Read Embrace Me At Dawn Online

Authors: Shayla Black

Tags: #romance adult erotica contemporary adventure, #Magic, #Paranormal Romance, #urban fantasy romance, #romance and fantasy, #erotic, #wizards, #Erotic Romance, #romance adventure drama series magic wizard witch, #contemporary romance

Embrace Me At Dawn (54 page)

BOOK: Embrace Me At Dawn
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Shaking her head, Anka wailed louder, until he released her. She would not bow. She would not give in. She would not let him hurt her—or anyone else—ever again.

Mathias covered his ears and scrambled back. She got to her feed and advanced on him like an avenging angel, knife raised above her head.

The first stab was for Gailene.” She stood over him, legs spread, and stared, putting the same fear into him that he’d once wielded over her with such merciless delight. “This one is for me.”

Mathias gaped at her with something Anka never thought she’d see in his eyes: genuine fear. Knowing that she’d served justice and struck a blow to all those who had been wronged by this monster—Ice, Tabitha, so many of the magical families he’d slaughtered—Anka didn’t hesitate.

She plunged the blade deep into his heart and wailed the sharpest notes yet of her banshee song. Within seconds, he fell limply to his back, icy eyes stark and wide and unseeing. Behind her there was a giant thud as the Anarki, powered only by Mathias’s life force, fell as one to the ground. Lucan raised his hands like an orchestra conductor to grow his fire. The Doomsday Brethren all scrambled away to watch the cold, hooded figures burn in one giant pyre.

The fire hissed and crackled, but a moment later, a violent tumble of air cycled directly beside Mathias. Then Rhea appeared, sprawled out, stabbed, and ears bleeding, every bit as lifeless as the evil bastard she’d adored.

Sabelle teleported over to her as Anka’s voice cracked into silence. Bram’s sister knelt to the pair and touched their skin. “Dead.”

Bram jogged over to check the bodies himself. His face broke out into a grin that widened into a full-bellied laugh. “Tying their life forces together worked. How bloody perfect!”

Ice patted him on the back. “Two for one. I’m impressed.”

Anka ignored them, looking for Lucan. Suddenly, he emerged from the middle of the snarling blaze and hit her at a dead run, wrapping his arms around her so tightly, she knew he would never let go. “You did it, love. You killed the notorious Mathias d’Arc with nothing more than a blade, a little blood, and your very special gift. I always knew you were incredible, but now…so will the world.”

Anka slipped her arms around his neck and pressed kisses to his face. “We all did it. Together, we rid magickind of the worst threat in centuries. I don’t care if anyone knows my role. I only care for peace. And love. Would you take me to your house?” She looked at him with her heart in her eyes. “I mean, to our home?”

Chapter Nineteen


Gratitude warred with dizzying happiness as Lucan lifted Anka into his arms, tight against his chest. “Of course, love, home is where you belong. I’ll never let you leave me again. I will fight for you. I will die for you. And I will love you every day.”

Wet and shivering, covered in mud and blood, and fresh from dispensing justice, this wasn’t the Anka he’d fallen in love with over a hundred years ago. This Anka had endured hell and walked through fire. Like a phoenix, she’d risen from the ashes stronger, better. He had a deeper understanding of this woman, her fears, her sorrows, her needs. Lucan swore to God he’d do whatever he must to fill her up, heart, body, and soul everyday for the rest of their centuries. This Anka was more dear and beautiful than ever.

As he made to teleport away, he looked up at the small audience who had gathered around Mathias’s and Rhea’s bodies. He thanked God that, save a few nicks and scratches, they all looked no worse for the wear. Sabelle’s eyes watered with happy tears. Ice, with his arm slung around his pretty mate, sent him a nod, as if congratulating him on a job well done. Marrok lifted his sword in salute. Bram sent him a superior smile, as if to suggest he’d known Lucan would be reunited with Anka all along. Lucan wasn’t sure he was ready to forgive Bram yet. But he’d gotten his woman back. In the end, nothing else mattered. The twins flashed him a wry grin. Yes, the wicked duo knew exactly what he and Anka would be doing next.

Have fun. And don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Ronan suggested with a waggle of his brows.

