Electric Heat (34 page)

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Authors: Stacey Brutger

Tags: #alpha, #Fantasy - Contemporary, #stacey brutger, #A Raven Investigation Novel, #Brutger, #Urban, #paranormal romance, #Magic, #heat, #Prime, #werewolves, #Electric Heat, #Fantasy, #Raven, #Durant, #Fantasy fiction, #Witches, #Female assassins, #Ancient Magic, #Conduit, #action adventure, #Jackson, #Wild Magic, #Contemporary, #Kick-Ass Heroine, #Electric, #Electricity, #slave, #Paranormal, #Brutger Stacey, #Taggert, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Wolves, #urban fantasy, #Wizards

BOOK: Electric Heat
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But she knew the truth.

Taggert was the most dangerous of the bunch.

His submissiveness was a tool he used so effectively she
hadn’t been aware of the way he wielded it until much too late. He’d already wormed
his way into every part of her life and made himself indispensable.

“Nine minutes.” There was a smile in his voice.

When he took a step toward her, she scurried into the

Raven rested a hand on the pile of clothing waiting for her,
marveling at Taggert’s ruthless ability to organize her life. The girl in the
mirror was a stranger, with wild hair and even wilder eyes. The electric blue
color ate away the natural pewter, until only slivers of mercury remained.

Her power had been used to imprison the creature for years,
whether she knew it or not. Now they were so fully merged, neither would
survive without the other.

She should be terrified—part of her was a bit—but it also
meant she was strong enough to hold the pack together if push came to shove.
Fierce satisfaction overrode any doubts.

She and her pack would work through it together.

They’d promised to teach her everything she needed to know.

Aware of time ticking, she stripped.

Then froze, her heart hammering away at her ribs.

The spot on her side had changed. What resembled a tattoo
had burned away, revealing a shiny silver filigree that matched the highlights
in her hair and eyes. The center texture was rough, the pattern forming into what
appeared to be tiny scales, while the outer circle resembled wings.

She brushed her fingers over the shape, then jerked back in


Warm metal.

The softest touch was like running her hand over a fresh burn,
and she shuddered at the contact.

The tattoo looked exactly like a…dragon.

She grabbed the sink to keep from dropping to her knees.

Everything made sense…how she could jump small pockets of
time, the constant hunger for energy.

She wasn’t a red fire-eating dragon that fed on flames, but
a silver lightning dragon that devoured energy.

And when people found out, not if—there was no way she could
keep this a secret—she had to be prepared to defend her pack or risk losing
everything she’d fought so hard to protect.


The End



Brutger lives in a small town in Minnesota with her husband and an assortment
of animals. When she’s not reading, she enjoys creating stories about exotic
worlds and grand adventures…then shoving in her characters to see how they’d survive.
She enjoys writing anything paranormal from contemporary to historical.



Other books
by this author:




PeaceKeeper Novel

The Demon Within


A Raven
Investigations Novel

Electric Storm
(Book 1)

Electric Moon
(Book 2)

Heat (Book 3)



Coming Soon:

Legend (Book 3.5)

Night (Book 4)



for her first dystopian novel called

her next urban fantasy called
Electric Legend



Stacey online to find out more at

by visiting her site.


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