Easter's Lilly (19 page)

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Authors: Judy Serrano

Tags: #Romance Suspense

BOOK: Easter's Lilly
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Thank you, Lilly.” He kissed my lips and pulled me close to him in a warm embrace. “Thank you for giving him a reason.”

We all went home together that night except for Diego. He was afraid to leave Max alone, so he stayed all night. Hector was glued to me. He even slept in a sleeping bag on my floor at night. Diego wouldn’t let me see Max again at the hospital. He went every day to see him and when it was time to take him home I had to stay home and wait. I was warned to keep it friendly but not too friendly before he left to get him. Hector stayed behind for safety purposes.

I really liked Hector. He was silly like Max but smart and serious when he needed to be. He always seemed to know what the right thing to do was and he took very good care of me. “Hector?” I asked. “What would you do if you were Max?”

He smiled at me for a minute and said, “If I were shot or in love with you?”

If it was you instead of Max. Would you stay here like we did?”

It doesn’t matter what I would do, Lilly.” He walked over to where I was sitting on the couch and sat beside me.

I’m not allowed to touch him anymore. I have to stay with Diego.” I looked at the floor and he picked up my chin with his fingers.

I would have taken you out of here a long time ago,” he answered. “Once you told me you were ready to leave Diego…” he paused, “you would have been mine.” I got a shiver down my spine and it seemed to amuse him. “I’m sorry, did I get to you, Lilly?”

A little,” I answered. “Every once in a while you do that to me.”

Why do you care what I think, anyway?” he asked.

I was just wondering,” I answered. I smiled back at him thinking thoughts I knew I shouldn’t be thinking. “Do you think if you had met me first…?” I paused out of embarrassment. “Never mind.” I stopped myself.

Maybe,” he answered. “I don’t really know.”

The family finally arrived, and I got up and ran to Max. He opened his arms but Diego got in front of him and pushed me in the other direction, gently. “Can I get you something, sir?” I asked Max.

Come on Diego, you can’t be serious.” He walked over to me and gave me a hug and let me go. “And do NOT call me sir,” he continued. “Yes, Lilly, I would love a cup of coffee, please.” He walked into the kitchen and sat down. “I promised I wouldn’t have another affair with her, but you can’t make us ignore each other. That’s just going to be weird.”

You’re right,” he responded. “It just feels strange having you back.”

You’ll get used to me,” he laughed. “I bet you miss my cooking.”

Hey!” Hector said. “What’s wrong with

Nothing Hector, you’re a wonderful cook,” I said sarcastically.

I heard Hector thinks your gross,” Max said laughing.

I did not say that,” he replied.

I can’t believe you called my…” He stopped himself. “Diego’s wife gross… really Hector.”

Lilly is lovely, you both know that,” he answered. “She’s just not my type, that’s all.” He shot me a look and he winked. I knew I could be his type if he let me.

I thought
your type
meant that she had to be married to your brother,” Diego added.

Hector made a face and Max laughed. “Ouch, that hurts.” He reached for his stomach and we all stood up.

I’m not an invalid, I’ll be fine,” he assured us. “When is the next meeting, Diego?”

Sunday,” he answered. “I was trying to miss Easter. Funny how that backfired. You’re not going, are you?” Diego asked.

I thought I was your enforcer,” he answered.

Not with a bunch of holes in your chest. Hector can come; you stay here.”

Fine whatever,” he said. “Besides,” Diego added. “I’ll be taking Lilly with me.”

Oh and Max you need to know something.” I took a deep breath before I continued. Diego looked at me and sent me a reassuring smile. “The baby
Diego’s.” It was part of our deal that I tell Max that. I wanted Diego to feel like he could trust me. “We had a test done and you’re
the father.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he believed me or not.

I see,” he said thoughtfully. He looked at Diego and sighed. “Half-breeds, zero, Mexicans one. Congratulations brother. It’s probably better this way anyway.”

Don’t say that Max. But yes, it is definitely better this way.”

It’s not like he’s going to sleep with her anymore,” Hector stated. “Sleeping with someone who is pregnant with another man’s baby is disgusting.”

You did not just call her disgusting,” Max snickered.

I’m just saying… yuck!”

That’s enough,” Diego interrupted. “Stop talking about her like she’s today’s special. She’s coming with me and that’s all I’m going to say about that.”

I owe you my life, Diego, you know that,” Max told him.

I think we’re about even now,” Diego answered. “I have to go to work and make arrangements for the meeting. Keep your eyes open, boys. Look for unfamiliar faces. If Jorge shows up early, call me.” He kissed me and left. Max and I looked at each other saying nothing.

The radio went off informing Hector that Diego was gone. Max looked at Hector. “No!” Hector started. “Let’s stay focused. Stay away from her. It’s only three more days.”

Max was still staring at me and he reached for my hand and I took it. “Oh…” he said, “I am feeling warm inside.” His eyes were filled with desire. “My body has been cold without yours.”

Max, Diego made me say that,” I said quickly. “It’s yours, you know that, right?”

Of course I do,” he answered. “I was there when the nurse told me you were three weeks along. You did what you were supposed to do. I’m a big boy, don’t worry about me.”

