Enchanted and Desired (12 page)

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Authors: Eva Simone

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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“What’s your full name Jester?” I see the relief as she picks out her ball and brushes past me.


How does she make her name sound like a sexual treat as it rolls off her tongue and washes over me? Jessica…I like the sound of that as I imagine myself shouting it; grunting it as I spill my cum into her tight little pussy. Fuck…I need to distract myself. Easier said than done as I watch her sashay up to take her shot, her perfect ass calling for me to bite it, and claim it. I’m going to make it my mission to show her how much pleasure I can give her sweet ass.

She starts jumping up and down as the pins go crashing to the ground; the screen flashing for a strike. Why do I get the feeling I’m about to be hustled? With a smug look on her face she struts over to me.

“Your turn. Truth or dare?” Shit, I can already see this backfiring on me.

“Truth, but go easy on me…Jessica.” God I love saying her name like that.

“How many women have you slept with?” Holy fuck, straight for the jugular.

“Really Jess? This is how you want to start our date…thinking about the women I’ve slept with?”

“I just want to know what level of man-whore I’m dealing with. Should I be worried? Just answer the damn question.” I do NOT want to be having this conversation with her. She seems to be quite playful with it, but I know this is going to kill her good mood. I run my fingers through my hair a few times before I can bring myself to answer her.

“I don’t know Jess. I don’t have a little black book of all my sexual conquests, and I don’t have notches on my bedpost. I’ve slept with a lot of women. It’s in the triple figures. I’m not proud of it, and I’m not ashamed of it. I have my reasons and that’s the way I’ve lived my life up until now. If I wasn’t this way, I would never have been so forceful when I met you – and something tells me you like the way I take what I want…” I leave that hanging in the air and turn to take my next shot.

We have a great time, and Jess totally kicks my ass in our strike competition. I knew she was on the hustle when she was so eager for the end wager. We’ve found out all kinds of crazy information about each other and even squeeze in some dares while we play. She is so much fun to be around, I can’t help but smile; she’s fucking adorable. I dared her to go get a phone number from a cute blonde girl playing a few lanes over from us. I thought she would bail and just take a question, but the little minx works her magic and saunters back to me waving a napkin in my face, with not only the girl’s number but a pretty pink lipstick kiss on it. I’ve got a semi from watching her flirt with another girl, and now I
to get her back to my place ASAP.

“Read it and weep! You’re not the only player in town.” She’s joking with me but the image of her leaving my club with that prick comes to mind and makes me want to punch something. I try to shake it off while I order us another round of drinks. The waitress that brings them is a shameless flirt and as much as I try to ignore her, she doesn’t get the hint and starts touching my arm, completely disregarding the fact that I’m clearly here with Jess. I’m starting to get annoyed trying to extricate myself from her grasp when Jess casually strolls over, parking herself beside me, running her hand up my back, over my neck and up into my hair before giving it a playful tug; all the while her glacial stare is fixed on the girl touching my arm.

“Best not touch things that aren’t yours sweetheart. That’s how you get a broken nose…when my fist connects with it – in about thirty seconds if you don’t take your grimy little paws off my man.” I am so fucking turned on by her possessiveness right now; my cock is aching as it thickens and hardens in my pants, straining against the seam of my jeans. Why is it so goddamn sexy that she is staking a claim on me? Normally I would run a mile if a woman did that. The waitress makes a sharp exit with a disgruntled look on her face, and I am in awe of the woman beside me.

“Tut Tut Mr. Mantovani. I can’t take you anywhere can I? Your sheer Italian stallion magnetism is just too much for women to resist.” A sly grin creeps across her face as she speaks and it is so damn sexy.

“You know it baby. The only woman I want to attract with my ‘magnetism’ is standing in front of me right now, looking sexy as hell, and I’m hoping she’s ready to get out of here.” I pull her close, letting her feel my arousal, and am rewarded with the acknowledgement dancing in her eyes as I go in for the kill.

Her lips are perfect, so fucking plump, and juicy, and ripe for sinking my teeth into. Her breath quickens with my own as I dip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the alcohol, savoring every lick, flick and suck. Everything around us fades into the background as we begin to indulge in this sensual assault; white noise to our growing passion, desire and urgency to explore each other’s naked flesh. I lift her, grabbing her tight little ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist as I deepen our kiss; the intensity of our connection taking over. When the erotic mist surrounding us lifts for a second, I realize that I’ve backed her down onto the scoreboard console. I tear my lips from hers, dragging in a ragged breath; noticing people on the surrounding lanes stopping to stare at the scene playing out in front of them.

I let out a small chuckle before pressing my lips to Jess’s ear. “I need to get you home before we get arrested for indecent exposure. As much as I would
to spend a night with you in handcuffs, I don’t want to share you with anyone. NO ONE gets to see how fucking magnificent you look when you come except me. Do you understand me Jess?”

Her breath becomes even more erratic, her chest heaving against my torso as I repeat my question. “Do you understand me Jess? No one but me.”

She makes a point of holding my gaze as she gives me the answer I crave. “No one but you Simon.” I know what a big deal it is for her to give me that…even if only for now. I’ll take what I can get with her, and see where it goes.

“Let me take you home Tesoro.” She nods her agreement, and before I know it, I’m opening the door to my apartment and pulling her in behind me. I’m so fucking fixated on her that I didn’t register anything else but her, from the moment she nodded her head to the moment we arrived here. Privacy and a full night to really explore and enjoy every inch of her delectable body has me buzzing from head to toe with anticipation of the
night ahead.




