Read Electric Heat Online

Authors: Stacey Brutger

Tags: #alpha, #Fantasy - Contemporary, #stacey brutger, #A Raven Investigation Novel, #Brutger, #Urban, #paranormal romance, #Magic, #heat, #Prime, #werewolves, #Electric Heat, #Fantasy, #Raven, #Durant, #Fantasy fiction, #Witches, #Female assassins, #Ancient Magic, #Conduit, #action adventure, #Jackson, #Wild Magic, #Contemporary, #Kick-Ass Heroine, #Electric, #Electricity, #slave, #Paranormal, #Brutger Stacey, #Taggert, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Wolves, #urban fantasy, #Wizards

Electric Heat (33 page)

BOOK: Electric Heat
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“Whaaat?” The last thing she wanted was to be a leader, not with
the rise of her creature.

“You brought together a bunch of outcasts, something that
should be impossible. They believe in one thing absolutely—you—and it’s made
you all stronger. Nothing can prevent what’s coming, but your group might be
able to salvage what’s left before we’re wiped out.”

Raven was already shaking her head when Dominic spoke. “We
need to stop them before war erupts.”

“How?” Knowing someone had a plan that didn’t involve her
leading a war, allowed her panic to recede to a manageable level. She was
desperate enough to latch onto even the most far-fetched idea.

“By finding them first.” Dominic’s expression shut down as
he stared at her. “We both know the people who want us dead. They have plenty
of money, power, and the knowledge to win this war.”

He was talking about the labs.

Unable to meet his eyes and see the horrors reflected there,
she looked away.

The men exchanged glances and fell silent, a guy thing that
never boded well for a woman. “What?”

“It’s too dangerous for you to be home right now, especially
if we’re going after the labs. You need to leave until things cool down.”
Rylan’s spoke without inflection, but hatred for the labs burned in his
obsidian eyes, a lust for vengeance that wouldn’t be quenched without

His quest for retribution was so all-consuming, Raven feared
it would lead him straight into danger. If she left, there would be no one to
talk sense into him. “I won’t abandon my pack.”

Dominic rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward.
His eyes glowed as his wolf crouched close to the surface, and a fierce grin
split his face at his animal’s return. “I’ll stay and lead the investigation.
I’ve been researching the labs for a long time. We have contacts the Council doesn’t.”

He meant the survivors.

“Your vampire might be right.” Nicholas gave her a nod, confirming
without words that he would keep Rylan safe. “We might be the only ones able to
stop them, but only if you leave and give us time to prepare.”

London nodded his head. “I’ll keep the grounds and the boys safe.”

They overrode her every hesitation.

Rylan studied her with those blue eyes of his. “I’m your
intermediary between the two races that border your land, the vampires and the
rogues. They alone represent a veritable army right on your doorstep. Too many
people know what happened tonight and more will find out as word spreads. You
need time to learn control before they descend.”

“I’ll call Taggert to get ready.” Dominic grabbed the phone
on the dash, ignoring her protests as he dialed.

Worse, she wasn’t sure they were wrong. She just didn’t like
leaving them behind to face danger without her standing next to them.

“You’ll have less than a week before my master finds out I’m
staying with you and demands my return.”

The last thing she needed was another enemy, especially a
powerful leader of the vampires. “Lester owes me a favor. I’ll talk to him.”

“He won’t take kindly to you stealing away his vengeance.”

Raven feared he was right, but there was no help for it. “You
dragged me into this, you’re damned well going to see me through it.”

Yearning flickered in his eyes before he could douse it. “I
don’t want to be the one who ruins what you’ve built.”

“You don’t see it, do you?” She mimicked his words back at
him and confusion darkened his face. “You’re already one of us. If what you say
is true, I need all the people I can trust at my back.”

“What will you tell him?”

She wracked her brain to think of something other than the
truth. “I’ll explain your presence is needed to help Rylan with his new post.”

Nicholas’ wary gaze flickered up and landed on the other
vampire. “He’s never shown any interest in having help.”

“He’s also never shown interest in staying around for longer
than a few days either. If they start hunting us in earnest, Rylan will need
your help.”

