Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Griff was finger-fucking her ass.

Could she be any dirtier?

Emma flicked her tongue at Mason. “Come on, then,” she demanded.

That earned her another three fast and hard slaps to her butt. They only served to amp her lust even more.

Mason tangled his fingers in her hair and yanked her head back, shoving his cock between her open, gasping lips.

“You don’t order me, slut. You want my cock? Then take it. All the way down your throat.”

He thrust so far and hard into her mouth she lost her breath and saw stars. Then he pulled back, adjusted slightly, cupped her head with both hands, and slowly began to feed her his dick.

Behind her, Griff’s fingers fell away from her ass, and another long squirt of lube poured over her.

“Push back,” he ordered.

She did and closed her eyes, concentrating on Mason’s dick. She tightened her lips around the head and slowly slid down his length, taking him as deep as she could.

The softly rounded tip of the plug hit her asshole and pushed forward, spreading her little ring with ease. Griff had loosened her up enough that it felt damn good. Not painful at all.

She pulled back to the tip of Mason’s dick, swabbed the hot cap, and licked up the still-leaking pre-cum.

Griff spread her ass cheeks, and the cool air sent another zing of frenzied lust through her.

Unbelievable. She was already about to come, and from nothing more than giving a blowjob and getting plugged.

Emma mewled around the hard dick in her mouth as the plug slid in deeper, spreading her even more. There was a sudden resistance, and she froze, lips pressed tightly around Mason’s shaft.

“No teeth,” he said and caressed her cheek. “Relax, Emma. Push back and let the plug fill your ass. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. The way it parts you and sinks deep inside. And here you are, bound, ass up, unable to stop it, even if you wanted to. That’s exciting, isn’t it? To be so helpless? To be a vessel merely for our pleasure?”

She felt every soft, erotic word, became even more aroused. She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose then inched down on his cock, slow and tight, mimicking the plug as it sank inexorably into her ass.

Emma felt the base flare and sucked even harder, preparing herself.

A sharp burst of pain and the plug pushed through her sphincter and seated tightly in her butt.

She groaned and sucked, licked and writhed as she tried to adjust to the burn in her butt. Like a firecracker going off both inside and out.

Griff petted her bottom and blew a slow stream of air across the plug.

Oddly enough, it seemed to help. The sharp stabs of unpleasant pain receded into a sort of heart-pounding throb. She felt full, stuffed, and absolutely abused.

Her cunt quivered.

“Good girl,” Mason cooed and pulled his dick out with a loud, wet pop.

Griff reappeared and pushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “You took that plug well, Emma.” He winked. “It’s small, and you’re going to have to work up to something bigger. You have an incredibly beautiful ass.”

She blushed at the compliment, ridiculously pleased. “Thank you, Sir.”

He chuckled. “I suspect your pretty little ass is going to take a lot of abuse from your Master, Emma. Best to get it broken in right now.”

The jolt of reality shook her. Her Master.

It sounded so different coming from his mouth than it did from her imagination. Emma closed her eyes briefly, hearing the voice of the shadow man who commanded her fantasies. Was it merely coincidence he sounded a lot like Griff?

Was that a sign of some sort? And if so, what the hell kind of sign was it? She’d never been any good at deciphering mystical mumbo-jumbo. She preferred straight-to-the-point conversation, herself.

“So,” he continued. “You’ve racked up quite an impressive amount of strokes for a newbie.”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said, truly contrite. She didn’t like having them upset with her.

“Me, too. But, they must be administered.” He squatted, coming down to her face level. His expression was stern. “You must understand this lesson, Emma. This is not a reward spanking, nor is it intended in any way to bring you pleasure.”

She couldn’t suppress a shudder. That didn’t sound very fun or pleasurable. “What’s the point, then, Sir?” she asked.

He didn’t seem put out by the question. “To teach you absolute obedience.”

really raised her hackles. She wasn’t a damn dog.

Griff cupped her chin. “You don’t like the idea of absolute obedience?”

“No,” she said firmly. “I don’t.”

“Good, that means you’re learning boundaries. It doesn’t matter what type of D/s relationship you eventually enter into, though. There will always be punishment you don’t like. Spankings, standing in the corner, orgasm denial. All of this is meant to reinforce your position of submission in the relationship.”

