Endless Chase (8 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: Endless Chase
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“I know,” he muttered as he nipped at her collarbone, her throat and her jaw.

“It’s too much,” Katya gasped as she lifted herself more firmly against him. “But not enough.”

She’d described it exactly. He felt as if he was gripped by an inexplicable madness.

“I have to have you.” He had to know she wanted it too.

“Yes.” She tugged at the front of his shirt, yanking at the buttons until they opened or were ripped away. Her hands smoothed over his chest, the tips of her fingers lightly grazing his flat nipples.

Chase groaned, burying his face against her neck. “I can’t wait. Can’t go slow. Not this time.” Next time, he promised himself. Next time, he’d strip her naked and taste every inch of her creamy flesh. “I need to be inside you.”


Endless Chase

Katya tore at the opening of his jeans. Chase reluctantly released her long enough to ease the zipper past his erection. It sprang forward into her waiting hand. He hadn’t bothered with underwear when he’d dressed.

She made a low sound of pleasure as she wrapped her fingers around him. Chase froze as she ran her hand up and down his length. It was better than he’d imagined. He felt each brush of her flesh against his and it magnified his arousal tenfold.

Reaching for the zipper of her pants, he jerked it down and plunged his hand deep.

Dampness met his fingers and he moaned in pleasure as her heat bathed him. She was so wet, so ready for him.

“You want this, don’t you?” He worked one long finger into her core. She was tight, hot and absolute perfection. His head almost exploded at the thought of his cock taking the place of his finger.

“Yes.” She squirmed, trying to take him deeper. The hand gripping his cock fell away as she swayed.

“God, I’ve never been so hot so fast for a woman.” Removing his finger, he shoved her pants down around her ankles. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he yanked out a condom, thankful that he’d actually had several in his suitcase. He’d put one in his back pocket earlier tonight, not wanting to be caught unprepared. He wanted Katya. There was no denying the potent attraction sizzling between them. And thankfully, she felt the same way.

He ripped the packet open and quickly sheathed himself. She reached out to help, smoothing the latex over his pulsing flesh. It was heaven. It was torture.

He spun her around, positioning her so her back was to him and she was facing the tree. “Lean against it.”

Katya did as he asked, bracing her palms against the trunk.

Chase moved in behind her, letting his erection slide between the globes of her sweet ass. Startled, she tightened them, squeezing him tight. “Damn,” he muttered, dropping his head down. “You keep that up and it will be over before it starts.”

She giggled and then moaned when he pressed the head of his cock just inside her opening. “Spread your legs as wide as you can,” he encouraged. With her pants around her ankles, that wasn’t far. “You’re going to squeeze me so damn tight.”

He flexed his hips, pushing inward. A bead of sweat formed on his temple as he struggled for control. “You’re so small. So tight.”

“You’re just big,” she gasped.

Chase gave a groan of laughter, which turned quickly to a moan of pleasure as she tightened her inner muscles around him. Keeping the pace slow and steady, he pressed deeper into her with each thrust. She was so much smaller than he was, he didn’t want to hurt her, didn’t want to give her anything but pleasure.


N.J. Walters

It took some time and patience, almost driving him insane, but eventually, she was accepting all of him, every last inch. He sighed with relief as her moist heat surrounded him.

Wrapping his arms around her, he placed one hand low on her belly. His other hand cupped one of her firm breasts, squeezing. Pulling his shaft almost all the way out, he surged forward.

He did it again. This time harder.

Katya began to move with him, thrusting her ass back to meet his every stroke.

Tension filled them both as her soft moans and his heavier grunts filled the air around them. The smell of sex filled his nostrils, mingling with the elemental scent of the forest, as he fucked her.

Faster and faster, he took her. He needed to hear her scream. Needed to know she’d found pleasure before he came. His lower hand sifted through her damp pubic hair and found her clitoris. The little bud was erect and he pressed his thumb lightly against it.

