Read Edge of Disaster Online

Authors: A. M. Hargrove

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #cookie429, #Extratorrents, #Kat, #General Fiction

Edge of Disaster (18 page)

BOOK: Edge of Disaster
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I gulped when I saw it. It was huge. I should have expected it to be, but seeing it sitting on my finger was quite a shock.  It was an odd cut diamond surrounded by pave diamonds that ran down the band. It was a real stunner.

“It’s an Asscher cut diamond. If you don’t like it, you can exchange it,” he quietly said.

“It’s perfect Pearce. But will you do me the honor of becoming my husband because I’m not sure I deserve someone like you.”

“I will and you do. You still didn’t answer me though.”

“Yes, I will be your wife. I would love nothing more.”

“Do you like the ring? Really Alexia, because it can go back if you don’t?”

Fuck! How could I not like this?

“Pearce, it’s amazing. It’s much more than I deserve.”

“Honey, I’d give you the world. You ought to know that by now.”

“I really love it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful ring ever. Now please kiss me before I cry.”

His kiss was thankfully interrupted by our next course of she crab soup...and it was probably a good thing, or I’d have had him stripped down to nothing by now. My hands itched to yank his pants off and rip his shirt open so I could run my hands all over his luscious body.

The dinner was delicious and by the time dessert was served, I wanted to take it home in a to go box. I was literally dripping in anticipation of what was in store next. I knew there was something because Pearce kept fingering my bracelet and every time he did, he’d lift his smoky grays and I’d shudder.

The drive home, even though it was only a half mile long, was pure torture. Pearce kept touching that bracelet, and then he’d slide his hand up my leg, but stop right before he’s get the that place that drove me crazy.

“You love to torture me, don’t you?”

He gave a throaty laugh but didn’t answer.

It was a balmy evening and by the time we hit the living area, he was half undressed. Strangely enough, I wasn’t. He kissed and touched me, but my clothes had been left intact.

He pulled me upstairs and I followed him and we continued to climb until we were out on the widow’s walk.  I don’t know when he had time to do it, but the whole roof was decorated with tiny lights, and they twinkled everywhere. He’d also brought up a bed and it was draped in sheer fabric, giving it a dream-like appearance.

“Oh my god. When did you do this?”

“I didn’t. I had someone do it while we were at dinner.”

“It’s lovely. It’s so perfect.” It was the most romantic thing I’d ever seen.

“Not nearly as lovely as you. Now, my future bride, I’d like to undress you, and then lay you down upon this bed where I intend to make wild, passionate love to you.”

“Wait. I need to say something first before things get out of hand between us.”

He gave me a questioning look as he tilted his head.

“You set me on fire Pearce Middleton and when you do, all coherent thought leaves my mind, so I want to say this to you beforehand. You are the greatest thing that ever could have happened to me. I never imagined loving someone could be like this. I want you to know I’m seeing Phil because when I agreed to marry you, I want to be as un-fucked up as I possibly can. You deserve that. And I suppose I do too. I’m going to do whatever it takes to get me there. And I’m going to do it for the right reasons. That means not just for you, but for me too.”


If I thought his smile was perfect before, well, there was no describing it now. You’d have thought I just handed him the keys to heaven.  Any maybe I did in his eyes.

He grabbed me and kissed me all the way to paradise and if I thought we’d had hot steamy sex before, well, Pearce Middleton put a whole new twist on it for me that night.







A month later, Terri had gone through two more surgeries and it looked like she was done. Justin had been in the O.R. both times observing and apparently had driven his partners insane. They’d threatened to oust him if he didn’t keep his mouth shut.  She’d ended up with all sorts of metal...pins and screws and God knows what else.

Justin was on the mend, but not fast enough for everyone. He was making everyone around him nuts. His partners had banned him from the office. They told him if he tried to come in, they would put a temporary restraining order on him. Pearce finally sent me in to give him another “Alexia” chat as he called it.

I went to his house one day around lunch and knocked on the door. I didn’t get an answer, so I tried the door, and it was unlocked so I let myself in. I walked in through the house, calling his name, but still didn’t get a response. I began to get worried. So I headed toward his bedroom. The door was closed, so I assumed he must have been sleeping.

I pushed open the door and was so shocked at what I was seeing, I couldn’t look away. It was like looking at that proverbial train wreck and being incapable of tearing your eyes away from the disaster.

