Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists (12 page)

BOOK: Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists
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by him turned her on, she had no doubt she’d be over his knee right at this moment. She shivered and pulled the blanket closer.

“You’re lucky he was too angry to smell your arousal.” Edwina’s

eyes flew open, and she gaped at Brian, her mouth working like a fish out of water. Words eluded her, but she managed a small smile when

he put two cups of steaming coffee on the low table in front of her and sat down beside her. He brushed a soft kiss against her temple. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

She managed a mumbled good morning as she reached for the

steaming caffeine boost. “He hates me.” The words were out before

she was really thinking clearly, and she cringed internally when Brian laughed.

“Nope, if he hated you, he wouldn’t want to spank your ass.”

He didn’t hate her? Why not? She’d certainly given him enough

reasons. It didn’t help that she was hopelessly attracted to him even though she didn’t want to be. Even now she could feel the empty ache

that Kieran and Jake had managed to fill for so brief a time yesterday.


Rachel Clark

She shook her head—hard. She was yearning for things she

couldn’t have. It wasn’t like her, and it was just one more thing to add to the list of things that pissed her off.

But it had felt so wonderful being held in their arms, being kissed,

being pleasured, being cherished.

Brian’s low chuckle pulled her out of her daydreams. “What’s so

funny?” she asked, trying not to pout like a sullen child and failing miserably.

“You are, Edwina. You say you don’t want a relationship with us,

but then your eyes darken with passion, and your body turns to liquid.

We can all smell your arousal.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she said, pulling the blanket over her head

feeling completely mortified. “That’s just sex. It has nothing to do

with my choices for the future.”

“So what are your choices for the future?”

“I choose to be warm.”

“Not a problem,” he said as he pulled her into his arms. She

snuggled closer. It didn’t matter how many blankets she had. She

never felt as warm as she did while being held by one of the brothers.

“What else?”

“I don’t know,” she said, feeling really stupid. She wanted more.

She just couldn’t remember it when Brian held her so tightly or when

memories of the way Jake and Kieran had made love to her yesterday

were so close to the surface.

“So the whole seven husbands thing isn’t freaking you out?”

“Why would it freak me out? I have no intention of being your

sweet little wife.” She almost managed to say the words with real

meaning, but then her body betrayed her, and ideas on how seven

husbands could bring her pleasure pulsed through her brain. She

wriggled as she felt her juices dampen the crotch of her oversized,

borrowed pants. She gave Brian a threatening look, but he merely

smiled knowingly and sipped on his coffee.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


Geez, the way her body was reacting she’d fall into bed with all

seven of them with the slightest provocation. Fuck, maybe she really

was a slut.

“Breakfast is ready,” Jake called from the dining area. The cabin

was quite small, so it wasn’t really necessary to shout, but it did give her a good excuse to concentrate on something other than Brian’s

reactions. Unfortunately, it also meant she didn’t see him turn to lift her into his arms until he actually did it. She thought about fussing but decided it was far nicer not to have to put her feet on the icy tiles. She wore several layers of socks, but without shoes it didn’t really stop the cold floor from seeping through.

He sat her at the table, helped to untangle her hands from the

blanket, and took the seat beside her. Gary came into the room

wearing his customary arrogant smirk. Kieran managed not to scowl

as he took the seat opposite her. Together the five of them ate in


It wasn’t a comfortable silence. It was wrought with tension and

unspoken words, and by the time Edwina had choked down a piece of

bacon and a bite of toast, she was ready to scream. She was on the

verge of saying something—anything—when the front door burst


All four men were on their feet in an instant.


Rachel Clark

Chapter Seven

Despite everything that had happened in the last couple of days,

Edwina hadn’t really been expecting a yeti—a very aroused yeti—to

come storming through the door.

It grunted a noise that sounded like the word “mate” and then

headed straight for her. Fear froze her to the spot, and the four men around her bristled in anger, ready to defend her. But as the furry

giant got closer she realized who it was. Calvin looked hell-bent on

getting to her, and as ridiculous as it sounded, she found the sight incredibly arousing.

Gary chuckled and stood back to let the yeti through. As Calvin

grabbed her and draped her over his shoulder like a rag doll, she gave Kieran, Brian, and Jake a startled glare, but they all seemed willing to let Calvin take her.

She let her head rest against his fur covered back as a large hand

rubbed her ass. The sound of purring finally reached her ears, and she realized that whatever Calvin had in mind, it would appear that

hurting her wasn’t in the plan. She also instinctively knew that his

brothers wouldn’t have let Calvin take her if they’d thought she was

in danger.

In the bedroom Calvin lowered her to the bed, unwrapped her

from the blanket with more enthusiasm than finesse, and then dragged

her too-big clothes off without undoing snaps or buttons. Completely

naked, she shivered in the cold room and wondered what the hell was

going to happen next. She’d missed Calvin more than she was willing

to admit, and there was no way she would deny him in her bed, but

she wasn’t really sure about the whole yeti thing.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


He grabbed her, flipped her onto her stomach, pulled her thighs

wide as he dragged her to the edge of the bed. She could feel her

arousal grow and knew she was about to be well and truly fucked.

“Change back,” she said on a soft cry, squirming in his hold. It

wasn’t that she was afraid. She just wasn’t sure she was ready for yeti sex. He grunted, sounding confused for a moment, and she managed

to glance over her shoulder and see his face.

“Calvin,” she said more forcefully, “change back, and then make

love to me.”

