Read Easter's Lilly Online

Authors: Judy Serrano

Tags: #Romance Suspense

Easter's Lilly (45 page)

BOOK: Easter's Lilly
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He didn’t say anything,” Hector said. “Not anything, now cool down, Max. What’s wrong with you?” Elizabeth sent me a look saying, ‘you
thinking of him, weren’t you,’ but I tried to ignore it.

I’m sorry Max, really.” Diego looked over at me and I looked straight at the floor. I wanted nothing to do with this conversation.

Maybe I am getting a little paranoid,” Max admitted. “Maybe we need to go back to Arizona.”

We’ll go back to Arizona, check out what’s going on with Johnny and if it appears to be safe, I will come back to Las Vegas and bring the Mexican with me,” Hector assured him. Diego’s face had no reaction. “You’ve got a good thing going on here, man. Don’t blow it out of unfounded jealousy.”

We finished eating and tension was in the air. I had to stop thinking about Diego and I needed Max to trust me again. I really put a wedge between us when I let Diego get too close. Max kissed me and put his cheek on mine. He softly whispered, “I’m sorry, querida. Please forgive me.”

It’s my fault you feel like this in the first place,” I told him. “Of course I forgive you. Just think about last night. Go to your happy place.”

That is definitely my happy place,” he smiled and moved back a little so he could see my face. “Take me back to my happy place.” He said it as though he was a little boy begging. It was so cute that I had to oblige.

Hector and Elizabeth looked at us like we were nuts. “Go,” Hector said. “But no two hour deal. We have to get moving.”

We got up from the table and chased each other up the stairs. I could hear Diego as we left say to Hector, “I swear, I didn’t mean anything by it.”



Chapter 33


The Open Window



Come with us,” Hector asked Elizabeth. “I have to take my car and they’re all going together. Keep me company.” Elizabeth looked at us thoughtfully.

Why aren’t Max and Lilly taking their own car?” That was a good question.

Someone very rudely blew mine up a while back,” he answered. “I don’t have the money Diego used to allow me anymore so… we just haven’t bought a new one yet.” She made a tense face.

Okay, Hector, I’ll go. Will you take me to my mom’s so I can pick up my stuff?”

And… we’re off…” Hector grabbed her and took her out the door.

We packed all our belongings into the car while Hector ran her home to get her things. We finished closing the house up until Diego’s return. Max called a meeting, since we were alone. Diego was perfectly comfortable, even though he knew exactly what was coming.

We piled into the living room, since the kitchen was officially closed down. Diego sat across from Max and me. “I need to know if there is anything going on here.” Max asked this question with such maturity. I must admit that I was doing a little of my
praying when he said that. “God please don’t let Diego give me away.”

We are
having an affair, if that’s what you’re asking,” Diego answered. “We’re not even doing whatever it was the two of you were doing when you and Lilly were… well… you and Lilly during
marriage to her.”

I’ve been in that seat before,” Max continued. “Even if you’re not having an affair, I know you might be… involved somehow.” He turned to look at me but I couldn’t look back. I was guilty and his sadness was killing me.

I’m catching glances and new behavior,” he said. “Look, if you’re falling in love, I need to know.” He turned and looked at me. He put his hand on the side of my face with the backs of his fingers. I looked up at him. “If you don’t tell me the truth, I can’t fix it.” Then he turned to Diego. “I always knew if you brought you’re “A” game to the table, I would have some serious competition.” He got quiet. Then he continued. “It appears that you may be bringing your “A” game.”

Diego laughed. “I can’t help how I feel about her.”

If she
falling in love with you, I will
let her go.”

For goodness sakes, Max,” Diego said. “You sound just like I used to sound.”

wife, and I will fight for her.” Then Max looked at me again. “Oh my God, I do sound like him, don’t I?”

It doesn’t matter how you sound, Max. I love you and only you.” He smiled a weak smile at me. “If you think something is going on, it’s just because it’s weird.” I looked at Diego. “Come on, back me up, it’s weird.”

Yes, I guess so,” Diego agreed.

I do
him now and maybe that freaks you out a bit,” I continued. “But I
you. You’re just weirded out because we used to sleep together, that’s all.” I looked at their faces for some kind of reaction but they were both expressionless. “
Used to
being the operative words. And we have
had sex since we were married.”

Everything she said it true,” Diego finished.

Have you kissed her?” he asked. We both got silent and I know my face gave me away as it always does. “Did you kiss her?” he asked again, a little louder.

No,” he finally lied. “But I
wanted to. And I struggled with it.” Max was not convinced but I was
volunteering any information.

Lilly, he has told me that he intends to win you back. So if I’m paranoid, that’s why.” He took my hands into his.

Have a little faith in me,” I said as though I deserved any of that. He made a sour face. “Okay so maybe I deserved that,” I said.

Baby girl,” he was very calm. “You tend to get weak from time to time. I know you love me. I really do know that. I just worry that emotion carries you away sometimes.”

What about Hector?” Diego asked. “Do you ever worry about him?”

Hector?” Max asked in an alarming tone.

Shut up!” I yelled. That just made Max freak out more.

