E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality (10 page)

BOOK: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
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But during her layover, a stranger who was sitting near her in the waiting lounge leaned over and said, “My flight was just called. I can’t carry anything else. I haven’t even taken a sip. Do you want this?”

You guessed it—it was a just-brewed Starbucks latte.

Lab Report Sheet

The Principle:
The Volkswagen Jetta Principle

The Theory:
You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations.

The Question:
Do I really see only what I expect to see?

The Hypothesis:
If I decide to look for sunset-beige cars and butterflies (or purple feathers), I will find them.

Time Required:
48 hours

Today’s Date:

The Approach:
According to this crazy Pam Grout girl, the world out there reflects what I want to see. She says that it’s nothing but my own illusions that keep me from experiencing peace, joy, and love. So even though I suspect she’s cracked, today I’m going to look for sunset-beige cars. Tomorrow, I’ll go butterfly hunting.

a.   Number of sunset-beige cars observed: __________

b.   Number of butterflies observed: __________

Research Notes:


“Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to what is known in nature.”

—St. A
, L


You, Too, Are a Field of Energy

“It’s right underneath your fingers, baby. That’s all you have to understand—everything is right underneath your fingers.”

, A

The Premise

I’m not going to bore you with an entire text on quantum physics. I’ve read dozens, and believe me, they’re not pretty. But there are a couple of rumors going around that must be quashed before we go any further.

For starters, who you think you are is not who you really are.

You think you have a limited life—something like 70 or 80 years—and then you wrinkle up, get rheumatism, and keel over.
It’s all over. But this isn’t any more true than that dream you had last night about the tall blonde.

Your body is an impostor, a tiny fraction of who you really are. Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable. This body that I think is Pam Grout—this skinny 5’10” woman with perpetual complexion problems—is just a speck of who I really am, no more the real me than those two-month-old baby pictures where I’m wearing the embarrassing pink bonnet.

Don’t feel bad if you’ve fallen for the trap that you, your body, and the world around you are nothing but matter. It’s not easy standing on the brink of a revolution. These new ideas that scientists are finally starting to take seriously are challenging everything we believe about how our world works and how we define ourselves.

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

“Everything you know about the universe and its laws is more than likely to be 99.99 percent wrong.”

, P
.D., A

What Einstein discovered and what that famous equation
E = mc
means is that mass and energy are basically two forms of the same thing. Energy is liberated matter, and matter is energy waiting to happen.

There is a huge amount of energy—a preposterously huge amount—trapped in every living thing. You, making the assumption that you’re an average-size human being, contain no less than 7 times 10 to the 18th (7
) joules of potential energy. That may not mean much to you now, but let’s pretend you want to make a point. If you were a bit more cunning and knew how to liberate this energy, you could use it to explode yourself with the force of 30 very large hydrogen bombs.

In other words, the material world is nothing but dense energy patterns. Scientists put all these sub-subatomic particles into a particle accelerator, collided them, and ultimately discovered that there is no particle at the source. It’s all just pure unbounded energy vibrating so fast that it defies measurement and observation. So, despite how it looks to the naked eye, you are energy.

In fact, nothing in the world is actually solid. Not you, not this book, not the chair you’re sitting on. Break the solid world down to its tiniest components and you’ll find dancing particles and empty space. It only looks solid because the energy is vibrating a little slower than the speed of light.

That’s what energy is—vibrating particles. That means you, this book, and the chair are actually vibrating.

Energy is a pretty nebulous thing. You can’t see it, scratch it, or take it out to dinner. But you can (and do every day) influence how it flows through you. And since it’s the building block of everything in the universe, that’s a powerful thing.

Try this experiment that I learned from energy pioneer Donna Eden.

1.   Bring your palms toward each other, like you’re about to clap, but stop three inches before your hands make contact.

2.   Now twist your wrists so your arms form an X. The wrists should be at the center of the X and still three inches apart.

3.   Draw your attention to the space between your wrists. Because your wrists contain several energy centers, the energies will connect and, most likely, you will feel some sensation in the area between them.

4.   Try moving your wrists about an inch closer and then out a few inches back and forth.

See? What did I tell you? You’re energy. At each moment, you mold and shape this energy by your consciousness. You do so with every thought, every intention, every action. How you feel; what you think, believe, and value; and how you live your life affect how the energy flows through you. To put it in simplest terms, this affects how you vibrate.

And how you vibrate affects what you pull in from the interlocking, interbalancing, ever-moving energy field in which you swim. You pull out of this field and into your world anything that happens to be vibrating on the same frequency or wavelength.

Let’s say you’re feeling excited, joyful, and grateful. Those emotions send out high-frequency vibrations that magnetize more things to be excited, joyful, and grateful about. Anything with the same high frequency will prance on over to your energy field.

However, if you’re scared, guilt-ridden, and convinced there’s a terrorist around every corner, you’re sending out low-frequency vibrations that will attract ugly things into your life.

We always attract our vibrational match. We are the initiators of the vibrations, and therefore the “magnets,” or the cause.

It works the same way as a tuning fork. Ding a tuning fork in a room filled with tuning forks that are calibrated to different pitches, and only the ones calibrated to the same frequency will ding, too. And they’ll ding all the way across the Minneapolis Metrodome. Like forces attract: it’s a classic rule of physics.

There Is No “You” and “Them”

“Anyone who is not shocked by physics has not understood it.”

, D

As if you didn’t already have enough weirdness to contend with, I’m going to throw in one more tiny detail. Everything in the physical world as we know it is connected to every other thing in the physical world. You are attached and engaged to one underlying universal energy field. “The field,” as Daddy Alby Einstein said, “is the only reality.”

Things appear separate because they’re vibrating at different wavelengths, just as the note C vibrates at a different wavelength than B-flat. Each of these vibrations creates a strand in the electromagnetic field, which in turn instructs energy where to go and what to do.

This pulsating energy field is the central engine of your being and your consciousness. Where is this field? Well, there’s no place it’s
Everything in the universe is hooked up to the energy field—all life forms, whether African zebras, the hostas in your garden, or those melting icebergs. Your intelligence, creativity, and imagination interact with this magnificent and complex energy field.

We may look like separate bodies with separate ideas, but we are all just one big pulsating, vibrating field of consciousness.

Anecdotal Evidence

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

, A

Edwene Gaines is one of my favorite Unity ministers. She’s funny, she’s wise, and she knows how spiritual principles work. She travels throughout the U.S. giving prosperity seminars in which she teaches people how to live more abundant, God-centered lives.

But like the rest of us, Edwene had to learn about spiritual principles through trial and error. She tells a hilarious story about her “first big demonstration.” A
according to Unitics (that is, folks who hang out at Unity churches), is when you pull something you want or need out of thin air—more or less.

At the time of Edwene’s first demonstration, she was relatively new to spiritual principles. She was what you could politely call broke. As she says, “I didn’t have two dimes to rub together.”

But she heard this crazy rumor from her spiritual teacher that not only did God like her, but he wanted to open the gates of heaven and pour out his blessings—if she simply learned how to direct her energy. But first she had to know what she wanted and when she wanted it.

That was easy. Within 15 minutes Edwene filled a whole yellow legal pad with her desires—new green shoes, a new male partner, a new car, and so on.

She decided she also wanted a week’s vacation to Mexico City. She’d never been there, but she figured it would be a great place to practice her Spanish. Plus she’d always wanted to see the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and Diego Rivera’s paintings.

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