My attraction to Simon is unlike anything else I have
felt in my life. God…I almost had sex with him in a bowling alley full of people; and I wouldn’t have cared as long as he was inside me. It’s my turn to take charge tonight. I need to; it’s the only way I can reconcile whatever is going on between us without running for the hills. I won our bet, so I can do whatever I want and he has to comply; and right now
I want is to see every inch of his gorgeous naked body, and feel his rock hard cock hitting the back of my throat.

As soon as he locks the door I take charge. “Take off your clothes. I won the wager and I dare you to let me take the lead tonight.” He looks a little shocked, but there is an understanding behind his stunning brown eyes; he knows I need this.

A slow, sultry, sexy grin spreads across his beautiful face; the slight scruff from the day beginning to cast a rugged shadow along his tanned, chiseled jaw. As he stalks towards me pulling his t-shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor, my stomach starts doing somersaults. Even the way he walks is sexy.

“Your wish is my command baby.”

He holds my gaze as he unbuttons his jeans and pushes them down along with his boxer shorts. He kicks off his shoes and socks and steps out of everything else in one swift movement. He stands in the middle of his living room, with a wall of floor to ceiling windows showcasing the New York skyline, completely confident, his dick hard as steel as he lets me take my fill, my eyes moving greedily over his body. He has a few tattoos that I’ve never really had the chance to examine. Against his tanned skin, the black ink is ridiculously sexy. I caught a glimpse in our previous encounters, but I was a little…preoccupied. There is some sort of tribal artwork covering his left shoulder, encroaching onto his defined chest and down his arm to his elbow. I love tattoos on a guy; who doesn’t? But on him they’re breathtaking. I want to caress every stunning line with my fingers before trailing my tongue along each intricate twist and turn of the ink. As I rake my gaze over the rest of his delicious body and come to his second tattoo…holy fucking mother of god. This one I didn’t notice before…and it is mouth-wateringly sexy. He has a tattoo that runs between his V muscles. Two lines of writing – not in English, so I have no idea what they say, but they look BEYOND amazing on his tight, toned skin. Some of the text is blocked by his raging erection, ready and waiting for me.

He spreads his arms wide. “Do with me as you please Jess. I’m all yours.” My panties are soaked already at the sight of him. The way he is so at ease with his body, at ease with his nakedness, is such a huge turn on for me. He knows how amazing he looks and he’s not ashamed to show it.

“Oh I know hot shot, and boy do I have plans for you, but first…undress me.” His dick twitches at my words as he closes the gap between us.

He doesn’t speak; he holds my gaze as he lifts my arms above my head, trailing his fingers from the palms of my hands, down my arms, over my sides until he reaches the hem of my silk camisole top. His fingers glide under the edges, his knuckles skimming my naked skin as he pulls it up and over my head before dropping it to the floor. A shiver runs through me with the intensity of his smoldering eyes. My breath hitches as he lowers himself onto his knees; fuck, this a hot sight to behold. He rains feather-light kisses down my stomach while he makes short work of unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down, along with my panties. He gently places my hand on his shoulder so that I don’t lose balance while he lifts each foot in turn, removing my pumps, sliding my jeans and panties off, and running his hand up the inside of my leg until he reaches the apex of my thighs. I know I’m wet, and
ready for him, and tonight…I feel a little shy at him knowing just how much he affects me.

“Dio mio
[Oh my God]
Jess. You are so fucking wet baby.” He removes his hand before grasping my ass and pulling my pussy into his face. My stomach comes alive as he takes a deep breath, drinking in the scent of my arousal before flicking his tongue over my swollen, throbbing clit.

“Più dolce il nettare degli dei. So fucking sweet.”
[Sweeter than the nectar of the Gods.]

I have no idea what he just said to me, but it has my legs buckling underneath me. Simon steadies me as he lifts himself up off the floor, his dick grazing my skin as he pulls our bodies together. His hands move around to the front fastening catch on my bra; his fingers making short work of it before it springs open, unleashing my now heavy breasts. His mouth claims my nipple, sucking it, teasing it to a pebbled point with his tongue as his hand encompasses my other breast; squeezing it, rolling his fingers over the nipple and pinching it to the point of pain – a delicious, pleasurable pain. When I’m panting and moaning, he pulls away completely; returning to his stance in front of me, standing proud as his cock twitches in anticipation.

“You’re in the driver’s seat tonight Jessica. Tell me what to do.” OH…MY…GOD. I got so caught up in him that I forgot all my rules about taking charge. As much as I hate to admit it – I love the feeling of being at this man’s mercy; but tonight, I
to assert some sort of control, or I know I’ll find myself running out of here in the morning, when I want to be nestled in his arms.

“I want you to move over to the windows and stand in the moonlight so I can get a proper look at your body before I lick every inch of it.” I love the excitement I see dancing in his eyes.

He can’t help but keep some level of control as he takes my hand and leads me over into the moonlight streaming though the wall of windows. “Good enough for you to get a
proper look
?” The look in his eyes has changed from playful to a dark and exciting lust that sends shockwaves of desire coursing through my body. I feel a slight tremble in my hands as I place them on his chest, and he covers them with his own.

“Don’t be nervous Tesoro. I am gladly giving you the reins tonight. Whatever you want…or don’t want…you decide. I will do
you ask of me Jess.” His sincerity slays me, cutting through my bullshit issues and speaking directly to my deepest fears when it comes to him. A sense of calm washes over me at his words, my focus now solely on the pleasure I want to give and take from his body.

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