Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

BOOK: Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Uncalled for,” he muttered and struggled up from the couch.

“Sorry,” Griff replied. “But yeah, I think we ought to finish our job, gain some distance from her, and wait to see what happens.”

“I don’t like it,” Mason said darkly.

“I know. And honestly, I don’t either. But I’m trying to do what’s best for all of us.”

His cell phone chirped, and he pulled it from his pocket. Immediate warmth bloomed in his chest, and he caught his breath at the unexpected sensation. Letting go was going to be damned hard if he reacted this way just from her name on his caller ID.

“Emma, how are you?”

Mason surged to his feet, face expectant and excited.

“What? Are you all right? No, of course we’ll come get you.” Griff’s heartbeat exploded as he listened to Emma explain about her car. He slanted a glance at Mason. Oh, he was
going to like this.

He would wager his friend would go apeshit when he heard.

“Ask Joel to stay with you until we get there.”

He rang off then cursed soundly.

“What’s wrong? Is she okay?”

“Yes, she’s fine. Some trouble with vandals. They slashed her tires.”


“Two of them.”

“Bullshit on vandals, Griff.” Mason stalked toward the door. “Let’s go get her.”


* * * *


She and Joel were waiting on the couch, snuggled under a blanket and sipping wine as a chick flick blared from the TV. Even though Griff knew Joel was strictly a man’s man, the sight of him so comfortably ensconced in her place bugged the hell out of him.

“Relax, cowboy,” Joel murmured as Mason swept Emma into a bone-crushing hug. “She’s been on pins and needles waiting for you to get here. I can’t give her what she needs, but you two can. And are, from the conversations we’ve had.”

Griff acknowledged the not-so-subtle dig and inclined his head. “Point taken.”

Joel hugged Emma, murmured something in her ear that had her blushing furiously, then gave both him and Mason an effusive embrace.

“Have fun, darling,” he said as he sailed out the door.

Griff propped his hands on his hips and quirked his brow at her. “What did he say?”

Her blush deepened. “Nothing.” She scuffed the carpet with her bare toe, didn’t meet his gaze.

“Ah, little one, it seems a refresher course is in order.” Mason smacked her butt, and she jumped, one hand protectively covering her ass cheek.

“I agree,” Griff said. He saw the haunted look in her eyes and figured it had to do with her car. “I think a few days at our place is in order.”

days? I can’t be off work that long,” she protested.

“Don’t you have any vacation time?” Mason asked.

“Well, yeah, actually.” She brightened. “I haven’t taken any real time off in a long while. Not since last year, I think.”

“Good. Call your boss and get it all arranged for the rest of the week, and then we’ll pack a bag and go to the house.”

“Will Joel take care of your cat, or does she need to come with us?”

Emma squinched her mouth in an adorable moue. “I’d like to bring her, if you don’t mind.”

“That’s fine,” Griff replied. “I like cats. Now, go call.”

He kept his face averted from Mason’s sharp gaze. Without a doubt, his excitement rivaled that of a kid with a brand-new X-box. It seemed something he could do little about, either.

Emma was getting under his skin, and he was very much afraid all his talk about letting her go and allowing fate and the Goddess to have their way was a bunch of crap.

“Yes, Peter, I know it’s short notice, and I’m sorry about that, but Gail and Lucy can handle my work. I only have two jobs outstanding this week, and they’re mostly done.”


* * * *


Mason listened shamelessly as Emma gave her boss the news. Apparently the man wasn’t taking it well. Her face grew weary and mutinous at the same time.

“Peter, it’s been almost a year since I’ve had any time off. I really need this. A lot has happened lately, and I need the downtime, especially with the busy season coming up.”

She plucked at a magnet on the fridge, snapped it off and on with a loud click. Her frown deepened, and he was half-afraid the man on the other end would deny her the leave.

“Lucy called in sick? Last night? That’s weird.” Her eyes widened, and she mouthed “Oh, crap,” to him. Mason raised a brow in question, but she shook her head.

“Well, I just mean weird because she’s never sick. Yes, I’m sure she’ll be in tomorrow, too. Okay, Peter, thanks, I’ll see you guys on Monday.”

