Endless Chase (7 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: Endless Chase
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Chase was thankful. He’d had some awful ones in the past few months and they were getting progressively worse.

Not wanting to push his luck, he’d turned back the thick, down-filled duvet on his king-sized bed and crawled beneath the sheets. Hours later, he was still lying there, staring at the ceiling. While he admired the eighteenth-century fresco painted above him, he was sick of looking at it.

Sighing, he’d closed his eyes, willing himself to sleep. It didn’t work. He tried some meditation and relaxation exercises he’d learned, but they didn’t help. He’d turned the light back on and tried sketching, but that had only made matters worse. Every line he drew was of Katya’s lithe body or her mysterious face. He’d filled pages and pages of his sketchpad until his body was in a state of low-level arousal, his cock partially erect.

The harder he tried to keep Katya from his thoughts, the more she intruded.

There was no reason for him to be this obsessed with her. He’d only met her once.

And while she was a beautiful woman, he’d known many beautiful women in his lifetime. But none of them had ever had this affect on him before.


N.J. Walters

His cock twitched and he kicked off the covers staring down at his erection. “What the hell do you know?” As if to taunt him, his shaft swelled further. “This is crazy.”

Okay, he was a man and he hadn’t been in a sexual relationship in a long time.

That’s all there was to it. Seeing Katya, and being on vacation, was just reminding him of that fact. He was horny, plan and simple.

He groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face, not buying it for one second.

Katya’s face swam before him every time he closed his eyes. Even while he’d been talking and laughing with Cristofor and Johanna he’d been thinking about her. Where was she? Who was she with? What was she doing?

Swearing, Chase swung out of bed and stalked to the window. Pushing back the shutters, he shoved the window open, letting in the night wind. The light breeze washed over his heated skin, but it didn’t cool him down. If anything, the contrast between his hot skin and the cool wind drove his arousal higher.

Absently, he ran his hand down his chest to his groin, circling his swollen cock.

Maybe he just needed relief from the sexual tension riding him.

He pumped his hand up and down the hard length, establishing a slow but steady rhythm. Katya would be hot and wet, her body clasping him impossibly tight as he thrust into her. “Damn.” He shut his eyes tight and imagined her naked beneath him.

After the erotic dream he’d had it was an incredibly easy image to capture in his mind.

He pumped faster as he pictured her small but sturdy hand, stroking over his chest, his stomach, his cock.

He emitted a low groan, almost able to feel her hand cupping his sac while the other pumped up and down his length.

Then there was her mouth. Oh, yeah. She had one hell of a sexy mouth. Her lips were full and rosy. He could easily imagine them wrapped around his shaft, taking him deeper with each heavy thrust.

His chest was rising and falling rapidly. Chase braced his shoulder against the stone wall, his hand never faltering. Katya was so sexy. It wasn’t that she had large breasts or exceptional curves. Her breasts were full, but barely a handful, and her curves were subtle, her body lithe and strong. But there was something about her that drew him. Maybe it was her attitude. She exuded strength, determination and intelligence.

Chase had always been a sucker for a smart woman.

Katya would be a challenge. But beneath that prickly exterior, he was certain was a woman worth the fight. Any man who could get beneath her guard would be richly rewarded for his efforts.

His hand quickened as he felt his balls draw up closer to his body. He’d almost swear he could feel her out there in the forest waiting for him, watching him. His scalp tingled and he came. Gritting his teeth to keep from yelling, he let the pleasure of his 36

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orgasm envelop him. Liquid splashed on his belly and over his hand as he continued to pump.

When he was done, he let his back fall against the wall, needing the support. While he caught his breath, he stared out the window. The land called to him and he knew he wouldn’t be going back to bed.

Pushing away from the hard stone, he made his way to the bathroom to clean himself up. When that was done, he hauled on his jeans, boots and a heavy shirt before grabbing his jacket and quietly letting himself out the door.

The night was waiting.

