Eighth Fire (31 page)

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Authors: Gene Curtis

Tags: #gene curtis action adventure time travel harry potter magic sword sorcery

BOOK: Eighth Fire
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“I don’t want this to go to your head,” LeOmi
leaned forward on her elbows. “You have even inspired me. Face it,
you’re a wimp; and if a wimp can face the things that you have and
survive, how can I not face those same things? How can I not be by
your side?”

Mark felt his eyes welling, “But I have no idea
about what’s next, other than another one of Jamal’s hamburgers.
They were incredibly good.”

Everyone chuckled and Jamal said, “The secret is
using a sprinkle of celery salt on the beef and the cheeses

James said, “Jamal, your hamburgers are
unbelievably good, but he was just breaking the emotional

“I know,” answered Jamal. “I was just trying to
help. Besides, cooking is my passion. Nothing brings people
together like a good meal.”

Mark resumed, “I called you all into this dream
so I could get some idea on what direction we should be going in.
The only thing I can think of is we need to identify Benrah, figure
out where he is and what he’s doing.”

James said, “I thought you already knew. Slone
is Benrah. His name is an anagram for ‘son of evil’.”

Cap’n Ben sounded incredulous, “That’s not
possible. Benrah was supposed to have been born seven years ago
according to the prophecies about him. Slone’s way too old and, are
you kidding, Benrah at The Seventh Mountain? Give me a break.”

“That is interesting about his name, but I have
to agree with Cap’n Ben.” Chenoa turned toward Mark. “I also think
we should be trying to figure out who he is and what he’s

Mark shook his head, “That sounds right in my
head, but deep down I just don’t know. I just pray that God will
give me direction. I don’t want to mess this up from the

A figure started walking toward them from the
direction of the kitchen. The person had a golden glow about him
and was pushing a serving cart laden with full plates, pitchers of
drinks and tumblers. As he got nearer he called, “Hi, Mark.”

Everyone looked at Mark and someone whispered,
“Who’s that?”

Mark glanced around to see who had asked and
they were all staring at him. He turned back to the newcomer as he
pushed the cart up to the table.

The man said, “Mark will tell you who I am, but
in the meantime I’ve got eight hamburgers here, two each of pimento
cheese, bleu cheese, extremely sharp cheddar sauce and Romano-Asian
peppercorn sauce; all very good. Help yourselves, and there’s
lemonade, sweet tea and Ethiopian coffee.”

Everyone sat in silence still staring at Mark.
He took the hint. “Everyone, this is Archangel Raphael. Mrs.
Shadowitz believes he’s a bit of a prankster. He told me something
that helped a lot in the cave, but what he told me has to be kept
secret, so please don’t ask about it. I don’t think he’s a
prankster.” He turned to Raphael, “Why are you here?”

“What do you mean, why are you here? You just
asked God for help so He sent me and here I am.”

“You’re here to tell us what we should be

“The burgers are getting cold. You all might
want to get one before they do.” He sat the plates and drinks on
the table and then sat down himself. He pulled a Romano-Asian
peppercorn one over to himself, said, “Thank you, Father. It’s been
a long time,” and took a big bite. After everyone was reseated he
said, “Mark, you know I can’t just say right out, ‘do this or don’t
do that’. What I can do is tell you that one of you here, now,
knows what needs to be done next. Your heart may want to rebel
against this because you believe other things are more urgent. If
you don’t now, you soon will. Harken to God’s voice when He speaks
to you and when He speaks to your friends. Do this and you will
stay on the right path.”

He turned to Jamal, “Excellent recipes my man.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had anything to eat that was
this good. In fact, it’s been a very long time since I’ve had
anything to eat at all. You see, we don’t eat except in dreams.” He
chuckled. “Now don’t go around telling everyone that your burgers
are food for angels. In fact, don’t tell anyone. That goes for all
of you. This meeting is to remain a secret. The only time you can
even discuss the things here tonight is between yourselves in a
closed dream meeting like this one. Everyone nod your

Everyone did.

“Very good then. Mark, let me hold the

Mark handed him the staff.

“As Joel can attest, the power of the staff only
lends itself to Mark’s touch. And yes, the staff has powers beyond
opening the doors in the labyrinths. These powers Mark will
discover in due course. Only he can wield these powers, however,
the staff conceals other things.” He handed the bottom of the staff
toward Mark. “Remove it.”

“But you said to keep it secret.”

“I told you to keep it secret, and you have. I’m
the one making the decision to show them. I know you can trust
these few with all you know and all you will discover. They have
all agreed to keep everything seen here secret.”

Mark pulled the sword from the bottom of the
staff and held it so everyone could see it.

Raphael continued, “This sword will cleave
anything it touches by using no more force than the weight of a
gnat. It will work in anyone’s hand once he has it, but Mark is the
only one that can draw it from the staff.

“Over the course of the next few years some of
the rest of you will recover things from the past that is critical
to this quest. Each of you will serve your destiny with
distinction. Trust each other and you’ll do well.”

James asked, “Is Slone Benrah?”

Raphael shook his head slightly, “You will
discover the truth of Benrah in due course. Everyone will. Be

“I’ve been ordered by the Council of Elders to
keep something secret.”

“Ah, yes Nick, you have, and you should, so I’ll
tell. What he’s referring to is his discovery of a working model
time machine. His engineering team is working on creating a full
scale one now.”

Mark shifted in his seat and looked a little

Raphael said, “Yes it was, Mark. Shall I

Mark nodded.

