Earthfall (30 page)

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Authors: Stephen Knight

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Fiction, #Adventure, #Military, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: Earthfall
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Fat chance of that, big guy.

“Welcome back to the world of the living, Sarmajor,” she said. “How do you feel?”

“Like a rubber-billed woodpecker who’s spent two weeks trying to peck his way through a petrified forest. How long was I out?” Mulligan reached into a cabinet and removed a mug, then slid it into the coffee machine bolted to one wall. He closed the metal fiddle rails around the mug so it wouldn’t go flying as the SCEV trundled across broken ground. He stabbed the brew button on the coffee maker, and a second later, the scent of fresh coffee wafted through the air.

“Two and half days. We just came out of the Rockies a few hours ago,” Leona told him.

He looked shocked. “Two and a half

Leona smiled and shrugged. “Hey, you’re not a young buck anymore, Mulligan.”

Mulligan scowled and took his mug over to the dinette a few feet away. He slowly lowered himself into its confines, wincing in discomfort. Leona rose from her chair and hobbled over to him, grabbing onto one of his beefy arms with one hand while holding onto the overhead rail with the other. Mulligan’s scowl deepened, and he pulled his arm away from her.

“I’m good, Lieutenant,” he said brusquely. “Thanks for the assist.”

Leona smiled and turned to the kitchenette at her back. She pulled out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and slid into the dinette across from him. “No problem. Mind if I join you?”

Mulligan released a world-weary sigh that said he did indeed mind, but he looked too damn beat to fight her. He carefully sipped his coffee instead, and regarded her over the brim of his mug.

“Any signs of pursuit?”

Leona shook her head. “Negative. Looks like you dusted that guy back in San Jose, Sarmajor. Good shooting. None of us would have thought to use a Hellfire in that way.”

Mulligan merely grunted at the compliment and sipped more coffee. “Who’s up front?”

“Andrews and Andrews.”

Mulligan grunted again. “Thought they were going to keep to separate shifts.”

“You and I were out of rotation, but I’m due to go take the right seat so Captain Andrews can knock off. Oh—I have these for you.” Leona reached into one of her uniform pockets and pulled out Mulligan’s dog tags and the eagle medallion. She fingered the medallion. “Your tags … and this other thing. Where’d you get it? It’s lovely.”

Mulligan’s bloodshot eyes bugged out when he saw the necklace. He held out one hand, palm up. “What in the hell are you doing with that?” he asked, his voice suddenly tight and constricted.

Leona frowned as she handed the necklace over to him. “I didn’t want you strangling on them while you
, Sergeant Major.” Her voice was a frosty counterpoint to his.

Mulligan regarded the necklace for an instant, and she saw all of his attention was on the medallion. He looked up at her and nodded curtly. “Thanks for the thought.”

Leona said nothing, just stared at the older man openly as he slipped on the necklace and hid it beneath his uniform blouse.
What the hell is it that I see in this guy?
Father figure? Protector? Relic? What?

“What the hell are you looking at, Eklund?” Mulligan asked with a sudden ferocity that surprised her. She found herself recoiling at the barbs in his voice, and that pissed her off, though more at herself than at him.

“Nothing much, evidently,” she managed to say.

Mulligan scowled and gulped some coffee, shifting on the dinette’s faux leather wraparound couch. Something crinkled beneath him, and he reached down and pulled out an old comic book. A copy of
The Amazing Spider-Man
, one of Tony Choi’s most treasured possessions—the kid had brought them into the base when he’d moved in with his family, and he carried them everywhere. Mulligan snorted derisively when he saw it.

“One of Choi’s Asian encyclopedias, I see,” he said, dropping it to the table as he took another swig. He regarded the cover for a long moment, then started trying to smooth out its creases. Why would he care about an old comic book, especially one that didn’t even belong to him?

Because it’s from before,
she told herself.
It’s like him. A relic.

“What were you like before the war, Mulligan?” she asked suddenly.

Mulligan leafed through the comic book, keeping his eyes rooted on the somewhat faded but still colorful pages between its covers. She knew her question hit him wrong and pushed him into a space he didn’t want to be in, and it was a funny sight watching the hard-bitten Special Forces trooper hide behind a slim edition of
The Amazing Spider-Man

“Lieutenant, I’m seriously in no mood for a game of Twenty Questions right now,” he said, his voice surprisingly even.

