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Authors: N.J. Walters

Endless Chase (12 page)

BOOK: Endless Chase
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Raising her head, Katya gazed at him. His eyes were half closed, but she could still see their pale blue glittering in the dim light. He looked incredibly sexy with his hair tousled and his jaw shadowed with stubble. Katya squirmed as heat shot through her core.

He opened his arms to her. “Come here.”

She went eagerly, wanting to feel his body next to hers. More than just the physical closeness, she wanted the emotional closeness, the feeling of belonging with someone, if only for a few moments.

His arm wrapped around her and his shoulder pillowed her head. She felt his lips press against the top of her head. “Thank you.”

Feeling slightly self-conscious now, but pleased, she shrugged. “You’re welcome.”

Her fingers played over the wide expanse of his chest, tracing the bands of muscle on his abdomen.


N.J. Walters

“That’s still only once.” He shifted, rolling her until she was on her back staring up at him. His large body blocked the light from her view. Propping himself up on his elbows, he let his lower body press against hers.

Already partly aroused, it only took that one small motion to have her body humming once again. Making room for him between her thighs, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “That’s one each.”

Chase nuzzled her neck. “I promised you twice before I fucked you.”

“Once is fine,” she assured him as she arched her hips upward. She’d just as soon get on with the fucking.

She felt Chase’s lips turn up in a smile as he kissed behind her ear. “But I’m a man of my word, sweetheart.”

The endearment made her heart skip a beat. She wanted to believe it meant something special, but she was a realist. It was the heat of the moment, two healthy adults engaging in hot sex. Nothing more. But, oh, how she wanted it to be more.

He pulled back and stared down at her as if sensing her mood change. “Are you okay?”

She didn’t want to talk. Not now. Later, it was inevitable. She knew that she had to modify her plan. Meeting Chase had altered everything. She didn’t know whether to thank him or curse him. Deep in her heart, she feared she loved him. Only an emotion that deep, that strong, could make her deviate from her course of action. That frightened her to her very core.

A relationship between them was doomed from the beginning. There were just too many variables stacked against them, the least of which was the fact that she was using him and his family to achieve her own ends.

“Katya.” He looked concerned now, his full lips pursed into a thin line, his eyes shadowed. She didn’t want that. Not now.

“I’m fine,” she assured him, tugging him down until their lips almost met. “Now fuck me.”

His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared as he lowered his head. Katya wanted to close her eyes, but she didn’t. She wanted to see him, to memorize each and every curve of his face, the tiny lines around the corner of his eyes and the scar that sat high on his left cheekbone.

Their lips met. Melded. The kiss, long and hot. Tongues twined and explored, their breath mingling and becoming one.

Need, hot and fierce, sprang to life within her like a starving beast. Closing her eyes, she fought it as she tore her lips from his. Chase kissed her neck, her collarbone, her breasts and belly. There was no part of her that he didn’t explore with his lips, mouth and tongue.

Her body was on fire, her soul craving only what Chase could give her. She panted hard, finding it almost impossible to breathe. She almost cried when Chase rolled off 62

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the bed, but he was back in a flash, ripping open a condom and rolling it on. She could have told him she was safe, that it didn’t matter, but talking was beyond her. Plus, she found she liked the fact that he wanted to protect her.

Chase sat back on his haunches and dragged her into his arms. Katya clutched at his shoulders for balance as she levered herself up. The tip of his cock pushed into her moist opening, making them both gasp. He gripped her hips, pulling her down one slow inch at a time until she was impaled on his cock.

Heat, need and love swirled through her. Around her. She felt half wild as she buried her face in his neck and licked at his salty flesh. The feelings were so intense, they scared her, but she faced them head-on, knowing what they meant. Chase was the love of her life, the only man she would ever love.

And before the dawn broke on a new day, she would lose him.

Tears pricked her eyes, but she refused to give in to them. Once this was all over, she would return to her homeland, curl up in the room where she’d spent her childhood and give in to the tears. But not now. Now was the time to celebrate life, which could be all too fleeting.

