E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality (3 page)

BOOK: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
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not only explains how the FP works, but it provides nine experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, to prove that thoughts are actual physical “things.” Yes, you read that right. It says

The nine energy principles presented in this book will confirm that the FP is at work in your life whether you’re aware of its existence or not. You’ll learn that it’s more profound than physical laws and every bit as dependable as gravity—once you learn to be definite and crystal clear in your intentions. And agree to set deadlines. And get over this crazy illusion that something—you’re never even sure what—is wrong with you. To effectively work these spiritual laws, you have to “get it” deep down in your bones that the universe is bountiful and that, at all times, it has your back.

I don’t remember the exact moment I started conducting do-it-yourself experiments with my life. I do know it had become increasingly clear to me that all the spiritual theories and books and classes that I was so fascinated with were basically worthless without my full participation.

Like most people, I started with baby steps—making simple intentions like securing up-front parking spots, finding four-leaf clovers, getting interviews with people in the headlines. But the “result” that finally convinced me that setting up a framework, posing a deadline, and using scientific-style experimentation was imperative to real spiritual growth was what I now refer to as the nail miracle.

For years, I hung a calendar beside my bed, plucking it down from time to time to jot down important events or to look back for the date I last cut my hair or met so-and-so or went to the dentist. One night, I grabbed the calendar a bit too eagerly and pulled out the small nail that secured it to the wall. I got down on my hands and knees to search for it. How far can a little nail go, right? I looked and I looked and I looked. Apparently, that little nail had secured a Harry Potter-style invisibility cloak, because it was nowhere to be found.

I finally concluded that I had spent enough time crawling around on my carpet and that I would just send out an intention for it to show up. Within 24 hours.

The next morning when I woke up, the nail was in my hand nestled between my thumb and forefinger. Since then, I’ve gone on to manifest all sorts of cool things—from dates with hot guys to a regular travel-writing gig to a Toyota Prius—but none of them made the kind of impression that the simple little nail did.

I was getting such convincing results with my own experiments that I decided it was time to reproduce them, to see if they’d work as well for others. I began suggesting some of these simple experiments to friends. One colleague, a Unity minister, had her whole congregation using the lab reports you’ll find at the end of each chapter.

Before long, YOU’ers (that’s Youth of Unity) were visibly moving energy around with their homemade Einstein wands. Weekly groups were being formed to conduct regular experiments. People were manifesting all sorts of amazing things.

What I know for sure is that the best way to understand a spiritual principle, maybe the only way, is not to read about it in a book or to hear a speaker explain it from a podium, but to put it into a framework that demonstrates how it works. Seeing it in action, as you will in these experiments, leads to complete and certain conviction. And that’s the only thing that will radically release you from “old-school” mental architecture.

The New Curriculum

“I have to find it here, right here, bursting uncontainably through the slipshod, dragged down dead center of one ordinary life. …”


1. The Dude Abides Principle.
This is the basic principle, the foundation upon which all the others rest. Basically what it says is, “There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.” The experiment could best be described as an ultimatum. You’re going to give the force exactly 48 hours to make its presence known. You’re going to demand a clear, unmistakable sign, something that cannot be written off as coincidence.

2. The Volkswagen Jetta Principle.
Remember that new car you bought a few years ago? When you first decided it was the car of your dreams, it seemed like a unique car. You figured you’d be the only one in town to proudly drive one. Well, by the time you read up on it in
Consumer Reports,
decided on the price you needed to offer, and finally got yourself to the car dealership, you noticed that practically every eighth car was a Volkswagen Jetta or whatever car it was you wanted. And that’s what happens when you begin to think about something—you draw it into your life.

Every thought we have, every judgment we make, impacts the field of potentiality. In fact, reality is nothing but waves of possibility that we have “observed” into form. This principle states, “You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations,” and to prove it we’ll set the following clear intention: “This is what I want to pull out of the field in the next 48 hours.”

3. The Alby Einstein Principle.
Even though this principle, “You, too, are a field of energy,” is one of the cornerstone spiritual principles, it actually first came to light in a physics lab. Yes, it was scientists who discovered that, despite all appearances to the contrary, human beings are not matter, but continually moving waves of energy. In fact, you probably noticed the title of this book is a play on Einstein’s famous equation.

This is the only experiment that involves equipment—specially designed, perfectly tuned equipment. Okay, so it’s a metal coat hanger (a specimen of which I’m assuming, unless you’re a complete and total slob, is available in your closet) and a drinking straw, something you can easily score free of charge at any McDonald’s.

