Earth Girls Aren't Easy (6 page)

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Authors: Charlene Teglia

BOOK: Earth Girls Aren't Easy
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stretched out on his side and pulled her down to lay with him. “If you decide that you have no wish to remain with me, I will take you home.”

Her brown eyes had gone dark, her face drawn. “Be your girlfriend in your world, or go back to mine? What about dating first? Getting to know each other? What about my job? What if I don’t want to leave my world for good, would you come back with me?”

“Those are not your real questions.”
settled her body against his and noted that in spite of the stiff way she held herself, she reached out to touch him. “You want to know if you still have choices. You want to know if I will compromise with you or demand things all my way.”

“Blunt, but yes, that covers it.” Angela relaxed a little at his words, especially at his even tone.

“What do you think?”
ran a hand down her back and felt her relax a little more.

“I think I’m panicking,” she admitted. “I’m in a vulnerable position. You have all the power. It’s your ship, your world, your rules. And I just met you. If I wasn’t at least a little worried about that, I’d have to have the I.Q. of a houseplant.”

“You also think that it is too soon to be sure you want a relationship with me.”
rocked his body into hers and felt her react. “Although not too soon to want a sexual relationship. Perhaps we should focus on what you are sure of for now.”

“Sex as a distraction?” Angela spoke into his skin, hooking a leg over his.

“Or stress relief.” He palmed her ass and pressed her pelvis into his. “It is therapeutic.”

“Very.” She shifted and aligned her sex with his. The head of his cock rode along her labia, her flesh soft and slick and welcoming. “Give me some therapy.” Her voice was low and as full of invitation as her body.

“I will give you all that you will take.” He pushed forward, just barely penetrating her, the head not even fully inside her, and heard her sharp intake of breath that exhaled as a moan.

. You feel so good.”

“As do you.”

“We need another condom,” she sighed, but she rocked against him instead of moving away.

“In a moment.” He luxuriated in the feel of her flesh meeting his without barriers, the softness of her skin against his, the way she strained to be closer to him as if subconsciously she felt the need to bond, to mate. Her sex stretched to accept him and her inner muscles gripped at him. It took all his control not to thrust home, sheath himself in her to the hilt, and make her his.

But not without her knowledge, not without her understanding and acceptance of what it meant.

.” She groaned out his name. “Hurry.”

“I will hurry to produce one,” he said. “I will take my time using it.”

His answer made her groan again.

Chapter Five


“Torture is against the Geneva Convention,” Angie said through gritted teeth. It had to have been less than an hour since
had manufactured an alien-sized condom and then proceeded to explore every inch of her body, but it felt like eternity. Her back arched and her hips bucked helplessly as
closed his mouth over her clit and drew on the sensitized flesh. She was on the brink of yet another orgasm, and every time she reached that brink, the sadistic alien stopped and started over.

“Your pleasure will be greater in the end,”
assured her, releasing her clit the second before her impending climax would have been unstoppable.

“Not if I kill you for making me wait before you get around to using that condom.”

Her threat didn’t faze him. He lowered his head and lapped at her labia, a long, slow draw of his tongue.

Her voice became a strangled shriek. “
. I can’t take it anymore.”

“You can.” He thrust his tongue into her sheath and then withdrew it. “You will.”

She fisted her hands in the slick fabric that covered his bunk and let her head thrash from side to side. Her whole body quivered with need. “



raised his head and replaced his mouth with one hand, cupping her sex. “So impatient. Where is your endurance? Your stamina?” He pressed his palm against her flesh, and the contact made her moan.

“Don’t have any.”

“I am disappointed.” He shook his head at her, his expression grave, but the wicked
in his eyes gave him away.

“Beast. Fuck me now or I’ll do something violent.”

That made his brows raise. “Do you like it rough?” He captured her wrists with his hands to keep her from swinging at him and settled himself over her, between her splayed thighs.

“Maybe.” She felt wild, raw, and on the verge of losing control. Rough, uncivilized, animal sex sounded like exactly what she needed.

“Like this?” He drove into her without warning and her breath left her as she was abruptly filled, stretched to an almost painful degree, her body forced to accommodate his without time to adjust to the invasion.

“Harder.” Angie wound her legs around his back and arched under him, straining for more.

His hips slammed into hers as he gave her what she asked for, thrusting hard and fast and deep. She was so primed, so ready, that the first orgasm hit almost immediately. The second began to build almost as soon as the first ended. The third came after a long, gasping, frenzied effort. The fourth made her scream and claw at his back as he finally let go and came with her, the pulsing of his cock deep inside her heightening her experience to what had to be the limit of her physical capacity for pleasure. She wailed like a banshee and ground her pelvis into his as the aftershocks went on for what felt like forever, until she finally went limp underneath him, panting as if she’d run a marathon.

“I told you your pleasure would be greater,”
said in a thick, satisfied voice long minutes later.

I told you so
ruins the afterglow,” Angie mumbled. But she didn’t make any effort to move away. Her hands rested on his back where they’d gone slack after digging into him. “What did you do to me? I don’t think I have a working muscle left in me anywhere.”

“I fucked you.” He sounded downright smug, but the sated bliss that sang in every cell told her he was probably entitled.

“Finally.” Once she’d gone limp, she found he weighed heavily on her. “You can get off me now.”

“I would if I had a working muscle left in me,”

She laughed, a low, lazy sound. “So we’ll just stay like this forever. Eventually a search party will find our spent, wasted bodies locked together, and everybody will know we died happy.”

