Ecstasy (2 page)

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Authors: Bella Andre

BOOK: Ecstasy
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Charlie wiped the shards of ice off of his face and chest, while the waitstaff openly laughed at him.

“That’s a first,” he muttered to himself as he stood up and headed for his car.

Usually his blind dates were satisfied with looking scandalized and making excuses about getting home early because the babysitter called with an emergency. At the very least, he had to give Sophie points for originality.

But no matter how he tried to frame the situation, he was sure of one thing: he wasn’t getting any closer to finding the woman of his dreams.

Chapter Two


Evan laid Sara against the silk sheets and stood back to admire the way the firelight danced off of her creamy skin. She was the sweetest girl in the world, and he’d been waiting years for this moment.

Sara’s cheeks were rosy and she nervously licked her pink, delicious mouth. “Are you going to take your clothes off too?” she asked him innocently.

Evan smiled and kneeled at the side of the bed between her legs. He didn’t want to frighten her any more than she already was, but he was having a hell of a time trying to rein in his passion.

It pleased him immeasurably to know that Sara was a virgin, and that she had been saving herself for him, for their wedding night. He had waited so long for this night, for her to finally grow up. Of course, even though he had spent the past several years walking away from their chaste kisses and straight into cold showers, he had been with his fair share of women. But he always knew, no matter how good the sex was with these other women, he was simply releasing pent-up steam and honing his skills for the one woman who really mattered.

“I am, sweetheart,” he said, stroking her hand lightly with his own. “But first I want you to experience deep pleasure.”

“Oh, I have Evan. Your kisses are incredible,” she sighed, trying to sit up so that she could kiss him again.

Getting up onto one knee, he leaned towards her and captured her mouth in a passionate, scintillating kiss. “Kissing is only the beginning,” he said, promise in his eyes.

Sara opened her mouth into a darling “o” and blushed prettily. “Should I be doing anything?” she asked hesitantly, and Evan was touched by how much she wanted to please him.

“Oh my darling,” he said, pushing his hands into her silky blond hair. “Just lay back against those pillows and I’ll do the rest.” Kissing her again lightly, he said, “And remember, there’s nothing to be afraid of, because I love you and this is how I want to show you my love.”

Sara followed his instructions and lay back against the pillows. He ran kisses down her neck and got caught up in worshiping her breasts.

He marveled at the sensual picture she presented. Her nipples were rosy and had formed into tight buds as he neared them. Even the swell of her breasts had a delicate pink flush, proving that she was as aroused as he was.

Cupping her breasts gently in his large hands, Evan ran his thumbs over her taut nipples and blew warm air across them. Sara gasped and he bent down to rain soft kisses all over the soft, sweet flesh, making sure he stayed away from the place she needed him to touch most. It wasn’t until she was writhing on the bed in torment that he took pity on her and slowly took one nipple into his mouth, swirling the nub with his tongue, tasting her on his lips.

At that moment, Sara arched her back into him, pushing her breast even more deeply into his mouth. He nearly lost control of himself, more ready than ever to rip his clothes off and mount her like a stallion. Pulling from a deeper well of control than he knew he possessed, he continued to give loving attention onto her other breast, making her moan with pleasure.

Moving lower, he nipped and kissed her flushed skin across her tight belly, while running his hands up and down her quivering thighs.

His attention was soon wholly focused on the soft, wet mound before him.

Her blond, curly pubic hair was wet with her juices, and her scent was intoxicating. He ran his open hand down her stomach. Lightly, he slid his finger between her lips and then slowly into her.

“Evan,” she moaned, her head thrashing back and forth on the bed.

“Oh baby,” he said, his voice thick with lust and emotion. “You have the sweetest pussy.”

He saw her eyes widen and slipped his finger back out, and stood up partway to kiss her again.

“You’re so beautiful. Am I making you feel good?”

Blushing again, Sara replied, “I’ve never felt like this before. Is it normal?”

Evan laughed softly and brushed the hair out of her eyes. “What we have is amazing, baby. Trust me and I’ll take you all the way to heaven.”

Sara swallowed, and then said, “I do trust you.”

Laying her back down, he knelt between her legs again. This time, he couldn’t help himself, and he leaned in and tasted her wetness with his tongue.

She nearly bucked off of the bed, and he held her thighs firmly with his hands to keep her pussy right where he wanted it.

He plunged his tongue into her several times before focusing on her swollen clitoris. Taking it into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around once, slowly. Then, taking the utmost care, he swirled it again. At a snail's pace, he teased her clit, savoring every moment of his fantasy becoming real.

Sara grabbed his head to push his face down harder into her mound and he knew she was on the verge of coming. He abruptly changed tactics and flicked her clit rapidly and firmly until she was crying out with joy, her spasms taking over her body for a long while.

Evan stood to remove his clothes as quickly as possible. He was greatly pleased when Sara pushed herself up into sitting position and began to rip off his clothes in haste. But once they had pulled off his slacks together and were taking off his boxers, she stilled.

Looking up at him, she said, “I’m afraid, Evan.”

Cupping her face in his hands, kissing her thoroughly, getting her used to her own sweet taste, he said, “I promise you, it will only hurt the first time. Only until you get used to having me inside of you.”

Sara nodded and slowly reached for the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down his hips with excruciating slowness. When his shaft sprang free she gasped.

“You’re so huge!” she exclaimed.

Evan chuckled softly, thrilled that she was so impressed with his cock. “And I’m all yours,” he said as he took her small, soft hand in his and wrapped it around his shaft.

“Mmmm,” Sara said. “You’re hot too.” She ran her hand up and down his length, getting used to the feel of him.

But Evan couldn’t take any more teasing, so he gently pushed her back into the silk sheets and leaned over her, careful not to put too much of his weight onto her. Placing the head of his cock between her pussy lips, he gently probed her wetness.

