Earth Girls Aren't Easy (7 page)

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Authors: Charlene Teglia

BOOK: Earth Girls Aren't Easy
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Tears stung the back of her eyes. A man who knew all of her, good and bad, and loved her anyway seemed like an impossible dream. And yet, it was a dream she’d always had. One she’d buried but never managed to obliterate. The bond he described was the deepest longing of her heart. “Are you saying that’s what we’d have? Forever? No divorce, no regrets later?”

“How could I regret sharing all that I am with the one who is made for me?”
voice was soft and sincere. “As for divorce as you think of it, it is not possible. Once formed, the bond can never be broken. Even in death, our spirits would remain united.”

“Wow.” Angie breathed in and out, feeling shaky. “You’re gorgeous, you’re easy to talk to, you make me come so hard I see stars, and you want to be with me forever. What’s the catch?”

“The catch is that you will never experience another male joining us for a threesome,”
said deadpan. “You will have to content yourself with me. Although I can offer you countless opportunities to enjoy yourself with me publicly, so that you can know the pleasure of watching and being watched in any sexual act you desire.”

She laughed. “I think I can live with that.” The thought of getting fucked by
while other men watched made her feel a little giddy.

“Then you are ready?” He moved his hand around to cup her chin, silently nudging her to raise her head and look at him. She did, letting her eyes meet his, taking in the warmth and encouragement she saw there.

“Yes.” She felt her lips tremble when she tried to smile. “This whole day is probably one long hallucination, but just in case it isn’t, I don’t want to turn down the chance to have what I’ve always wanted.”

smiled. “At last.”

She felt her mouth twitch at that. “It didn’t even take you a day to talk me around. You make it sound like I held out for weeks.”

“It felt like weeks.” He drew her head slowly down until her mouth brushed against his. “I have waited and searched for you for so long. Any delay feels unbearable now that I have you here with me.”

She answered him with a sigh, and then let her mouth meld with his, putting lips and tongue to better use. A hum of recognition and anticipation ran through her body.
completed her physically, and soon she’d know him on another level. She wanted that, fiercely, hungrily, and she showed him with her kisses and her naked body moving against his in unmistakable invitation.

Chapter Six


“A moment.”
broke the kiss and shifted her off him. He got rid of the condom, dropping it into a slot by his bunk. He gave her a look of pure sexual intent and scooped her into his arms before carrying her to a corner of his cabin to a cubicle that formed itself around them. A moment later she felt heated air moving over them both.

“Interesting,” Angie said. “It feels like sunbathing naked on a not-too-hot day.”

“It is like your shower, but without water,”

The cycle ended as he stopped talking and the cubicle walls dropped away, leaving them once more in a corner of the room.

“Decided we should freshen up for the big moment?” Angie asked.

“Yes. And now that we are clean, you will not hesitate to put your mouth on me again.”

She laughed. “My turn to go down on you?” That sounded perfect. She’d only gotten a taste of him in her bedroom, and it seemed only fair to return the
after all the oral gratification he’d given her.

“Yes.” He placed her on the bunk and joined her. “Show me how you will pleasure my cock with your lips while others watch you do it.”

The erotic thought made her hot and eager. Her pussy clenched and she felt liquid softening her sex as she imagined herself naked and on display, kneeling to service
cock. She moved to kneel between his open thighs while he reclined in a sitting position and lowered her head to his penis. She arched her back and pushed her ass up, displaying herself as if there was a watcher behind them who would see her pussy glistening and know that giving
head was turning her on.

She licked the length of his shaft, tasting him, learning the shape and texture of him with her mouth and tongue, kissing, scraping her teeth lightly over him, running her tongue around the rim of his cock. “
,” she sighed. “You taste good.” Then she drew as much of him into her mouth as she could take and sucked, moving up and down his thick shaft, caressing him with her lips and tongue and doing her best to deep-throat him.

Imagine a man enjoying the sight of your succulent
voice in her head whispered.
Imagine how he wishes he could touch what he sees, how he would like to be pleasured by your mouth in my place

Heat shot through her. Her breasts swelled and ached. Her nipples felt hard and needy and her sex grew even slicker. She increased her tempo, licking and sucking at his cock as if he were a forbidden treat, one she had to have and also wanted to

Imagine how he will feel when your throat works as you swallow all of me. His balls will ache to receive the same relief

. She wanted him to spill himself in her mouth in a salty rush, wanted even more to feel that liquid jet deep inside her. She wanted him, all of him, everywhere inside her. She wanted him to fill her mouth, her pussy, her ass.

“You have never taken a man there,”
answered her in a rough voice. “We must work up to that.”

He pulled out of her mouth and dragged her up his body. She settled her knees over either side of his hips and pressed her swollen, slick labia against his shaft. The intimate contact felt incredibly good, and when she slid up, the head of his cock aligned with her opening.
hips thrust up to fill her as she sank down to take him.

Her body hummed and sang with a sense of rightness as they joined and she shivered with the sheer delight of having him inside her with no barriers. The deep press and glide of his sex mating with hers thrilled her. The added sensation of him hot and hard and bare as her vaginal walls enclosed him intensified her pleasure.

Sensation overwhelmed her. This merging went beyond the physical. It was mental, emotional and complete. She rode him as their bodies rocked together, his hands holding her firmly in place, her flesh accepting his as minds and hearts united.