Hector separated our hands and said, “Okay Max, we need a plan. I won’t be here; I’m going to have to go to the meeting. That means I will be in on it and they will make me right away.”

Maybe after I make the call, you can slip out and I can pick you up,” Max suggested. “I don’t want to risk, Jorge shooting you just before it’s over.”

Okay, you can pick me up by the service entrance. I have a key,” Hector said. “We have to call Mick today and let him know we’ll be coming and to expect Olivia.”

Why won’t you give me the details?” I asked. “We’re leaving Sunday and you are doing something terrible to your brothers. That much I got.”

I promise that we will all come clean when we are safely out of Vegas,” Max answered. “I’m afraid Jorge will try to kill one of us before the meeting, so we have to stick close together.”

What about me?” I asked. “I will be at the meeting with Hector?” Hector and Max looked at each other.

Oh, that’s right,” Max remembered. “I guess you’re going to have to get a severe case of morning sickness.”

I can
that,” I said and smiled. “He won’t want anything to do with me by the time he’s ready to go.”

We were set and Sunday seemed to take a very long time to get here. I was not allowed to kiss or touch Max and it was killing me, but Hector was afraid that there might be hidden cameras and he didn’t want to risk Max getting thrown out of the house before Sunday. When Saturday night rolled around, the radio went off announcing Jorge’s arrival. “He’s early,” Max, said in an alarming tone. Hector picked up the phone and called Diego, while Max grabbed the radio off of Hector’s belt. “Miguel, get pictures of all the men who arrive with Jorge on your phone and then send them to me,” Max insisted. “Be discreet but I need to know how many he brought with him and who you don’t recognize.”

You got it, Max,” Miguel’s voice replied.

Brilliant little brother,” Hector noted.

In-coming,” Max said and he and Hector started looking at the pictures.

Wait.” Hector pointed at two of the pictures. “I don’t know who these guys are.”

Miguel,” Max called. “The two on the right, who are they?”

Don’t know, Max. Never seen them before.”

Anything different about them?” he asked.

They don’t speak any English,” he answered. Max and Hector looked at each other with concern. “He brought hit men with him,” Max surmised.

My heart fell into my stomach. Diego walked into the kitchen and said, “Lilly, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Max and Hector looked at him. “Oh no,” Diego said, “he didn’t.”

The beast has been unleashed,” Max stated. “He brought hit men with him.” He showed Diego the pictures.

Wait…” Diego held up his hand for pause. “I know that guy.” He thought for a few seconds. “This isn’t good, Max.”

Who is he?”

He killed Olivia’s first bodyguard about 8 years ago.”

Why?” Hector asked, concerned.

Why do you think?” Diego answered.

Oh my God,” Hector blurted.

They can’t stay here, Diego, you have to do something!” I cried.

Let me think,” Diego said. “Hector, Max, take Lilly to the creek, let me handle this.”

Are you sure?” Hector asked. “I can stay with you.”

He doesn’t want to kill
,” he answered. “Now get her out of here.”

We left out the back door quickly. I was terrified. I was even afraid to leave Diego alone with him. “Max, what are we going to do?”

We may be sleeping with one eye open tonight,” he answered.

We may be sleeping in their room with them,” Hector added. Max started laughing. “I’m not joking,” he continued.

I know,” he said. “I’m just laughing at the irony.”



Chapter 17


I Don't Know About This



We were sitting on the rocks talking and the boys were trying to make me laugh. We could see Diego coming towards us in the distance. “Here goes nothing,” Hector said.

What’s up?” Max asked.

He said he just hired two new guys to replace you two.” Max shook his head.

I don’t know Max, but I can’t take a chance. Lilly’s pregnant and I don’t want a stray bullet flying in her direction.”

Hello…” Hector said. “What about us?” He pointed to himself and Max. Max laughed. “Seriously, what if they try to kill us in our sleep? Are you going to sleep with your gun on your chest?”

You two will stay with us tonight,” Diego offered. “We need to stay close until we are sure of what Jorge is up to, Hector’s right. What if we wake up and everyone is dead.”

We’ll stay with you but…” Max looked at me. “No, inappropriate behavior while I am in your room.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry Diego but I’m not ready for that yet.”

I thought we were passed that, Max.” Diego stroked my hair. “Nothing inappropriate, I promise.” He took my hand. “I want her safe more than I want to prove anything to you.”

Me too,” Max agreed. “Me too.”

I’m going to put two men outside the door as well,” Hector said. “Miguel and Felix are our two best shooters.”

That’ll work,” Max agreed.

I’m scared,” I said, and I looked up at Diego. “I’m really scared.”

Between Max and me, do you think anything could ever happen to you?” He asked.

,” Hector said sarcastically.

Well, we don’t think she’s gross,” Max said laughing.

We all loved Max’s sense of humor. He was always funny when things were looking bleak. When we went back to the house, Jorge was in the kitchen with his two new enforcers. Diego introduced them to Max and Hector and Jorge introduced them to me. “This is the beautiful Lilly,” he said. They went to shake my hand but Diego pushed me behind him and said something to them in Spanish. “They don’t speak English Jorge, why introduce her in English?”

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