Read Electric Moon Online

Authors: Stacey Brutger

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #contemporary fantasy, #Kick-Ass Heroine, #paranormal romance, #Electric Moon, #Romance, #Lions, #Brutger, #Conduit, #stacey brutger, #Murder, #Tigers, #Bears, #alpha, #Magic, #Urban, #A Raven Investigations Novel, #Wolf, #Witches, #Moon's Call, #urban fantasy, #Vampires, #Action & Adventure, #werewolf, #Myster, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Shapshifter, #Electic

Electric Moon (21 page)

BOOK: Electric Moon
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Since that wasn’t working, she decided to search for
something recent. Only the whole floor lit up in a blue glow, thousands of
individual pieces of sand twinkling like her own private galaxy. The unexpected
beauty stunned her. She hadn’t realized how many granulates had dropped from
the current.

She pushed off the bottom and treaded water. Jackson had fouled
up the water when he dove in with her, so she couldn’t trace his movements. There
wasn’t any scent to follow under water.

But what could she see? With another deep breath, she settled
on the bottom. She pulled the electricity around her then sank it into the
sand. Little whirls where she and Jackson had frolicked spun through the water.
She also saw her power build in a light blue color where she herself pushed up
the bottom or dug for treasure.

A light pure blue illuminated a large rock. Or more
specifically, underneath the rock. Swimming forward, Raven gave the small
bolder a shove to get it rolling. Beneath rested a small black bag.

She picked it up, caught off guard by the lack of weight.
Wanting to make sure it was what Jackson had secreted away for her, she opened
the strings and tipped the bag over.

A cord of silver slinked out, the metal cutting through the
water in a way that caught the fractured light and sent it sparkling. She
pulled out the chain until it pooled into her palm.

A large tear-shaped stone slipped through the water, floating
down into her waiting hand. The bright blue stone was encased in a swirling
silver lace of vines and leaves. Once the stone landed in her palm, it warmed to
her touch. It had to be the size of a quarter, and no doubt very real.

If she accepted the gift, the lace would rest right below
her collarbone. When her lungs finally protested the lack of oxygen, she shoved
toward the surface.

Lights danced along the edges of the pool. But a foot away
from air, the water darkened, offering resistance. It was actually a physical
effort to break topside.

She opened her mouth to call out to Jackson when she spotted
that they had company. Three men faced off against Jackson while a fourth hovered
near the tree line to observe. She immediately recognized him from Vivian’s entourage.

She swam closer to shore, walking when her feet finally brushed
the pebbled bottom.

That’s when the shifters noticed her.

Raven halted when the water lapped her thigh, afraid to venture
further with all her power sunk into the pool and her animals tamed. “Problems,

The shifter nearest Aaron took a step back at her arrival. “No
one told us she’d be here. I didn’t sign up for this.”

Trailing her fingers in the water like a stirring stick,
Raven pulled at the power. Energy seared up her arm, the coolness of the liquid
dropping away. Blue sparks similar to a flint being struck snapped around her
hand and up her elbow.

Two shifters launched themselves at Jackson. Aaron didn’t
wait and threw himself into the fray. She imagined a ball, wrapping the blue
cords tight.


Jackson and Aaron immediately dropped as she drew back her
hand, so did the one shifter that had protested. When she let loose the ball,
it crackled like static. The power shot out, the cords unraveling like a weed
whip. The raw energy plowed into the two shifters that remained standing. They
flew backwards, their momentum only stopped by a tree. Wood groaned in protest
at the impact, and their bodies thumped to the ground.

They didn’t move.

Raven slowly walked out of the water, each droplet clung to
her like a lover’s kiss, delivering a charge of power before slushing off. She
eyed the two remaining shifters. “You were following orders. That’s done now. I
suggest you pick up your men and leave.”

She rubbed her fingers together until electricity crackled.
“Or I will take care of you in a more permanent manner.”

Their movements were slow so as not to startle her as if she
were a dangerous animal. They picked up their comrades and backed away, never
taking their eyes off her. When they put two hundred yards between them, they
turned and disappeared into the forest.

“You found it.”

Raven followed Jackson’s gaze to the necklace still tangled
in her fingers. He gently pried the metal from her grip, walked behind her, and
lifted the pendant over her head. When the stone came to rest on her chest, the
lace holding the stone in place curled up and over her collarbone.

“Where did you find a sapphire this size?”

“It’s a rare blue diamond. It matches your eyes when I first
saw you.” He meant when the power was riding her hard. “It’s nearly
indestructible, so anything you do will not affect it.”

He gathered her hair out of the way, carefully spreading the
wet strands over her shoulders. When he stepped in front of her, the tips of
his fingers were red and blistered from the silver. “It suits you.”

“It’s bad ass.” Awe coated Aaron’s words, excitement
thrumming through him.

Raven’s brows furrowed, his comment completely lost on her.

“When the other shifters see that you can stand that amount
of silver directly against your skin, it sends a message.”

She hesitated, wondering if advertising her differences was
such a good idea, not if it would lead them to dig further into a past she
didn’t want revealed.