Justin was in bed with not one, but two women. My brain couldn’t process what I was seeing.

I don’t know how long I stood there, but all of a sudden he looked at the doorway and our eyes locked.  My hand immediately flew to my mouth. I tried to run out, but I stumbled backwards and crashed into the wall behind me.

“Lexi, wait.”

Wait hell! Get me the fuck out of here.

I tried to get up but I couldn’t get my footing. My sandals kept sliding across the wooden floor.  I finally gave up and crawled away until I came to an area rug. Once I had some traction, I was able to stand, although I was shaking like a jackhammer trying to crack through concrete.


I screamed. He was right behind me and my heart was pounding so loudly I hadn’t even heard him.


“For what Justin? So you can tell me why you’re in bed with two women? I don’t really care to hear the reason for that and quite frankly it’s none of my fucking business.” I was screaming at him now.

“You don’t understand.”

“No, I don’t.”  I turned away from him. But wait. I did understand. I’d been there hadn’t I? And not that long ago. I heaved a heavy sigh. And then I faced him.  “That’s not exactly true. I do understand. Don’t do this Justin. I know where you are you have to stop. Please. Tell me something. Are you drinking?” I didn’t have to ask because I could smell it on him and it was only lunch time.

He just stared back at me. I did the only thing I knew to do. I hugged him. Hard. And then I told him to sit his ass down. I went back into his bedroom and I broke up the girl orgy taking place.

They fussed and hollered but they finally left. I put on a pot of coffee and made Justin drink a huge glass of ice water while it was brewing.

“When was the last time you ate?”


I went back to his bedroom, ripped off his sheets and threw them into the wash.  On my way back to the kitchen I asked him, “How many times?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah, you do.”


I went back into the kitchen and I called Phil and made an appointment for Justin. He booked him for six that night. Then I made him breakfast. A three egg cheese omelet with toast and grits.  He ate every bite...not because he wanted to either.

My boss needed to know I wouldn’t be back at work that afternoon, so I sent him a text, claiming I’d been hit with a stomach bug.

When the sheets were done, I threw them into the dryer and made Justin take a shower. He looked like shit on a shingle.  It was something my mom used to say and now I knew what it meant.

“Will you stay in here with me?”

“You don’t mind?”

“Shit Lexi, you’ve seen me naked and fucking, what else do I have left?”

I winced.  “Was that really necessary?” I was pissed.

“Sorry. I’m such a fuck!”

“Yeah, been there, done that too. Just don’t fuck with me Justin. I’m trying to help you avoid what I went through, but I won’t put up with you being vulgar or crass with me.”

“God, I’m so sorry.” He rubbed his scruffy face with his hands.

“Just get in the shower, okay?”

He stripped without modesty and bathed. I handed him a towel...not to be nice, but because I really didn’t care to see him naked, even if it didn’t bother him.

“Get dressed. We’re gonna have a chat.”

He finally showed up and I patted the seat next to me on the couch. 

“If you weren’t in this state, I’d never be sharing this with you. Only two other people know about this...Pearce and Terri. And honestly, I’m not sure how Pearce will feel when he finds out I’ve told you. But I want you to hear this so you don’t make the same mistakes I did...”

And so the story went down. I didn’t hold back anything. That afternoon, Justin Middleton learned the down, dirty and ugly about his soon to be sister-in-law. If I shocked him, he didn’t act like it. I cried, then he cried, then we both cried together. He apologized for doing what he did and I told him I wasn’t the one he needed to apologize to. He needed to apologize to himself, because that’s who he was hurting.

I told him he had an appointment with Phil at six. I didn’t give him an option of not going.

“You have too much to lose. You have a medical practice on the line here. You can’t be drinking like this. You have to deal and cope with this. Women and alcohol won’t solve the issues here. And, God forbid, you don’t want to end up on the road to drugs. I’m here for you Justin, but I will not watch you throw away your life.”

“You’re exactly right. I’ll go. You can even take me if you will.”

He wasn’t suggesting he was begging. “Of course I will. Let me call Pearce and let him know I’ll be late.”

“Thanks Lexi, I owe you. Can I ask you something?”


“What do I do about Terri?”

“That not for me to decide. But if you stay with her, she needs to know what’s been going on here. And I’m not the one that’s going to tell her.”

