Emergence (34 page)

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Authors: John Birmingham

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #General

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A wave of inexplicable energy has slammed into America. And destroyed it.

What will the world do without its last Superpower?

For the jihadists, Allah has performed a miracle. For the US and its allies, Armageddon has arrived. Australasia, far from the noxious waste darkening Europe’s skies, beckons as a possible oasis.

Who and what will fill the void?


‘Our world went to hell on March 14, 2003.’

Four years after an inexplicable wave of energy decimated the American mainland, and then just as inexplicably disappeared a year later, US President James Kipper is no closer to explaining the catastrophe to the traumatised survivors.

In a decaying New York City, an assassination attempt on the President prompts the suspicion that the looters overrunning Manhattan may be more organised and sinister than previously thought.

Working on a farm in Texas to earn his citizenship, Miguel Pieraro believes in the promise of the New America. That is until tragedy cuts through his family.

In the English countryside, Echelon agent Caitlin Monroe must once again fight for her life, a sharp reminder that her nemesis is active again.

Then out of the smoking ruin of the Middle East comes an enemy that will be Kipper’s toughest challenge yet. The battle for the Wild East is just beginning, but does this New America, and its gun-shy President, have the strength of will to destroy the past in order to save the future?


Jed Culver, President Kipper’s sword and shield, knows that what is right and what is best are rarely the same thing.

To some, Mad Jackson Blackstone, rogue governor of the Republic of Texas, is slowly but surely destroying the United States.

In New York, Caitlin Monroe’s one shot at vengeance may lie buried beneath the rubble of the city, but she has to be certain.

Unknown killers hunt Lady Julianne Balwyn in the anarchic, violent freeport of Darwin.

Sofia Pieraro is all alone in the empty heart of a haunted land, revenge her only reason to keep moving.

After many years the long trail of the dead will bring them all together.

The final battle for America and the new world will not be fought with armies, but in the quiet and the dark, by individuals, driven towards vengeance and annihilation.


A near-future military experiment thrusts a multinational armada back to 1942, right into the middle of the U.S. naval task force speeding toward Midway Atoll—and what was to be the most spectacular Allied triumph of World War II.

The 21st-century sailors are a shocking spectre for these veterans of Pearl Harbor—men who have never seen a helicopter or a nuclear weapon, and who have never encountered an African American colonel or a female Australian submarine commander. But they respect the armada’s awesome firepower, and what it may mean to the War.

Initial jubilation is quickly doused by a shocking realisation—other ships may have made the trip—and may be in the hands of the Japanese. What happens next is anybody’s guess . . . and everybody’s nightmare.


The nightmare of the Transition has pitched a whole world into chaos, as the great powers of 1942 scramble to build the weapons of tomorrow.

But the military crisis is only one part of a ruptured history.

Awareness of the future is sweeping the globe, and many of the people of 1942 are split between desire for the freedoms their descendants enjoy, and fear of the society which awaits them. Then Japan invades Australia, foreign agents begin a campaign of terror in the USA, and Germany prepares for an all-out attack on Britain.

The 21st-century forces must resort to the most extreme measures yet and face a future rife with possibilities – all of them apocalyptic.


As history reaches a tipping point, the forces unleashed by the Transition threaten to destroy the world. Hitler and Tojo race towards an atom bomb. Stalin plots to tear down the future and rebuild it in his image. And the Allies begin their Great Crusade with weapons and knowledge from the next century. What price will Kolhammer and his people pay for disrupting their past?


Ten years have passed since Admiral Kolhammer’s 21st century battlefleet was dragged into a wormhole and thrown across oceans of time, emerging with disastrous consequences and shattering the history of the Second World War.

Hitler and the Nazis have fallen, Kolhammer sits in the White House, but Stalin rules half of Europe and Asia. The great Soviet engines of state power turn and burn to ‘set history right’. Not just of the war, but of all future time.

In Rome with his lover Julia Duffy, an older, mellower Prince Harry is drawn into Stalin’s plans when a simple game of spies goes horribly wrong. Underneath the eternal city, former Spetsnaz officer Pavel Ivanov fights a running battle with the NKVD’s executioner-in-chief as Stalin’s minions fight to preserve the secret of a weapon that could destroy the West with one, fearsome blow.

Stalin’s Hammer: Rome
, the first of a series of serialised novellas, John Birmingham returns to the world he destroyed along with the US Fleet at Midway in the Axis of Time series.

First published 2015 in Macmillan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Limited

1 Market Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000

Copyright © John Birmingham 2015

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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from the National Library of Australia


EPUB format: 9781743518212

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Cover design by XOU Creative

The characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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