onto the balcony so I could see Paris awaken to a new day. I stood at the balcony rail, sipping my coffee and peering down onto the street below, watching the few cars taking early morning risers to work. A movement in a darkened doorway near the DUET IN BLOOD

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corner caught my eye. A figure, shrouded in a long black coat, stood there looking up at me.

An involuntary shiver rippled down my spine, and I stepped back quickly, slopping my coffee onto my bare feet.


I fumbled with the coffee mug before putting it down on a table by the window.

Rubbing my foot, I took a tentative look down at the corner again. No one there. Had I imagined it? It was still kinda dark and shadowy. Should I wake Joseph and tell him?
him what exactly?
I asked myself.
Oh yeah, I thought I saw someone in black standing in a darkened
doorway. Take him out of his deep sleep and sound like a scared sissy? No, won’t do that…I’ll call Ron
in about an hour…See if he wants to do something today

I fancied a visit to Versailles. I’d seen some incredible photographs of the gardens in one of the books at work. The sun was beginning to rise as I stood there, staring down at the street below.

Had to have been my imagination.

After I showered, I sorted through the pile of new clothes Joseph had bought me and selected a pale blue sports shirt and blue jeans. It hadn’t felt chilly when I’d stood on the balcony. The shivers I’d experienced merely coming from my own imagination.

When I called him, Ron was up and ready for another day of playing tourist, so we arranged to meet at the same café as the day before. I left Joseph a note telling him where I was going, and that I’d be back around four. Humming a jaunty tune, I headed out to meet Ron.





Even in our deepest sleep, we vampires can be aware of what dangers surround us, so it was easy for Marcus to enter my mind and alert me to what was wrong that day.

Micah is missing, Joseph…


J.P. Bowie



Missing? I sat up, fully alert, my sensory powers reaching out, seeking his whereabouts.

As hard as I tried, I could not connect with his mind, something I had been able to do with relative ease since he and I had soul-bonded.

I cannot reach him either,
Marcus informed me. Some kind of barrier must have been placed around him.

My heart was gripped with an icy fear.
So, it’s not over yet.

It appears not.

How long since he was taken?

About two hours,
Marcus replied.
He was to meet with Ron at ten. Ron waited until eleven
then called your apartment. When he received no reply, he came here and alerted Jean-Claude. The fact
that we cannot locate him is why I am convinced he has been abducted.

I cursed myself for having turned off the ringer on the phone, but I so seldom use it.

Two hours…enough time for Micah to have been well and truly hidden from our powers of communication. Cursing, I sprang from my bed, only too aware of my inability to do anything until the sun went down.

Marcus, sensing my despair, tried to ease my mind, but we both knew Micah was in deadly danger.
Ron says the day is overcast, and rain is forecast. With any luck, we should be able to
begin our search very soon.

But where to begin, Marcus?

My instincts tell me that Darius is behind this.

Darius? But why would he take Micah? His quarrel has always been with us, and he knows all
he has to do is call us out. He doesn’t need Micah as bait.

I don’t believe he is holding him as bait, Joseph…

Then what…?
As soon as I asked the question, the answer hit me like an icy blow to my chest.
You mean he wants Micah for himself?

Marcus gave me a mental nod.
Micah mentioned to me that Darius had cast a long look at
him just before we left Angelo’s stronghold.

My mind reeled as I envisioned just what this implied. Darius had been our sworn enemy for centuries. He hated Marcus for his benign philosophy and for his ability to maintain the loyalty of his followers. Darius and his Dark Forces were the epitome of evil, and the reason humans regarded us all as bloodsucking killers. Darius would not be gentle.


J.P. Bowie



“Micah, Micah,” I groaned, as I imagined him, terrified beyond belief at what had happened to him. Surely, even if we were successful in rescuing him from this ghastly situation, he would never want to look at me again. He would never forgive me for placing him in such danger.

Joseph, you are not to blame for this. I should have been more aware of the possibility that Darius
coveted Micah.

My thoughts were bleak as I asked him,
Is there a way to contact Darius? Would he perhaps
listen to reason, if I begged him…?

I have tried and failed to communicate with him, but it is my guess that he will not take Micah
to his Underworld. It would be seen as a weakness by his followers if he takes a mortal lover. Humans
are prey to the Dark Forces, to be used and thrown aside—not loved.

Then where will we find him?

There are two places I know of, one here in Paris, the other in Berlin.

Does he know you are aware of these places?
I asked.

No. You remember that Darius was enamoured of Bernard, and asked him to join with the Dark
Forces. Bernard was flattered and tempted, until he realised the extent of the evil Darius spreads about
him. During the time of their dalliance, Darius showed Bernard his two secret hideaways.

So, obviously we will visit his lair here in Paris first.

Yes…but Joseph, I will go alone
, Marcus said gently.

In my fury, I almost punched a hole in the wall.
You cannot leave me out of this,

Joseph, listen to me…if we storm the place, Darius might just harm Micah out of spite. It would
be better if I tried to reason with him. Let me do this, my friend. If I fail to sway him, then I will call on
all of you to help overpower him.

Despite my desperate need to know that Micah was unharmed, I could see the sense in Marcus’ reasoning. However, it took all my self-control to overcome my feral instincts to want to tear Darius apart.

Try to stay calm, Joseph.

I am trying. Just let me go with you to Darius’ lair. I promise I will not interfere until you say I

Very well—but I will hold you to that promise as a point of honour.

Understood. Let me know when we can leave.


J.P. Bowie






I was dreaming—I had to be dreaming. So much of what had happened in the last few days had seemed like a dream to me, even though I knew I was wide awake and surrounded by reality. But now…

In a daze, I remembered going to meet Ron in the little café off Montmartre Boulevard.