Raiden laughed. “Don’t worry, mate. That leaves you with plenty of options.”

Since the wizards had shagged their way through most of the UK for decades?

Most assuredly,” Duke drawled, holding a tired but glowing Felicia to his side.

Splendid advice.” Lucan grinned. In fact, he couldn’t wait to get started.

In his arms, Anka laughed. God, it was good to hear that sound again.

Caden clapped him on the back and sent Anka a gentle smile. “You deserve it. Both of you. Love well and forever.”

I’d like that.” Her voice shook, but this time it wasn’t from the chill, Lucan knew. She trembled with emotion.

I’d love that.” Lucan held her closer. “Like I’ll always love you. Let’s go.”

Anka caressed his face, love shining from her amber eyes. “Take me home.”

Lucan kissed the tip of her nose, then closed his eyes and pictured their bedroom. Moments later, they stood in the middle of the room they’d shared during the mated years of their past. He lowered her to her feet, pulling her to his chest. She tilted her head up to meet his kiss. Lucan couldn’t help himself. He covered her mouth greedily with his own. His hunger for her would never be sated. His love for her would never end.

Suddenly, she pulled back, gaze downcast, putting distance between them. He gazed at her with concern.

Can you forgive me for not telling you the truth sooner?” she whispered.

Love…I was hurt that you felt you couldn’t trust me with the truth or believed for a moment that I didn’t see you as worthy. Never doubt me again. I will always be here. Just as I will never doubt you again. You will always be my moon, sun, and stars.”

The yearning to believe him softened her tear-filled eyes. “Even if I’m a banshee?”

He cupped her face in his hands. “Especially because you’re a banshee. You saved us today and did something incredibly brave. Something that saved lives. Something magickind will celebrate forever. I couldn’t be more proud. I know I’ll be proud of our daughter, as well.”

Anka placed her hand over her stomach. “Thank you for the gifts of your love, your seed, and your forever.”

Forever?” He searched her eyes.

Anka smiled shyly. “As I become a part of you, you become a part of me. I will be honest, good, and true. I heed your Call. ’Tis you I seek. From this moment on, there is no other for me but you.”


Lucan didn’t wait for a shower or dinner or even another breath. He picked Anka up, pinned her to their bed, and made their clothes disappear with a snap. Moments later, he sank deep inside her, wordlessly promising her that he would be her mate, her lover, her friend, and her heart for the rest of their centuries. With her soft, welcoming body and her passionate cries through the hours of loving that night, she vowed to be the same to him.

As the sun rose, his body was sated, but his heart would never stop hungering for her. He held her close, her head resting on his chest. He couldn’t take his eyes from her delicate face, swollen lips, or the crescents of her dark lashes against her pale skin.

He kissed her forehead. Sun streamed through their windows as her lashes fluttered open, and she met his gaze with a devotion that clutched at his heart. Lucan held her tighter. A new dawn. A new day. A new beginning for them.

I love you.” He kissed her gently.

I know,” she said softly. “I finally believe that. Never doubt again that I love you, too.”


About The Author

Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times bestselling author of over 30 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances for multiple print and electronic publishers. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her "free" time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Shayla has won or placed in over a dozen writing contests, including Passionate Ink's Passionate Plume, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader's Choice Awards. Romantic Times has awarded her Top Picks, a KISS Hero Award and a nomination for Best Erotic Romance.

A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every book.



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Also from Shayla Black/Shelley Bradley:


The Wicked Lovers Series

Available now:






“Wicked to Love” novella


Coming Soon:



Sexy Capers Series

Available now:



Coming soon:

“Arresting Desire” – HOT IN HANDCUFFS Anthology


NAUGHTY LITTLE SECRET (as Shelley Bradley)

“Watch Me” – SNEAK PEEK Anthology (as Shelley Bradley)


“Her Fantasy Men” – FOUR PLAY Anthology


With Lexi Blake:



Coming Soon:




The Doomsday Brethren Series

Available now:


“Fated” novella



“Mated” – HAUNTED BY YOUR TOUCH anthology



HISTORICAL ROMANCE (as Shelley Bradley)

Available now:




Coming Soon:

BOOK: Embrace Me At Dawn
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