 Chapter Twenty-one



the time Aaron and Jackson packed up the basket, Raven had wrestled on her wet
shoes. A pall had fallen over the afternoon. The secluded paradise no longer
felt safe. Maybe it was for the best. She wasn’t sure how she should act around
Jackson and his too generous gift.

Though the men meant well, she felt like the one with the
rough edges. She didn’t fit anywhere. They were right that she hated relying on
others. She only accepted their training grudgingly when it had come down to survival
of her pack.

She only hoped it wasn’t too late.

Jackson got them back to the house in record time, the
sunlight beginning to fade from the sky in a ball of orange fire on the horizon.
Despite the turn of events, Raven had enjoyed herself. Jackson’s confidence in
her gave her the courage to push herself.

She never would’ve thought using a smaller amount of electricity
would be harder than just allowing her power free rein. The aftereffects of
burnout were still evident, but they were less. The last two days gave her hope
that she’d ultimately be able to find a balance between her two worlds when she
had though the only outcome would tear her apart.

“Here.” Aaron accepted the basket Jackson handed to him.
While he disappeared inside, Jackson came around to her open door, stopping her
from exiting.

“If things don’t go right with Vivian—”

Raven kicked him in the gut with both feet. He shot from the
cab, nearly landing ass over teakettle. Raven jumped from the truck, storming
toward him. “What the hell was this afternoon about if you didn’t think I could
handle all of this?”

When she would’ve left him in the dirt, he rolled and
snagged her ankle. The ground rushed up to meet her. She would’ve face-planted
into the gravel if her reflexes hadn’t taken over.

Her palms stung as she slammed into the earth. Before she
could contemplate more, she was dragged backwards. Feeling no pity, she tipped
to her side, bent her knee and aimed for his nose.

He easily deflected the blow then grinned and pulled her
under him. She managed to hit him with her elbow to his jaw, missing his temple
and the chance to stun him.

He pinned her wrists to either side of her head. Without
Aaron being close, the moon’s heat crept over her.



The fight turned into foreplay, both wanting to be caught.

Once he had her immobile, he leaned forward and rested his
forehead against hers. “I have faith in you, but Vivian won’t rest until she
has what she wants. You are in the way of that. If it comes to a choice, I will
choose you and my life will be forfeit. They will put me down like an animal.”

Raven twisted his thumb toward his wrist, pleased when his
grip broke. She grabbed his face. “I forbid it.”

“You don’t get it. I was sent here with the knowledge that
if I did my job and protected Aaron, I was a dead man. I don’t protect him, I’m
dead. I can save him from the men she might send, but if she wants him killed
bad enough, she just has to walk past me and murder him, and I can’t do a damn

Her hand fell back to the ground, stunned by his logic. She’d
missed it in her conversation with Aaron, or had ignored it because she didn’t
want to face the truth. Since he was the enforcer, she’d thought he would be exempt.
Fighting his own pack was bad enough, but she never expected this. “Then why?”

“I’m incentive.”

“For me.” Then it made horrible sense. “Bait.”

He heaved a sigh, rolled on his back, throwing his arm up to
cover his eyes. The part of damsel in distress sat ill on him.

Jackson would do his job...even if it meant his death.

Part of her had to wonder if the whole thing had been a
set-up, or if Kevin had just taken advantage of the circumstances when the
opportunity presented itself.

They were using Jackson to lure her into settling the war
brewing inside their pack. Kevin refused to give up his son, but realized that
more people would be killed, the pack destroyed from within, if something
wasn’t done.

That’s where she came in.

Clever bastard.

She’d call him on it if it weren’t for two reasons. Aaron
really did need protection.

And if they survived, Jackson would be hers.

Raven leaned up on her elbow. When Jackson didn’t move, she
leaned over and brushed her lips over his, stealing the taste of him.

Jackson seized up, afraid to react least she pulled away. His
eyes, not quite hidden under his arm, had splintered yellow and whiskey brown. He
feathered his fingers across the smooth skin where her necklace had rested.

Not willing to delve too deeply into his comment, uncomfortable
under the admiration she’d done nothing to deserve, she leaned back and hesitantly
stroked the necklace. “Why doesn’t my body react as everyone else?”

Jackson sat, not bothering to dust off. “I’m not sure. There
are many things about you that are different.” Then he turned toward her with a
suddenness that took her off guard. “Promise me you will not remove this
necklace until after the conclave.”

Raven studied him, trying to read past the demand, but
couldn’t riddle it out. “Why?”

“It’s silver. If a shifter comes after you, it can be used
as a weapon.” He grabbed her wrist in an unbreakable grip, expecting her to
deny him. “Promise.”

The piece was beautiful and obviously cost a fortune. What
meant more to her was the thought and consideration he put into his gift. Even
though it would raise questions, she couldn’t refuse him. “Until after the

His face relaxed a fraction, and he bounded to his feet.
“I’m starved. Let’s see if they saved us any food.”

Raven accepted his hand, surprised when he didn’t release
her as they walked toward the house. She brushed off her clothes as they

The low level of smoke in the room made Jackson groan. Raven
couldn’t help it, she laughed. “You’re wish was granted. There will be plenty
of food remaining. Must have been Dina’s night to cook.”