His face crumpled as I answered him.




Two weeks later I was at working, formulating another proposal for the Carolinas Healthcare System in Charlotte, which was a huge network of hospitals and physicians offices, when my manager called me into his office.

He sat me down and told me how pleased the company was with my progress so far and that they had decided to give me a promotion as Associate Director of Marketing.

“Huh?” I was dumbfounded.

He just smiled.  “Lexi, your performance has been nothing short of exceptional. We’ve been toying with this idea for well over a year, but never had good reason to actually make it happen until you came on board. What you’ve done for this division is astounding. We’ve gotten more business because of you and our numbers will hit an unprecedented level this year, and, well if I had it my way, I’d give you your own damn division. Your protocol for attaining new business is the model for all our divisions now, so we think it’s only fair that you receive the appropriate compensation. You are also getting a substantial pay increase and your own office. Come with me.”

I followed him in a daze. This was so unexpected that I didn’t think it was really happening. We stopped in front of an office that had my name and new title on it and I just laughed.

“Is this for real?” I asked.

“Yeah, but don’t think you’re getting off easy. Your work load has probably tripled, because now you’ll need to hire an assistant.”

He laughed at, I’m sure, the look on my face. I felt my eyes widen. “I don’t know the first thing about hiring people.”

“Lexi, that’s what we have a Human Resources department for.”

“Right,” I said nodding.

“Why don’t you take a break? I think there are some folks in the break room that would like to talk to you.”

I was so not expecting this, but I followed him down the hall to the break room.  Thinking there would be a handful of people in there, I was mortified to see the whole office crammed inside, with a big cake and balloons and party stuff all over.

I looked around the room, still not figuring this all out.

“It’s a celebration party,” Don, my manager said.

“Huh?” It still wasn’t sinking in.

“Lexi, we’re celebrating your promotion.”

“Oh wow!” I didn’t know what to say. My face instantly heated up and I felt the flush run from my head to my toes.

“Here’s to Lexi and her promotion. May her golden touch extend to her new position as Associate Director of Marketing.”

Everyone clapped and my face burned even hotter. Then I was surrounded by my coworkers as they congratulated me and patted me on the back. The cake was cut and pieces were passed around. Jokes started flying and everyone was having a grand time.

After a bit, I excused myself and headed to the restroom. On my way back to the party, I passed by a cubicle and I overheard two guys talking.

“Yeah, well, anything is possible when you’re marrying into the owner’s family.”

“No kidding, right.”

“We better treat her right ‘cause we’ll be working for her one day soon.”

“Hey, I wonder if there are any Middleton women looking for husbands.”

Then they both laughed. I couldn’t move. My brain was processing this information and I was trying to piece this puzzle together. What did Pearce and the Middleton’s have to do with MedSoft? I had to get to the bottom of this. I’d forgotten I’d been eavesdropping and didn’t realize the conversation had ceased altogether, but suddenly I was faced to face with the two culprits.

I’m not sure who was more shocked, them or me.  I didn’t dare speak, because I knew that would admit guilt.

“Lexi, how long have you been standing there?” Greg asked.

“Long enough,” I replied.

He looked at me, steady in the eyes, and said, “Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”

“Know what?” I asked, playing dumb.

“That the Middleton’s own MedSoft.”

And there it was. I had to get away from these two guys before my anger went haywire. Why hadn’t Pearce told me? He’d let me go on all these months and never mentioned it one single time.

“What does it matter?” I asked.

“Oh come on Lexi. Everyone here knows. They talk about it behind your back all the time.”

Something clicked in my mind at that statement. Everything I had done here, everything I had worked for, I truly believed I had done on my own. Maybe I hadn’t but dammit it all, I had worked my ass off here and no one was going to take credit for what I had done.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now. I’m the one that comes to work here every day and I work my butt off trying to make this company a success. If you have an issue with my work ethic or my results, then fine, you can bring it up to me and we can discuss it all you want.  But Greg, don’t you ever bring my relationship with Pearce into this office again because my personal life is none of your damn business. Are we clear on this?”

Greg was clearly taken aback by my stance as he answered, “Yeah, we are.”

“Do you have an issue with my work or my results?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then I don’t want to hear another word about this again.” I turned and walked back to the party with a brittle smile pasted on my face.

BOOK: Edge of Disaster
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