Raven watched acceptance settle over Nicholas, his relief palpable
and his whole countenance lightened.

The ride home was used to make call and put their plans in
motion. By the time they rolled up to the house, everyone had their assigned
tasks. Sunlight blazed over the horizon. Both Rylan and Nicholas were old
enough to withstand the weak morning rays, but they needed shelter soon.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, Rylan was outside without
seeming to rush. He strolled toward the back door, helped her out, then gave
her a hug. “Come back to me safe.”

His unusual display of affection caught her by surprise, and
he squeezed the air out of her.

Before she could ask him what was wrong, he vanished into
the house. Nicholas exited behind her, his eyes earnest. “I’ll keep him safe.”

Raven gave him a hug, and he stiffened in her arms for one
awkward second before he wrapped himself around her. “There’s a safe room
upstairs. Be careful. The Council only reluctantly gave their permission for
you to remain here. Make sure you stay close to the pack.”

Then he, too, was gone, swallowed up by the house.

Raven followed at a slower pace, pleased when the house welcomed
her with an influx of energy. It swirled around her like a warm hug, and a
rumble of contentment settled in her chest. Luca waved his hands around in the
air as if he could feel the energy, but couldn’t quite grab hold of it. London
lumbered past her with a nod, and she gestured to the bag he deposited at her
feet. “The clothes in there have samples of blood on them for the doctor to
analyze. Would you see to it that he gets them?”

“I got it.” Luca scrambled forward.

“No.” She grabbed his wrist before he could touch the bag.
“There’s infected blood from the zombies in there. To be safe, you shouldn’t
touch it.”

He blanched and stepped back, staring at the bag as if he
expected flying monkeys to burst free and carry him off. “Thanks.”

London didn’t hesitate to grab the bag. “I’ll take care of

He went to his wing of the house, then paused. “You coming,

Luca hesitated, and Raven felt like a cad for abandoning him
on his first day. “He’s my security guy. He will show you around the house and teach
you how to defend yourself. There are a few rooms upstairs for you to choose
from. By the time we return, you should have a better idea if this is the life
you want, and you can decide then whether to pledge yourself to the pack or
return to the coven.”

“I’ll stay.” Relief shimmered around him, as if he’d just
escaped a life sentence. Afraid that she’d change her mind, he turned and
darted after London.

His certainty had her wondering what kind of life he’d led
back at the campus. “You’ll be leaving behind your friends and family.”

Luca stopped as if she’d pegged him in the back. “I’m an
orphan. The only reason I was allowed at the school was because I have some
semblance of skill. They’ll force me to work for the rest of my life, scraping
to pay off my debt to them. They expect me to be grateful for their pittance.”
His jaw clenched. “Don’t make me go back. I’ll do whatever you ask.”

Raven walked around him until she could look him in the eyes.
“You’re not a fraud. I saw the way you fought, and it was with a skill few
others could surpass.”

He lifted his chin, daring to meet her eyes to see if she
was telling the truth. “But I’m just a wizard.”

Raven couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Yes, just like Merlin
was a wizard, too.”

His mouth fell open, and a spark of hope blazed in his eyes.

“I have no intention of sending you back, but living here is
dangerous, and not an ideal life for everyone. The first order of business is
to show you how to defend yourself.”

Luca lifted his arm. With a flick of his fingers, a fireball
engulfed his hand. “I know a trick or two.”

The amulet he wore flashed at the show of power, the energy draining
at the trick. The way he manipulated raw magic was truly remarkable.

Then the air thickened with a hum of electricity as the
house honed in on the foreign magic. Raven struggled to grab the rampant
energy, but it remained elusive as it searched for the threat. It gathered like
a beast ready to pounce, then slowly slinked around Luca, growing curious when
it didn’t sense any danger. When it touched his cheek, Luca turned into the
caress, searching for the source.

She wondered if allowing him to stay might not be such a
bright idea, but she wouldn’t go back on her word. She’d reevaluate things on
their return. At the first sign of danger, she would send him away.

“Those tricks take power that you can’t duplicate once the
amulet is empty, leaving you vulnerable. When that fails, you need to know how
to survive.”

