Read Embrace the Magic (The Blood Rose Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Caris Roane

Tags: #paranormal romance

Embrace the Magic (The Blood Rose Series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Embrace the Magic (The Blood Rose Series Book 2)
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The room opened up to either side, but he headed for the open shower, in a large alcove between, flanked on one side by an indoor garden. The cool, humid air brought Samantha away from him and turning in his arms.

“This is your bathroom? Your shower?” She turned to stare at him. “You have a garden in here?”

“I do.” He started stripping out of his Guard uniform, dropping the coat on the hardwood floor, then easing out of his shirt.

Her eyes flared. Her frequency stroked him first then her hands followed as she splayed her fingers over his abs then slowly moved up, covering his pecs to rise and fondle his shoulders. Leaning into him, she sucked his left nipple, then his right, then back and forth until his eyes rolled in his head and he groaned.

If just her touch, and her lips flicking each tip, sent this much desire through him, what would the rest be like? She leaned into him, sucking harder.
You taste like war,
she pathed through his mind.

He groaned all over again.

He reached over her back and found the bottom of her shirt and started to pull upward. She drew back and lifted her arms overhead. Not waiting, she got rid of her shoes and jeans, the rest of her female gear.

For a split-second, he debated whether to attack her or take the time to lose his boots and leathers. Like the smart man he was, he got rid of the last hindrance to both the shower and her body.

He cranked up the jets and as he got the temperature just right, he turned to find her eyes wide once more as her gaze drifted up and down his ass.

“Ethan, you’re magnificent.” She moved toward him and he stayed right where he was. Again, another sign of his basic intelligence.

She dropped down behind him and started kissed his left ass-cheek, then shifted to his right, then went lower until she was kissing the backs of his thighs. He spread his legs, water pouring down his chest. Her fingers drifted over his balls and in front to stroke upward as she fondled what was getting way too hard.

The whole time, a vibration worked over his skin from her touch, something very realm, but which he’d never experienced before. This was something uniquely Samantha.

His blood rose. A half-fae with more power than most of the full-fae he knew.

A woman who had with one feeding, ended decades of suffering. His stomach no longer cramped and he felt whole and strong.

But he needed to calm down.

“Let’s change things up.”

As he turned, she rose up off her knees, her light blue eyes darkening with passion. Her fingertips grazed the front of this thighs. He put his hands on her shoulders. “Will you scrub some of the battle sweat off me?”

She nodded, found a bar of French-milled soap in the tile inset, and set to work. She foamed up her hands, handed him the bar and began to rub in circles over his neck and chest, his shoulders and arms. Down she went. He closed his eyes as her hands covered every inch of his skin, even down to his toes.

“Turn,” she commanded. “And give me the soap again.”

He obeyed, and had the pleasure of feeling the rest of him lathered up, from ankles to ass to the breadth of his back, and beneath the long length of his heavy, wet hair, until she was done.

He turned in the spray of the shower to face her.

With a crooked smile and the soap in her hand held palm up, she said, “Do me.”

He smiled, he couldn’t help it. “With pleasure.”

*** *** ***

Samantha had slipped into a place she’d never been before, a part of herself undiscovered until now. For one thing, her body sang, that was the only way she could explain it. She knew the realm-world was a world of frequency and vibration, but now she experienced a part of that reality. His frequency flowed over her in waves, like the softest touch caressing her skin with continual erotic pulses, while deep within, she felt the response of her own fae frequency, reaching for his vibration, entwining at times, engaging.

But there was another part that had more to do with her human experiences in that right now she felt irrationally free of inhibitions with a man who was just shy of being a stranger to her.

She’d had sex with more than one of her boyfriends, but it had never been like this. Of course, Ethan was beyond the norm, so far beyond what she’d known that she was sure only the realm-world could have produced such a man.

He smiled, that extraordinary smile of his, made even broader because his thick curly hair lay wet and flat against his head, setting his features in beautiful relief; his cheekbones powerful, his jaw firm, and the indentation of his chin inviting her tongue.

