Entangled Interaction (16 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #paranormal crime comedy erotic romance

BOOK: Entangled Interaction
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The clock chimed six am. With a yawn, I looked over at Daphne. "Do you mind staying with him for a bit longer? I need to check on my boys for a few minutes."

She smiled warmly, an expression that still astonished me, since prior to this, I'd only seen her cold, professional side. "Go ahead. I know you need to hug your children and see to them. The healer should be by soon to kick us all out anyway."

Standing, I straightened and worked the kinks out of my back. Wooden chairs and bad posture for the majority of the night made for sore muscles the next morning. "Thank you. I won't be too long. Just enough time to feed them and get them to daycare…"

She waved at me. "Go. I'll call if anything changes."

"Thank you." I met her gaze. "For everything."

"No, thank you. If you hadn't intervened…" Her face fell for a moment. She sniffed, patted Meat's hand, and a ghost of a smile appeared. "He's going to be just fine, thanks to you." Fixing me with her eyes, she nodded. "Now shoo. Take care of your kids."

"I'll be back soon. Promise. If he wakes…"

"I'll tell him where you are."


With a mere thought, I teleported home.

Scurrying around, I woke the boys, got them dressed, and downstairs for breakfast. By the time they finished and I loaded the dishwasher, Jessica came in, hugged me, inquired about Meat, then promised to clean up the kitchen so I could gather up the boys and get them to school for the day.

Twenty minutes later, the boys arrived at daycare, teeth and hair brushed, wearing clean clothes, and carrying pictures they drew for their teacher. With hugs and kisses, I sent them off for a few hours. Afterward, I drove back home and wasted no time in teleporting back to Micah's house.

Amazingly, I made it on the first try. Either my luck improved or I'd finally gotten the hang of poofing. I'd bet on the former instead of the latter.

Opening my eyes, I found Daphne standing in the middle of the living room relaxed and waiting. "The healer is with him now. He said it may take a few minutes to give Tygerius a thorough exam."

"He's okay, though?"

The other woman nodded. "Hungry as a bear after hibernation. He's been eating up a storm and seems a bit cranky at his ordered bed rest. So, yeah, pretty much back to normal."

I couldn't help but grin at the picture of a normally active alpha liger grumbling over doctor's orders with his equally stubborn father there to make sure he abided by them.

"Would you like some breakfast? We have plenty."

"No thanks." I shook my head. My stomach hadn't recovered from the drama of last night.

Daphne frowned. "He's going to be fine. So why are you looking like the world is coming to an end?"

I plopped down on the couch and placed my face in my hands. "I killed a man."

She slid beside me and patted my leg. "To protect Tygerius and yourself. That's as honorable as you can get."

I shook my head. "You don't understand. I wished he would turn the gun on himself. When it happened, I realized I had made him do it. What's more, I somehow mentally caused him to pull the trigger." No matter that the situation called for life or death, I still bore the brunt of the knowledge that I made Jack kill himself. The fact didn't set easy.

"You did what you had to do, Shyanne. If you didn't do what you did, more than likely we would have lost both you and my son."

Her words made sense and mirrored what I'd told myself all night long. Unfortunately, my mind wasn't quite ready to accept them. "I used my magic, my mind, some skill I didn't know I had to kill a man, though."

"Would it have been any different if you took the gun away from him and pulled the trigger yourself?"

I considered her question for a long moment. "Then I would have shot an unarmed man."

"Who nearly killed Tygerius."

My head bobbed in understanding. "I'd never thought about it like that." Her spin on events sank in, spreading a salve over my guilt-driven wound.

She handed me a tissue. "It's a hard fact to swallow, but you were put in an impossible situation and did the best you could with what you had. We're all beholden for everything you did."

After blowing my nose, I stood up and tossed the tissue in the waste can, feeling a little bit better already.

She stood and waved toward the door with a reassuring smile. "You can wait here or maybe wander around some. I'm sure it'll be a while before the healer is done."

Too antsy to sit, I opted to head outside into the beautiful spring morning and try to walk off my nervous energy. Absently, I meandered, not realizing my destination until I stood staring at the entrance.

