Entangled (48 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Entangled
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“Yes, you guys made it. Now we can leave.”

“Wait, why are we leaving?” Noah asks Spencer, baffled. He leads us outside, “Kasey’s here, that’s why.”

I know that name sounds familiar; I wrack my brain for recognition of where I heard it. Andi doesn’t know anyone by that name. Wait-

“Isn’t that the girl you were talking on the phone to when we were in Best Buy
, like months ago? You said she wouldn’t leave you alone or something?” Noah frowns, shaking his head. “So, let’s go in there. We’re all adults. I’m not scared of a little competition.” The guys follow behind me. “Please behave.” Noah whispers. I nod to appease him. I don’t start shit, but if she does, the claws will be out. Maybe. If I feel like getting in a fight.

Relax; I’m not the fighting type.” People greet us, more accurately, Spencer and Noah. And they introduce me to the guys they’ve known for years. We sit near the pool tables. Spencer and Noah pay for a game, while I watch them. One of the guys sits next to me with a pitcher of beer; he holds his hand out, “Hi, I’m Shawn.” I glance at the beer, feeling thirsty.

“Hi, I’m Maddy. Noah’s girlfriend.”

He jerks his hand back, “What? Noah has a girlfriend? Holy shit.” I look at him, startled. “Sorry, it’s just that, Noah never did the girlfriend thing. He always just banged them and left them all sad and shit. How the fuck did you get him to settle down?” I sit stunned, glancing at Noah and Spencer ordering drinks at the bar.

“I’d prefer it if he told you. I don’t know what he wants

“See that girl over there?” I follow his gaze, and see a girl, my age maybe, standing on the other side of the bar, watching me watching her. I nod. “She couldn’t get him to commit. See, they “dated” but he wouldn’t take it further. She even tried to move with him. I don’t know why he left her, I always wished for a chance with her. But then again, I’d rather just have fun with her.” He wiggles his brows suggestively. I find this guy creepy; I try to be subtle as I scoot away from him. My eyes find the girl again, who’s now checking out Noah at the bar. She’s wearing a skimpy dress with leggings and hooker boots. Her hair is long and dyed three colors. She is pretty, I’ll admit. I soon realize creep guy is still talking.

“Here’s some booze for the lady.” Spencer pours a glass and sets it down in front of me.

“Is that?” I point to the girl who’s gotten up and is now at the bar, talking to Noah.

He sees it too and sighs. “Yeah, don’t worry about her. She’s some crazy bitch that Noah should’ve never gotten involved with.” He turns his head, “Hey Noah, get over here and pay attention to your girlfriend.” He calls over his shoulder. My face flames in embarrassment. “Sorry, I’m not above and beyond calling him out on his shit.”

“I see that.” That’s why I love him. “It’s too bad you and Andi didn’t get closer. You two would be crazy awesome together.” A flicker of amusement flashes in his eyes, but it disappears just as quick.

“How is your friend doing?”

“Eh, not that great.” He sits down and we sip our beers.

“Sorry, I had to dodge her. She kept asking me questions. God, why can’t she leave me alone?”

“Parker! How the hell did you end up settling down? And how was it not with Kasey?” The creep shouts loudly, we all turn at the same time. I feel more insulted than anything.

“Morris, shut the fuck up. Kasey is a crazy bitch and Noah is happy so drop it.” Spencer comes to my defense and when I glance at him, he winks.

“Sorry babe.” Noah tells me, he turns to Spencer, “We should’ve gone to a place where no one knows us.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think of that. We could get some beer and go back to the house and play cards.”

“I like that idea.” I speak up. Noah reaches under the table and takes my hand.
The curve of his mouth lifts into a grin. He mouths the three words that can send my pulse into overdrive every time he says them.

“Hi, I’m Kasey.” The girl approaches the table and holds her hand out. I stare at it, wondering if it’s a trick to butter me up before she pulls the rug from under me. Spencer and Noah share identical glances. Well this is awkward.