His hand gripped hers almost reflexively, maybe remembering
when she abandoned him to his first meal here. She took pity on him, not wanting
the evening to end. “Why don’t you see if there is anything left intact. It’s
still our date. We can have an alfresco in my room.”

“Give me ten minutes.” Jackson strode away, full of purpose,
a contented whistle on his lips now that they had a plan.

By the time Raven finished her quick shower and a change of
clothes, Jackson was back. He pilfered the blanket from the bed and arranged it
before the opened balcony doors. The evening air held a soft breeze. He turned
off almost all the lights, so that the stars were spread out before them.

A bit nervous being alone with him, Raven hesitantly crossed
the room. Jackson had his back toward her, a rare beer in his hand. Shifters didn’t
usually drink, their metabolism running through the alcohol too quickly.

He changed into a pair of jeans. His black t-shirt fitted
him like it had been finger-painted on him. In a fight, no one could grab your
clothes and use it against you. The effect on him was stunning.

But what caught her attention was his bare feet. It changed
his appearance to someone more approachable, made him not so indestructible. Then
it dawned on her what made him look different. It was the first time since his
return that she’d ever seen him relaxed.

“Any trouble?”

He raised a brow as if anyone would dare stop him. And he
was more than likely correct.

“How is your room with Aaron?”

“More than adequate.” He purposely didn’t look at the couch where
he’d slept on his previous stay, but he had to notice that she hadn’t removed

His couch. Just waiting for him.

The meal went quickly, Jackson attending her by keeping her
plate full and sharing entertaining stories. When Aaron peeked his head in the
door, Jackson’s face shut down as he stood.

Raven gained her feet slower, suddenly anxious as she waved
Aaron into the room. “We’re ready for you.”

He headed to the couch, his hands full of bedding.

A snarl rose from Jackson, his wolf tracking the kid’s every
movement, waiting for the chance to lunge for his throat. A sudden bout of
nervousness shot her speech all the crap. When Jackson tensed to leap, she blurted
out her invitation, her face burning at the awkwardness. “Aaron volunteered to
be our chaperone for the night.”

Jackson pivoted toward her so fast, she nearly retreated a
step. One did not run from shifters unless you wanted to be chased. The
ferocity on his face had her wonder if she made a tactical error. “If you

He gave her a short nod then bent to pack up the supper.
When she went to retrieve her pajamas, his gaze trailed after her, every inch
the wolf stalking his prey. She prayed she hadn’t made a big mistake.

* * *

Raven woke to movement. She cracked open one eye to find
Jackson with his head resting on his hand, staring down at her. The dead
serious expression on his face stopped her smile short. That was not a look of
a contented man.

Trouble had found her again.

She jerked into sitting position, the hope for a few moments
of peace shattered. She scanned the room, noting they were alone. “What’s

“Nothing. Aaron went down to breakfast twenty minutes ago.”

Raven’s brows furrowed, and she stopped scooting toward the
edge of the bed. “Then why...”

“My day is almost up. I didn’t want to miss even a second of
our time together.”

A half smile tipped her lips, some of the tension easing as Raven
pulled the blankets back up. “You’ll be back in the pack soon enough.”

He nodded, but didn’t appear appeased.

“Are you doubting me?”

He didn’t blink as he stared. “You don’t know how persistent
Vivian can be. She gave up too easy. She’s planning something.”

Though Raven didn’t know Vivian like Jackson, she agreed
with his assessment. “All we can do is be prepared.”

“I want you to promise me that if anything happens, you will
do whatever necessary to keep safe.”

Raven realized his expression now, the one he’d worn since
he’d been returned to her. He didn’t expect to survive. “You worry too much,
Jackson. I know I’m new to shifter protocol, but I’m a lot harder to get rid of
than you might expect. I’ll do whatever’s necessary to keep my pack together.”
And if he didn’t know it yet, that meant him. She caressed his jaw, the stubble
prickling her fingers.

He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch as if relishing
it for the last time. Raven didn’t understand how shifters could live with the
constant uncertainty in their lives.

Once a shifter entered a pack, it was near impossible to
break the bonds, no matter how desperate they might want to escape servitude to
their alpha.  

Jackson caressed the warm stone of her necklace. The clock
revealed they had ten minutes remaining before their date officially ended. Likely
the last few minutes they would have alone until after the conclave.

When she opened her mouth to ask him a question, he lunged forward
and kissed her. This was no light brush of lips that they’d shared in the past.
He devoured her, unable to get enough of her taste. Tongue and teeth dueled. He
cupped the back of her head, pulling her closer.

His arousal pressed against her, and Raven groaned. In the
past, she would’ve pulled away. This time, she only wanted to get closer. When
she shifted restlessly against him, Jackson slipped his hand down her side, his
thumb brushing at the edges of her breast, before trailing his fingers lower. He
cupped the back of her thigh and pulled her leg over his hip.

She gasped at the intimate contact, and he took advantage,
sliding his lips against her throat. Only to hiss when he encountered the

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