She almost leaned up to take a swipe, but suddenly Ethan’s hands, full of lather, were planted on her breasts. Her back arched, which thrust her chest forward. Ethan leaned in, his big hands covering and fondling her, his fingers rising to peaks and tugging on her now-firm nipples. The lubricant of the soap made the sensation soft, fiery, and sensual all at the same time.

She closed her eyes, her hands balanced on his hips so she wouldn’t fall. He massaged harder and harder and she pressed into him, until her hips undulated and her internal well pulled on what she needed to be there, the sooner the better.

He slid one hand low and he soaped her between her legs, rubbing slowly and carefully. He took pains to rinse her off as well. “I want you in my bed.”

The words came out like a command, which tightened her abdomen and her breathing hitched. He dried them both off carefully with a thick tower, then cupped her face and kissed her once, afterward searching her eyes. “Am I pleasing you?”

She gave a soft cry, stunned that he would be concerned, then threw her arms around his neck, plastering herself against him.

He responded, surrounding her with all that muscle and strength, his arms overlapping her back.

For a heady second she swore she could stay like this forever, in the circle of his caring embrace and the strength of his warrior’s body.

He chuckled, which became a jarring motion against his chest. “I take that as a yes.”

she pathed, sliding her thoughts over his.

He met her gaze again.
I love that you can penetrate my mind like this.

She nodded, still clinging to him.
All this faeness that I’m discovering. It’s amazing.

He lifted her off her feet and in that odd dangling position he kissed her repeatedly as he carried her into his sleeping area that also opened up to the large enclosed garden. While still holding her, he pulled back the comforter and laid her down easily on his bed, as though she was a feather, another sign that he wasn’t human, that he had more physical strength than she could imagine.

She thought he would stretch out on top of her, instead, he caught her calves, one in each hand, and pulled her to the side of the bed. Her body went lax knowing full well what he meant to do.

I love your landing strip,
penetrated her mind, as he dropped to his knees,
black like your hair
. Then he went to work. She closed her eyes and gave herself to the sensation of Ethan’s soft, moist tongue as he laved her folds, teased her lips, and flicked the center of her, where the pleasure was most intense.

Soft coos and moans left her throat and as he increased the pressure and speed, her hips rose and fell, over and over, her well clenching with need. He worked her slow, then fast, then slow, prolonging the moment and the experience, but ushering her steadily toward the pinnacle.

His left hand held her in place as he supported her bottom, but his right hand began a lengthy exploration of her thighs and mound, her abdomen and upward to fondle her breasts. All the while his tongue licked and pleasured her.

At the same time, his vibrations rolled, another layer of sensation so that her mind became lost, falling deeper and deeper as ecstasy hurtled toward her, sharpening the pleasure where his tongue touched and flicked until the orgasm rolled through her.

She cried out, but he didn’t stop. He kept flicking until the waves of pleasure rose repeatedly, taking her to the heights again and again. After the last of her cries left her throat, she settled down and her hips relaxed back into the bed.

He looked up at her, his smile crooked. “Good?”

Her back arched as she reached down for him. “Unbelievable. The waves you sent through me, reached deep inside here…” She pressed her lower abdomen. “And here…” She drifted her fingers up to her heart. She laughed softly and held her hands up to him. “More?”

He rose up from his kneeling position and with his hands around her waist he told her to hold onto his arms. Doing as she was instructed, he lifted her easily farther up on the bed.

When he moved upward to join her, she spread her legs so that his knees could go between. He made an approving grunting sound, which made her laugh. And this was something she hadn’t expected with Ethan, the good will and laughter, that he found things amusing and didn’t mind when she did as well.

Planting his elbows on either side of her, he said, “You smell like raspberries and wine, did I tell you that?”

She shook her head. “Yes and your scent is wonderful as well, like something wild that grows on a mountainside; earthy, grassy, tangy. Your sweat was like that, when you flew me here.”

“You didn’t mind? You said I tasted like war.”

“Uh-huh, like a man who’d just fought and saved hundreds of lives.”

