Embracing His Syn (17 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Embracing His Syn
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Furi’s voice was a seriously sexual
growl, “Be here at midnight.”

Syn watched Furi disappear into the
darkness of the pub. He stared at the door for a few seconds,
gathering himself before he pried his back off the wall. Syn’s cock
was so hard he walked with a limp back to his truck. He was going
to be late getting back to the precinct, but whatever, he was
feeling damn good.

The drive to the station was long
enough for Syn to decide that he was going to be back to pick up
Furi by midnight: sharp. He’d take Furi home and walk him to his
door. That’s what people did when they were dating, right? Syn
shook his head. Whatever it was called nowadays, Syn was going to
give it his best shot. God and Day were so in love, it radiated
from them. Ro and Johnson were in love. The hot IT guy’s boyfriend
came and had lunch with him every day if they were in the precinct.
He was part of a team where it was alright to be gay and out, and
badass too. All Syn wanted was the respect that he deserved ... no
that he’d earned. Now he wanted the last piece of himself to snap
into place to make him whole.

What you got, Ro?” Syn
plopped down in his chair and flicked his wrist looking at his
watch for the fifth time in thirty minutes. It was only five
minutes to ten; midnight couldn’t come fast enough to suit

Got a hot date tonight,
Sarge?” Ro chuckled as he handed Syn the next group of Illustra’s
entertainers that were being picked up for questioning.

Syn flushed but chose to ignore Ro’s
smug grin. “Shut up,” he mumbled, and flipped open the next file.
He flinched so hard his neck popped. Syn’s breath caught at the
image that stared back at him.

Oh yeah. This is the one
I wanted to mention, he might be a prime suspect.”

Syn threw his hand up, stopping Ro.
This couldn’t be happening. “I thought we’d concluded that the
killers were women from that crazy-ass men-bashing group,

Yes, we did. But hear me
out; there may be more players in this. Starman was definitely
taken out by women but he could’ve been set up by others. This
guy's name is Furious Gray Barkley. During questioning, the owner
of Illustra, Johnathan Mack said that Furious Barkley, who performs
as Furious Styles, was scheduled to do a movie with Sasha Pain but
declined. Furious’ replacement was our vic.” Ro rubbed his smooth
face and kept talking, oblivious to Syn’s inner turmoil. “Kicker
is, although this Furious Gray Barkley has no priors, he’s also
known as Furious Gray Nicks. Husband to Patrick Nicks. That image
there is a photo that was given to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police
Department when Furious’ husband filed a missing persons on him
almost a year ago. Furious is on the run and I want to know why. I
contacted the husband but had to leave a message. I already sent
Jameson to pick him up. He works at a pub in ... hmmm.” Ro’s
eyebrows rose. “In your neighborhood.”

Yeah I see,” Syn said
quietly. Ro’s phone rang and he picked it up, giving Syn a couple
of private minutes, which were needed because his heart was beating
a mile a minute. The fates can’t be that cruel. To make the only
man, no forget that; the only person that Syn had been interested
in in over ten years a suspect in a murder case he was overseeing.
On top of everything else, the man is married.
This isn’t good.
Ro disconnected his
call and Syn asked him, “How soon before this one

He’s already here in room
five. You coming?” Ro asked, taking Furious’ file from his

I’ll watch.” Syn walked
beside Ro to the interrogation rooms. Then he thought better of it,
and decided he needed to be honest with his men. They worked
effectively together, but most of all they had each other's backs.
Ro was a good man and Syn felt he could trust him. “Ro

What’s up?”

Syn blew out a breath and scratched at
the hair on top of his head, which was grown out enough that it was
already starting to curl.

Syn what’s going on?” Ro
looked genuinely concerned, his vibrant blue eyes staring intently
at him.

Syn looked back and forth as uniforms
brushed passed them in the hall. Ro clasped a firm grip on Syn’s
shoulder and ushered him into one of the vacant offices. “Talk to
me man. You’re my Sarge but I consider you a friend first. That’s
the way we operate. If you have a problem, then I have a fuckin’
problem, and so do twenty-one other men. But between you and me
right now, what’s up?”

Syn rubbed the back of his neck and
tried to ease some of the tension there. “This guy

Ro shook his head indicating he was

I’m kind of, um … we uh …
he’s my,” Syn stuttered not quite finding the right

You know him and you like
him,” Ro finished for him.

Syn looked Ro in the eye.
“Yeah, I like him.” Syn took a deep breath. “He’s the first
that I’ve liked in a
very long time.”

I see.” Ro rubbed his
hand over his cheek again. Syn knew the gesture meant Ro was

Shit’s all fucked up now.
I can’t date a goddamn suspect, a married goddamn

Hey whoa. We don’t know
the situation with the marriage yet. The reasons I thought he could
be a suspect? They might be easily explained away.”

You’re the one said you
think he’s hiding something,” Syn argued.

Yes, I did. This guy is
married, right? He leaves his husband in a way that makes the man
file a missing persons on him, and then Furious changes his name,
and not back to his birth name. It looks like he’s hiding from him,
I just need to find out why.” Ro pulled a paper from the file.
“This shows him making regular deposits to an account in a bank
located in Los Angeles. The account is under a different name and
has over ninety thousand dollars in it.”

So he stole his husband’s
money and hauled ass in the middle of the night. Fuckin’ great.”
Syn yanked the door open, ready to charge into interrogation room
five and tell Furious he could go to hell.