Do I shake it like a good girl? Or leave her hanging like a threatened, jealous girlfriend?

“Kasey, we don’t need any trouble here. Just leave.”

She glares at Noah, “I’m not starting trouble. I’m being polite.” She returns to me with a smile, a smug smile.

“Hi, I’m Maddy.” I take the highroad and shake her
hand. My grip stays loose in her hold and I end it quickly. Shawn tries to get her attention but all her focus is on us. I squirm uncomfortably, wanting to leave now.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Her smile appears sincere. Noah’s grip in my other hand tightens a little. She looks at Noah, “I miss you. I hope we can catch up soon.” She walks away.

Noah and I look at each other, probably both wondering what the hell that was. And she misses him, really? She seems more obsessed.

“Okay, let’s finish our drinks and then go home.” Spencer suggests, and I’m on board.

“What about a game of pool?” Noah chimes in.

“Alright fine, one game.”

“I wanna play one too.” I finally say, changing my mood. I do like to play and we are here, so what the hell?

“Okay, who’s breaking?” Spencer asks us both.

Chapter 54



I should’ve known we’d run into Kasey at the bar. I didn’t want to make Maddy uncomfortable with the confrontation. Why can’t that woman take a hint? After all this time, she couldn’t find someone else to obsess over?

We played two games each before leaving. Maddy and I are both competitive at pool, which made our games interesting. But it was good fun too. And then there’s Spencer, the drunken shit talker. Tonight, he took it easy though, which made me happy. I didn’t want to have to deal with him puking on the subway.

Spencer brings out the games his parents keep in the hall closet.
“So we have Uno or Phase 10, and some other card games that I don’t know how to play. Take your pick.” I’d rather chill on the couch and watch movies, personally but I let Maddy have first say.

“I pick Uno, it’s fast and I want to get some sleep for our big day tomorrow.” Maddy points to the card games, gesturing for me to choose.

“I’m gonna hang out here for now. I might join in a bit.”

Sitting here on the couch, watching Spiderman, I can hear Maddy and Spencer carry on a conversation about their favorite TV shows and “hot” movie stars. And then my mind drifts off to our busy day ahead of us tomorrow. I’m anxious to take her to all the exciting sights. I know she’ll have a lot of fun. It’s New York, how can you not have fun?

I get off the couch, reach Maddy’s side and lean down to kiss the top of her head. “I’m going to bed, see ya in a bit.”

“I can come now if you want,” she sets her cards down and I shake my head. As much as I want her to come to bed with me, I want to give her and Spencer some time to hang out together. Both being the most important people in my life, they should have a great friendship.

“Don’t worry, you have some fun first. Kick Spencer’s ass in cards.” He jeers, sorting out his cards. I kiss her quickly, wishing Spencer a good night before leaving the room to start my bedtime routine.

I toss and turn, restless. I can’t place what has me so worked up but I can’t sleep. I can hear Maddy and Spencer’s laughter from beneath the door
and before I can decide to join them, I shift to my right side. I have a lot on my mind and I can’t seem to shut it all off. But before long, I’m asleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night I feel something rest against my leg, startling me and I kick it away, not realizing its Maddy’s leg. She yelps, jerking us both upright but its dark and I can’t see her. “Maddy?”

“Mhmm.” She whimpers.

“Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were there. You are really quiet getting into bed. Are you done playing cards for the night?”

“It’s 4:30 in the morning, babe. I’ve been asleep since after two.”

We both lie back down and I grab her arm, wrapping it around my abdomen. “I’m sorry babe. Go back to sleep.”

I fall asleep for another three hours before my mind is wide awake and I get a shower, waking the rest of me up. I wash my face, slapping it a little for help. I sit down at the table and make a list of the places we’ll be visiting today. Maddy’ll have to make another trip to see all of New York, there’s just too much to do in one weekend. But I’m taking her to the main places she needs to see the first time.

