Ecstasy (10 page)

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Authors: Bella Andre

BOOK: Ecstasy
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“Candy,” he groaned, wrapping his large hands on her ass, pulling her against his erection, grinding her against him.

She sank to the sandy floor and he descended with her, their lips and tongues still entwined in a sensuous dance.

“You didn’t actually think I was going to let that huge cock of yours go to waste, did you?” she asked him, mirth twinkling in her large brown eyes as she unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing penis.

Rolling him over onto his back, she crawled up on top of him, stroking the velvet skin on his hard-as-steel cock as she did so. He reached up under her skirt and roughly pulled the motorized thong from her hips. She moved her legs to help him get the panties off.

She licked her lips and with great concentration kneeled above his cock and guided it into her wet hole with her hand. He leaned up to kiss her and as their lips found each other, she began to ride him with a ferocity that was more than he could handle after already watching her explode twice in her seat at the restaurant.

Her tight, slick cunt sucked his cock so thoroughly he knew he was going to blow. Wanting to take her with him he slid his hand up under her skirt and pressed his thumb against her engorged clit.

Together, they fell into a gulf of intense pleasure, kissing each other frantically, thrashing heedlessly against each other as they climbed higher and higher on the soft sand floor of their private love shack.

Chapter Nine


After shaking his hand and saying, “Thank you for a wonderful lesson,” Candace got into her car and drove away.

Charlie stood in the parking lot and watched her leave. He was unaccountably disappointed. He had hoped that maybe they had progressed beyond the handshake. Hell, he'd thought they had progressed beyond a handshake the minute she started stripping off her clothes and he had pressed his tongue to her eager clit.

He ran his hands through his hair and walked out onto the beach, sitting down on an old log. He knew what was happening to him and it scared the shit out of him.

Good old Charlie Gibson, writer extraordinaire of erotic romance, who hadn’t had a serious girlfriend since his messy divorce five years earlier, was falling in love.

And he didn’t have a clue how to tell the object of his affection how he felt.

“So much for being good with dialogue,” he muttered into the wind and let the waves carry his words away.


* * *


Candace drove home from the restaurant Monday night still wearing the remote controlled thong, with the controls stashed neatly in her little purse along with her silk panties. A balloon of joy was swelling up inside of her chest.

Being with Charlie made her feel good. Okay, so being with him made her pussy feel incredibly good, but it was more than just the sexual rush she got whenever he was near her.

When she was with Charlie, she felt like the best of her was actually breaking out. The walls she had built up around her heart to protect herself from pain were falling, one by one, and even though she was frightened about what lay ahead, she wasn’t sorry that she had embarked on this crazy ride with Charlie.

My mentor
, she thought, and laughed wickedly, thinking about how upset Sheba, Queen of the Sluts, would be if she knew just how hot and hands-on Charlie’s version of mentoring actually was.

But in addition to all of the personal revelations Candace was having, she also felt more inspired to write than she ever had before. And as soon as she parked her car and let herself inside the door, she headed straight to her office and booted up her computer.

Pausing for just a moment to gather her thoughts, she began to type furiously, the words coming out as fast as a hard rain.


Jolene felt her innocence falling off of her in thick sheets. Every time she exploded in Zane’s arms, she changed just a little bit more. But still, twenty-one years of Catholic School training was hard to get rid of, no matter how powerful her orgasms were, no matter how much she loved the feel of his thick cock between her legs.

All day, she had been working with the local Catholic church, helping the choir get ready for their annual performance, and she couldn’t help but wonder if she had fallen in with the devil.

It wasn’t the first time this thought had occurred to her. Surrounded by all of the pure, untouched young girls and the solemn nun who was conducting the practice, Jolene felt dirty. As if she didn’t deserve to feel the way she felt when Zane was in the room with her.

No, it was worse than that. All she had to do was think about Zane, think about his full lips, the way his stubble scratched her breasts, the tender skin on the inside of her thighs, and her panties instantly got wet.

That kind of thing only happened to bad girls. And although Jolene had made a conscious decision to stray from the path of perfection, she wondered if she had strayed too far.

Now, as she stood in front of the door to “Piano Man”, she was tempted to turn and run as fast as she could back to the life she used to live.

The door flew open, and Zane’s large, muscular body filled the frame. “Why are you skulking around outside?” he asked irately. “You know I don’t like you hanging around by yourself in this neighborhood.”

Jolene scowled at him. It felt so good to give in to her natural emotions instead of always caging her responses in politeness.

“Ha! That’s a good one,” she replied in a snotty voice. “I’d like to know how anyone on the street is going to do anything worse to me than the things you’ve already made me do!”

His eyes narrowed at her sarcastic comment and roughly he grabbed her by the arm and hauled her inside. Pushing her up against the wall, he shoved one of his leather-clad thighs between her legs and pinned her arms up against the wall.

“Are you actually telling me that you think I
you grab my head so that you could rub your cunt all over my tongue?”

She whimpered as his hands tightened on her wrists. She was aware of the huge bulge in Zane’s tight leather pants pressing up against her hip, and she couldn’t believe how much she wanted him to unzip his pants and plunge into her until she couldn’t see or breathe or even speak.

“Do you expect me to believe that I
you so sensitive that the slightest touch of my tongue on your clit makes you scream? That I’m to blame because you are so hot and ready all the time all I have to do is slide into your pussy an inch and you lose control?”

The way he growled the questions at her, Jolene was almost afraid to respond. Frankly, she wasn’t sure what the right answer was anymore.

But before she could say anything, he cursed and shoved away from her. “I bought a present for you.”

