Ecstasy (5 page)

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Authors: Bella Andre

BOOK: Ecstasy
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Her words stopped altogether as she rounded the corner and stepped fully into the room.

She gasped. “This is amazing!”

Candace wanted to rub herself on all of the luxurious fabrics draped across and above the bed. She wanted to feel the rug under her toes. She wanted to wrap herself in rose petals.

Turning to Charlie, she said, “Did you do all this for me? For our lesson? You shouldn’t have gone to all the tr—”

He smiled at her and cut her protest off. “I really enjoyed creating this room. And now that I’ve seen the effects of if myself, I think I’m going to leave it as a nice surprise for my house guests. Although, I probably won’t see much of them ‘cause they’ll be so busy going at each other.”

Candace forced a laugh and started worrying in earnest as Charlie sat down on the chest at the foot of the bed and motioned for her to sit next to him.

“I think you need to take off your shoes and socks to fully appreciate this bedroom.”

She knew he was right and she was certain that he wasn’t the least bit interested in her, so she set her wine glass down on the mantle of the fireplace, then sat down next to him and removed her shoes and socks.

Playfully she said, “Should I take anything else off?”

Charlie’s eyes got wide for a moment and then he grinned wolfishly. “I suppose you’d better, otherwise, how are you going to write about the feel of the material brushing across your heroine’s skin?”

“Oh, do you really think I should?” Candace said, some panic creeping into her voice. But then, as she looked around the room at the candles and the fire and saw the velvet and silk beneath her, she decided, what the hell.

Not giving herself the chance to think, she pulled her v-neck sweater over her head, leaving only a skimpy tank top covering her torso.

“Okay,” she said impishly, vowing to let herself be carried away by the mood for once in her life. “I’m undressed.”

Charlie looked her up and down. “I’m not sure I’d call you undressed, but it’s certainly a start.”

Suddenly, something inside Candace clicked into place. Or broke down completely. She wasn’t sure which. But the new voice inside her was loud and clear.

She spoke quickly, before she lost her courage. Before she came to her senses. “Charlie, you know how we agreed that everything that went on during on mentoring sessions was going to be strictly professional?”

“Yeah?” he said, drawing out the word as a question.

“Well, it has just occurred to me that it’s one thing for me to appreciate this room as a writer.” She paused and then said, “But it’s another thing entirely for me to experience it as a woman.”

She saw Charlie’s Adam’s apple move in his throat and clenched her hands into tight fists at her side. She didn’t know how she was going to manage it exactly, but she wasn’t going to be a wimp and back down. Not here. Not now.

For the first time in her life, Candace was going to go for what she wanted. She reached for the button on her jeans and Charlie’s hand shot out to grab hers.

“What are you doing?”

She half-grinned at him, but she knew she was far too nervous for it to look like a smile. More like she was baring her teeth at him.

“I’m taking off my clothes.”

He blinked at her in confusion. “Oh.”

Candace tried not to let his utter non-reaction to the idea of her taking off her clothes bother her. She wasn’t here because he thought she was a sexy woman. She was here to learn about the art of erotic writing. And if she had to do it on her own, by god, she was doing it.

She stood up and unzipped her pants. As she lowered them to the ground, she looked up at Charlie, who was still sitting in stunned silence on the edge of the chest.

“The fact is, I
have never experienced the sensation of silk sliding against my skin. I’ve never lain naked in front of a roaring fire. I’ve never rubbed my nipples against satin.” She looked at him imploringly. “These are all things that I have to do or I’ll never be able to write about characters who know what these physical sensations feel like. Can you understand that?”

Charlie nodded.

She stood in front of him in her skimpy tank top, knowing her nipples were jutting out and she forced herself not to flinch, not to run, and not to cover up. She hooked her thumbs into the thin straps of her silk thong undies and said, in a soft but firm voice, “I won’t pressure you into joining me, Charlie. I’m sure this is all pretty old hat to you, but it’s all brand new to me. So I could sure use some help if you were willing to instruct me.” Lowering her eyelashes to cover her eyes, she licked her lips and then made eye contact with him again. “In a purely professional way, of course.”