The cute waiter who’d been so perky and friendly the day before, had seemed jumpy and distant, as if I was the last person he wanted to see that day. He’d brought me coffee—and that was the last thing I remembered.

How had I got from the café to this strange room? Where the heck was I?

A voice, low and husky, whispered in my ear, “You are in my home, Micah. I bid you welcome.”

I sat up, the short hairs on the back of my neck prickling with alarm. “Who are you?”

A figure appeared from the shadowed recesses of the room. A tall, startlingly

handsome man with a mane of blond hair stared back at me from eyes that riveted me to the point of breathlessness…eyes of a shade I had never seen on any human. Amber eyes that burned with a slow intensity, making me shiver—but not with fear…something else.

A vampire.

Only vampires have eyes that can hold you immobile, and make you feel as if you

would do anything they ask of you.

“I am named Darius,” he said, his sensuous voice lulling me into a feeling of warmth.

“Have you heard of me, Micah?”

I nodded, unable to take my gaze from his. “You lead the Dark Forces,” I said, my voice shaking slightly. “Why am I here?”

He smiled, showing perfect white teeth with no sign of fangs. “I have claimed you for my own.”

“Yes…” I did not move away as he sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over me.


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“Joseph has relinquished his claim on you.” He stroked my face with his long fingers.

“He had not the courage to fight for your love. He acknowledged that I was the better man, more fitting to be your suitor.”

His voice was soothing, his unblinking eyes held a promise of sincerity, and I found myself believing every word he said, sinking back onto the bed, allowing him to lie over me and press his body against mine. His kiss was like nothing I had ever known. His lips on mine brought an intense heat to my groin, and a hungry need to be taken by him, owned by him.

His lips moved over my skin, sucking on each nipple, tracing an erotic pattern across my chest. The point of his tongue lingered over my navel, probing gently, causing my body to arch in ecstasy, then he took me in his mouth and I cried out, a hoarse guttural cry of sheer animal pleasure. He shifted over me, bringing his own hard cock to my lips, and without hesitation, I drew him into my mouth, laving the hot flesh with my tongue. He groaned, and I found myself exulting in the pleasure I brought him. I sucked long and hard, pulling him deep into my throat, somehow finding the skill to take all of his engorged erection without choking to death.

It seemed I had lost all reason, all inhibitions, all traces of self control as we explored every inch of each other’s bodies, his hands reaching, teasing, bruising flesh, lips and teeth sucking and biting, bringing me pain and pleasure until the line between the two sensations became blurred and uncertain.

“Micah, Micah,” he crooned in my ear. “I will make you mine forever. No one will ever take you from me, after this day.”

And again I believed him.

The power he exuded was overwhelming. His sweet breath intoxicated me, making me unaware of anything or anyone other than Darius. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist, opening to him as his erection pushed its way into me. Despite the pain, his eyes locked on mine held me in a steady rapture. His movements over me, his pulsing rhythm inside me brought me to a state of near delirium. I writhed beneath him, holding him as if to never let this exquisite pleasure end.

We climaxed together, his semen scorching my intestines with its hot fiery blast, while my orgasm ripped through me, leaving me drained and breathless in his embrace. He DUET IN BLOOD

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collapsed on top of me, his hands clutching at my hair, pulling my face to his, his lips grazing my throat. I moaned as I felt the scrape of his fangs on my skin.

“This will make you mine forever,” he whispered.

“Yes, make me yours, Darius.” I turned my face from his, exposing my neck to his bite, but as I did so, a feeling of terror and revulsion swept through me. Without the hypnotic gaze from those amber eyes, reason took hold of my senses – and a fierce pain burned inside me.

A tremendous banging sound had him leaping off me, growling as he listened intently.

Then a low and sinister chuckle escaped his lips.

“Marcus. Well, well, well…” He looked at me, a baleful gleam in his eyes. “He seeks to rescue you, Micah, but you will tell him you love me, and it is your desire to stay with me, won’t you, my love?”

I stared at him, confused and disoriented, only slowly becoming aware of what had just passed between us. I looked down at my body glistening with my spent semen, and I was filled with shame.

“Joseph,” I whispered.

“He is no longer of any consequence,” Darius sneered. “You are mine now, and if you do not do as I say, Joseph, Marcus, and the rest of your friends will die.”

“Why have you done this?” I asked him, my mouth dry with fear.

Darius giggled, an ugly sound coming from him. “Because I could. And now brave

Marcus comes to take you from me. Well, let’s see, shall we?” He made some kind of motion with his hand and a door I hadn’t seen before swung open, a tall familiar figure appearing, framed in the doorway.

“Marcus,” I whispered, my shame intensifying as his eyes strayed over our naked

bodies. His gaze locked on mine, and I felt his gentle compassion wash over me like a soothing balm.

“Darius,” he said, his voice low and deadly. “I would not have thought that even someone as vile as you would sink so low as to violate another’s soul-bonded lover. Your followers will revile you for this.”

“They will know nothing of it, my dear Marcus,” Darius sneered. “After I kill you and Joseph, the mortal will become mine in body, spirit and blood. He is already my thrall. He DUET IN BLOOD

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revelled in our lovemaking. Joseph, did you hear that? I know you are here also, so why not come in, and see for yourself how willing the boy was—how sated he is now!”

“Dear God,” I moaned. Jumping off the bed, I pulled on Darius’ arm. “Joseph,” I yelled.

“Please don’t come in here!”

“Micah!” Marcus strode into the room. “Stand away from him, now!”

His warning came too late. Darius grabbed me by the throat, swinging me around in front of him. As Joseph ran into the room behind Marcus, Darius hooked his arm around my neck, then licked me from below my ear to my shoulder blade.

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