Edward (7 page)

Read Edward Online

Authors: Marcus LaGrone

Tags: #Furry, #Fiction

BOOK: Edward
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The evening came and went and soon Edward found himself
repeating the ritual of the previous morning.  While the Shukurae with their
pale blinkless eyes looked even more sincere this morning, Gillian  put on her best face and tried to act as if nothing
had happened.  Edward could tell it was wearing on her.  Tatiana, on
the other hand, mainly looked tired, and spent half the trip snuggled up to
Edward taking quick naps.  Maybe that was her great method of coping with
all the stress: just sleep it off.  Not much of a life, but not Edward's

When they arrived at the concert hall, there were already
Shukurae guards in the open, two on the ground and one on the opposite
roof.  Edward was pretty sure either Jake or Paul was up there too, but
the Shukurae were there to draw attention and remind the perpetrators that they
were serious.  Deadly serious.   

Tatiana leaned heavily on Edward as they left the
car.  He could tell she was both tired and scared.  Yesterday's
events had definitely rattled her cage and it was going to take some time for
her to recover.  Like the previous day, her presence and poise changed as
they worked their way closer.  But unlike the previous day, she continued
to hold onto Edward.  By the end she wasn't holding on to him so much by
weight, but as an escort.  Very formal.  She
was still a bit afraid, but was letting everyone know who and what was there to
protect her.  Edward held his head high.  Some might have felt like a
sack of meat at that point, a hired thug, there to catch a bullet or pound a
face.  But he knew he was far more than that.  He was a Highlander, a Silver and he had his charge.  Pity those that
crossed him.

“If we had an extra four weeks I'd put you out on the dance
floor with her.  That way you'd always be close,” joked Gillian.

“That is
a bad idea.  I can't do line
dances much less anything fancy,” replied Edward trying to roll with the mood.

“In four weeks Gillian could teach a mop to dance,” replied
Tatiana with a grin. 

Good!  That was her first smile all morning.  She
needed that.

“If I may be so bold to ask, Gillian, how did you come to
work with Tatiana?”

Gillian laughed, “Oh that will have to wait until dinner
and a glass of wine.  That is both complicated and embarrassing.”

“My dad had a thing going on with her after my mother
died,” interjected Tatiana with a sly grin.

Gillian rolled her eyes, “That's enough of that, dear.”

As they walked up the side set of stairs onto the stage,
Tatiana turned and bobbed politely to Edward before finally separating. 
She ran the rest of the way up onto stage, finally in full form smiling

“Wow!” remarked Alex over the comlink.  “I think I
could see her glow from over here!”

“She does have presence,” agreed Edward.

The rest of the dancers parted as she slinked across the
stage to the starting position for the opening number.  The rest of the
cast suddenly realized they were out of position and scrambled to their
places.  Without even a word from Gillian the entire cast launched into
action after four quick snaps from Tatiana and off went the rehearsal!  It
might have a train wreck later, but it started flawlessly.

Kadu nodded to Edward and quickly rejoined him.  “Did
Trevor have time to brief you on what happened back here after your rapid

“Nope.  Nothing bad I hope.”

“Interesting at the very least.  We found a series of video transponders watching
various parts of the concert hall.  We removed several and purposely
'missed' others.  They were high quality and well hidden.  Jake found
the first one.  Humans do seem to have sharp eyes.”

“Jake is exceptional, even for a human,” offered
Edward.  “So I take it, the plan is to try to exploit the ones that are
left and see if they give themselves away.  Risky but

“The interesting part is we are now doubling our efforts
scanning around the client’s apartment.  I do confess some surprise that
we haven't found any transponders of any type.”

“They may not have to.  They may just be piggybacking
off of the press and tabloid types.”

Edward was sure Kadu would have blinked if she could have,
“That is an excellent point.  I had not considered that: ad hoc, low risk
surveillance.  One merely has to tap into their feeds.  Brilliant.”

“Okay, that's one thing.  So what else is bothering you.”

Kadu flashed a toothy grin, “I guess we have served long
enough that you can read me.  I am beginning to suspect that there are two
different factions involved here: one amateur and one professional.”