“Mark was ordered to keep another secret too,
and he’s done well. There was found in the labyrinth of The First
Mountain a large object, as large as a concrete truck, covered with
a tarp, a note sealed with Nick’s signet and a cryptic note written
by Mark. The note revealed a traitor in their midst so Mr.
Diefenderfer ordered it not be examined and that everyone should
keep its discovery secret. The traitor revealed the information to
the enemy camp as soon as possible, but Mr. Diefenderfer expected
that would happen. They have no idea what it is, but they realize
it is significant to our side. Another place of concealment is
being searched for. I expect The Elders will ask for Mark and the
staff sometime soon.”

Cap’n Ben asked, “Can’t he just look under the

“How’s he going to know what it is? And even if
he does figure it out, what’s he going to do about it?”

Nick said, “I’ve seen evidence that it will
remain unharmed.”

“The actual thing that I was pointing out is
that Mark keeps secrets very well.” Raphael stood. “Trust each
other and listen for God’s voice. You’ll know what to do when the
time comes.” The figure of the archangel faded to nothing.

Everyone sat in silence until Cap’n Ben pulled
an old ragged cloth from Aaron’s Grasp and sat it on the table in
front of him. “The Council of Elders believes this is Elijah’s
Mantle. The only thing I have found out about it is that it allows
me to move forward or backwards in time by about 40 minutes, only
40 minutes, nothing more or less...and it only works for that once
a day.”

“That makes sense, 10 degrees of sun movement is
40 minutes. Chenoa reached for the old garment. “It was used to
part a river once and I think Elisha, the next person to wear it,
preformed 12 recorded miracles.” She stood and spread the garment
between her hands to examine it.

LeOmi produced a piece of paper and read, “In
the last days I shall bring forth my staves. Even the staff called
Beauty and the staff called Bands, and they that bear them shall
hearken to my voice. My shepherds shall witness against the seven
headed beast and his followers, to all peoples who dwell in the
seven continents, and all peoples that dwell in the seven seas.

“I think I’m the one that knows what we’re
supposed to do next, at least Mark and me. Mark has the staff named
Bands. I’m supposed to have the staff called Beauty. They’re a
pair. They both have special powers, but together they have powers
completely different from either alone. My dreams show me that Mark
and I are supposed to go find it and I have no idea where it might
be.” She looked at Mark.

“I don’t have a clue either, but like Raphael
said, we’ll know when the time comes.”


Hiding It

Shana was waiting for Mark when he arrived at
The Oasis for breakfast. She already has his usual steak and eggs
waiting for him which could mean only one thing. Someone in
authority wanted him to hurry up and finish breakfast so he could
do something else. Raphael had said they’d want him and the staff

“Let me guess, Mr. Diefenderfer is waiting to
take me somewhere?”

“How’d you guess?”

Mark cut a piece off of the steak. “I dreamt it.
They need to get into the labyrinth at The First Mountain.”

“Nick’s going too and so is Mr. Young.”

If that was supposed to make him feel any
better, it didn’t. He was looking forward to a leisurely breakfast
with his friends and wondered where they were. “They should be here
by now.”

“They were here two hours ago; you’re the one
that’s late.”

“You mean it’s nine o’clock?”

“It’s nine thirty.”

“How do you do that?”

“What, tell time?”

Mark shoved a fork full of scrambled egg into
his mouth and nodded.

“Tim, ah, Mr. Fairbanks didn’t tell you about
the sundial, did he?”

“There’s a sundial?”

Shana pointed to a small opening on the outside
wall that he had never noticed before. “See that little window?
There’s a clear crystal set on that wall so that it catches the
sunlight and focuses it. It shines a small bright circle of light
on that wall.” She pointed to the opposite wall. “On that wall you
can see a pattern of arcs with hash marks. It’s a fancy sundial
that shows time, day and month.

“What time did Mr. Diefenderfer want to

“As soon as you’re ready. Oh yeah, Nick said you
were supposed to have received a crystal when you went into the

“I received an eagle feather and a flint knife.
I found the power source and an old butane lighter.” A sudden
realization dawned on him. He realized he needed to keep from
transmitting his thoughts. “Wait, the knife had a crystal handle
inlaid with silver and turquoise. Could that be it?”

“I don’t know, but Nick said to bring the
crystal with you.”

“I’ll go get it. Where am I supposed to meet

“Front steps. I’ll let them know you’re



Nick, Mr. Diefenderfer and Mr. Young were
waiting when Mark arrived. Mark held out the knife, “Is this the

Nick took it and looked it over. “I don’t know.
It looks like it could be, but I haven’t made it yet.” He put the
knife into Aaron’s Grasp.

Mark didn’t question that since Nick was working
on a time machine and it was obvious that he would succeed sometime
in the future. The crystal must be something he knows he’s planning
to implement.

Mr. Diefenderfer held out his elbows. Mark and
Nick grabbed hold and almost instantly they were facing The First
Mountain’s main entrance. No one was there to meet them. They began
walking in.

Mr. Young asked Nick, “Are you sure you’re ready
for this?”

“It has to be done and Mark and I together are
the only ones that can do it.”

Mr. Diefenderfer explained to Mark, “The machine
is...too large...to fit through...the door. Nick will need...to
pilot it...with us aboard...in order...to remove it...from the
labyrinth...that it may...be re-hidden...in the...selected

“But Nick hasn’t built it yet. How can he know
how to pilot it?”

“I know the operating principles and I know how
I plan to build it once the kinks are worked out.”

“What’s the rush?”

Mr. Young answered, “We’re getting reliable
reports that the Neo-Phylum are planning a raid to capture
something from our side that will take many strong people to carry.
We’re taking measures on the few things that could involve. This is
one of them.”

They reached the mountain’s artifact museum
where Head Elder Habeas Grob was waiting. He greeted them, “Ah,
AlHufus, Joseph, Mark, it is good to see you again.” He pointed to
Nick, “And this must be the young Magi you have told me so much
about. It is good to meet you Mr. Poparov.”

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