Raising herself up, she then pushed back down, fast and hard. Chase pulsed heavily inside her, his hot length stretching her, filling her to perfection.

“You’re so perfect.” His words echoed her thoughts, but she didn’t want to talk, only wanted to feel.

She continued to move sinuously over him, her breasts swaying. Chase bent her back suddenly and began to lave her breasts. His tongue swiped over each swollen nipple. It was incredible. It was almost unbearable. Her core pulsed hard, promising release, but not quite delivering.

Katya was poised on the edge, unable to move in a way to bring her to completion.

“Chase.” She tugged on his hair, burying her face in his neck. Her teeth grazed the sensitive skin at the base and he moaned. He continued to tease her, torment her with his body. Frustration welled up inside her and she nipped at his neck. His arms tightened around her as he continued his short, hard thrusts.

Katya bit his neck in frustration. The skin broke and she felt the hot, metallic taste of his blood in her mouth. Horrified, she started to pull away. Chase groaned and pressed his hand against the back of her head, keeping her from pulling away.

He shifted, pushing her back against the mattress. As he sat back, she could see the slight trickle of blood on his neck and the bruising around it. She’d marked him.

Pleasure and shame warred inside her. His face was fierce as he hooked his arms beneath her legs and pushed them wide. He planted his hands on the bed beside her shoulders and drove his cock deep inside her.

In this position, there was no way for her to control the depth or speed of his thrusts. He pushed her deeper into the mattress with each heavy stroke. She arched her back, wanting him harder, deeper. He forged inward, stretching her, filling her. She licked her lips as she watched him, still able to taste his essence from earlier. He was all 63

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muscles and sinew, the quintessential male determined to drive them both over the edge. A fine layer of sweat made his skin glisten as their skin slapped together again and again. All she could do was hang on as he fucked her faster and harder with each stroke. Her hands fisted in the blankets beneath her, anchoring her to something solid.

“Harder,” she begged, needing something more to push her over the edge.

Chase’s hips began to hammer against her. Katya felt the coverings rip beneath her grasp. Her core pulsed, bathing his cock in her heat as he powered into her. Lights flashed behind her eyes. Every cell inside her body seemed to explode at once.

She cried out, her body jerking beneath his. Pleasure exploded and hunger roared to life within her, both of them pushing for supremacy. Katya grabbed Chase’s shoulders, but they were so slick, her hands slipped away.

He stiffened and she felt the change in him, knew he was coming. His orgasm sent ripples to every inch of her body and she spasmed again, riding on the wave of his release.

He stayed suspended over her for several seconds and then he gave a groan and collapsed to the bed beside her. They both lay there panting, unable to speak. Finally, Katya shifted her legs, which were still spread at an awkward angle.

Chase mumbled something she couldn’t quite make out and then heaved himself to the side. He managed to discard the condom before snaking out his arm and hooking it around her waist. She snuggled closer, promising to rest for only a few minutes. That was the last thought she had.

When she awoke, she sensed that the night had waned. What would Chase’s family think of her when she walked down the stairs almost at dawn? There was no doubt what she and Chase had been doing. And why did she even care?

Katya opened her eyes and stared at Chase. His eyes were still closed, his breathing even. She wanted to stop time at this moment so she could be with him always. But wishing something didn’t make it so.

Gathering her strength, she started to move. Chase’s arm was still wrapped tightly around her, so it took some maneuvering on her part to get out from beneath it without waking him.

She rose silently from the bed and stood beside it, watching him. He looked so peaceful, and she was about to shatter that. She almost hated herself for that but it was the right thing to do. The only thing she could do.

Grabbing her clothing, she dressed quickly, saying a silent prayer when she laced up her boots that she’d stashed her knives outside behind the rosebush with her crossbow. It had been a last-minute decision, but it would have killed the mood if Chase had discovered them when he was stripping off her clothing. She’d been so into the moment, she hadn’t even thought about her knives. Which showed her just how dangerous he was to her mission and her peace of mind.