Katya cried out and her inner muscles rippled around him. He yelled her name, his hips pumping faster than a jackhammer. Her feet actually left the ground on one heavy thrust. He felt her sweet pussy milking his cock. For a split second he resented the condom, hating anything that came between them. Then his own orgasm hit him with the power of a freight train. All he could do was hang on as his body bucked and he emptied himself into the condom.

Katya slumped against the tree and he barely caught her. He staggered slightly as he slowly eased from her hot clasp. Her inner muscles grasped at him, making it hard for him to leave her warmth. The minute he was out, her knees buckled.

He held her with one hand and hitched his jeans up with the other. Easing down to the ground, he leaned against the tree and cradled her in his arms. He could feel the condom sliding free. Muttering under his breath, he dug a tissue out of his pocket and used it to dispose of the rubber. Katya leaned against him, her eyes closed, her face flushed.

“Are you all right?”

Her eyelids fluttered and she stared at him. “Oh yeah.”

Chase smiled, thinking that this felt right. He could easily get used to seeing her sleepy, sated face every day. His smile faded and he pushed thoughts of forever aside.

They had now. That was all that mattered.

He held her in his arms until the sun rose and she stirred. “I have to go back to the inn.”

His grip involuntarily tightened around her. “How long will you be staying?”

She hesitated briefly and then shrugged. “I’m not certain. My plans are fluid.”

His mind was working furiously now and he remembered something Johanna had mentioned earlier. “Are you an artist?”

She stilled. “How did you know?”


Endless Chase

A short lock of hair was plastered to her forehead and he pushed it aside. “You’re staying in a small village. Not too many secrets around here. You’re either the artist or the newlywed. And you’re not the newlywed.” The woman in his arms wasn’t the type to cheat on her man. She was too upfront and straightforward for that.

“Then I must be the artist.”

“Do you want to see the castle?”

Katya froze and he wondered if he was pushing too hard too fast. She climbed from his lap and yanked up her pants before closing her bra and fixing her top. When she was done, she looked around until she found her jacket and pack. Pulling them on, she faced him. “If that’s what you want.”

Chase didn’t know what she was thinking. She suddenly seemed totally aloof and indifferent, not the same warm woman he’d held in his arms only moments before.

“Don’t do me any favors.” He wasn’t going to beg a woman for anything.

She shook her head and walked over to him as he stood and quickly zipped his jeans. “I’d like to see you again,” she said.

Just those few simple words made his body react. It took all his strength not to wrap her in his arms. Instead, he shrugged. “I thought you might enjoy seeing the place.”

“I would.” It was Katya who made the move, shifting close enough to wrap her arms around him.

He felt that sense of sadness emanating from her again and frowned, wanting to understand it. “How about eight this evening?” That would give him some time alone with her before the sun went down and the others were up and around. The rest of the family was due today, but not until late. “I’ll come to the inn for you.”

She shook her head. “I’ll come to you.” He started to protest, but she placed her fingers over his lips. “I’m already the source of enough gossip without adding to it.”

As much as he hated to admit it, she had a point. “All right.”

Going up on her toes, she kissed him. This kiss was soft, but no less potent. Chase found himself wanting to sink into her, to gather her into his arms and never let her go.

Her lips were moist and swollen when she pulled away. She touched the side of his face and then turned away. He watched her as she disappeared into the forest.

Sighing, he gathered his shirt and jacket and headed back to the castle. Katya was a mystery, but one he planned to solve. She was holding back from him, but he was patient and would eventually get past her reserve to the woman beneath. He’d caught glimpses of that Katya and wouldn’t rest until she was totally his.

All thoughts of playing it safe and not getting deeply involved dissolved. Now that he’d had her, there was no turning back.


N.J. Walters

Chapter Six

Katya was unbelievably nervous that evening as she trudged up the dirt road toward the castle. She’d studied these people for so long, she felt as if she already knew them. At least on paper. Meeting them in person was something else altogether.

This seemed to be her day for meeting people. She’d literally bumped into the two single men staying at the inn on her way out. Up until now, she’d managed to avoid all the other patrons. She kept odd hours and enjoyed her privacy.

