Edge of Chaos

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Authors: Brynn O'Connor

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Edge of Chaos
Sons of Chaos [1]
Brynn O'Connor
Hearts Collective (2013)

A Full-Length Bad Ass Biker Romance Novel - Standalone - Sons of Chaos Book #1

Luke Madsen loves women, he loves his bike, he loves his country, he loves his MC.

Kayla's too good for him, she's better than that lifestyle. She's sworn off bad boys and bikers forever and she won't go down that road again.

But when ex-Army Ranger and VP of the outlaw Suicide Kings MC ends up in her Emergency Room all bets are off.

His muscular physique, tolerance for pain, and bad ass attitude instantly break down every wall she ever put up. The tattoos inked on his back, arms, and chest tell the story of a truly ruthless and unforgiving life—especially the 130 red and black hash marks lining his biceps, each a shred of his blackened soul.

How could she fall for a criminal, an outlaw, a biker who's caught up in drugs, gangs, gun running, and murder?
Their chance meeting is only the beginning and falling for him is the worst mistake she'll ever make.


Sons of Chaos MC #1

by Brynn O'Connor


A Hearts Collective Production


Copyright © 2013 Hearts Collective

All rights reserved. This document may not be
reproduced in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. The
ideas, characters, and situations presented in this story are strictly
fictional and any unintentional likeness to real people or real situations is
completely coincidental.



Thank you all for reading, I'd like to dedicate this
book to my boys Diego and Ethan, and to my good friends Dan and Diane. Without
them this book would never have been written.



Other Books by Hearts Collective:

Broken Strings
by Brynn O'Connor

Fuel To The Fire
by Brynn O'Connor

Faster Harder
(Take Me...#1) by Colleen Masters

Faster Deeper
(Take Me...#2) by Colleen Masters

Faster Longer
(Take Me...#3) by Colleen Masters

Damaged But Not Broken
(New Adult Rockers) by W.H. Vega

Wounded But Not Scarred
(New Adult Rockers 2) by W.H. Vega

Falling Harder
(New Adult Romance) by W.H. Vega



One - Shootout at the OK Corral

Two - Back Home

Three - Hostage

Four - Suicide Kings Club House

Five - Running Guns

Six - Constant Chaos

Seven - Breakfast at Denny's, Lunch
At Lukes

Eight - Tough Love?

Nine - The Best Laid Plans

Ten - Betrayal

- Mexican Stand Off Suicide Kings Style

- Home Invasion

Thirteen - My White Knight Dresses in Black

Fourteen - You Can't Handle The Truth

- Kayla to the Rescue

- Breakdown

Seventeen - Doctor Feelgood

Eighteen - The Cold Harsh Reality

Nineteen - What Luke Does

- Blowback

Twenty-One - Aftermath

Part One Epilogue

Part Two Prologue

Twenty Two - Prelude to the Show

Twenty Three - Regrets

Twenty Four - The Show

Twenty Five - The Sons of Chaos

Twenty Six - Paying the Gardener

Twenty Seven - First Blood

Twenty Eight - The Aftermath

Twenty Nine - The Hit


Chapter One
Shootout at the OK


Kayla Underwood
does her level best to sink into the filthy, grimy hardwood floor of the OK
Corral, a local watering hole known to be popular with the motorcycle crowd.
Never in all of her twenty-six years would she have imagined she’d be pinned
down under a hail of gunfire as two rival outlaw biker clubs duke it out.

At least, she’s
safer now. When the shooting started, she'd been sitting at the bar nursing a
club soda. There were probably no more than ten other people in the whole establishment
when she'd walked in and sat down at the counter. When the first bullet had
whizzed by her shattering the mirror in front of her, she'd thought that some
angry drunk had thrown a shot glass. Fortunately for her, a quick-thinking
patron behind her had pulled her off that stool and down to the floor saving her

Getting to the
only safe area within reach meant she’d had to belly crawl over one of the bar’s
less fortunate patrons—she'll never forget the gruesome feel of the man’s warm
sticky blood as it soaked through her shirt and jeans.

