E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality (2 page)

BOOK: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
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I highly recommend this book to anyone who is seeking to understand spiritual ideas and how they apply to all of us, even someone like me with doubts about organized religion. As she points out, retraining the mind is much like potty-training a puppy—you have to keep taking it back outside and pointing out the beauty, the majesty, and the truth. Through simple, delightful baby steps, she guides the reader into awareness that miracles still happen, and that there is an amazing energy source available to everyone.

—Joyce Barrett, Ph.D.
Former NASA biologist

“The way we have been perceiving life needs to be rolled away, so that which is true can appear.”



“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe—a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

, G

Two months before I turned 35, my longtime boyfriend dumped me for a 20-something law student with dark roots. Keep in mind that this was about the same time the single woman/asteroid study came out, the one that publicly revealed that women over 30 have roughly the same odds of walking down the nuptial aisle as they do of being sideswiped by an asteroid.

After several days of lying in bed and staring at my ceiling fan, I came to the conclusion that I had two choices left. I could either slit my veins in a warm bath … or sign up for a month-long work-study program at Esalen, the self-improvement mecca in Big Sur, California. Knowing how my roommate at the time despised messes, I opted for Esalen.

On the second night there, I met a handsome former surfer named Stan who convinced me to spend the evening listening to the ocean crashing against the cliffs. We finally fell asleep in one of the massage rooms, huddled together to stay warm. Not that it worked. April winds off the Pacific can be ferocious, and even with our combined body heat we practically froze to death. Come to think of it, it would certainly have solved my messy suicide dilemma.

If Stan hadn’t been so cute and I hadn’t been so desperate to get over the jerk who’d tossed me aside like some empty bag of Doritos, I probably would have excused myself and gone back to my insulated sleeping bag. But I stayed until the next morning when the “dawn’s early light” revealed that the whole time there’d been a space heater next to the mat where we’d been huddled. A space heater we could have turned on and used to keep warm!

In a nutshell, that’s what this book is about. There’s a space heater—or rather an invisible energy force—that’s constantly available for our use, and we haven’t bothered to turn it on. Most of us are totally oblivious to the fact the “space heater” even exists. We think of life as a random crapshoot.
C’est la vie.

Those of us who
know about the space heater (that is, the energetic field that gives us the ability to shape and design our lives) don’t understand how it works. We’ve heard rumors that praying turns it on, that good works keep it going. But no one seems to know for sure. This guru tells us to chant. The next one suggests meditation. The one from last year insisted we clean up our thoughts and increase our vibrations. So which is it? Is the energy force really that vague and mysterious? And why does it only work sometimes? At best, it’s finicky and fickle, certainly nothing you can bank on.

Or is it?

What I’d like to suggest is that this invisible energy field is 100 percent reliable. It works every time, like a math principle or a law of physics. Two plus two
equals four. Balls dropped off roofs
fall. Your every thought
affects physical reality.

Seeing Is Believing

“My fingers are being pried off all I think I know. Certainty is very useful, but it can really close your mind off to the true light.”

O. R

If you’ve read
The Secret
or been in metaphysical, spiritual circles for any time at all, you already know your thoughts create your reality, that there’s a power in the universe that can heal, and that you and you alone design your own life. Unfortunately, there’s still this tiny little problem, this one itty-bitty catch.

You don’t
believe it. Not fully.

Most of us, in fact, are still operating out of the mental architecture of our ancestors. We think we’re running our lives with our brilliant ideas and thoughts. We think we’re affirming our intentions and creating new possibilities, but in reality we’re simply recycling old tapes, knee-jerk conditioning, and automatic behaviors, most of which we picked up before we were five. We’re like Pavlov’s dogs, simply reacting to patterns we picked up before we had the intelligence to wisely choose. Most of the thoughts we assume are our own are really the invisible and largely unquestioned beliefs we downloaded from others. So we pit our positive thoughts against our old, disempowering programming. In other words, our consciousness, that force that
affects physical reality, has been hijacked.

Not long after I graduated from college, landed a job, and was running my own affairs, I noticed negative thoughts about money dive-bombing for my attention. I found myself worrying, wondering if running out of money was imminent, questioning whether or not I could afford the new bike I wanted or the new computer I needed. One day, during an early-morning jog, I suddenly got it. Those thoughts were exact clones of comments my mother often made when I was growing up. And even though there was no evidence to support those fears in my own life, I had downloaded them straight into my consciousness without even being aware of it.