“Whatever happens inside the classroom stays in the classroom?” he asked in a calm, detached voice.

A little shiver worked itself up Candace’s spine. Trying to sound as unaffected by her near-nakedness in an incredibly romantic room with the most potent man she’d ever met, she said, “You got it.”

In the blink of an eye, Charlie replaced her hands with his on the sides of her thong.

With a new gleam in his eyes he pulled her closer to him, so that her muff was mere inches from his mouth.

“Let the lessons begin.”

Chapter Five


Charlie hooked his thumbs under her panties and slowly pulled them down to her thighs. Her pussy was pink and so hot he could feel the heat emanating from it, practically scalding his face. Her auburn bush had been waxed and trimmed into a Brazilian style—mostly smooth and glistening skin with just the barest patch of hair in the middle. Her lips were plump and he was more glad than he could ever say that she had just given him permission to touch her, to taste her, to spread her legs wide open and plunge into her until he had quenched the sexual need that had ridden him hard from the moment he’d met her.

Pushing her panties down around her knees, he pushed her thighs apart and her lips separated slightly. He slipped the index finger on his right hand into her tight, dripping cunt a couple of inches. She moaned and wiggled her pussy against his finger, so he pushed it even further inside her until his palm was cupping her entire vulva and his thumb was covering her swollen clit.

He lifted his thumb and blew softly on the swollen flesh. Her vagina clenched around his finger, and he wondered just how close she was to coming. He blew on her clit again and slid his finger in an out of her pussy. Just as he had suspected, she was a powder keg waiting to explode. Sensitive to each spasm of her slick yet powerful pussy muscles around his index finger, he bent his head down an inch or two and barely touched the tip of his tongue to her firm, throbbing flesh.

She pressed against him, begging for a tongue fuck. Grasping the back of his head with her hands, she ground his face into her pussy, crushing herself against his lips and teeth.

Charlie knew what she wanted, even as she thrashed onto him. Slipping his middle finger into her pussy to join his index finger, he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her in a slow, steady rhythm. He gripped her firm, round ass in his left hand and pointed his tongue so that all she felt against her clit was the hard tip. As if he were typing the same letter over and over on a typewriter, as if she was the page he was making his mark on, he moved his tongue steadily up and down on her clit as she cried out with pleasure.

Finally, the pulsing of her muscles around his fingers slowed and Candace’s body went limp. The muscles in her back and butt cheeks tightened up as she tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t allow it. She might not have known what she was getting into when she made her “let’s get naked because we’re professionals” comment just minutes earlier, but now, whether she liked it or not, he would decide when they were finished.

After all, he was the teacher.

And she was the very promising new student.

Quickly, he put his arms around her trim waist and threw her onto the plush bedding, face down. As her body hit velvet, it was as if flowers rained from the sky. Several rose petals landed on her ass, thighs, and calves. Charlie moved to straddle her on the bed, blowing each of the rose petals off one by one until all that remained before him was her naked, creamy skin. With every breath, Candace whimpered her pleasure.

She started squirming, but when she tried to turn around, he quickly moved to straddle her, leaning over her back to cup her full breasts in his hands through her tank top. He whispered in her ear, “I’m going to take off your shirt now so that you can feel the velvet rubbing against your nipples.”

She stopped squirming and in a voice so quiet he could barely hear her she whispered, “Okay.”

Charlie sat back up with a leg on each side of her thighs, the huge bulge in his Levis pressing into the curve of her ass. He grinned as he slid his fingers underneath the hem of her tank top.

He liked hearing her quick agreement, liked running the show.

After years of women making him feel like he wasn’t worth their time due to his choice of profession, after years of women using him only for his huge bank account, Charlie savored the sensation of being in complete control of a woman’s body and soul.

Knowing he had already given her intense pleasure so quickly only served to up the ante.