She was both appalled and confused. Some of it sounded exciting, but some aspects sounded horrible. Maybe she wasn’t cut out to be anyone’s sub.

“What if I just like to be spanked and not have the rest?”

Mason tapped her nose and nudged Griff. “I saw your face while he was plugging you, little one. Felt how you reacted to my words. You liked being called a slut, being unable to move, being helpless to having your ass filled. Didn’t you?”

She licked her lips. “Yes, Sir, I did.”

meant for this lifestyle, Emma, and part of it is discipline. The deeper into the aspects you get, the more you will learn to appreciate them. Even having your ass whipped for disobedience.”

She wanted to argue, but she knew it was both fruitless and stupid. Her wish was what brought her to this point. She was tied up, stuffed, and ready to be flogged.

She wanted to at least experience it before deciding whether or not to quit.

Griff stroked her cheek again. “I’m going to call it an even dozen, Emma, though you’ve earned more than that. I will be using a single-tail whip on you. It’s loud and it stings like hell. I could use the lighter flogger on you, but I feel you need stricter reinforcement at the moment. Do you know why you are being disciplined?”

She shifted on the bench, eyes going wide as the plug moved inside of her. Instinctively she clenched her butt to keep it in. The motion served to further spear her ass, and she groaned. “Uh, failure to call you Sir, hesitating when I stripped.”

“Yes, those are there. What else?”

“More hesitating, coming without permission, being a smart ass?”

He smiled widely. “Good girl,” he said. “You remembered them all.”

Her entire body flushed with pride.

Griff rose and went to the sideboard. When he returned he carried a long-handled, flat leather whip. It looked like a belt on the end of a strap, really. He cracked it against his hand and she jumped at the loud retort.

Oh hell, that is going to hurt.

Mason rubbed at her shoulder. “It’ll be okay. You can handle it. That sounds worse than it really is, I promise.”

She closed her eyes tight and waited.

“Emma?” Griff said.

“Yes, Sir?”

“Open your eyes.”


She forced her lids up and focused on the television screen in front of her. The movie was at the part where the girl was restrained in much the same way she now found herself bound. Except the woman on screen had an electrical dildo or something shoved in her ass, and the diabolical-looking doctor kept cranking the amps and making her jump.

Emma’s clit twitched in empathy and envy.

Mason chuckled. “She’s getting aroused again,” he said.

“I can feel it,” Griff replied.

A light-gray shadow formed at the edges of her vision, and she looked but didn’t see anything. Suddenly, a wash of anticipation crashed over her, stealing her breath. She recognized the sensual marks of Griff’s need. But he wasn’t even touching her.

“Are you doing that?” she asked Mason.

He winked and notched his head toward her rear. “Nope.”

The wash grew stronger, and her legs trembled. God, they were both so fucking horny. She felt their desire for her, how much they wanted to be buried inside of her. Wanted to be taking her and using her.

An orgasm welled.

“No, Emma,” Griff said.

“Oh, fuck, not fair,” she complained, but fought it back anyway.

“Count them out for me. Fast and hard, okay?”

She jerked her head, teeth still gritted against the need to come. Hell, maybe she would when he whipped her anyway. Maybe she
some kind of hardcore pain slut.

“Yes, Sir.”

The first blow took her breath with its stinging ferocity. This was no slap on the ass. This was a serious smack. She tensed, and the plug slid deeper and she cursed. It was starting to become uncomfortable. The sensual edge threatened to wear off.


Just her name, nothing more.

She shifted again, and her nipples scraped along the soft velvet beneath her. They still throbbed from the clamps. The slight pinch felt good, so she did it again. This time a little jolt ran down to her clit.

“One,” she said.

Griff administered four more blows in quick, hard succession. She choked out each stroke as it fell and continued to slide her tits along the velvet. For whatever reason, the soft touch seemed to alleviate or maybe enhance the leather slaps. Her pussy was wetter than she’d ever remembered it being, and her ass throbbed greedily around the plug, all discomfort gone.

“Good girl, only five more,” Mason whispered. He moved close to her head, and once more his luscious cock bobbed in her face.