Jolene’s face lit up and she started to move towards him, saying, “You did? Can I see what it is?” but the look he gave her was so fierce she instinctively backed up against the wall again, as if she could hide in between the studs that held the building up.

Rationally, she knew he would never hurt her—he was too gentle, too intent on giving her pleasure—but by the look in his eyes at the moment, she wasn’t sure she knew him at all.

He walked behind the bar and pulled out a plastic bag. “If I give this to you, do you promise to do exactly what I tell you to do?”

Jolene laughed and sassed back at him, “When have I not done exactly what you’ve told me to do, boss?” She felt like she was back on solid ground as she waited for him to give her the present.

He tossed the bag over the counter at her and she caught it right before it knocked over one of the tea-lights on a table. “Can I open it right now?”

He shook his head. “Go to the bathroom, and when you come back out to play, I want you to be wearing what’s in the bag.”

She cocked her head at him in confusion. “You bought me clothes? What’s wrong with what I have on?” she asked as she gestured to her sky blue cocktail dress.

“Nothing,” he replied, “as long as you have a thing for nuns.” He shook his head. “Just go. The bar’s about to open.”

As he turned back to getting the bar ready for the busy evening ahead, Jolene headed for the bathroom. Barely staving off her curiosity, she walked into the ladies room and locked the door behind her. Opening up the bag all she saw was an itty-bitty scrap of black fabric and wondered just what kind of game Zane was playing with her.

“He can’t actually expect me to put this on!” she exclaimed as she picked up what looked to be a pair of underwear. She had heard about thongs but had never worn a pair of them herself. They seemed much too slutty and besides, they didn’t seem the least bit comfortable.

She wondered what Zane would do if she didn’t put the thong on. “He’ll never know,” she whispered, but at the same time, she knew he never did anything without a reason, and the rapidly emerging bad-girl in her wondered what his reason was.

At the least, she knew he would make her feel incredibly good when the last customer had left for the night and it was just the two of them. She still blushed at the thought of how she had let him penetrate her with the mouth of a beer bottle the previous night. Not that it didn’t make her scream with joy, of course, it was just that the whole thing seemed a little crazy.

Jolene was pretty sure that being with a good girl like her was a new experience for Zane, even though she was getting to be more and more of an ex-good-girl with every night she spent at the “Piano Man”. By the looks of the women who threw themselves at him night after night

trashy hair, too-tight jeans, caked-on makeup

she figured the only reason he was with her was because she was a novelty.

If his reaction to finding out she was a virgin that first night was anything to go by, he was definitely in uncharted territory. After his release, she could have sworn he was about to apologize to her for taking advantage of her, but she couldn’t stand to hear him say he was sorry about the best thing that had ever happened to her, so she kissed him before he could say the words.

She refocused on the thong she was holding between her thumb and index finger. “What the heck,” she said. “If he wants me to wear a thong, I’ll wear a thong. And he’ll be the only person who knows.”

It was a little exciting, she thought, for him to know she was hardly wearing any underwear underneath her ankle-length dress.

She slipped off her white cotton panties and pulled the small slip of material up around her hips. It felt as if there was something firm tucked up around her vagina lips, and she shrugged, figuring all thongs came with plastic in the crotch, for extra support, perhaps?

She walked back into the bar and handed Zane the plastic bag. He opened it, and when he saw her white cotton underpants lying in the bottom of the bag, he smiled. Jolene headed for the piano to warm up, and when she sat down on the piano stool she was distinctly aware of a pressure against her clitoris.

She stole a glance at Zane, and wondered if this is what he had planned for her, but he was on the phone and didn’t so much as look at her.

Jolene smiled a small smile and felt the tips of her breasts tingling behind her white cotton bra. Now that she knew Zane wanted her to play piano all night for his customers with a solid reminder of what was to come later pressing against her already swollen flesh, it took a great deal of effort for her to concentrate on playing scales to warm up her fingers.

An hour later she was playing the chorus to Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”, which had just been requested by one of the regulars, when she felt something funny happening between her legs. She missed a note and then quickly covered with a vamp up the ivory keyboard to make it sound like she was playing Billy’s song wrong on purpose.

Then she felt it again, a quick jolt of energy pulsing against her clit. She looked up in confusion, but she didn’t lose her place in the song this time. Zane was standing behind the bar watching her carefully.

What the heck is wrong with these panties, she wondered as she played into the last rousing chorus of the song. Suddenly, the buzzing started up again between her thighs, but this time she knew that somehow, some way, Zane was manning the controls to her cunt.

As her nipples grew rock-hard and incredibly sensitive, as her clitoris grew engorged by the stimulation of the vibrating thong, she played louder and louder, faster and faster, hoping the booming piano would mask the whimpers that escaped her as wave upon wave of pleasure shook her to her very core.

When the orgasm had finished ripping through her and she played the final line of the song, she paused for a moment to catch her breath, staring unseeingly at the song sheets in front of her.

She now knew two things for sure.

Zane Michels was, indeed, the devil.

And she, Jolene Mackenzie, had most definitely strayed onto the path of evil.


Candace saved her document and looked up through the window of her office just as the sun was rising in the night sky. She slumped back against her chair feeling equal parts pride and remorse.

On the one hand, she was writing the best damn erotica of her life. On the other hand, with every page she wrote, she felt guiltier and guiltier about abusing Charlie’s trust. The problem was simple: She may have promised not to reveal the content of their lessons to anyone, but once the words started to come to her, she couldn’t stop herself.

It was just how she felt when she was with Charlie.

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