Entangled Interaction (18 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #paranormal crime comedy erotic romance

BOOK: Entangled Interaction
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He took my hand and gave a tug, leading me from the front room of his parents' house and out the front door. "Patience is a virtue."

"Not happening for me." I followed along, nervously biting my lip.

We navigated a well-worn trail toward the small amphitheater that sat to the east of the pride's museum.

"Don't tell me they're going to lick and sniff me. Because I don't know where their tongues, hands, and noses have been. More than likely someone just licked themselves before they're going to lick me. I'll have strange kitty penis cooties. Or worse. They cleaned their butt, giving me cat poop cooties. I just don't think I can deal."

Meat laughed so hard he bent over and held his gut. I stood impatiently tapping my toe. After all, I had legitimate concerns, and the baboon found my fears humorous. All this could be avoided if he'd just fess up about what this whole mating ceremony included.
Neanderthal liger.

Annoyed, I lifted my foot in order to stomp his toes. He scooted out of range, his guffaws simmering down to chuckles. "Now, now. Is that any way to treat your husband?"

I nodded. "When he's withholding important information and laughing at me, then yeah."

"Oh, baby. You're one of a kind." He kissed my forehead and resumed our journey to the meeting location. "Really, the whole ceremony is simple. Much easier than the big production you put me through to marry you."

Since I considered our wedding pretty tame, his words consoled me a little bit. "The wedding wasn't that bad."

He shot me a grin. "Me in a monkey suit was pretty bad. But, for you, I'd wear a straightjacket."

Now that idea had potential.

His eyebrow shot up. "No way. Forget it right now."

I smiled wickedly, unable to resist teasing him. "Meat…"

He shook his head. "No. I mean it. Light bondage is fine, but I draw the line at a damn straightjacket."

"But…" I closed my mouth as we topped the small hill. Before me, dozens of people, presumably shifters from Meat's pride, sat on stone benches built in a semi-circle around the stage area of the amphitheater. Muted conversations shushed as they caught sight of me and stared.

Tightening my grip on Meat's hand, I followed along as he led us up to the front area. I blinked at the alpha lion, Meat's father, who stood on the smooth stone making up the stage. Right beside him stood Sawyer, the old shifter who'd thrown a monkey wrench in my life not too long ago. He gazed at me in droll silence before the corner of his mouth turned upward, a fleeting expression of pride and accomplishment crossed his face.

I had a strong suspicion he'd known exactly what would happen when he had dropped the tidbit of information with the power of the atomic bomb in my lap—that I could return Wills to the living. Whatever had motivated him, I guess he figured I passed the test.

The boys waved from their front seat, bracketed between Daphne, Meat's mother, and Jasmine, his sister. Both children sported wide smiles as they soaked up the attention from the newest relatives in our quickly growing clan. Officially, they were already adopted into the pride, but the mating ceremony would solidify the binding on top of the marriage. With so many who loved and adored them, the boys would lack for nothing in their lives.


When I turned toward the voice, I found Charity occupying an end seat with a look of relaxed happiness on her face. Her rounded figure, straight brown hair, and brown eyes all remained, somewhat to my surprise. I stepped closer to her for a second.


She glanced at Meat, then back to me. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." I wasn't sure what to say to the woman who at one time proved to be a rival for Meat's heart and more recently threatened to tear me limb from limb.

"No, thank you."

I stared at her in confusion.

She shrugged. "I thought a lot about what you said that day in the museum. Took your advice."

"You decided to stay as you are?"

Charity nodded. "You were right. I talked it over with Ducian. He agrees." She fiddled with her jeans, brushing off a piece of lint. "I couldn't understand how I'd ever find happiness in such a body." She waved toward herself. "But I did. Happiness doesn't come from the outside, it stems from the inside."

"So you and Ducian…"

"Are madly in love and plan to move in together next week." She beamed in joy.

"Congratulations to you. Really. You guys seem so happy together."

"We are."

Meat tugged on my hand, moving me forward. I waved at Charity and moved to my husband's side. Together we stood before his father.

"Tygerius, have you found your mate?" Micah asked in his deep, yet booming voice.


"Shyanne, have you found your mate?"

I followed Meat's example. "Yes."

Meat lifted our joined hands. Micah plucked a purple cloth resembling a bathrobe tie from over his shoulder, then laced the soft material around Meat's and my joined hands. Tying the cloth, he pulled an object out of his pocket. Recognizing the Talisman Stone, I glanced up at Meat.

His gaze met mine and held.

Micah sat the rock on top of our bound hands, then placed his right hand over the sparkling side of the object. "May you both be blessed with a full life covering many centuries."

A warmth spread from the Talisman Stone across my hands and over my entire body, leaving tingling sensations behind.

My husband's eyes twinkled.

"Is this the part where we kiss?" I whispered.

Meat grinned impishly.

Micah unwrapped our hands and slipped the stone back into his pocket. "Sure, why not?" He patted Meat on the back and tapped me gently on the nose. With a final grin, he stepped back.

I stood on tiptoe and sealed my lips over Meat's.

Applause and a couple of wolf whistles came from the watching crowd. Breaking apart, I blinked up at Meat. "Why do I get the feeling kissing isn't normally part of the ceremony?"