“Pipe bombs to contract gunmen is
a bit of a jump, I agree.  But I take it we have no hard data.”

“Not at this point, however...”

“All units, we may have a problem,” chirped Trevor's voice over
the comlink.  “Sending an update using the black book. 
Only discuss in person or with black book encryption.”

Kadu connected her comlink to her text console, “Forensics
came back on the bullet that killed the bomber the other night.  It came from
a weapon that was
to be in the evidence locker at the police
station.  The weapon in question is missing.”  Kadu cleared her
throat, “This radically complicates the situation.”

“Is someone in the police involved in the bombings, or did
someone in the police find out what was going on and simply engage in vigilante

“No data.”  Kada sighed.  “Ultimately, this is
not your concern.”

“My concern is the girl on stage.”


Edward nodded to Kadu and went back to casing the stage. 
Back to learning every nook and cranny.  Learning
which side the ladder was on!  And which scaffolding could bear his weight
if push came to shove.  Motion sensors had been added underneath the
stage, much to his relief.  That was one rat’s nest he didn't want to have
to work.  Cameras.  They needed cameras as
well as motion sensors.  Mixed wavelength sensors, that area was just too

His ear perked up as he heard the fourth number kick
off.  He returned topside and watched the piece,
it was quite spectacular both in terms of the music and the dance work. 
The dancers weren't flawless, by any stretch, but at least they looked good
today.  Edward could see Gillian gritting her teeth at the front of the
stage, but she let the piece continue.  Apparently it was much better than
the previous day. 

After several tense minutes, the piece ended and
transitioned to a much slower piece.  Quite a change of pace, it gave the
dancers a chance to catch their breath, while Tatiana launched into the slow
moody piece of young lost love with Zoë beautifully filling out the piece on
piano.  The backup singers added a nice fill to the piece.  It was
very lovely, Edward found himself just standing there listening to the piece,
lost in the music.   All too soon, the piece ended and an upbeat
dance piece launched into its place.  Edward snapped out of his daze and
started casing the stage again as Kadu walked up to him.

“Fascinating.  You actually broke form to stop and listen to the
piece.”  Kadu said with a bit of a smile.

“I... I'm sorry Kadu,” stammered Edward.  “It won't
happen again.”

“I've known you for over a year.  This is the first
thing to ever break your concentration.  It is remarkable, not a problem.”

Edward forced a laugh, “Whatever you say, Kadu.”

Kadu patted Edward on the head and returned to the outer
seating.  That was odd.  She had never done that before.

An hour later they finished the first nonstop
rehearsal.  Gillian was both delighted and a nervous wreck.  
The cast was all exhausted.  Water, juice and various sports drinks were
quickly downed by everyone, musician and dancer alike.  Tatiana looked
thoroughly exhausted but elated at the same time.  Several back up dancers
hovered over her attending to her needs as she sat there catching her breath.

“Fifteen minutes people, and then we do it all
again!”  Yep, it was going to be a long day.



Save for a forty-five minute break for a catered lunch, that was the schedule: perform the entire show,
fifteen minute break, repeat.  By the time four o'clock rolled around
everyone, including Gillian was exhausted.  There was a definite funk to
the cast as showers were in order, but not present at the concert hall. 
That would have to wait until they got home.   Edward rejoined
Gillian as they waited on Tatiana to empty another large jug of water.

“Drink up girl, hydration is the most important aspect of
health at this point,” lectured Gillian.

“Meanwhile, ships ran aground today as the delta ran
dry...” joked Tatiana as she finished the jug.

Gillian hugged her warmly, “You did great today.  This
is a good cast, girl.  This is going to be your best concert series
yet.  Just you wait and see.”

Tatiana warmly returned the hug, “Anything you do turns to
gold.  Thank you for sticking with me.”

“Hush silly girl!  Let's get you back home and cleaned

Tatiana smiled as she grabbed Edwards arm, “So, we ready to

Edward smiled broadly back, “Yes indeed, 
but there will be a small detour on the way home.”

“Detour?” asked Gillian.