Geez, hold on a minute,
Sarge.” Ro grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside, slamming the
door closed. “No wonder Day likes you so much. Both of you go off
half-cocked all the fucking time. That money wasn’t stolen. It was
life insurance proceeds from when his father died. He might’ve been
hiding it from the husband. The contributions he’s been making
since then have been small but frequent.”

He’s a porn star,
Ronowski! I can’t date a damn porn star! Fucking other women and
probably men. What the fuck?” Syn was yelling and pacing now. He
knew it wasn’t fair to yell at Ro, but he was the only one there
now. After a few seconds Syn turned and saw Ro was staring down at
the file not saying anything. “Damnit! Say something.”

You done?” Ro asked

What?” Syn asked

I was waiting for you to
finish your tantrum.” Ro smiled that boy-next-door grin that made
people calm. “Now, as far as the porn. It’s a het site only, so no
male on male. But he doesn’t fuck the women either. Never

What?” Syn asked for the
second time and took the paper that Ro handed to him. It was a
complete list of Furi’s movies. Every one of them were solo
masturbation sessions, about fifteen minutes long, some less than
that. That made Syn exhale and before he knew it one side of his
mouth was cocked up into a grin.

Ah. That’s better.” Ro
chuckled. “Now let’s stop trying to guess the answers about the
husband and go talk to your man.”

He’s gonna wonder why
you're questioning him about his husband on a homicide that doesn’t
have anything to do with his marriage. He’ll probably scream for a
lawyer before you can get anything out of him,” Syn said with

You let me handle that. I
was trained in interrogations by the best.” Ro grinned again and
Syn knew they were both thinking the same names.
God and Day.

As far as the porn
stuff.” Ro pfftd. “That fucker is hot. I wouldn’t give a damn if he
beat his meat in a damn Santa costume on the Home & Garden
network as long as I got to see the video.”

Syn’s face paled at the mental

Ro laughed a deep laugh. “Point is no
one cares who you’re fucking around here. You just need to be a
good Sarge and an even better friend. We all have our outlets when
we leave this place.” Ro led them out of the room. “Just look at
me. Two years ago I was a homophobic asshole who no one could stand
to be around. Now I’m fucking the Police Commissioner’s son;
nightly … hard.”

Syn smiled and shoved Ro in the
shoulder as they walked. He’d found out pretty quickly that
Detective Johnson was the Police Commissioner’s one and only son.
Some people may have had a problem with his gay status, but they
sure-as-shit didn’t express it.

Ro stopped with Syn outside the
interrogation room as he looked through the one way mirror at Furi.
He sat still staring at the table and Syn saw him check his watch
and fidget in his chair.

Hmm. Looks like he has
somewhere to be too. I wonder where,” Ro sing-songed.

I’m supposed to pick him
up at midnight from work. He’d finally agreed to let me see him.”
Syn checked his watch and saw it was already after

Ro slapped him on the back. “I’ll get
whatever I need, which will be enough to get him cleared, and then
you can swoop in and rescue him once I get into the husband
situation. Every man loves a hero, especially one with a shiny gold
badge.” Ro winked.

Syn rolled his eyes as Ronowski opened
the door and went into the room. He was starting to like Ro more
and more.





I’ve Been Hoodwinked.’



Furi had been having a
halfway decent night at the bar tonight. Tips were good and he was
excited about Syn coming back later. Damn if that man wasn’t sex on
a stick. Strong and powerful: but full of need and want. He’d
easily pushed Syn up against the wall, not meeting a bit of
resistance. Furi had licked and stolen every single whimper and
moan the man made. It’d turned him on to no end. Syn was so
responsive to him. Furi couldn’t fight it any more, he’d caressed
those strong muscles, heard his need. Syn wanted Furi to say his
name. He smiled thinking about it.
Say my
name, please.
Furi had felt Syn’s power
and taken it from him. Fuck yes. He’d take more soon. He wouldn’t
say the man’s name until he was ready. Or until he’d earned

Furious!” His uncle
snapped him out of his thoughts. Furi had been washing the same
glass for five minutes.

What?” he yelled right
back. Damn, his uncle got on his nerves.

These Detectives want
you,” his uncle hissed in his ear. “Look, I don’t want you bringing
your trouble here.”

I’m not in any trouble. I
told you that I know a guy who was killed, that I'd probably have
to make a statement.” Furi was already slipping on his coat. “I’ll
be back when I’m finished.”

You knew the guy, huh?
Knew him, or were doing him?” His uncle eyed him

Can you be any more of a

Look, I told you already.
I knew him from school.” Furi refused to tell his uncle where he
really knew Starman from. Honestly, it was none of his business.
His uncle gave Furi enough shit, without adding the porn to the

I’m gonna dock your pay
for this. Now I’m a bartender short,” his uncle

Well the sooner you let
me go, the faster I can get back.” Furi barreled past

Furi didn’t say anything to the
Detectives, not wanting the customers to overhear. When they got
outside, Furi turned and looked at them suspiciously. They sure as
hell didn’t look like any Detectives he’d ever seen. One was
wearing jeans, a dark blue button up shirt, and a well-worn black
leather coat. His hair was slicked back and hung just a little past
his collar. The other was a couple inches taller, standing at least
six-three. His jeans had a hole in the knee and his faded Metallica
t-shirt had seen better days. Both men looked to be in their
thirties. “You’re both Detectives?”

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