"Maybe because it isn't?" He wrapped an arm around my middle and tugged me flush against his body. "Somehow, with this particular mating ceremony, it fits in perfectly, though."

I agreed completely.

"What's with the lifetime of centuries thing? I'm human."

He glanced down at me with a knowing grin plastered on his face. "Not anymore."


"The string of your life is now glued to mine, baby."


"Meaning, since the string of your life is tied to mine, you'll live as long as I do. Which could be another thousand years."

A thousand years to banter and play with one sexy alpha liger shifter who held my heart and stirred my passions? I just became the luckiest woman on the entire planet.

"And I'll never be alone again." The gift both awed and humbled me. What more could two people deeply in love wish for but to pass on to the next life together. I grinned up at Meat. "Did I tell you how much I love you?"

His smile matched mine. "I think so." He waggled his eyebrows. "But how about you show me later?"

"Got ten dollars you can lend me?"

He chuckled. "Definitely." His voice lowered to a husky, sensual timbre. "Because I really want your hand in my thong."

He said those same words to me many months back. I giggled, recalling the first night at the club when he did just that, gave me his own money and challenged me to dip my fingers in his tight little g-string. Little did I know that night began a long and winding road to romance, marriage, and a meeting of souls so powerful and deep I would never have believed such feelings could exist.

This was only the first step in our adventure together. One of many yet to come. With Meat. My husband. My mate. The love of my now very extended life.


About the Author


Growing up in the Midwest, I began reading romance novels in high school, immediately falling in love with the genre, to the point where I decided to write professionally for a career. However, that dream splattered against a brick wall and resulting quick death in my first writing class in college when my professor told me bluntly that I wasn't any good at it. I shifted gears quickly, and left my writing dreams behind, eventually settling on being a nurse.

A few years back, I stumbled across a fan-fiction writing site on a favorite author's webpage. I began to read stories others wrote, not only making some wonderful close friends from the experience, but also, really learning to write for the very first time. Here I was able to share short stories, practice my writing skills, and truly develop into a writer. More than that, the experience allowed me to revitalize my dream, as I rediscovered joy in writing.

When I'm not working or writing, I enjoy working in the garden, canning, and seeing my backyard as a living canvas for my whimsical landscaping, and, of course, reading romance novels.










[email protected]

Titles by Cheyenne Meadows


Available from
Silver Publishing


As Fate Would Have It

Christmas with Mesa

Broken Bridges




Tiger's Lily


Summer's Night

Sky's Lark

Silver Spoon

Blue Blood's Trifecta



Heads: Vampire

Tails: Werewolf



Human Interaction

Species Interaction

Entangled Interaction



5 Hearts and a Recommended Read
Species Interaction

I loved this book. You will not be able to resist Shy's character. That girl has no filter- and she lets it all out! She kinda reminds me of Betsy Taylor (Mary Janice Davidson) meets Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich). She also seems to be a close personal friend of Mr. Murphy and his laws. Be ready to laugh out loud at the "good parts" of this book- and in complement, drool over hot characters and the yummy sex scenes- which are not overly explicit…


Five stars?!? You might be thinking…Cara hardly ever gives five stars. Well, it felt totally warranted in this case- are there issues? Yep. However, the rest of the story was so fascinating and funny; I didn't get hung up on things. I enjoyed this book for what it was, a funny sexy read.


So, here's the deal with this book: it is part of an ongoing series. Overall, there are no resolutions in this book, though lots of questions are raised: the perfect bridge for book three! The characters are fleshed out, mysteries are spoken of, relationships are tested, and crimes committed. Don't let that deter you in any way, shape, or form. I actually got mad when I finished the book, going, "Wait, wait, wait! The End? No way! What the…? When does the next book come out?!!? How could Meadows do this to us!?!? Will Cannibal actually eat Shy's toes?" Please, please, please pick up this book- I promise you won't be disappointed, and I need more people chanting with me, demanding "MORE MEAT!"

—SSLY, Smile Somebody Loves You


5 Stars
As Fate Would Have It

"The unbelievable chemistry of these two characters, is what makes As Fate Would Have It, the sweltering and fantastic read that it is. Rye is a detective that once worked as an actor. He's not just any actor though, he's a retired porn star, with a whole heck of a lot more experience then the virgin that is Brie. Rye will rock your socks off with his sexy sweet talking and his domineering ways. He's got a hidden sensitive side as well, creating a character that will leave you dying for more with every page you read. Brie is a good girl nurse, with nothing but an uppity spirit flowing through her. She also happens to be most hilarious heroine I have read about in a while. She's determined and strong-willed, never wanting to give up on anything in life. I admire her willingness to take risks in order to help people she knows nothing about. She's a grade A character who will make you want to be a better person yourself.


I read As Fate Would Have it in one setting, and it was the most fun I have had, while reading a book, in a very long time. With humor galore throughout, and passionate sexual tension thrown in too, I guarantee that As Fate Would Have It, will become a favorite for many. I know for sure, that it's now one of mine! So if you need a fast paced romance with an abundance of humor, then be sure to pick As Fate Would Have It up! You can't get much better than this!"

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