Enter the Dead: A Supernatural Thriller (3 page)

Read Enter the Dead: A Supernatural Thriller Online

Authors: Mark White

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Supernatural, #Ghosts, #British

BOOK: Enter the Dead: A Supernatural Thriller
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Sam called round to Gracie’s house later that day to collect Max, he wasn’t
expecting her to tell him that Sarah had already beaten him to it. She rarely returned
home before seven or eight pm, sometimes later. Her commitment to her job was
far greater than his, not to mention her work ethic. Not that he was about to
complain about his wife coming home early; it would be nice to have an extended
evening together, especially after the day he’d just had.

‘Anybody home?’ he
shouted, taking off his coat and hanging it on a peg in the hallway.

‘We’re in here.’

‘What are you doing
back so early?’ he asked, joining Sarah and Max at the kitchen table and
leaning over to kiss her cheek.

‘I don’t know why, but
I’m exhausted,’ Sarah replied.

‘Are you feeling alright?’

‘I think so. I don’t
feel particularly ill, just worn out.’ Her mind drifted to her lunchtime
rendezvous with Tom. She could think of one reason why she might be more tired
than usual.

‘Well whatever it is,
it’s a nice surprise. Everything alright, Max?’

‘Fine,’ he replied, too
engrossed in his iPhone to look up and acknowledge his father.

‘Do me a favour, son.
Either turn that damn thing off or play it somewhere else would you?’

‘See ya,’ Max said,
climbing down from his stool and trudging out of the room.

Sam shook his head as
he watched him leave. ‘You know, when I was his age I used to read comics and
books. Those bloody computer games are turning our kids into the living dead.’

‘Oh, he’s alright. He’s
already done his homework.’

‘All the same...’

‘Anyway, what are you
doing back? I thought you had a tight deadline for that website you’re

‘One late night’s
enough for me. Besides, I’ve been allocated an extra resource, for all the good
it’ll do me.’

‘What extra resource?’

‘An intern! Can you
believe it?’

‘What for?’

‘Lord only knows. It
was Tom’s idea: he said that she was at a loose end and that seeing as I’m the
only one who seems busy at the moment I could maybe use the help.’

‘Sounds like a good

‘It’s a terrible idea.’


‘Am I the only one
around here who thinks there’s a certain amount of skill involved in

‘That’s not fair. You
know I don’t think that.’

‘Well, seemingly Tom
and every bugger else does.’

‘Maybe you should give her
a chance. She might be better than you think.’

‘I doubt it. Anyway, it
doesn’t look as if I’ve got a say in the matter.’

‘What’s she like,

‘Gabrielle. She seems
okay. She’s certainly keen enough. Blonde, attractive, fresh from university. Tom
certainly knows how to pick ‘em.’

‘What do you mean?’


‘What do you mean: ‘Tom
certainly knows how to pick ‘em’?’

‘I mean, that every
intern Tom takes on just so happens to be female and good looking. No wonder
there are always rumours about him.’

Luckily for Sarah, Sam
was too focused on checking his phone to notice the redness spreading across her

‘Rumours?’ she asked,
as casually as she was able given the fact that only five hours earlier she’d
been lying in a hotel bed with his cum swimming around inside her. Unable to hide
her embarrassment, she stood up and walked to the kettle and then to the sink,
her eyes closed as she pretended to stare out of the kitchen window.

‘Oh, come on,’ Sam
said, oblivious to his wife’s behaviour. ‘How many times have I told you about
Tom’s roving eye? The randy sod would flirt with a dog turd if it was wearing a
skirt. Why do you think Jane and him are always at each other’s throats?’

‘Jane’s hardly the
easiest woman in the world to live with. She’d start an argument with herself
if she stared in the mirror long enough.’

‘True, but it’s no
wonder she’s always on edge. Far be it for me to fan the flames, but they do
say that there’s no smoke without fire.’

‘I thought Tom was
supposed to be your friend.’

Sam looked at her
quizzically. ‘What’s with you all of a sudden?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Why should you care what
Tom Jackson gets up to in his spare time?’

she replied, annoyed with herself for showing her emotions. Of course she knew
about the rumours, didn’t everyone? She’d even interrogated Tom about the other
girls, many times, to the point where he’d threatened to end it all if she
didn’t stop banging on about his supposed flings. She was hardly in a position
to stand on the moral high ground, but even so, couldn’t Tom at least pretend
that their affair meant something to him? It certainly meant something to her:
there were times when her mind would be so utterly consumed by thoughts of him
that she couldn’t think straight. She hated feeling so vulnerable, hated the
hold he had over her, but as time went by she was becoming increasingly
dependent on him; like a drug that tasted so good but would ultimately lead to
ruin. She knew what she had to do, but every time he called or texted her, her
heart would rush as if injected with adrenaline and she would hear herself
agreeing to meet him, seemingly powerless to control her tongue as she
discussed with him the time and location of their next sordid encounter. As far
as Sarah Railton was concerned, whilst guilt was undoubtedly a powerful
emotion, it came a distant second to lust.