Slowly the fur receded and Calvin stood there holding her ass in

the air, but at least he was in human form. “I’m sorry,” he said,

shaking his head as he lowered her to the bed. “I didn’t mean to

frighten you. I just…” He ran a shaking hand through the close-

cropped hair on his head. “It’s just that our sense of smell is

heightened in yeti form.”

She rolled over and held her arms open for him. He lowered

carefully onto the bed beside her and pulled her close as she shivered from the cold. She welcomed his kiss, his tongue delving into her

mouth, stroking her lips as his hands roamed over her warming flesh.

“I need you,” he whispered as his hand found her breast and

played with the hardened nipple.

She nodded. “I need you, too.”

He smiled with obvious relief as his hand dipped lower, his

fingers tangling in the curls covering her clit. He dropped his head to her breast, suckling the cold flesh as he pushed a thick finger into her dripping pussy. She lifted off the bed, moaning as her need for him


“Sorry, honey,” he said as he climbed on top of her and pushed

her thighs wide with his knees. “I’m too close.” She nodded, keen to

feel him inside her, preparing herself for a hard, deep thrust. But he surprised her, pushing his cock in slowly inch by inch. She groaned at the glacial pace and sighed with relief when he was finally fully

seated. He held still for a moment, and she wriggled in protest. A

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broad smile covered his face as he pulled out just as slowly, but

slammed back in hard enough to steal her breath. Again he pulled out

slowly, again he slammed back in. He wrapped his arms under her

knees, lifting her higher, pulling her legs wider, thrusting deeper.

“Play with your clit,” he ordered. She looked at him wide-eyed,

embarrassment burning over every inch of skin as she decided what to

do. “Now!” His grunted word was punctuated with a very hard, deep

thrust, and she could do nothing but obey. She pushed her fingers

between the swollen flesh that protected her clit, and rubbed the sensitive nub.

Calvin pulled her almost violently to him, grinding his pelvis

against her, stuffing her so full of cock that she could barely breath.

She whimpered as she felt her orgasm near, shaking as Calvin

branded her with his need. Every muscle vibrated as he pounded into

her again and again and again. She screamed as her orgasm hit, and he increased the pace, fucking her like a wild man.

Her pussy convulsed around his cock, her swollen tissues

dragging against the hard, pulsing erection as he filled her with his cum. He groaned and slammed into her one more time before falling

onto her prone body, pressing her against the mattress, imprinting her with his shape. She panted, trying to drag air into her burning lungs, unable to explain even to herself how she’d just had the most

incredible climax in the missionary position.

After a moment Calvin rolled onto his back, taking her with him.

He grabbed the blanket that hung half off the bed and placed it over

her as he kissed her lips gently.

“That was incredible.”

She nodded her agreement, still unable to speak. Her muscles felt

like they were made from jelly.

“They haven’t claimed you,” Calvin said as he brushed the hair

away from her face.


Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


“I can smell Kieran and Jake on you, but neither of them claimed


“I don’t understand. We had sex if that’s what you mean.” She

tried to sit up, but he held her pressed against him.

“It doesn’t matter now,” he said. “Sleep. We’ll talk about it later.”

* * * *

Calvin lay on the bed, holding his mate close to his heart.

He’d almost claimed her. If she hadn’t insisted that he change

back to human form, he would’ve done so. Even with his heightened

sense of smell, he’d almost missed the fact that his brothers had made love to her but hadn’t claimed her.

He didn’t understand what was going on. It was clear from the

way his brothers had reacted when he came into the cabin that they

cared deeply for Edwina. They hadn’t just reacted like men protecting someone weaker than them. They’d acted like yetis protecting their


And Edwina had welcomed him into her body without holding

anything back. If his brothers didn’t intend to claim her as their mate, why were they having sex with her?

“Calvin,” Edwina said quietly, “can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, honey, anything.” He stroked his hand up and down her

spine trying to soothe his own confusion as well as relax her.

“Why didn’t I feel like this back at the Mawson base?” She

levered herself up, so she could look into his eyes. “I mean, we

worked at the same place for months, but I barely noticed you.”

He chuckled quietly at her honesty. It didn’t do a man’s ego any

good to hear something like that, but at least she was trying to

understand the undeniable attraction between them now.

“I don’t know. Maybe you didn’t notice me until you met my

brothers. How much do you know about us?” Probably a little late to

be asking the whole
Do you know I’m a yeti
question, but he hadn’t

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spoken to his brothers since he’d headed out of the Mawson base two

days ago.

“Not much,” she said quietly. “The whole package deal thing was

a bit surprising.”

He smiled at her description of their lifestyle. “So you know that

all of the brothers mate with the same woman. Do you know why?”

“Only that there aren’t any female yetis, but it doesn’t explain

why you can’t have a wife each. I mean, human women aren’t exactly


“True, but in yeti society females are cherished and protected. She

nurtures and protects the children. We protect her.” She wrinkled her nose at that, and he could almost hear the thoughts running through

her brain. Perhaps Edwina was confusing protection with control. “It

has been the way of our people for generations. All of the brothers in each family are attracted to one female. We don’t know why. To be

honest my brothers and I didn’t even believe it. There are seven of us with different personalities, different likes and dislikes, different ideas—trust me when I say that we never expected to find you.”

She shook her head and then dropped forward to rest on his chest

once more.

“Don’t be so sure,” she said, sounding sad. “Kieran might want

me, but he doesn’t actually like me.” Calvin held still, listening to the hurt in her voice and noticing the words that weren’t actually said.

She hadn’t said she didn’t like Kieran, only that she thought he didn’t like her. “And Gary seems to go out of his way to annoy me. The first day I was here he told me I belonged to the seven of you. Belonged!

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