Her breath quickened as he slowly rubbed his fingers underneath the hem of her shirt, along her rib cage. With infinite precision he dragged her cotton shirt up her ribs until it caught on her breasts, which were much larger than he had thought a week ago at the conference.

If someone had asked him to guess her cup size he would have confidently said she was a B-cup, given her small frame. But now, having held her globes in his hands, even only for a moment through her thin, damp cotton shirt, he knew himself for the fool he was.

Candace was definitely at D cup. At least.

Slipping his hands between the plush velvet coverlet and her shirt, he hooked his thumbs up under the hem of her shirt and tugged it up over her tits. As he pushed the shirt past her nipples and the tips of his fingers covered her tits, he heard her rapid intake of breath and almost came in his jeans. He was already breathing like he had run a marathon.

“Put your arms up,” he whispered into her ear and as she obeyed him he slid the tank top off of her body and threw it to the floor.

Candace turned her head to face him, but he already had a plan of action and was not going to let her deter him. Putting his hands on her rib cage, he lifted her torso slightly off of the bed so that her nipples were just barely touching the velvet.

“I’m going to rub your tits against the cover and I want you to focus all of your attention on how good it feels.”

She nodded, just barely, showing him she understood. He pressed his groin into her ass, which pressed her mound into the velvet. He separated her legs with one of his and her juices soaked through the denim covering his legs. Roughly, so she could feel the coarse fabric pull and tug against her tender lips, he moved his thigh up and down against her.

Tightening his hold on her ribcage, he lifted her torso up just high enough that her nipples floated just above the velvet cover. “Your breasts are the only thing in the world that matters, Candy. Forget about my thigh rubbing between you legs. Forget about how much you want to turn around wrap your legs around my waist.”

She groaned and tried to protest, so he squeezed her ribs tighter in his strong hands.

“Do as I say,” he said forcefully. “It’s for your own good.”

Candace’s body tensed underneath him for a split second before her hips started to buck wildly against his leg. She was coming again, convulsing helplessly against his leg. His mouth curved up into a steamy look of satisfaction as he drove his thigh against her pussy and gave her what she wanted.

The fierce rocking of her lower body blew dozens of rose petals off of the bed, into the air and onto the floor.

The mingled scents of her pleasure and the rose petals were a fragrance he knew he would never be able to forget.

But he still hadn’t forgotten his goal. Before they left the room, before lesson one had come to its incredible, unforgettable end, he wanted her to realize just how sensitive a woman’s breasts were, so that she could write powerful sex scenes in her books that left no part of the female body unexplored.

He almost laughed aloud as he realized what a poor job he was doing of fooling himself that he cared one whit about her writing skills at this moment as he lay over her, his fingers mere inches from her tits, his leg practically jammed up inside her cunt.

They could offer him the fuckin’ Pulitzer Prize right now and he wouldn’t care. Frankly, what he was doing in his guest bedroom—what he and Candace were doing together—had nothing to do with writing and everything to do with sex. And he wanted Candace to experience sex in its most heightened form. With him.

Still holding her rib cage in his large hands, he began to slide her torso ever so slightly back and forth, so just the tips of her breasts were rubbing up against the velvet fabric on the bed. He thought about turning her over and taking her tits into his mouth and sucking them, nipping them until she was crying out again, and he barely kept his own needs reined in. But what kind of teacher would he be if he changed the lesson plan mid-way just because his cock was about to explode in his pants?

He heard her whimper again and he knew she had fallen ever so slightly back down to earth from her explosive orgasm, so he leaned forward and whispered again in her ear, “You’re going to come again, sweetheart. Any minute now, you’re going to feel the way the velvet caresses your rock-hard nipples. You’re going to realize that your breasts are the center of everything.”

She started to say, “Charlie, I,” but he cut her off saying, “Shh. I don’t want you to talk to me. I want you to feel.”

He wrapped his left forearm around her waist, while still rocking her breasts gently side to side on the velvet comforter, and ran the fingers of his right hand down from the bottom of her rib cage, down along her flat stomach, which convulsed as he lightly touched her skin, to the top of her mound.

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