4. The Abracadabra Principle.
Most people associate the word
with magicians pulling rabbits out of hats. It’s actually an Aramaic term that translates into English as, “I will create as I speak.” It’s a powerful concept. It’s why Edison often announced the invention of a device before he’d actually invented it. It’s why Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million long before he ever made a movie.

This principle simply says, “Whatever you focus on expands,” and in the experiment you’ll learn that there’s no such thing as an idle thought and that all of us are way too cavalier and tolerant of our minds’ wandering.

5. The Dear Abby Principle.
This principle states: “Your connection to the field provides accurate and unlimited guidance.” By realigning your consciousness, you can access reliable answers to every request you ever make. The reason you don’t know this is because you’ve taught yourself the most unnatural habit of feeling separate, of not being in communion with the FP.

6. The Superhero Principle.
In this experiment, governed by the principle “Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter,” you will duplicate an experiment conducted by Dr. Gary Schwartz, a professor at the University of Arizona, which demonstrated that sending intention to plants made them grow faster and reflect more light than their nonintentioned counterparts.

7. The Jenny Craig Principle.
Whether you’re a label reader or not, you know the food you eat offers certain vitamins, minerals, and of course, calories. You probably think these nutrients are cut-and-dried, that if the back of the yogurt container says it has 187 calories, then it has 187 calories. What you may not know is that your thoughts about yourself and your food are in a constant dance with your body. And that when you feel guilty about consuming calories, your food picks up a negative vibe that ricochets right back at you. In this experiment, you’ll prove the principle “Your thoughts and consciousness provide the scaffolding for your physical body” by infusing your food with love.

8. The 101 Dalmatians Principle.
This all-important spiritual principle states: “You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe.” Scientists call it nonlocality, and if you watched the cartoon version of
101 Dalmatians,
you saw the principle in action. Remember when Cruella De Vil’s evil cohorts were trying to capture the escaped puppies? The old Scottish terrier in the barn where they were hiding barked for help to a basset hound in the next county, who, in turn, barked the message to a dachshund farther along the route. Only in quantum physics, the communication happens instantaneously. The very instant the Scottish terrier knows that the puppies require help, the dachshund, 20 miles away, also knows. Anything that happens to one particle is instantaneously communicated to the other. In this experiment, you’ll send messages to people in other places without the use of e-mail, letters, or loud explosions.

9. The Fish and Loaves Principle.
This principle states: “The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating.” It will also prove that your fears are pointless and that maybe it’s okay to take a big, deep breath.

A Truer, Grander Vision

“You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

, A

I hope it’s comforting to know that you won’t be the first to use your life as an experiment. When the late, great R. Buckminster Fuller was 32, he decided to conduct an experiment to see what one penniless unknown individual might be able to do on behalf of humanity. Dubbing himself Guinea Pig B, he dedicated himself to bringing about change in the world.

At the time he started the experiment, he was what you might call a “nobody.” Bankrupt and unemployed, he had a wife and baby to support. His first child, the baby’s older sister, had just died. He had been drinking heavily.

His prospects didn’t look promising. But he decided to cast aside the past, to give up limiting thoughts. He wanted to know, “What could one person do to change the world?”

For the next 56 years, he devoted himself to his unique experiment. He took risks. He asked, “What if?”

Not only did he become an architect, an inventor, an author, and a great leader of men, but between 1927, when he launched the experiment, and his death in 1983, he wrote 28 books, received 44 honorary degrees, registered 25 U.S. patents, and literally changed the way humans see themselves.

That’s what I hope
will do for you. I hope it will change the way you see yourself. I hope it will inspire you to conduct an experiment with your own life, to use your energy to become the most fantastic, the most joyful, wondrous, beautiful, tender human being you possibly can.

Collapse of the Wave:
Where We Learn We Are Badly Misinformed

“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”

, B

Any illusionist worth his magic wand understands that the most important ingredient in his sleight-of-hand repertoire is diversion. A magician diverts his audience’s attention
from what he’s really doing and directs it
something else that seems crucial but, of course, isn’t.

That’s what we’ve done—diverted all our attention to the physical world. These sensory “bluffs” have caused us to miss the fact that what is invisible, what we
see with our eyes, is actually more fundamental to life than what we do see.

Quantum physics tells us that the invisible energy realm—collectively referred to as the field, or the “FP,” as I call it—is the primary governing force of the material realm. It’s the blueprint that forms reality. Indeed, we now know that the universe is made of nothing but waves and particles of energy that conform to our expectations, judgments, and beliefs.

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