‘Look,’ Sam said. ‘It
doesn’t matter about Tom. I don’t give a damn about who he chooses to employ,
but I do give a damn when he forces them onto me.’

‘Sounds to me like
you’re just going to have to go with it and give her a chance. It’s not for
long, and you never know, she might turn out to be better than you think. I’m
sure Tom has his reasons for asking her to help you.’

‘I’m sure he has.’

‘Anyway,’ she said,
desperate to change the subject. ‘Enough shop-talk, okay? I’m home early, I’m
too tired to cook, and I can’t be bothered to engage in any meaningful conversation.
Which can mean only one thing.’

‘Let me guess: takeaway
and a movie?’

‘My thoughts exactly.’

Sam smiled and winked
at her. ‘When you’ve been married as long as we have, you learn to read each
other’s minds.’

A vision of Tom
sporting nothing but a sexy grin and a white towel flashed before her. She grinned
mischievously at Sam and said the first thing that came into her head:

‘I wouldn’t try reading
my mind if I were you.’



scrolled down the screen, paying close attention to the text, occasionally
raising his eyebrows or guardedly nodding his approval. Gabrielle Williams sat
anxiously beside him, like a schoolgirl waiting for her teacher to comment on
her latest homework assignment. She’d spent far more hours working on this
particular task than was necessary, staying until nine pm the previous evening.
Not that she was about to mention this to Sam; she didn’t want him to know how much
effort she’d put in.

‘You know,’ he said,
eventually diverting his attention away from the screen, ‘this really isn’t
that bad. In fact it’s actually rather impressive.’


‘If you carry on like
this I’ll be out of a job by the end of the week.’

‘I doubt it. I’ve seen
your portfolio. You’re brilliant.’

‘Yes, well,’ Sam
replied, blushing, ‘when you’ve been playing with words for as long as I have
you end up becoming best buddies. I certainly wasn’t as competent at your age.
You’re a natural.’

‘Yeah, right.’

‘I mean it. You’ve captured
the corporate tone perfectly. This is precisely the sort of material that the guys
at Pilko will want to see.’

‘You mean boring and dull.’

‘No, I mean traditional
and true to their obsession with the company’s heritage.’

‘So,’ she said, staring
eagerly at him like a puppy begging for treats. ‘Can you trust me with some

‘I don’t see why not. See
what you can do with the ‘Company Vision, Mission and Objectives’ section. I’ve
had a stab at the first draft, but maybe you could take a look at it and make some
suggestions. I’ll make a start on the product pages.’

‘Sure, no problem. When
do you want it?’

Now there’s a question.
‘Erm…how about we meet first thing tomorrow and run through what you’ve got?’

‘Sounds good. And
thanks for the praise; it’s reassuring to know I’m on the right track.’

‘Well, you are. You
certainly are.’

She stood up to leave,
throwing him a disarming smile as she turned around. He found himself ogling
her glorious behind as she walked away; two succulent buttocks rubbing together
beneath a tight skirt that was at least one size too small. Like a charmed
snake, his eyes followed her every step until eventually she rounded the end of
the corridor and disappeared from view, leaving him to ponder what it would be
like to bury his face between those heavenly cheeks.

‘I wonder what Sarah
would have to say if she saw you lusting after the intern, you dirty old man.’

‘Huh?’ Sam snapped out
of his trance to see Tom Jackson peering at him over the cubicle partition to
his right. ‘Bloody hell, Tom. What do you think you’re doing, creeping up on me
like that? Are you trying to send me to an early grave?’

‘It’s my job to creep
up on people: that’s the only way to catch the slackers out. Why do you think I
wear shoes with rubber soles? So the lazy buggers can’t hear me coming, that’s

‘I once read that Jack
the Ripper employed the same tactic. You’re not all there, are you Tom?’

‘Of course not…you’ve
got to have a screw loose to work in a place like this. Anyway, how’s my new
intern getting on?’

‘Better than expected,
that’s for sure.’

‘I knew you’d like her.’

‘To be honest, I’m
quite surprised.’


‘You do have eyes,
don’t you?’

‘What? Are you
suggesting that just because she’s young, good looking and eager to please,
that she can’t possibly be intelligent and articulate as well? That attitude
went out with the dark ages, Sam.’