Needless to say, that wasn’t a paradigm that served my highest good. I consciously rewrote the paradigm that ran my financial life to: “I can afford anything I want. In fact, I am so prosperous I never need worry again.” As an independent freelance writer, I also appointed God as the CEO of my career. I figured there was no way I could run this fickle writing business with the faulty wiring and negative thoughts I’d downloaded from my past. Clearly, I needed a new energetic imprint.

Reality’s Changed, Dude!

“If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance.”

, A

Even though the reductionist, mechanical worldview has been proved defective, it’s still deeply ingrained and embedded into our culture. Neuroscientists tell us that 95 percent of our thoughts are controlled by our preprogrammed subconscious mind. Instead of actually thinking, you’re looking at a “movie” of the past.

If you weren’t immersed in this nonstop riot of fragmented, old-school thinking, you’d be modifying your life at will. You’d have no fear around money, you’d have nothing but beautiful relationships, and you’d be so ecstatically content that it would never occur to you to pick up a book like this.

Quite frankly, I’m glad you did. This little book will prove to you once and for all that your thoughts have power and that a field of infinite possibilities awaits your claim. It will help you rewrite the outdated thinking that drives your life.

Instead of making a grand argument, the same grand argument you’ve read about in all the other books about changing reality, this book has nine easy-to-try experiments that offer real-time proof. It gives you the opportunity to move from “knowing” your thoughts create reality to witnessing it happen on a daily, decision-by-decision basis.

At this point, it’s still a theory. Seeing with your own two eyes that you change reality simply by observing it will rewire your brain and divest you from old conditioning. Learning, through scientific experimentation, how deeply you are connected to the field of potentiality will literally set you free.

The Magic We Threw Overboard

“Oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage.”


Quantum physics defines the field as “invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm.” In this book, you’ll learn to use this field of potentiality (I like to call it the
) to your advantage. Because energy is invisible and because we’re still operating from old-school principles that put materiality first, we haven’t learned to truly harness this fundamental building block.

For the next 21 days, roughly the time it takes to do the experiments in this book, you have the rare opportunity to develop a conscious relationship with energy (even matter, said quantum physicist David Bohm, is nothing but “frozen light") and learn to transform and parlay it into anything your heart desires—whether it be peace of mind, money, or a more rewarding career. You can even direct the FP to provide a vacation to Tahiti.

Take me, for example. A few years ago, I decided to spend a month in Australia. A chiropractor I had a huge crush on had just taken a job there to work with Aborigines. How, I wondered, were we going to fall in love when I was in Kansas and he was 10,683 miles away? One look at my bank statement would have convinced any reasonable person that a $1,500 plane ticket to Sydney, the going price at that time, was out of the question. But I wanted to go, and I was lucky enough to know about the field of potentiality that could make that happen.

I started planning the trip, began picturing myself romping through the Sydney surf. I mean I got really worked up over this picture in my mind.

Within a week, my editor at
Modern Bride
magazine called.

“I know it’s late notice,” she began, “but is there any way you’d be willing to go to Australia to write a honeymoon story? We’ll pay extra.”

“Well, okay,” I said. “If you insist.”

You can transform energy to heal and change your body. I was hiking with a friend in the flatlands near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Climbing up the one path in the entire park, she tripped over a rock, fell, and watched in horror as her ankle started swelling. I mean, this ankle
It wouldn’t have been a problem if this had happened next door to a free health clinic, but keep in mind the two of us were 70 minutes (and that’s if you walk fast, which she couldn’t do because she was limping) from the nearest phone connection, let alone a free health clinic. I told her to direct her body to quit swelling. She started yelling, “Stop swelling! Heal! Stop Swelling! Heal!”

“It’s okay to say it quietly,” I reminded her.

We made it to our camp, and she never even had to see a doctor.

FP = IP (Infinite Potentiality)

“Life is waiting everywhere, the future is flowering everywhere, but we only see a small part of it and step on much of it with our feet.”

, G

The nine experiments in this book, most of which take a short 48 hours or less, will prove that the FP, like electricity, is dependable, predictable, and available to everyone from St. Francis of Assisi to Barbara Walters. They’ll prove what physicists over the past 100 years have discovered—that the field connects all of us, and that the reason we control our lives is because every thought we have is an energy wave that affects everything else in the universe.

But, like electricity, you
have to plug into it. And you do have to quit being so gosh-darned wishy-washy. Nobody in his or her right mind would call up Sears and say, “Oh, just send me something I like.” Likewise, you wouldn’t call a plumber to fix your toilet with this proviso: “Just come whenever you feel like it.” Yet that’s how most of us interact with the field. We’re wimpy, vague, and don’t have a clue how it actually works.

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