“I watched you while you were out, Mulligan. You were having dreams. Nightmares. Things that seemed to terrify you.” She paused to sip from her water. “That guy back in San Jose. Law. He did the same to me, the same thing your nightmares do to you. Break down the wall we’ve been hiding behind. Made me see things I never even wanted to think about …”

“Great, we’ve both been mind-fucked.” Mulligan didn’t look up from the comic. “You think that means we’re finally soul mates or something? Forget it, kid.”

“You were crying. Why?”

Mulligan tossed the comic book onto the table and hauled himself off the dinette couch. If he felt any pain from the movement, it didn’t register on his face as he got to his feet and drained the remains of his coffee mug, then turned and put the empty vessel in the steel sink. Leona rose as well. She knew that pursuing Mulligan like this was akin to cornering a wounded grizzly bear, but she didn’t care. She was aware that of all people, she was incredibly ill-equipped to deal with a man like Mulligan, but she instinctively knew that to understand the man’s pain was to know him, to glimpse his soul as it flitted between light and shadow.

“You lost your family in the war, didn’t you?”

Mulligan froze for an instant, and Leona could almost see something flip inside of him like a circuit breaker. Mulligan whirled upon her like some thundering war god and seized her arms in his big hands. He swung her around as if she were a doll and pinned her against the padded side of the airlock, causing her to gasp in a queer mixture of fear and something bordering on delight. She’d found what made Mulligan tick, or at least found the path to it, but as she saw the uncontained fury break across his face, she suddenly wondered if she might take the discovery to her rapidly approaching grave.

they died in the war, along with six billion other people!” Mulligan snarled, and his voice was as tight as a well-tuned snare drum. “And guess what, Eklund? After the missiles dropped, they were still alive for almost four hours! They were in Scott City, some little hick town that was only thirty minutes from Harmony, and I couldn’t get to them because of my own

Leona writhed in his powerful grip, feeling his thick fingers dig into the flesh and muscle of her upper arms, but there was no escaping the towering man’s grip. She would have bruises—if she survived the encounter. Mulligan’s eyes were wild, filled with a mixture of pain and rage and despair that had festered unchecked in him for a decade, and even she knew such a combination was as volatile as unstable nitroglycerin.

Suddenly, Mulligan released her and stepped back, his fingers curled into fists, his feet spread wide apart against the swaying of the vehicle. He glared down at her, his chest rising and falling as he took in great deep, ragged breaths.

“Get what you wanted, Lieutenant?” he asked finally, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the rig’s passage. “Any other action news updates I can provide, now that we’re finally having that warm heart-to-heart you’ve been after?”

“Don’t you ever touch me again,” she said. She tried to put steel in her voice, but it sounded pathetic and weak after his fury.

“Then take the hint, girlie—stay the hell away from me.”

He turned and marched past her, heading for the cockpit.


Andrews and Rachel were in the cockpit. The day beyond the viewports was hardly bright and accommodating—it looked like another storm was beginning to brew, coalescing on the horizon. He glanced down at the instruments, paying special attention to the radar display, which showed a deepening wall of clutter that rose almost twenty thousand feet into the air, and it was climbing.

“Mind if I sit in on the last leg, Captain?” Mulligan asked.

“Mulligan! How do you feel?” Andrews asked, looking up at him from the confines of the left seat.

Rachel stiffened when she heard his voice, but he ignored her. “Like shit, sir, but that’s normal.”

“Yeah, well, you should be resting. I hear you’re recovering from one hell of a concussion,” Andrews said, facing forward.

“Concussion, hangover—who can tell the difference, these days?” Mulligan said, trying to adopt a jovial tone and failing miserably.

“I already have Eklund ready to come forward,” Andrews said. “You should rest, Sarmajor.”

“I’ve been out for over two days, Captain. I’ve had more than enough rest, and I’m a hundred percent operational.”

Andrews chuckled. “You said that right before you passed out.”

“Yeah, well, that was then, this is now. How about it, sir?”