I pulled open the glass door to the museum, stepped inside, and let my eyes adjust to the dim light compared to the bright sunshine outside. A curvy brunette stood straight ahead, peering into the glass case at the Talisman Stone. Recognition clicked. For a moment, I considered retreating but quickly tossed out the idea. As a shifter, Charity would have already heard and scented me. Leaving would only show cowardice in her book.

Walking slowly forward, I didn't stop until I stood before the case, angled to the side from Charity. "I'm sorry. I had no right…" The words seemed so inadequate for what pain I must have caused her when I announced in front of Ducian, Meat, and her that I realized who she was. Come to find out, she'd used the very rock in front of us to cast a spell. Unfortunately, the magic backfired, leaving her in a size eighteen body with straight shoulder-length mousey brown hair, a huge contrast to the blonde bombshell she used to be as Misha. Since she hadn't told Ducian, her boyfriend, my words became a machete that split their relationship, leaving strong, hurtful feelings. Sure, the vampire had since forgiven me, even confessed my actions brought him and Charity/Misha closer together, and Meat and I were back on track, but I still held a wheelbarrow load of guilt for the whole ordeal.

She didn't bother to look at me. "I wonder…"

"What?" I whispered, curious to her odd behavior. Last time Charity and I were in the same vicinity, she threatened to tear me limb from limb.

"If I can reverse the spell. Return to my former body."

I glanced at the stone of shimmering colors, then back to her. "If you changed before, I'm sure it's possible."

Charity. The literal representative of what the stone's powers could do to a person. Whether the change in her forms would lead toward the better had yet to be seen. Yet, she took her chances and at least in her prior opinion, had lost. What's to say Wills wouldn't meet with the same fate? Alive has many definitions and some could be considered lacking or downright miserably sad.

She turned to look at me. "How do you know?"

"I don't." I shrugged. "All I know is what Sawyer said and what seems to be rational and reasonable. But that's a pretty small tip of the iceberg."

"Sawyer spoke to you?" Her mouth fell open.

"Yeah. Although right now, I wish he hadn't." My gaze fell to my feet before returning to the stone before us. "He said since I brought the dinosaur to life in the city museum using the Talisman Stone, I could bring my deceased husband back to life as well."

She gasped, her eyes locked onto my face. "Are you going to do it?"

I swallowed. "A year ago, I would've jumped at the chance."

"And now?"

"And now…" I stared at the stone, intrigued. "As much as I dreamed of changing the past, I realize that my actions affect many others, not just myself. By changing one thing, in essence, I change dozens more. Maybe for the good, but potentially for the bad as well. There's no guarantee anyone will end up with what they expect. The fates aren't that predicable or kind."

"You're turning down the chance to bring your husband back to life?" She expressed the words quietly and succinctly as if trying to sort out a complex puzzle.

"I said good-bye to Wills several months ago and decided to move on with my life. I'm pretty happy now and not willing to forfeit my happiness for a fleeting possibility, however bright and glorious that tiny chance might be." I sighed heavily and met her gaze. "Meat is my heart now. He and my boys. Whatever life has in store for us, I'm determined to make the best of it."

I turned and stepped toward the door.

"How can you be so sure?"

Twisting, I spared her a long look. "I looked deep in my heart and found the answers." With those words, I strode back out the door and into the morning daylight.

Chapter 17


I walked back up the hill to the home of Meat's parents, expecting to find my liger boyfriend either still asleep or perhaps climbing out of the shower after his ordeal several hours prior. Instead, he sat on a wooden bench under a great oak tree, seemingly relaxing in the temperate spring weather without a care in the world. Only, I knew better. He stared off as he absently fiddled with a small twig, his thoughts obviously elsewhere. Tension rode his body, judging by the tightness of his shoulders as he slouched enough to rest his elbows on his knees.

