Dying to Be Me (29 page)

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Authors: Anita Moorjani

BOOK: Dying to Be Me
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To Reid Tracy, Shannon Littrell, and everyone at Hay House—thank you for your support! I’m so thrilled to be part of the Hay House family.

To Dr. Jeffrey Long, owner of Near Death Experience Research Foundation—thank you for recognizing the importance of my message, for posting my experience on the home page of your website, and bringing it to the attention of the world.

To Dr. Peter Ko—I’m so grateful to you for taking an interest in my case and flying to Hong Kong to meet me and research my medical records. Thank you for your perseverance and all your great detective work in going through that huge pile of medical records and files!

To Dr. Brian Walker, our family doctor and friend—I know I gave you a scare! Thank you for not giving up on me and for being there for all of us through those difficult days.

To the wonderful team of doctors and caregivers at the Hong Kong Sanatorium who saw me through my darkest hours—thank you for allowing the universe to do its work through your hands.

To my beautiful NDERF family—you’ve been my community, my family, and my friends for the last five years. Thank you Dave Thaler, Lucas Tailor, Mark Sweeney, Alison Bruer, Bailey Struss, Cloe Solis, Dave Maswarey, Don O’Connor, Wayne Hart, Carla Dobel, and Lorraine. I couldn’t have survived this journey without all of you, as you provided me with a community where I felt like I belonged and gave me so many laughs along the way. I really adore all of you!

And finally, to my beautiful family—my brother Anoop, who means the world to me; his family, Mona and Shahn; and my dear mother, whose love for me has always been unwavering and unconditional. I love you, dear Mother, and am sorry I put you through so much pain. And last but not least, to my darling husband—I’m so blessed to have you in my life and trust that you’ll always know how much I love you. I treasure what we have with all my heart and hope that we may be together for all our lives. I love you, darling.


About the Author


Anita Moorjani
was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and has lived in Hong Kong most of her life. Because of her background and British education, she is multilingual and grew up speaking English, Cantonese, and an Indian dialect simultaneously; she later learned French at school. Anita had been working in the corporate world for many years before being diagnosed with cancer in April 2002. Her fascinating and moving near-death experience in early 2006 tremendously changed her perspective on life, and her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm.

As a result of her near-death experience, Anita is often invited to speak at conferences and events around the globe to share her insights. She’s also a frequent guest at the University of Hong Kong’s department of behavioral sciences, speaking on topics such as dealing with terminal illness, facing death, and the psychology of spiritual beliefs. She is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even life’s most adverse situations, as she’s the living proof of this possibility.

Anita currently lives in Hong Kong with her husband, and when she’s not traveling and speaking at conferences, she works as an intercultural consultant for multinational corporations based in the city.




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