Katya stared up at the front of the rather imposing building. With her legs straddling a thick branch, she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the limb and her chin on her hands. The foliage surrounded her, protecting her from curious eyes and predators as she studied the place. Her crossbow was tucked safely inside the pack strapped to her back.

She’d been watching the castle for most of the night, thinking, and weighing her strategy. She had to get inside, and she had to do it without making anyone suspicious.

Chewing on her bottom lip, she pondered her options.

It was the first time since she’d headed down this path of revenge that she truly loathed what she’d become—a user, a manipulator, a liar. “You don’t have a choice,”

she reminded herself. “You’ve come too far to turn back now.” Besides, if she didn’t do this, the head of the vampire hunter order would send someone else.

She had all the information she needed except for the one final, vital piece. Getting into Dalakis Castle was the key to obtaining it.

Chase… Well, Chase was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She didn’t want to see him hurt, would do everything in her power to keep that from happening, but she couldn’t turn back now.

Her fingers went to her chest and she clutched the outline of the cross beneath her shirt. “Forgive me,” she whispered.

One of the windows on the far end of the top floor pushed open. Katya pulled back further into the shadows, making the branches rustle slightly, even though she was well concealed. She could see the outline of a man and knew it was Chase. Even from this distance she could feel the connection between them. It was if there was an invisible cord running from one to the other, allowing them to feel one another’s emotions and arousal.

Katya muttered a curse under her breath as the prickly sensation crept back over her skin. It had taken her the better part of three hours to get her body relaxed and feeling normal. Now that was gone, within five seconds of seeing Chase again. And she couldn’t really see him that well, more of just an outline, a shadow.


N.J. Walters

He turned and the moonlight caught him. Katya sucked in her breath. He was naked. Every sculpted muscle was outlined. His head was tipped back, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his hand wrapped around his rather impressive erection.

She’d thought the dream had been graphic, but nothing had prepared her for this.

He was like some Greek god come to life. She swallowed hard, but couldn’t pull her gaze away as he continued to pleasure himself. Was he thinking about her or some other woman? Jealousy surged through her, followed by anger. He was hers.

She shook her head to try to clear the unfamiliar thoughts away. She’d never been jealous in her life, and furthermore, she had no reason to be. She’d only met the man once.

That didn’t seem to matter to her emotions or her body.

As she watched him, her body softened and swelled. The folds of her sex damped and thickened as they became engorged with blood. Her breast tightened, pressing against her clothing. Katya shifted slightly and then stilled. He’d see her if she wasn’t careful.

She wanted to look away, to break the spell that he’d spun between them, but all she could do was watch as his hand moved faster and faster. His low moan drifted across the night air as he came. Her inner muscles spasmed and she barely muffled a groan. She hung on grimly, her fingers scoring the bark, not stirring until she saw him move away from the window.

Only then did she allow herself to slump against the trunk of the tree. A branch rustled, reminding her of her precarious perch. Taking a moment to get control of herself, she swung carefully from the tree branch, shimmying her way down the trunk to the ground beneath.

She didn’t need to look at her watch to know that it was about an hour until sunrise. The sensible thing would be to head back to the inn and avoid having to face Olga’s cross-examination about where she’d been. That would be smart.

But Katya’s feet wouldn’t move in that direction. Her heart began to pound heavily in her chest. She knew. She knew as sure as she was standing there that Chase would soon be on his way to the meadow in the woods.

The night surrounded her, singing its unique song. An owl hooted, insects chirped and the light breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, releasing the perfume of the wildflowers that clustered around their base. She sensed an animal off to her left, but from the level of the noise, it was a small one. Everything was as it should be.

She should head back down the dirt road to town. That’s what she should do.

Silently, she turned her back on the road and melted into the surrounding forest.

A sense of urgency filled Chase as he headed up the trail behind the castle. Dawn was nearing and the sky was already beginning to lighten. Night hadn’t released its grip yet, but the morning was creeping closer with each step he took.