Hector?” he asked again.

Why is he so protective of her?” he asked. “He’s been all over me about staying away from her.”

Max appeared to calm right down. “He’s just watching my back, that’s all,” he said. “You scared me for a minute.”

Max, there is nothing to worry about,” I reassured him. I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. “We are stronger than ever.” Hector and Elizabeth walked in just then.

What did I miss?” he asked.

Are you sleeping with Lilly?” Diego asked.

No,” he answered in a confused tone.

Nothing then.” Diego got up from the couch. “It’s time to go.”

Hector grabbed Max by the arm as Max started to get up and said, “Is everything all right?”

We’re good,” he said. “I think we’re good.”

I know you are,” Hector confirmed. “Now put your tremendous ego away for a while and let’s get the boys.” They all laughed and we headed for the cars. Hector took his and we drove with Diego.

It was a long drive. When we finally got to the house, there was a shiny black BMW in the driveway. It had a giant red bow on the top of the car. “Happy birthday Max!” It was Max’s birthday tomorrow. Diego had bought him a car. I don’t know if it was out of guilt or out of love but Max got all teary eyed.

Diego, why?” We got out of the car and Max ran his hand over the outside of the car like it was a woman.

Hector jumped out of his car and did the same. “Diego… I want one, I want one…” Diego laughed.

Max walked over to Diego and hugged him. “Thank you, I can’t tell you what this means to me.”

I wanted to thank you.” He backed up a little. “It’s because of you that I am alive and filled with the Spirit. Thank you, brother.”

Oh, you two make me sick!” Hector said.

I think it’s sweet,” Elizabeth added. “That’s probably why they share so well.” Both Max and Diego gave her an unfavorable glare.

Well, it’s true,” she said. Hector hushed her and we all started bringing things into the house.

It was cold and damp inside. It almost smelled a little musty. The house was quite elegant. Not Diego and Max’s fortress by any stretch of the imagination but definitely roomy. We already moved the furniture in some time last year, so we just had clothes, food and other odds and ends. I went shopping while the boys and Elizabeth unpacked. I guessed we were putting her up, since Hector seemed to be rather attached to her but she soon put my mind at ease. “I’m going to check on my brothers,” she said. “I wouldn’t dream of staying here with all of you. There are enough people here.” Hector took her hand and looked sad. “I’ll stay with Rory and Sean,” she said. “If they are staying with Johnny, I’ll call you. I’m not staying in that dump with all those girls he brings around.”

He’s married now,” Max reminded her. “I think he’s still married.”

Divorced,” Diego added. “Word on the street, anyway.” Max shot him a suspicious look.

Don’t tell me how you know that,” Max said with a smile. “Some things are better left a secret.” Diego shot me a glance. I could see it out of the corner of my eye but I didn’t dare look.

Hector walked Elizabeth out and I unpacked the kitchen. Max came in and grabbed me from behind. “Do you want to break in the house or should I take care of Johnny now?”

I laughed. “I have to put the food away, daddy, go ahead and take care of business.”

I can’t take Diego,” he said. “So behave!” He said it in a teasing voice but I knew he was dead serious.

I’ll be good,” I promised. He walked out of the kitchen and said something in Spanish to Diego as he walked out the door. Diego came in and helped me unpack.

I’ve been officially warned,” he told me. I smiled. He helped me put the pantry in order and I watched him as I took care of the cold food. I poured him a glass of iced tea that I had just made and then I poured myself one. We sat at the table and he flashed those green eyes at me. “I wish you would let me touch you,” he said.

Cut it out, Romeo,” I answered. “It’s bad enough that I’m thinking about you when I definitely should not be thinking about you. You can not touch me like that.”

I knew it!” he blurted. “I knew you were thinking about me last night.”

Egomaniac!” I yelled.

Why last night?” he asked. “Was he doing something I used to do to you?”

Stop it!” I said. I could feel the beads of sweat form on my forehead. I got up and stuck my face in the freezer. He laughed. “Let’s talk about something else… please…”

It’s just hard for me to watch you with him.” He looked away.

What do you think is going on with John?” I asked in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

I think he went back to the life,” he said, making the transition pretty quickly. I sat back down. “It’s hard to walk away. The money…” He paused. “Well, just ask Max about the money.”

I know. He was grateful for the car,” I agreed.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Max didn’t take another job like that some day. Just for the cash.”

Oh no,” I said. “Not with two children and a crazy wife running around, forget it.”

He laughed. “I love you so much, Lilly. Just hearing you talk and seeing you smile. It makes my whole body feel alive.”

Thank you, Diego.” I smiled and looked away. “Try and look at me as your sister-in-law now.”

Max and Hector were back faster than we had expected.
glad I didn’t get caught with my hand in the cookie jar. “Back so soon?” I asked.

Disappointed?” he answered.

Max, why would you say something like that to me?” I wanted to smack him but Hector hit him in the back of the head for me.

He wasn’t home. But his brother’s were both there. They had no answers for us. With no probable cause just yet, there was nothing we could do.”

What’s the plan?” Diego asked. “Do you want me to go?”

BOOK: Easter's Lilly
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