“I’m sorry.” She’d studied the larger of the two men, the one without glasses. He smiled at her as he held out his hand.

“It is my fault entirely. Forgive me for my clumsiness. I am Niles Becker and this is my colleague, Tomas Sullivan.”

Katya had reluctantly taken his hand, giving it a quick shake. “Katya.”

Tomas stared at her openly but didn’t speak.

“You are on your way out?” Niles inquired, his thick German accent making his English sound stilted.

She wanted to tell him to mind his own business but rudeness would bring unnecessary attention her way. She pasted a bland smile on her face. “Yes.”

“Would you join us for dinner? We are heading down to the local restaurant and then on to the pub. Those are the best places to hear local legends and lore, are they not?” He paused before adding, “We are both folklore professors currently studying the local legends of the Romanian countryside.”

“That sounds fascinating.” Katya remembered that Olga had already volunteered that information about the two men and then wondered what the other woman had told the men about her. “Thank you for the invitation, but I have other plans.”

“Ah.” Niles gave her a small nod as he glanced at her hand. “You, of course, already have a date.” He’d obviously made note of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a ring on her finger and now he was fishing for more information.

He was being perfectly polite, but he was beginning to make the hair on the back of her neck stir. “I have an invitation to see the local castle. As an artist, it’s an opportunity I cannot pass up as it may not come again.” As soon as the words were out, she wished she could call them back. She wasn’t in the habit of telling complete strangers her plans.

She was more nervous about this evening than she’d thought or she would never have made such a slip.

“An artist.” Niles seemed intrigued. “It is beautiful countryside for an artist to explore. And of course the castle would be irresistible. I have tried to speak to the 44

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owner, but he refuses to answer my messages.” Katya didn’t like the speculative gleam that entered his eye.

Tomas, on the other hand, frowned and spoke for the first time. “Isn’t it dangerous walking through the countryside at night?”

“No more dangerous than it is anywhere else.” They were beginning to irritate her.

Her business was her own. She glanced at the clock in the hallway. “I really must go.”

“Of course.” Niles gave her another sharp nod. “I would love to hear all about the castle and its inhabitants. There are bound to be legends surrounding the place and the family that lives there. From what I understand, the same family has occupied the castle for generations.” His gaze flowed up and down her body. The man was obviously hoping to get lucky on his working vacation. “Perhaps another time.”

“Perhaps.” She didn’t plan on having dinner with them now or any time in the future, but it was better not to come right out and say so. Men got testy about such things and she was trying to keep as low a profile as possible, which was next to impossible in a village this size.

As she hurried out the door and down the road, she could feel their eyes on her.

Watching. She didn’t look back.

Halfway to her destination now, she pushed Niles and Tomas from her mind. She had more important things to think about—like the fact that she was going to be late because of her unexpected run-in with the inn’s other guests and the fact that she’d spent far too much time primping in the bathroom and fretting over what to wear.

Butterflies were flapping around in her stomach, so she took a deep breath to calm herself.

She couldn’t lose sight of why she was going to the castle tonight. This was what she’d worked and planned for this past year. Things were happening quickly now and revenge was close at hand. First, she had to get through this evening without giving herself away. She brushed at a smudge of dirt on the sleeve of her jacket.

Her wardrobe was severely limited, so she was wearing her usual attire of boots, long-sleeved dark shirt and her jacket. She had swapped her leather pants for a pair of black jeans instead. The gold cross was heavy around her neck, but she refused to go anywhere without it. Other than that, she wore no jewelry.

The best thing she could say about her hair was it was clean. It was short, so beyond finger-combing it, there wasn’t much to be done with it. She hadn’t exactly packed makeup for the journey, so her face was bare.

“Stop it.” Katya raked her fingers though her short hair and then muttered a curse, yanking her hand away. Her hair was probably sticking up on end but she didn’t have a mirror with which to check it. She was driving herself crazy worrying about what these people were going to think of her.

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