Endless Chase

His long legs ate up the distance as he hurried. A raven flew in front of him, squawking loudly. Chase ignored everything but the emotion burning in his chest.

Katya. She was out there and she was waiting for him.

He didn’t question how he knew this. He just accepted it.

Five more minutes and he’d be at the meadow.

Abruptly, he stopped. Slowly, he turned in a circle. Watching. Listening. There was no sound, no movement, nothing to give her away, but he knew she was there. “Katya.”

“You shouldn’t have come.” Her voice was a mere whisper off to his right, but he heard her as clearly as if she was standing next to him.

He’d had an orgasm not half an hour before and he was fully aroused again. “I had to.” That was no less than the truth.

She drifted out of the shadows, a figure dressed all in black. A shroud of sadness and acceptance seemed to envelop her. Chase wanted her to accept him, but he didn’t like the idea of her being sad. He sensed that there had been too much sorrow in her life.

“Come here.” He opened his arms and patiently waited.

Like a wary animal she hesitated, her body quivering with uncertainty. With a muffled cry, she flung herself toward him, wrapping her arms around his waist and clinging tight. “I don’t understand any of this.”

He kissed the top of her head, wanting to comfort her as much as he wanted to spread her beneath him and fuck her. The need to soothe her warred with his need to claim her. It was a volatile combination.

“Don’t try to understand it.” God knows he’d tried and couldn’t make any sense of it.

“My life is complicated enough as it is.” She eased back, but didn’t remove her arms from his waist as she met his gaze. “I don’t need this kind of involvement.”

Although he felt the same way, her easy dismissal of what was between them pricked his male vanity. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but there doesn’t seem to be any changing the fact that I want you.”

She flinched at his harsh tone, but didn’t back down. “So what do we do about it?”

Chase cupped her face in his hands. “Maybe we don’t fight it.” Leaning down, he rubbed his lips over hers. Satisfaction filled him when they parted for him. “Maybe we let nature take its course and see where it leads.” He stroked his tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth.

Her fingers dug into his waist as she moaned softly, the sound vibrating against his lips. “We both know what will happen if we do that,” she countered when she finally pulled away.

“That’s why we’re here.” As soon as he said the words, he felt their truth. They’d both sensed the other one near, felt the desire, the energy that arced between them, 39

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connecting them. He’d known she’d be here waiting for him. And she’d known he was coming to claim her.

“Yes,” she whispered.

It was enough. His body roared to life, blood pumping furiously through his veins.

The need to claim her, to fuck her, to feel alive, flooded him. Yanking her toward him, he lifted her.

Katya wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms circled his neck, as their mouths met. It was hot and consuming and absolutely perfect. Their tongues twined, advancing and retreating and they struggled to get closer to one another. Katya arched her hips, finding his erection and pressing her mound against it.

Chase’s jeans were suddenly way too tight. His cock was straining hard, the tip already wet and eager. He slipped his hands beneath her ass, cupping and squeezing hard. Her moan of pleasure filled his mouth.

He had to see her.

Moving farther into the woods, he pressed her back against the trunk of a large tree.

He pushed his hips against hers to anchor her while he practically tore her heavy backpack and coat from her body. She struggled to free her arms from both, tossing them the ground.

The bark was rough so he knew he couldn’t remove her shirt all the way. Instead, he pulled the front of the top up and over her head, leaving her arms and back covered by the material. Her bra was simply white cotton but it made his mouth water.

A quick flick of his wrist and the clasp was open. The material fell away, revealing high, firm breasts, tipped in pale pink. He shifted her higher in his grasp, bringing them closer to his mouth. Leaning in, he nuzzled the firm mounds before lapping at one of her pretty nipples. It tightened and elongated at his touch. Pleased, he did the same to the other one.

“Chase,” she panted, tugging on his hair. He could feel her heat through the crotch of her dark pants, surrounding his throbbing dick.

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