“I prefer to live happy.” He kissed her neck and she slapped at him with one limp hand.

“Hey. That’s a working muscle. Save us both, move over.”

braced his arms on either side of her and levered himself up but didn’t withdraw from her. “You are beautiful.”

She blinked at him. “Do you have poor vision? I’m an exhausted, sweaty mess. My hair probably looks like Medusa’s, and I’m currently a naked refugee.”

“You are not a refugee.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, pulled out of her by inches, then lowered himself to lay beside her. “You are not displaced. You have a place with me. And if naked ceases to suit you, anything that I have is yours. You have only to ask.”

“You’re sweet, but we’re not the same size.” Angie rolled to snuggle into him and smiled as his arm closed around her, pulling her closer. “Although borrowing your shirt sounds like the kind of sappy thing I’ll want to do next.”

“Your feelings for me are not sappy.”
nuzzled her neck. “You feel just as you should.”

“You seem awfully commitment-happy for a guy who just nailed a girl that got naked at hello,” she answered. “Maybe you’re used to having to work for it and as soon as the novelty wears off, you’ll start looking around for the next female.”

“I have never had to work for it,” he informed her. “Females fall at my feet. Or they did. They will do so no longer. It would be a waste of their time.”

“See, there you go again.” Angie made the monumental effort of rising up on one arm to look at him. “Making these
we’re a couple now

“I thought I was being patient. Not rushing you.” He gave her a disgruntled look.

“Not rushing me? Why do I get the feeling you have the wedding planned already when you say that?” She bit her lip. “It can’t be that sex equals permanent relationship in your world, or you wouldn’t have all those alien orgies.”

“Now you are imagining all manner of things.”
pulled her back down and on top of him. “If you had been raised on my world, you would know what I am to you. You would not worry over my motives or resist my claim. You would welcome me gladly.”

“I think dropping my pants for you in the stairwell was pretty damn welcoming,” she muttered. “And then I let you bring me on this space odyssey. Why are you making it sound like I’m putting up obstacles?”

“Because you are.” He rubbed her back in long strokes, up and down either side of her spine, and she relaxed into him by degrees. “You think you should not love me when I am a virtual stranger to you, so you resist in your mind. You think if you allow yourself to bond with me, I will be as quick to leave you as I was to take you.”

“That’s not putting up obstacles.” Angie hated that her voice came out
, but she went on, “That’s trying to retain some remnant of sanity.”

“Not sanity. Separation. You think of reasons to hold yourself separate from me, when deep inside you want only to yield everything. You resist what we both want and deny us what we both need.”

“What do you want from me?” The waver deepened into a hint of tears.

tightened his arms around her. “Forever.”

She was silent for a minute, trying not to sniffle. She felt cornered and panicked and also almost angry, as if he were tormenting her by offering something she wanted too badly to risk reaching for in case it was withheld at the last moment. “You don’t ask for much, do you?”

“I ask for your trust.” He kissed the top of her head. “I ask for your body and your heart and your future.”

“And if I say yes?” She shivered in his arms, feeling suddenly cold. “What happens when you realize this was all a mistake, or you’ve lost your taste for Earthling, or I don’t adjust well to your world?”

“If you have difficulty adjusting, we will deal with that.”
voice was low and soothing. “As for the rest, I will never lose my taste for you, as you put it. And there is no mistake. You are my one, my
. The only woman in all the worlds whose psychic wavelength matches mine.”

“That’s a nice line,” Angie muttered.

“It is not a line, it is the truth. You resonate to me. We produce harmony together. I knew from the first moment that you were mine. You felt it also, but you wish to believe it is lust that draws you to me because you know nothing of the bond we are meant to share. I have grown up knowing I would one day find my mate, and you have grown up in a world that denies such things exist.”

She turned her cheek against his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart, felt the warmth of his body and the carefully controlled strength in his hands as he used just enough pressure to massage her back into utter relaxation but never so much it felt painful. Everything about him called to her. And she wanted what he described, yearned for it on some deep level so much that it made her ache inside.

A change of subject seemed like a good way to stall. “Didn’t you say you had another errand on Earth?”

“I did. I have completed it.”
slid one hand up into her hair, cupping the back of her head in a hold that was unmistakably possessive and tender. “I went to look for my

“Convenient,” Angie said. “One-stop shopping.”

“The universe is full of seeming coincidences that are part of a larger pattern.”

“That’s very Zen. Or something.” Angie let out a long breath. “Okay, say I am your
. What now?”

“Now I am holding you and giving you the comfort of touch, the security of closeness.”

“I think you just like to cuddle,” she said. “And you answered very literally for a mind-reader.”

“Now I persuade you to bond with me. To dispense with the use of your condom, to accept me without barriers of any kind, mental or physical, and become one with me.”

Well. She’d asked. So she absorbed the answer and asked herself how she really felt about it. About
and herself and the unknown future. Which led to a curious thought. “What does it mean, become one? What’s the bond like?”

“We share thoughts. You will read my thoughts as easily as I read yours. We share a connection that time and distance cannot interrupt, so that we are only a thought away from each other. You will know my heart and I will know yours. It is much deeper than the level of communication a telepath knows with another who is not a mate. We will know each other in a way no other ever will or could.” He massaged her skull with long fingers, soothing her. “Have you not longed to be fully known by another? To know that the one who knows all loves you utterly? To feel a bond of unity, to know that you are never alone?”

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