From her vantage
point behind the bar, she has nothing to worry about now but falling glass and
the occasional shower of bourbon and vodka from the bottles overhead.

The noise is as
horrendously loud as it is disorienting, and covering her ears seems to do no
good at all. She has to fight the impulse to just stand up and run for the door
in blind panic. Being pinned down like this, unable to see what's happening, is
unbearable. She can hear shouts, but it’s impossible to make out any words
above the noise of battle.

Maybe it’s the
constant assault on her ears or just one more bourbon shower that does it for
her, but she can't stay crouched behind the bar any longer. Kayla crawls on all
fours to the end of the bar and crouches beneath the cash register as she tries
to catch her breath through panicked gasps for air.

During what seems
to be a lull in the gunfire, she crawls from around the protection of the bar
and comes face to face with a man about her own age. He's incredibly handsome,
in a rugged sort of way, with shoulder-length, dark hair, dark brown eyes and a
clear complexion. Under normal circumstances she may have mistaken him for a
normal guy, had it not been for the black gun in his hand.

Kayla freezes, unsure
if the man is also trying to escape, or if he's part of the ambush. He looks
back over his shoulder, then back at her. With his free hand, he motions for her
to get behind the bar again. In shock and detached from the fact that she could
be shot dead at any moment, Kayla instead pushes forward. The stranger quickly crawls
to block her as she tries to go around him. He looks her in the eye and yells
something but the words don't register past the ringing in her ears.

She opens her
mouth to object—and then it happens. Suddenly his face vanishes in a deep red
spray of blood, brain, and bits of white bone. Kayla is stunned, unable to
move, unable to process what has just happened. Then the taste of blood on her
tongue causes her stomach to rebel violently.

She has no idea
how long she stays there retching before she realizes the gunfire has ended again
and someone is kneeling down at her side.

“Are you hurt?” A
man asks.

Kayla straightens
up and sits back on her heels to take stock of her own body. She seems fine.
She looks around at the bullet-riddled bar, and at the paramedic kneeling next to
her, it appears she's the only survivor. Thankfully, he has the good sense to
put a white sheet over the young man lying dead next to her. Her stomach churns
at the sight of the bloodstained shroud. She can’t bear to be inside the bar
any longer, she has to get out, now.

Kayla starts to
stand and strong arms help her up. The smell of smoke hanging in the air and
the stench of blood violates her nose. She has to get some fresh air before the
dry heaves return. She allows the paramedic to help her outside and over to a
waiting ambulance. With his help, she sits down on the back bumper of the
rescue vehicle.

“Are you sure
you’re alright, Ma’am?” He asks again.

She can barely
hear him. “Sure, I’m fine, I think. Just got a little sick back there, that’s
all. I could use a drink if you’ve got some water.”

He disappears in
the back of his vehicle for a moment and returns with a bottle of water. Kayla
accepts it gratefully and takes a mouthful of the cold liquid. She rinses her
mouth with the first couple of sips and finishes the bottle in no time; even
though the foul taste of blood and vomit still hangs on her tongue and back of
her throat.

"Are you sure
you're okay ma'am?" The paramedic asks, looking sincerely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm
fine." She assures him. "Are there any other survivors?"

"I don't
think so, but my partner's inside looking for anyone who might be still

His radio crackles
and Kayla hears something unintelligible rumble out of the speaker. The
paramedic turns around and answers back.

"I'm gonna go
check something out, my partner may have found something, can I leave you here
for a moment?" He asks.


The paramedic
grabs his kit and jogs into the bar once again. Kayla decides to make a break
for her car before the police arrive and she’s cornered and asked a million
questions. Not that she has anything against the cops, but she needs to get
cleaned up and rest before her next 12-hour shift at Highland Hospital.

Besides, she
really didn’t see a thing.

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