Her deviltry-filled gaze flicked over to him, and she winked. “Oh, yes, Sir, I definitely plan to enjoy myself.”

She giggled as she disconnected.

“Saucy girl.”

“I prefer determined.”

Mason pulled her into his arms, stroked his hands along her lean back, and absorbed her silkiness. She smelled good, too, like coconut-soaked rain. The scent was sweet and clean and just a bit mystical.

“Do you have any idea how much I’m looking forward to fucking you again, Emma?”

Her shiver wracked them both, and he gritted his jaw against the surge of lust. Damn, she was a hot one.

“I see that you do,” he replied. Mason kissed the top of her head and set her back. “What was that ‘oh, crap’ about, anyway?”

She rolled her eyes as she replaced the cordless phone in its cradle. “I almost ruined it for Lucy. Remember I ran into her last night at the steak place? Her blind date must have gone really well ’cause she’s not at work today.” Emma trailed her hand down his chest. “Now, let’s get my stuff and go. I’m anxious to see what comes next.”

He caught her fingers and stopped her flight. “Did you call the police about your tires?”


“Do you think you should?”

She shivered, and unease snaked through both of them. Mason tried to shut down the connection, but found he couldn’t.

“Looks like Emma’s not the only one angling for a little punishment,” Griff said from the doorway.

Mason managed a wry smile.

“Wait, what?” Emma leaned away from him. “I thought you were a Dom.”

He tapped her nose. “You don’t listen so well, then. Remember that first day when we told you I was a switch?”

“You’ll have to forgive me,” she said dryly. “I was just a wee bit overwhelmed by the two of you. Paying attention was not high on the list.”

“A good subbie always pays attention to her Masters,” Griff noted.

“I am beginning to see that.” She bit her lip and looked hesitantly from one to the other.

“Out with it,” Griff said.

“I’m just wondering, aside from the physical, what else I should be on the lookout for. What else I should be doing and learning in order to become a good sub.”

Her face went as scarlet as a cardinal’s breast.

Mason hugged her again. “We’ll discuss that, too. Promise. Now, are you sure we don’t need the cops for your car?”

“I’m sure. Besides, whatever evidence was on it is gone, don’t you think?”

He grimaced because he knew she was right. As soon as the tow truck started manhandling the Mustang, whatever physical evidence that might have existed was contaminated. By now, it was outright destroyed. Not that cops spent all that much time and energy on this kind of thing.

Especially when they were hell-bent on catching the Snapshot Killer.

“Emma, take us to your bedroom so we can go through your drawers.” Griff tugged on her hair. “I want to paw through your panties.”

Chapter Eight


Unease continued to wrack Griff. He wasn’t buying the whole vandals aspect any more than Mason was. Hell, for once he wished his partner still had ins at the cop shop so he could get some intel, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. That damn blue line ran too deep.

Maybe Ryan, though…

The bathroom door opened on a billow of steam, and he pushed away from the wall. Emma stopped abruptly in the middle of the hall and stared at him. She clutched a towel to her still-damp hair, another wrapped around her middle.

His cock stirred at the luscious vision of her large breasts so prominently displayed. He’d liked the breast bondage Mason used on her earlier and had plans of his own for torturing her sensitive nipples.

“Seriously? I can’t even go to the bathroom alone?” Her words, though clipped, were threaded with humor.

Griff cleared his throat. “What, a guy can’t stand in his own hall?”

She shook her head, slinging droplets of water in his direction as she passed by and ducked into the bedroom. “Sure, if that’s your thing.”

He cupped her shoulders from behind and nuzzled her neck. “Hm, I like this thing, better.”

She purred and shivered, tilted her head and offered him full access. “Bite me,” she whispered. “Just a little.”

He circled her throat, thumb pressed to her jumping pulse. “Vampire fantasies?”

“No,” she murmured. “I just want to feel your teeth, the pressure, the…bite, if you will. A new experience.”

Griff lowered his head and nipped at her shoulder. Light, feather touches designed to tease her. She writhed, and he sensed her impatience. Without warning, he opened his mouth and sank his teeth into her soft skin. She inhaled sharply and stiffened, back bowing.