Meat. I paused a moment to soak in the image of the man I loved. From the moment he appeared at the small corner table at the dance club, enticed me into a game of 'What's your perversion', and handed me his own money to tuck in his thong, he snared my attention and interest. Perhaps right then and there, my heart knew something my mind didn't because I kept returning, unable to stay away. Through the bumpy roads and hard times, I always drifted back to him, found solace and comfort, friendship, and yes, even love with the alpha liger. His muscular frame and prime, ripped body set my mouth to drooling while his cobalt blue eyes bore straight down into my soul. A come hither grin set my heart to thumping and Shy parts into pleading mode. Meat's personality and caring only added to the whole picture, setting him far above other men in my book.

Then and there, I knew. For as long as I lived, Meat was the only man for me.

As if sensing my presence, he turned, met my gaze, and stood. A somber expression weighed heavily on his face.

As much as I wanted to rush over and leap into his arms, I controlled myself. Judging by his body language and expression, he needed to unload some baggage before he'd appreciate an enthusiastic greeting. Ambling over, I didn't stop until I stood a couple feet in front of him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. The healer assures me I'll live."

"Which I'm very thankful for."

"Dad told me what you did."

And there's the source of his irritation. Not like I wasn't expecting a stern lecture for my actions.
So be it.
I'd do everything exactly the same given the opportunity. "I couldn't…"

He lifted his hand, stopping my defense. "Thank you."

I blinked as my mouth gaped open.

"You should've run like I'd told you numerous times before." A small smile appeared on his face. "But, this once, I can't say I minded your disobedience."

Closing the distance between us, I threw myself into his arms, hugging him tight. He responded in kind as we stood there simply holding one another.

Finally, he set me away from him and stared down at me in total seriousness. "Do you need me to open the case?" His subdued and quiet voice matched his stoic expression.


"No?" His head tilted in bafflement.

I shook my head. "I don't need the stone. All I need is you."

For a long moment, he stared at me before releasing a loud whoop. Grabbing me up, he spun around, my feet flying through the air as he chuckled. Finally setting me down, he smiled so wide his fangs flashed in the sunlight. Relief and sheer joy replaced his earlier worry.

"Thank God. I didn't know what I would've done if you chose otherwise." Leaning in, he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "I couldn't deny you such happiness, but the thought broke my heart."

My heart soared with his words. The fact he would put my wishes above his own and the potential consequences of such a decision, humbled and endeared him to me all the more for they shouted exactly how he felt. Love was too simple and shallow a word. I squeezed him hard and met him for another lingering meshing of the lips.

"I thought of nothing else after Sawyer told me of the possibility. To be honest, I'd already made up my mind then you were injured. All I could think about is how you had to pull through. Then this morning, I had to face the full temptation in order to be absolutely certain. It was a no-brainer." I beamed up at him.

He leaned in to nuzzle my cheek, marking me with his unique scent. In the past, the action annoyed me from time to time. Today, I reveled in his claim. "I love you, Meat. For as long as I live."

Meat didn't give me an opportunity to say more. Instead, he sealed his lips over mine. When I opened my eyes again, I found us standing in his bedroom, already naked. I envied the ease with which he teleported us, stripped us bare, and all while distracted as his tongue counted my teeth.

"Wow." I panted to catch my breath from one of the most passionate kisses Meat had ever planted on me. He set his talented lips to work, licking along my throat, nibbling my earlobe, and laying a trail down my chest.

"I sure hope our clothes managed to come with us."

He didn't stop his steamy exploration of my upper body to answer. "Why do you say that?"

"I'd hate for your father to open his back door and step into my damp Hello Kitty panties."

"Now that would be something to see." Meat chuckled, the vibrations against my breast added to the highly erotic sensation.

I traced down his lower back, along his sensitive flanks, and around to lightly grasp Meat's jutting arousal. Measuring him a few times, I squirmed and whimpered when he returned the favor, dipping one large finger into my core. Excitement turned to needy desperation at the speed of sound. I nipped his chest, brushed my thumb over the leaking mushroom tip of his impressive erection, and blatantly rubbed my body against his. Fire ran through my veins, and I couldn't get close enough, kissed enough, or touched enough to do more than add more fuel to the flames. Horny didn't begin to describe the overwhelming sensation of needing Meat so badly it bordered on obsession.
Maybe this is how female cats in heat feel?
No matter. I couldn't think past getting on the bed and having hot and heavy sex with the man I loved.

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