His cockiness faded, and the fire doused as he dropped his

“I don’t want you to stay here out of fear. I want you to really
understand what kind of life you’d have if you decide this is what you want.

Luca scanned her face, searching for answers. “I think so.”

“Then scram, kid. Watch. Learn.” She smiled as he walked
toward London. “I look forward to your answer on my return.”

The room felt empty with them gone.

The house was strangely silent considering the amount of
people living there. She was halfway up the steps when the air in the room
changed. She turned to find Jackson bounding up the steps with a sense of
urgency that didn’t bode well for his target. Raven flattened herself against
the wall to get out of the way, only to be surprised when he stopped in front
of her. He hovered just short of touching her, less than an inch separating
them. Only a shifter was able to control every inch of his body with such
precision. It made her think of sex, and what they could do with their bodies.

His heat splashed into her, and the sudden, violent urge to
touch him had her shoving her hands behind her back to resist temptation. The
craving was intense and primitive.

There was no more blaming the creature, not since the two
sides of herself had merged.

And damn him, Jackson wasn’t helping at all, staring at her
with such hunger she was acutely aware of their long separation. He touched the
tips of her frosted hair, his chest heaving and she suspected it had more to do
with keeping himself in check and not sweep her up in his arms and carry her up
the steps.

“Taggert already has us packed. He’s given us fifteen
minutes to shower and be ready to leave.” The longing in his voice devastated
her restraint, and she swayed forward.

He had more sense and pulled away, his fingers curling into
fists. When she went to reach for him, he bounded up the remaining steps. “You
touch me, and no one will make it down in time. I’ve already loaded Durant in
the vehicle.”

He walked backward down the hall, his eyes still glued to
her. So much energy whirled around him, she almost expected to see his wolf
spill out of his body.

But he had more control…at least for now…and stepped backwards
into his room.

It was only after he was out of sight that she was able to
peel herself off the wall and stumble toward her own room.

Then nearly went sprawling to discover a half-naked Taggert
standing in her room. Her stomach tumbled with nerves, and she realized she’d
been avoiding coming here, knowing he would be waiting for her.

What she’d done to him was unforgivable.

She’d nearly killed him, then abandoned him to his fate.

Taggert must have the same problem. Even with his back to
her, he froze when she entered, always aware of her at all times. He was
freshly showered, wearing only jeans. He seemed bigger, his muscles more
pronounced since she’d been away.

More wolf.

And since he couldn’t shift, having his animal so close to
the surface had to be agony.

Proof that being around her was only harming him.

Pain pierced her chest at the thought of losing him. People
thought she was so good, always doing the right thing.

They were wrong.

She was selfish.

She couldn’t release him from his pledge. 

Raven walked forward, stopping right behind him. She didn’t
think he even breathed. There was something brittle about the set of his
shoulders. One wrong word or touch would shatter him.

She did the only thing she could.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her forehead
against his back. Heat scorched her, and his comforting, woodsy scent
surrounded her.

He shuddered at the touch before finally relaxing in her
hold, his head bowed. “You won’t send me away.”

The words were full of wonder. He reached up and hesitantly
fiddled with her fingers.

“I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”


There was a wealth of agony and demand in that one word, and
Raven could’ve cursed herself for leaving him in limbo for so long. It didn’t
matter that she hadn’t known. It was her job as alpha to know everything about
her pack. “Promise.”

To seal the deal, she brushed her lips against his shoulder,
enjoying the way he sucked in a sharp breath at such a small gesture. Releasing
him, she stepped away.

Taggert had to clear his throat twice before he was able to
speak. “You now have ten minutes to get ready. A change of clothes is waiting
for you in the bathroom.”

He picked up a shirt and pulled it over his head.

The flex and pull of muscles was captivating. He’d always
been lean but stacked with muscles, but now there was something she couldn’t
put her finger on that caused her gaze to linger.

When he pulled the shirt down, she realized he’d waited to
dress on purpose.

Like a show.

Inviting her to touch.

The others might be alphas, able to fight tooth and nail for
the privilege of standing by her side, each a powerful force to be dealt with.

BOOK: Electric Heat
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