His chest rose and fell, his gaze sliding around to land once more on hers. “And you were part of that.”

“I was. But it seemed like such a small service, to offer up a vein.”

He shifted to stare down at her neck. “I need more and I can feel you’re ripe again.”

“I am.”

He ran his thumb down her throat then licked the skin in a long line straight up to her ear.

“I can smell your blood, an erotic elixir now, because you’ve known pleasure.” He trembled. “I want to be inside you when I drink.”

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy, hardly there. Her hips rolled, seeking.

He lowered himself onto her, using a hand to position himself at her entrance. “You’re wet.”

“I want you, Ethan. All of you, every inch. Now.” Where had all this boldness come from?

“You’ve got me.”

*** *** ***

Ethan pushed, slowly at first. She was tight, but then he was big and not every woman could handle what he had to give. But her groans, and the way she caught his ass and pulled him into her, encouraged him to push harder.

A hoarse moan helped him to know he was good. With his gaze fixed on the pulse in her throat, his chest tightened and his mouth watered. Her wrist had been one thing, but this would be better, much better.

Slowly his hips moved, driving farther each time, deeper.

Using his fingers, he pushed the long strands of her black hair away from her pale neck. She had a fae’s complexion, very light and creamy.

Samantha was beautiful.

He leaned down and kissed the line of her jaw then her lips as he progressed inside her.

She pulled on him, her hands gripping his shoulders. “You feel so good, Ethan. So good.” Her neck arched and her head slid up into the pillow, then back, a pure reflection of how his movements kept her body undulating slowly.

Her fingers squeezed his biceps, which caused his muscles to flex then relax. His vibration pulsed heavily now, swarming through her and touching her faeness. The sensation tightened his stomach and his ass.

Her voice sounded soft inside his mind.

He met her gaze and thumbed her cheek.
I’m here.

She smiled.
This is beautiful. Whatever our lives become, this moment is beautiful. I love being connected to you like this and your vibration has me worked up. It’s amazing.

Her words in his mind swelled his heart and ignited his personal frequency further so that new waves poured from him.

Oh, my God. What are you doing to me?

I’m not sure.
He kissed her again
Waves pulsed from his chest and reached inside.
Focus on your faeness, your fae frequency and let it flow toward me. I think we can do something here, the two of us.

She nodded.

Did the bed just tremble?

She closed her eyes, her lips parting wide as though caught in supreme ecstasy. Then he felt it as his frequency returned to him, but this time joined to hers. Pleasure, like he’d never known, spread fire through his chest, his stomach, and into his groin.

His hips moved faster, gliding easily within her because she rained on him now.

I need to drink.

Yes, drink. Ethan, please. I want you to. I need you to.
She arched her neck, exposing a vein that rose from him.

He placed an arm over her left shoulder to keep her pinned. At the same time, by long practice, his hips moved so that he plunged in and out.

Turning his head and angling, he made a sharp jab with his fangs and surrounded the wounds with his lips. The first draw of raspberry-and-wine nectar exploded on his tongue. He groaned against her throat. He sucked hard and plunged faster and faster.

The sensation of their shared frequencies kept his chest on fire and his groin wicked with sensation and drive.

Her moans filled his ears.

So, close. I’m close again. The vibrations, my God. Ethan, my God.

Let it go.

She cried out and her well tugged on him as he worked her with his cock, as he drank from her, as he sent his frequency vibrating through her body, as he felt hers return and stroke him.

Her cries repeated, as though the orgasm rolled on and on and maybe it did. He was so hard, so ready.

I need to come.

Ethan, come. Yes, come, while you’re drinking me down.

Those words did him in. His back tensed, his buttocks flexed and his balls released. He pumped faster while still sucking at her neck. Pleasure rode his cock and because she cried out, her hips meeting his with answering grinds, he knew another orgasm carried her along, which intensified what he felt, the nerve endings singing and shouting ecstasy.

BOOK: Embrace the Magic (The Blood Rose Series Book 2)
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