The way Sara was writhing underneath him made him want to ram into her without waiting even one more second, but he wanted her first time to be perfect, so he governed his lust. Pushing in no more than an inch, then two, he heard her swift intake of breath and felt the barrier that guarded her most precious gift.

Poised above her, gazing deeply into her eyes, he said, “I never want to hurt you again,” and then forced himself to push past her barrier, until he was practically touching her womb.

She cried out softly in pain, but within moments he knew her virgin’s muscles had adjusted to the feel of him as she began to rock her hips back and forth in an age-old rhythm of love.

Her body eagerly swallowed his cock and Evan lost all control, pumping hard and fast into her. Beneath him, Sara met every thrust and together they cried out in a magical simultaneous orgasm.

For Evan and Sara, their wedding night was the beginning of a lifetime of love, better than anything they could have ever conjured up in their dreams.


Candace finished reading the final words of her chapter and looked up at the faces of her new writing group expectantly. The silence was heavy in the library meeting room. She couldn’t miss the shocked expressions on the faces of her fellow writers.

Several people cleared their throats, and to get the ball rolling Candace said, “I’d love to get some feedback on the ending of my story. I just wrote it yesterday, so it feels pretty fresh to me.”

Sixty long, painful seconds ticked by before one of the older ladies spoke up. “Candace, I’m not sure about the, ahem, appropriateness of the passage you just read us.”

“The appropriateness? It’s erotica. I’d say a sex scene is pretty appropriate.” She searched the eyes of the other members of the group for some support, but found none.

Exasperated, she said, “I thought I made myself very clear with all of you before joining this group. I write erotica. Explicit romantic fiction. That means there’s sex in it. And you all said you were okay with it.”

Right as a man and woman excused themselves from the room, a forty-ish man spoke up. “I thought it was an excellent passage, Candace. You perfectly captured your hero’s deep feelings for the heroine.”

“Thank you,” Candace said, flashing a smile at him, but before she could feel better about her evening, an old biddy who had just contributed a story about her cat said, “I will not stand for such smut! I think we should take a vote right now. Who here wants to listen to this trashy porn?”

Only the middle-aged man half-raised his hand, giving Candace a sheepish grin, and she had the awful feeling that he was only voting for her because he thought she was easy.

Looking smug, the ringleader asked, “And who wants her to leave immediately?”

Everyone else raised their hands while their eyes shot daggers at her.

“Fine,” Candace said, calmly slipping her papers back into her leather satchel. Swinging it up onto her shoulder she stood and left the room without a backwards glance.

She was none too surprised when she heard footsteps behind her in the hallway and turned to see her one supporter hurrying to catch up with her.

“Candace,” he said, slightly out of breath. “I feel terrible about this.”

“I’m sure you do,” she said, a slight twinge of bitterness lacing her words.

“Even though this didn’t work out, I was hoping that, ah, maybe I could take you out for dinner next Saturday.”

Candace acted like she was considering his words carefully. Forcing a coy look onto her face she asked, “Is that all you want from me?”

Giving her a sleazy smile, he leaned in until she could smell his bad breath, and said, “I’m game for helping you try out some of your new scenes, any time you want.”

Candace worked hard to keep her hands firmly at her sides. He wasn’t the first guy she’d wanted to slap, and he wouldn’t be the last. From between gritted teeth she said, “I don’t know why every guy who meets me thinks all I want to do is fuck his brains out simply because I write erotica. Because I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last man on earth.”

Clearly upset by her slam, he looked her up and down and disdainfully said, “Then maybe you should stop begging for it, you slut,” then ran back down the hall to the meeting room, slamming the door behind him.

Standing in the hallway, stunned by her latest bad experience, Candace heard the distinct sounds of lovemaking coming from the women’s bathroom. A minute later, the two people who had left the room right after she read her chapter emerged, clothes in slight disarray, and sneaked back off towards the meeting room, thinking no one was the wiser.

Candace smiled momentarily. “I guess that means it was a good chapter,” she said. But then, falling despondent again over the difficulties of her new writing direction, she added, “At least some people are having a good night.”

Trying not to be too down about the events of the evening, she headed out for her car and another lonely night curled up on her couch with a paperback, where she could dream about having a perfect life, like the characters in her favorite books.

Chapter Three


Candace stood underneath the huge “Sensual Writer’s Conference” banner and took a deep breath. As soon as she walked through the double glass doors she would officially be entering into her new life. Instead of continuing to write young adult stories, where sex was never allowed to enter into the storyline, today she was officially going to make the jump into the world of erotica, where the only limit was how far a writer wanted to go. Practically nothing was forbidden.

Now, if she could just muster up the nerve to walk through those damn double doors.

She tried not to be too hard on herself. After all, anytime anyone made a career change they were bound to have some butterflies in their stomach. Unfortunately, what Candace was feeling went far beyond butterflies. More like huge ravens flying around inside of her, picking at her innards.

A middle-aged woman brushed past her and hurried inside the conference hall. Candace knew it was now or never—time to either bite the bullet and commit to doing the work she loved, or to wimp out by continuing to write the same old stories she’d been pumping out since college.

“If she can do it, I can do it,” Candace told herself firmly. She squared her shoulders, fluffed up her orange curls with one hand and set off for the door.

Candace was so focused on her goal, on making it past the threshold of her current comfort level, she didn’t see the attractive, muscular man who was just about to step through the doorway. They collided as Candace bumped into him in a particularly graceless way, the full-body impact knocking them both to the floor. Candace tried to catch her breath as she lay in a heap atop the stranger.

Absolutely mortified by her clumsiness, Candace scrambled to get up off the man, but not before she became aware of the firm muscles of his butt, back and shoulders rippling beneath her.

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