‘Of course I’m not
suggesting that. It’s just that, well, you know…’

‘I know what?’

‘Come off it, Tom! She
dresses like a fucking porn star, for Christ’s sake!’

‘Consider it a perk of
the job, my boy.’

‘I suppose. Anyway,
whatever she looks like, she’s as sharp as a razor. She’ll do well for herself,
that girl. If she can fend off the blokes, that is.’

‘She’s already got a

‘Hardly surprising. I
bet they’re lining up.’

‘As a matter of fact,
he just so happens to work for this firm.’

‘Seriously? Who is it?’

‘Not sure I should tell
you. Wouldn’t want to make you any more jealous.’

‘I’ll have you know
that I’m a happily married man. Go on then, put me out of my misery. I bet it’s
one of those young metrosexuals working in the photo studio.’

‘Not even luke-warm.’

‘Go on, then. Who’s the
lucky bloke?’

‘You’re looking at

Sam threw Tom a double
take. He could practically feel his jaw dropping to the floor. ‘Fuck right off,
mate. Not even you could bag a girl like her.’

Tom beamed back at him,
as pleased as Punch to see Sam’s reaction. ‘I think you’ll find I could.
Indeed, I think you’ll find I have.’

You’re old enough to be her father!’

‘So what? If it’s good
enough for Rod Stewart…’

‘And there is the minor
issue of you being married.’

‘I repeat: So what?’

‘Oh, I’m glad to see
you’re working so hard at patching things up with Jane. I thought you two were
getting back on track?’

‘We are, but that
shouldn’t prevent me having a little fun occasionally.’

‘I think you’ll find
the correct term is

‘Whatever, Sam. I’ll
tell you how I see it, shall I? I love Mars Bars, okay? They’re by far and away
my all-time favourite chocolate bar, and they’ll always be my default option.’

‘I don’t like where
this is heading.’

‘But every now and
again - not often mind you - I fancy eating something different.’

‘What…like a Turkish
Delight or a Snickers?’

‘Exactly! That’s why we
pay you the big bucks, Sam. Turkish Delight…I couldn’t have chosen a better

‘It’s a pathetic
analogy, Tom.’

‘Really? I thought it
was rather good.’


‘Well anyway, it
doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that old Tom is having it away with a
gorgeous babe nearly half his age.’

‘How long do you think
it’ll be before everyone else working here finds out? It’s only a matter of
time; if you don’t say anything then I guarantee she will. What do you think
the Board will make of that, eh? Their precious sales director banging the
innocent intern.’

‘Firstly, that girl is
far from innocent. And secondly, nobody will find out.’

‘How can you be so

‘Because I trust you to
keep it a secret.’

‘It’s not me you should
be worried about, it’s her! She’s bound to talk.’

‘Her lips are sealed;
apart from when they’re wrapped around my cock, that is.’

‘You’re out of your

‘I know. It’s great,
isn’t it? Seriously though, she won’t say a word. Let’s just say the two of us
have an unwritten confidentiality agreement.’

‘What’s in it for her?’


‘Such as?’

‘You’ll see. Now
listen,’ Tom said, checking his watch and shaking his head. ‘I’ve got to dash.
I just thought I’d let you know my dirty little secret. To be honest, it was
becoming impossible
to share it with somebody. It was driving me
insane keeping it all to myself.’

‘I suppose I should
feel honoured, but I think you’re making a big mistake, Tom. You’re going to
get found out. I guarantee it.’

‘No I won’t. But do me
a favour, Sam. Whatever you do, don’t tell Sarah.’

‘Sarah? What’s she got
to do with this?’

‘Women talk, Sam. If
Sarah knows, then one way or another it’ll find its way back to Jane.’

‘Sarah wouldn’t tell

‘Please? For me?’

Sam sighed heavily.
‘Okay, Tom. I won’t say a word.’

‘Scout’s honour?’

‘Fuck off.’

And then, like an
amateur Billy-the-Kid, Tom made a gun shape with his right hand, pointed it to
Sam and winked at him before making a clicking noise. ‘See you later, cowboy,’
he said, disappearing behind the partition wall.

‘Arsehole,’ Sam said,
although there was nobody there to hear it.
The fucking nerve of the guy
he thought, shaking his head and returning his attention to the computer
screen. If he was being entirely honest with himself, there was a definite tinge
of jealousy, especially when he closed his eyes and imagined what Gabrielle
Williams must look like spread naked across the bed on all fours. But it was
only a tinge, and it didn’t last long. By far the main emotions were pity and
relief. Pity: because he felt sorry for Jane. Relief: at the strength of his
own marriage and the knowledge that whatever happened, he would always be as
true and loyal to Sarah as she undoubtedly was to him…

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