E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

BOOK: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
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“[This] book is beyond spectacular. It’s funny, uplifting, delightful, and profound.”

—Christiane Northrup, M.D.,
best-selling author of
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“I absolutely love this book. Pam has combined a writing style as funny as Ellen DeGeneres with a wisdom as deep and profound as Deepak Chopra’s to deliver a powerful message and a set of experiments that will prove to you beyond a doubt that our thoughts really do create our reality.”

—Jack Canfield,
co-creator of the
New York Times
best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul
series and
The Success Principles

“I figure if a 53-year-old Midwestern, skeptical, tough-talking radio host found this perhaps the most insightful and on-target book with regard to ‘how it works,’ then the bestseller list cannot be far behind. [Pam’s] journey … message and honesty and humor about the human condition are nothing short of profound.”

—John St. Augustine,
former producer for
Oprah and Friends
and author of
Every Moment Matters

“I drank in this book like a tall lemonade on a hot day. I kept highlighting, and writing things in the margins like ‘Yes!’ This is a truly glorious book: in-your-face and young and fun, yet wise in a very deep and satisfying way. Pam Grout doesn’t pull any punches: you may agree with her take on spirituality or you may not, but I can’t believe anyone could read this book and not feel surer that there’s a positive purpose to all this. That we’re loved. That we have important work to do.”

—Victoria Moran,
life coach and author of ten books, including
Creating a Charmed Life
Lit from Within

“This book is a refreshing guide to practical mysticism. I love that it doesn’t ask me to throw out reason. Instead, I get to satisfy the skeptic in me by trying out these simple experiments and looking at the results for myself. And guess what? They work!”

— Dr. Dave Smiley,
creator of
The Inner Weigh
, a film about spirituality, the mind, and physical transformation

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Copyright © 2013 by Pam Grout

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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Library of Congress Control Number
: 2012942902

Tradepaper ISBN
: 978-1-4019-3890-1

Digital ISBN
: 978-1-4019-3891-8

16  15  14  13  4  3  2  1

1st edition, January 2013

Printed in the United States of America

For Roosky.
May your light forever shine.


by Joyce Barrett, Ph.D.


Collapse of the Wave:

Where We Learn We Are Badly Misinformed

The Preliminaries

Experiment #1:
The Dude Abides Principle:

There Is an Invisible Energy Force or Field of Infinite Possibilities

Experiment #2:
The Volkswagen Jetta Principle:

You Impact the Field and Draw from It According to
Your Beliefs and Expectations

Experiment #3:
The Alby Einstein Principle:

You, Too, Are a Field of Energy

Experiment #4:
The Abracadabra Principle:

Whatever You Focus on Expands

Experiment #5:
The Dear Abby Principle:

Your Connection to the Field Provides Accurate and Unlimited Guidance

Experiment #6:
The Superhero Principle:

Your Thoughts and Consciousness Impact Matter

Experiment #7:
The Jenny Craig Principle:

Your Thoughts and Consciousness Provide the
Scaffolding for Your Physical Body

Experiment #8:
The 101 Dalmatians Principle:

You Are Connected to Everything and Everyone Else in the Universe

Experiment #9:
The Fish and Loaves Principle:

The Universe Is Limitless, Abundant, and Strangely Accommodating

Lift Each Other Up

Book-Club Discussion Questions


About the Author


When I was a kid, I asked my Sunday-school teacher why miracles occurred in biblical times, but didn’t seem to be part of our lives today. She had no answer, and I gradually came to assume that God, church, and religious stuff were irrelevant and far removed from my own life (even though I never quit longing for something more). I left spirituality behind to pursue science, which at least made an attempt to explain how the world works.

It is a real treat to find Pam Grout’s writings, which help doubters like me fill that desire for spirituality. She presents (in a delightful, fun way, at a level anyone can understand) that energy, power, and yes, even miracles are here, now, and available to everyone. The ideas and experiments in this book have helped me grasp, in language that makes sense, many of the things spiritual guides have been teaching for thousands of years.

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