He smelled of sex, sweat, and satisfaction.

“You like it, don’t you?” he said.

“Six,” she grunted. “Not really. It hurts like hell. Ah, damn it! Seven. Eight. Nine! Ow.”

Amusement rolled over her front and back.

They were really enjoying this.

“Ten, eleven, twelve! Twelve!”

She panted and collapsed to the bench, letting it take all her weight. She was covered in sweat, her thighs coated with cum and her ass glazed with lube.

Griff returned and tapped her nose, a gentle smile curving his delectable mouth. “You did very well, little one. How do you feel?”

She took stock of each body part, shocked to realize that she was still aroused, still aching and ready to come. Her ass actually adjusted to the plug, and her butt stung like she’d sat in a pile of fire ants.

“Fine,” she said.

He chuckled. “I think we’ll take a break right now. I’m going to take the plug out of your ass then we’ll untie you, have something light to eat, and then Mason will show you why he’s a Shibari master.”

Her gaze flew to Mason who grinned wickedly. “Oh, I am going to love tying your sweet little body up.”

Chapter Five


Griff studied Emma as she sat at the bar, curled gingerly on the padded seat, swaddled in his gray bathrobe. It swallowed her, and she constantly shoved the sleeves up, but she looked good in it.

Hell, she looked good in the house, for that matter.

“So, Emma, do you like your job at Graphix?”

She swirled the spoon in her chocolate milk and gave him an open, wide smile. “I do, actually. Don’t get me wrong, I’d much rather be making money as a photographer, but since that’s not happening yet, I’m content at Graphix.”

“What exactly do you do?”

“I’m a designer. I talk with the client and find out what their vision is, who they’re targeting, and what platforms they intend to use the campaign in, and then I build something.” She chuckled and leaned against Mason, who stood behind her, massaging her neck and shoulders. “Mm, that feels wonderful.”

A surge of jealousy startled him, and Griff looked down at the antipasti tray he was making. Emma was a job. Mason was just being himself—considerate, charming, and cavalier.

“We do a lot of charity work as well,” she said. “A few weeks ago, I went out to meet with some victims of domestic abuse at a facility downtown. I’d expected them to be broken and downtrodden, but most were very positive and upbeat. The facility uses its resources to give them back their lives, basically. Self-esteem, new or improved job skills, financial assistance. I gave a course on getting started in computer graphics. It was very uplifting.”

“Sounds like an excellent place.”

“It is.”

She took a long sip of her milk. A thin sheen glossed her lips, and he wanted to kiss the sweetness from them.

Griff set the platter on the bar and slid a glass of red wine across the way to Mason. He picked up his own beer and joined them at the stools. A companionable, comfortable silence descended as they ate, which surprised him, though he didn’t know why.

This was the first time they’d ever actually fed a client. Emma was a new experience in so many ways, he didn’t have the faintest clue what was really going on.

“My mom was abused,” Griff said.

Mason choked on his wine and leaned so far on his stool he almost fell off.

Griff felt a bit sheepish and took a long draft of his beer. Emma turned to look at him, concern and sympathy playing across her sweet face. The emerald depths of her eyes glittered with compassion. “I’m so sorry.”

He shrugged, not even sure why he had brought it up. “My dad died when I was almost twelve.” He shuddered aside the painful memory. “Mom thought I needed a male influence, so she married some jerk she knew from her work. Within a few months she was sporting bruises and black eyes. I was a kid, but I knew what the hell was going on.”

He cleared his throat. “It took me a good six months more to convince her to leave the bastard. She found a place like the one you talked about. They helped us get away, helped her file for divorce. Found her a job.”

Emma cupped his cheek and kissed him softly. “How terrifying that must have been for you. And for her.”

Warmth flooded him. Her touch, her words, the deep empathy in her eyes, all conspired to soothe his past hurt. “It was. I won’t lie. We left almost everything we had to get away. I lost all the pictures of my dad and almost all the stuff I had from my childhood with him.” He looked into the darkened hollow of the living room where what few items he’d salvaged were carefully displayed. Maybe he’d show them to her and explain their significance.

BOOK: Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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