“Swapping out cars mid-point for the
newer one.  I think you'll find
the insides are more to your liking.”

“It could be a cardboard box right now if it only contained
a Bloody Mary,” joked Gillian.

“Well then, let's go ladies.”

Tatiana was still in 'star' mode as the trio threaded their
way to the back of the concert hall.  Alex and Meeka led the way some
distance out front while Kadu followed close behind.  It was a bit more
show of force than Tatiana really liked, but she didn't let it bother
her.  As they exited, their armored car was waiting for them.

“We'll go a ways and then swap vehicles, so go ahead and
get in,” said Edward as he opened the door.

Gillian quickly got in but Tatiana paused as she saw Zoë

“Zoë!  Your bike in the shop?” called Tatiana.

“Yes, Tatiana.  Won't be out until
tomorrow.  I was going to get a lift home with Tomish,”  Zoë replied.

“Would you like a lift with us?  They'll drop us off
first and then they can drop you off wherever you want.”

Zoë's face lit up, “Seriously?”

Tatiana smiled broadly, “By all means!  Come on!”

Zoë didn't need to be told twice.  She stuffed her
motorcycle armor back in her bag and quickly joined them in the back of the
armored car.

Edward was obviously agitated as soon as the door closed
and the car started moving.  “You guys are sitting ducks if Trevor is
right,” he called up to the Shukurae driver and guard.

“We have secondary provisions ready.  It is a
calculated risk we agree.”

“What is going on,” asked Gillian more than a little

“If we are lucky,” began Edward, “nothing.  But I
don't play to luck so we are stacking the deck.  Stand by....”

The car suddenly pulled into a side street and then into a
warehouse where another armored car was waiting with drivers at the ready.

“90 seconds,” barked the driver.

“Okay, ladies.  If we could all
very quickly
change to the new car it would be greatly appreciated.”

Gillian looked confused, Tatiana a little scared, Zoë a
little excited, but they all quickly made their way out of the car and into the
next.  Just as quick as they left, mannequins were placed in their old
seats, the doors slammed shut and first armored car launched back out onto the

The three ladies' confusion and fear was quickly
transformed as they enjoyed the leather and wood interior of the new armored
car.  Crisp chrome and a nice polish.  It
may be an armored brick, but the inside was an elegant brick!  

“I'm sorry ma'am, er… Gillian, the wet bar won't be
installed until late tonight,” offered Edward with a grin.

Gillian laughed and sat back in the seat, “Well, the change
was a bit cloak and dagger, but the results are very nice.  Very well done indeed.”

“This is nicer than my apartment!  Hey, so the other
car is bait or something?” asked Zoë with a broad grin.

“Possibly.  We aren't sure, but better safe than sorry,” replied
Edward.  “So if everyone is comfortable?”

They all nodded and the armored car headed back out onto
the street taking a different route.  A longer winding route, it was
easily going to add ten minutes to the return trip, but Edward was never one to
challenge Trevor on his hunches.  Even if he was wrong it was good
practice for the clients.

Tatiana and Gillian quickly launched into discussion over
where and what to eat.  Zoë seemed content to soak up the air conditioning
and watch the world scroll by while stretched out.  Edward,
meanwhile strained his ears to listen to the chatter on the open comms in the
front of the car.  Nothing.  Nothing was
good.  Trevor would be happy to be wrong.  Very
happy.  Then it happened:  the comms exploded with
chatter.  The other car had been attacked!

“Hit the lights, floor it!” barked Edward.  “Did they
get the magnetics installed on this thing?”

“Understood.  Magnetics online in fifteen seconds,” came the reply from the front.

“What happened?” came the uniform
question from the ladies.

Edward held up his hand to the ladies as he tapped his
comlink, “Trevor, do we have a corridor?”

“Confirmed.  All lights should be synchronized by the time you
hit the next corner.”

“Magnetics now at full.  Spaced armored extended.  Sealing windows,” came the voice from up front.

Everyone huddled toward the middle of the car as plates
extended over the windows encasing them in a dark box.

“Sorry ladies, but the other car was attacked.  
We aren't taking any chances.”

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