Endless Chase

She carefully lifted her mama’s necklace from where it rested on top of her pack, slipping it around her neck and fastening it. Bringing the cross to her lips, she kissed it before tucking it beneath her shirt.

Grabbing her jacket, she shrugged it on and went to stand by the side of the bed.

Bringing her fingers to her lips, she kissed them and placed them on his cheek. “I love you,” she whispered.

Hitching her pack securely over her shoulders, she turned away and quickly slipped from the room. The hallway was quiet and dark as she crept along, keeping close to the dark shadows along the wall. Her feet made no sound against the thick carpet runner.

She felt naked without her weapons, but she wouldn’t be unarmed for long. Chase had taken her on an extensive tour earlier and she’d committed the layout to memory.

Moving quickly, she found what she was looking for. Two full sets of armor stood like sentinels at the beginning of a long hallway that led to the family wing of the castle.

Mounted on the wall just beyond them were two magnificent swords.

Katya kept her eyes and ears open as she slid her fingers around one of the jewel-encrusted handles and carefully removed the sword from the wall. As she suspected, it was well cared for, the blade sharp and sure. Gripping it in her hand, she took a few experimental swipes through the air. The blade practically sang as it cut through the darkness.

Satisfied, she lowered it by her side.

Moving swiftly now, she listened to the sounds of the castle. Like any old building it creaked and groaned as wind whistled through crevices in the stone, settling as night deepened and the temperature outside dropped. The corridor was quiet, but Katya felt an air of expectation, of anticipation.

Her eyes never stopped scanning, checking the darkness for a stray movement, a shadow that didn’t belong. A dim light pushed back the darkness outside one room.

Katya put her ear to the door, listening carefully. She wrapped her fingers around the ornate brass handle and she turned it slowly. Sweat broke out on her forehead and her palms felt slippery.

Easing the door open a crack, she waited. When no one called out, she pushed it open enough to slip inside. Keeping to the shadows, she approached the bed.

Moonlight steamed through the window, illuminating the couple in the bed.

Strong male arms enveloped the smaller form in the bed. Katya saw the two blond heads nestled close. Cassidy and Blythe. Even in sleep, he protected her, keeping her tucked close against his body.

She’d watched them earlier this evening, the way they communicated without speaking, the little gestures, the touches. Their love reminded her of her parents. It was fierce and deep and real. They were human, vulnerable to attack, but Katya had no doubt that Cassidy would be a formidable opponent, protecting Blythe with the last breath in his body. She only hoped it didn’t come to that.


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Seeing all was well, she carefully started to back out of the room. Cassidy rolled onto his back, pulling Blythe tighter into the curve of his body. Katya froze. He gave a small snore and settled back to sleep.

She waited several minutes to be sure before finally easing out of the room and closing the door behind her. Leaning against the wall, she wiped the back of her hand over her forehead. Transferring the sword to her other hand, she swiped her sweaty palm over her jeans. Taking a deep breath, she took a firm grip on the sword again before continuing her search down the dark corridor.

Several more rooms were empty, but that was to be expected. It was still night so the vampires would be up and around. This was their time.

Turning a corner, she swore when she heard the soft patter of footsteps on the carpet. Katya looked frantically for a place to hide, but she was too far between rooms.

If she tried to make a run for them her presence would be felt.

Quickly and as quietly as possible, she slid her pack from her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground by her feet. Lowering the sword against her leg, she flattened her back against the wall, trying to meld with the shadows. Barely breathing, not moving a muscle, she waited.

Delight came into view, hurrying along. Katya blanked her mind and held her breath. The other woman continued on past, never even glancing her direction.
Katya practically willed Delight not to see her.

A few more steps.

Delight whirled around suddenly. “Who’s there?” Her eyes scanned the corridor, coming to land directly on Katya.

Knowing there was nothing left to do but try to brazen it out, she carefully leaned the blade against the wall behind her and stepped forward. “Hi, Delight.”

BOOK: Endless Chase
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