Angie felt the rhythm of
heart and knew it beat faster for her. She felt his pleasure as keenly and fully as if it was her own, and saw with a split awareness that he knew precisely how each thrust of his cock into her sensitized sheath felt to her. The physical sensations were doubled, and they shared the awe and the bliss of knowing how much delight each gave the other, experiencing it together from both sides.

The wonder of it, his body melding with hers, his mind open to hers and the depth of emotion they shared stole her breath. It was beyond anything she could have imagined.

She was his, and he was hers. They were together, and she knew with deep certainty that when passion left them spent, the bond that joined them together would remain.

.” The sound of surprise and delight broke from her lips. He answered with a low laugh, and then he pulled her down to lay with her torso pressed to his. The hard, muscled wall of his chest teased her nipples as they moved in harmony. The added stimulation made her moan and sigh. She felt his hands shifting to grip the soft curves of her ass as he thrust deeper and thought she might die of ecstasy too great for her body to contain.

Her pleasure fed his, and he fed it back to her amplified, magnified, a circuit that sent them higher and higher until she felt her inner muscles rippling around his cock, gripping and milking his shaft as she came over and over and he came with her in a jet of liquid heat that sent her soaring.

A long time later, she stirred enough to press a kiss on the warm skin of his shoulder. “Love you,” she whispered.

“As I love you.”

His arms wrapped around her in a secure hold and she nestled into him, content, at peace, and certain that whatever the future held, it was going to be the adventure of a lifetime.

* * * * *

“Is this place unbelievable or what?”
blue eyes sparkled as she looked at Angie over a glass filled with ruby-red liquid.

“What.” Angie looked down at her own glass and sipped at the sweet liquor that tasted like some sort of exotic fruit and kicked like a Missouri mule. “Am I going to start dancing on top of the table if I drink this?”

“I have better uses for both the tabletop and you than dancing,”
said, lifting her onto his lap. He settled her into the curve of his arm, her thighs across his, and slid his hand under her shirt to tease her nipple.

Angie blushed and Micki laughed. “You’re going to love it here. I’m so glad to see you, and so happy for you and

She practically bounced in her seat as she spoke. Her mate captured her and placed her on his lap, and Micki draped her spread legs to rest on the outsides of his, her back pressed against his chest for support. The easy way she relaxed into
hold told Angie that her friend really was content with her new life.

stern features softened as he looked down at the small woman nestled in his arms and Angie felt her throat catch. She took another sip of the
Fire Berry liquor and told herself the water in her eyes came from the percentage of alcohol she’d just swallowed.

It is no weakness to feel moved to tears by the happiness of those you care for
voice in her head was something she was starting to get used to, but she wasn’t confident enough in her newly discovered and developing abilities to respond in kind easily, so she answered out loud.

“I know. I hate that I missed it. I mean, not that I could have joined in, the way bonding works for you guys, but I don’t know, I feel like I should have been here to eat cake.”

ate plenty,” Micki said, looking positively smug as she cuddled into her oversized mate.

“Of you,” Angie said, shaking her head. She’d heard the full story from Micki when they were reunited three days earlier. “Hussy. Getting it on with two guys in a bar.”

“Only one guy,” Micki said, doing her best to look demure. “Oral sex doesn’t count. Even the President said so.”

“It counts,” Angie said, remembering
mouth on her clit an hour earlier.

insisted,” Micki widened mock-innocent eyes. “To prove the big, scary aliens weren’t going to hurt me.”

“And now all is well,”
said, looking as smug as his mate.

“I’ll say.” Micki raised her glass and Angie reached across the small table to clink their rims together.


The two women drank and the room took on an even warmer glow. Angie felt
hand growing bolder, cupping and squeezing her breast, then moving down to smooth the leather-like fabric of her skirt down her thigh, before slipping underneath and reversing direction.

“Is she really doing four men at once?” Angie asked, her eyes drawn to a woman in the
of the bar. One of the Nordic-looking aliens was feeding his cock into her mouth. One lay beneath her, thrusting up into her ass. Another kneeled between her thighs, filling her eager pussy in a rhythm that matched the man below. A fourth was at her side, plucking at her distended nipples while her hands busily stroked his cock. Periodic moans and shouts of pleasure came from each member of the group.

“Yes. That’s
,” Micki said, nodding. “She’s an inspiration. I’m telling you, Angie, I’ll never run short of ideas to write about again.”

It was easy enough to see where Micki had found the inspiration for the highly charged erotic scenes she’d peppered her last book with, Angie thought. She was finding the sight pretty inspirational herself.
hand teasing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs didn’t hurt, either.

The alien culture aboard the ship, Micki had explained, literally operated on the
was a deeply ingrained character trait, and among telepaths it wasn’t possible to cheat, lie or hide
actions. Individuals took pride in their
. The greater a man’s
, the greater his prestige.

The men of the warrior class who were entertaining and being entertained by
, a woman of the servant class, were a perfect example of the culture in operation. They approached sex almost as a competition. The more pleasure a man gave his partner and the more
his actions were, the more highly he was thought of among his peers.

The men’s standard uniform of pants, boots, and vests that left chests and arms bare showed off the highly decorative tattoos they wore on their upper arms. On their trip to rejoin the main ship,
had explained the significance of his tattoos and the meanings of the various symbols that depicted his lineage, rank and notable achievements.

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