It’s still early and I anxiously pace the living room, uncertain what to do with myself. But at 9:30, I finally wake her up, thinking I may as well get the day started. We can’t start to late.

We eat breakfast together and then I wait while she gets dressed and showered. I advise her to wear comfortable shoes and a jacket. At night it can get frigid, especially since we are going ice skating at Rockefeller Center.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I ask Spencer when he comes out of the room.

“Nah, you guys go ahead without me.”

“Okay.” I try not to sound disappointed at his decline.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Maddy walks out of the room dressed in a sweater dress, leggings and black boots, not the dressy ones, but the comfortable ones. I just hope they don’t hurt her feet after awhile.

“Are you sure those boots will be okay for walking?”

She nods her head, “Okay, let’s do this then.” I smile, wave to Spencer and take her hand, ready for a day downtown.

After buying our day pass, we start the tour on Broadway at the Theater District, the tour guide informs us all of the history of all the main buildings, starting with Carnegie Hall and Winter Garden. We pass Macy’s, riding through Broadway and Park Place where Ground Zero is, which I make a mental note to take Maddy by there on a different day to walk around. I know she wants to see it up close. I look over to see Maddy listening intently to the guide, droning on about the different sights and what to do there. I take her hand and gaze around as the chilly breeze slaps us in the face. It feels good.

We finally end up at Rockefeller Center on 48
and 5
, and get off the bus so we can walk around. Seeing the tree at any time is amazing but seeing it at night is magical. “Damn, that looks lovely.” Maddy snaps a bunch of photos of the tree and busy skating rink.

“It’s better at night.” She takes a picture of me in front and then we take a close-up, all smiles. “So I have an idea. We can see a few sights today and then come back here and go ice skating so you can see the tree all lit up to perfection.”

“Sounds perfect.” She hands me her phone, “Can you take a photo of me please?” She moves to stand in front and I back up a step, getting the perfect shot. “We really need to get you a camera.” I tell her, “There’s little gift shops, let’s go find one.” I hand her phone back and take her hand, leading her to a gift shop across the street.

“Oh, I’m gonna get a NY hat and maybe a spoon…no not a spoon, a shirt.” She looks through a bunch of New York merchandise and I wait patiently while she changes her mind a few times, but then settles on her purchase. “Wait, I’ll be taking a lot of pictures, one camera is not gonna be enough.” I could’ve told her that.

“I’ll wait outside for you.” I walk outside the shop, gazing around at the busy streets casually when my eyes catch-

No, no, no, no.

I quickly avert my gaze, before I’m noticed and walk back inside out of the open, in the clear. My heart races and my palms sweat with jittery nerves. Fuck! It’s been 7 years and never forgot a face, especially when you know someone well.

“Babe, are you okay?” My face feels hot; I move my head slightly, facing a concerned Maddy. Lie, lie.

“Uh, yeah I was just feeling sick for a minute.” Which isn’t a complete lie. Fuck! How did I not see that coming? Lex’s parents don’t live far from here and they always come into the city but to see her mom after so long, it’s brought back so many disturbing emotions and now I just need to shake it off. Unease settles in my chest and I speed walk.

“Where to now?” She asks, before my mind floats back to Sandy. All I can think about is how glad I am she didn’t see me. What would I say to her?

“There’s Radio City Music Hall on 6
Avenue. They always have shows going on.”

“We can walk by there for pictures. I’m just not in the mood for a show right now.” Relieved and a little surprised by her decision to skip a show, we keep going. I waste no time, pulling her in the right direction.

“Okay, so this place was built in 1937, and it’s part of Rockefeller Center. It’s also nice to see at night all lit up. Every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas they have shows and performances by the Rockettes. They also hold the Grammy’s, Tony Awards and MTV Music Awards. It’s always packed. I mean, they have a lot of events held here. It’s pretty awesome.” She takes the wrapper from her disposable camera and shoves it in her pocket and takes pictures of the building.

“Where to now?”

“Times Square…”

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