Griff held her firm, increased the pressure of his teeth. Not enough to draw blood, but he definitely used enough force to mark her.

A wild desire rushed through him. He
to mark her, to claim her.

Oh, fuck.

He lifted his mouth and stared with satisfaction at the already-purpling of her skin. He traced the slick bruise with one finger. “Did you like that?”

“Yes,” she said and turned in his arms. “But I like kissing you much better.”

He gathered her close and slanted his mouth to hers, devouring her. He nibbled at her full bottom lip, brushed along the trembling surface. Griff cradled her head between his palms and flitted light touches over her mouth, nipped at her velvet softness, teased the pucker of her lips.

His name whispered from her, and she tugged him closer, opening her mouth and darting her tongue to flick along his.

Griff suckled her tongue, drawing her into his mouth, and then rimmed her lower lip. She groaned into his mouth and inched closer. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and he swept his palms along her still-damp, sleek back. The towel loosened and fell to her waist.

She tasted minty and fresh, and her mouth was a haven of sweet joy.

Finally he broke away, both heart and breathing labored. Emma smiled serenely back at him, green eyes glittering with passion.

She stroked the
of his collared shirt, tugging lightly to scrape a fingernail over his chest. “Griff?”

He quirked his brow.

“I loved what we did last time. Well, most of it,” she added hastily. “I think we should ramp it up a bit, this time. I want to try other stuff now. Harder stuff.”

His cock jerked in his pants. “You obviously have something in mind.”

Despite her bravado, a blush tinged her cheeks. “I want to try the hook this time. And to be flogged. Hard. Maybe even caned.”

He whistled. “Sounds pretty hardcore, Emma. You’ve only been stroked with polyester and the crop. I’m not sure if you’re ready for the bigger floggers. And you are definitely not ready to be caned.”

Her pretty face crumpled, and then she took a deep breath that thrust her tits out. He was sure the position was a deliberate ploy to sway him.

“Please? I want to try. I trust you to know if it’s too much for me.”

Griff scowled and raked a hand through his hair. “That’s a setback comment, Emma.
have to be able to articulate to your future Master what is too much.”

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll tell you if I want you to stop. Like I did with the TENS unit. But I won’t say my safe word.”

Griff wrangled with himself for a moment. He was itching to really lay into her with the flogger, but he didn’t want her hurt either. He snorted at the irony of the situation. What kind of Dom didn’t want to hurt his sub?

The temporary kind.

“No,” he said. “It’s all or nothing. You don’t get to make the rules or compromises, here.”

She bowed her head and murmured an apology, the action so natural it stole his breath.

He was in deep trouble. He could feel it.

“I’ll use the floggers of my choice, and you’ll be lashed to the St. Andrew’s Cross so you can’t move.”

Her head snapped up, and her swallow was loud in the room. “Yes, Sir.”

His dick twitched again.

“Let’s go get Mason,” he said and spun on his heel.

“Right here, Griff.” Mason lounged in the doorway, hands propped on his lean hips. “What’s up?”

“She wants to take it up a notch.” Griff grinned. “Or several. Gloves-off time, Mace. Emma, come here.”

She crossed the room and stood in front of him, damp hair curling wildly as it dried. He ripped the towel from her body. “No more clothes while you’re in this house. It’s time you remember your role.” He pushed his face close to hers. “You are our slut. Our fuck holes to take whenever and however we wish. Your tits will be available and thrust out when we command. When you’re not being fucked or servicing one of us, you’re to be on your knees in slave position. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied with no hesitation.

The excitement boiling through her spilled out into his conscience, and he took it, morphed it, added his own, and blasted it back to the two of them. Emma stumbled and swayed.

Mason grunted. “You like the idea of that, slut? Being always at our command? Ours to use and abuse?”

She nodded.

Griff whipped his fingers hard over her nipples. “Master Mason asked you a question.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said on a gasp. “It’s what I want.”

“To be used?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“Yes, Sir.”

Griff took hold of her nipples and lifted until she rose on tiptoe. “That’s a good little slut. Let’s go see if we can break you.”

BOOK: Enlightened [Sexual Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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