Andrews glanced up at Mulligan again, then down at the instruments. After a moment of consideration, he nodded slowly. “All right, Sarmajor. But if you start feeling messed up, you let me know and Eklund will take over. Understood?”

“Roger that, sir.”

“Take the right seat. Just so you know, the number two differential’s blown. It shit the bed about two days ago.” Andrews nodded again, this time to Rachel. Slowly, hesitantly, she unbuckled her safety harness and pushed back the copilot’s seat.

“Can it be fixed?” Mulligan asked, twisting to one side to allow her enough room to leave the cockpit. It hurt like hell, and he could feel Leona Eklund staring daggers into his back. Mulligan came to the wry conclusion that he was caught between two women who probably wanted nothing more than to stab him repeatedly in the heart with dull pencils.

Andrews seemed mostly unaware of his predicament, though he did watch Rachel with a casual expression. “Negative, it’s completely fragged—can’t be repaired without a lift and a hardstand. It’s put us another seventeen hours behind schedule.” He nodded out the viewports. “And there’s another treat: a storm building up to the east. Eklund says it’s a big one.”

Rachel pushed past Mulligan, her eyes downcast. He released a small sigh. At least she didn’t make a dramatic exit, which meant she was either extremely exhausted or her husband had spoken some words of wisdom that she’d taken to heart. Either way, Mulligan was happy to ease himself into the copilot’s seat and close the shield door.

“Well, I can tell you one thing, Captain. This mission wasn’t a bore.”

Andrews rubbed his bristly chin with one hand and nodded. “I’ll give you that, Sergeant Major.” He studied the instruments and made a small noise in his throat. “That storm’s coalescing pretty quickly. The front goes right off the scope.”

Mulligan checked the rig’s position on the moving map display, and he was surprised to discover just how close they were to Harmony Base. “We’re not that far from the signal repeaters. We should have voice contact with the base pretty soon, assuming they have enough power to transmit. No sign of pursuit from California, right?”

“Negative,” Andrews said.

Mulligan put some confidence into his voice. “Then we’re almost there. We’ll make it home without a hitch, Captain. Maybe we should switch on the transponder, so the base’ll know we’re coming. Just in case we can’t make voice contact.”

“Good idea,” Andrews said, and he pressed a button on the panel before him. “You a man of faith, Sarmajor?”

Mulligan bit back his immediate reply and took a moment to actually consider the question. “I don’t know about faith, sir. But the odds look good.”

Andrews nodded. After a moment, he looked over at Mulligan, studying him as the enlisted man looked out the viewports. Mulligan watched him from the corner of his eye, wondering why the hell everyone found him so interesting as of late.

“Thanks for coming back for us, Sarmajor,” Andrews said finally. He turned forward and monitored the rig’s progress as it traveled on under the guidance of the autopilot. “And I’m sorry we didn’t at least try and return the favor.”

Mulligan was surprised by the sudden sentiment, but he didn’t let it show. Besides, his face was so battered that adopting a surprised look would probably hurt like hell. “Forget it, sir. If I had any sense at all, I would’ve died back there. You had five people to take care of, and a mission to complete. If I’d been in your boots, I would have made tracks, too.” He paused for a moment. “Besides, life hasn’t been a barrel of laughs, lately. Dying’s nothing I’m afraid of, believe me.”

“Maybe you ought to alter your outlook a bit? You’re still alive, and some folks care—”

“Yeah, sir, thanks a lot, but let’s not go there, okay? We’re still on an ongoing mission, so let’s keep our minds focused on that.” He faced Andrews directly. “Okay, sir?”

Andrews met Mulligan’s gaze evenly and held it. “Roger that. But I want to tell you something, Mulligan. I was wrong about you. Having you on the roster wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.”

Mulligan snorted. “Who’re
trying to kid? Letting Benchley talk me onto this rig was the biggest mistake I’ve made in years. I’m way too old for the Iron Man act. I should’ve stayed in the dark with everyone else.” Almost against his will, Mulligan was surprised to add, “But, uh … thanks anyway, sir.”

Andrews nodded and turned away, apparently satisfied with Mulligan’s response. Mulligan busied himself by running some diagnostics on the rig’s drivetrain components, hoping that if he looked busy enough, Andrews wouldn’t be tempted to make any more maudlin chitchat.


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