Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties) (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

BOOK: Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties)
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Bane kissed her inner thigh, her belly and worked his way up her body until he sealed his lips against hers. She could taste her essence on him, but it didn’t repulse her like she’d thought it would. His hips settled between her spread thighs, and the head of his cock brushed against her slit. She was soaked from her climax, and even though he was big, she knew he would have no problem sliding in.

He teased her, brushing his cock against her. She lifted her hips, and the head of his cock slid inside of her. It was broad and stretched her as he sank into her wet heat. He buried himself balls deep inside of her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her hands slid up his arms to brace on his shoulders.

Bane traced the column of her throat with his nose before pressing a kiss against her pulse point. “You’re so incredibly beautiful. And you’re mine.”

“Yes, Bane. Yours, all yours.”

His hips began to move. Thrust, then retreat. The rings on his cock created delicious friction, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before he made her come again. His hair fell across his eyes as he looked down at her, an intense look of concentration on his face. She felt his skin dampen under her fingers and wondered if he was holding back.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” he asked.

“You could never hurt me, Bane. Let go. I want you. All of you.”

“I’m trying to make this last for you, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.”

She kissed his jaw. “Then don’t.”

With a groan, he plunged into her harder and deeper, each stroke faster than the one before. Ariana clung to him, her hands slipping on his slick arms. The sounds of their labored breathing and flesh slapping against flesh filled the room as she strained for release. She felt it building, as if she were strung tight like a piano wire. And then he was coming. She felt the warm spurts of his cum as it jetted inside of her, felt the slide of his cock as he thrust again and again, and soon she was following him over the edge.

Bane stilled against her, his hips fused to hers as he buried himself deep in her body. She’d never felt so close to someone before; it had never felt so right.

His weight collapsed on top of her, pinning her to the bed, but she welcomed him. Pressed chest to chest, their hearts pounded in time to one another. Ariana ran a hand down his back, resting her palm on his hip.

“I’m sorry that didn’t last longer,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

“It was perfect, Bane.”

He kissed her neck and raised his weight from on top of her. Sliding from her body, he rolled to the side. Bane draped an arm across her waist and pulled her tight against him.

A triple beep filled the room a moment before a voice came online. “Bane, are you there?”

He lifted his head and frowned at the COMM box on the wall. “I’m here, but you’re interrupting something important. What is it, Cael?”

“The Minister of Science would like to meet with us about our latest project. If we can get his approval to move forward with it, I can easily get the funding to back it.”

Bane sighed and gave Ariana an apologetic look. “I’ll be there soon. Just give me time to bathe and dress.”

“Hurry.” The COMM clicked off and went silent.

Ariana stroked his chest. “I guess you have to go.”

“It seems so. I’ll try to hurry back home, but Sefir, the Minister of Science, tends to run on a bit. If we can keep him on task, it shouldn’t be too bad.”

“You better go get ready.”

He seemed reluctant as he slid out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, leaving the door open. By now she knew Keshpans didn’t have showers, but instead had sunken tubs the size of a hot tub. Somehow, they filtered out the soap as you bathed so the water never frothed with bubbles. She kind of missed bubble baths.

Ariana really wanted to go climb into the tub with Bane, but she knew that was a bad idea. If he’d been called to the Minister’s office, she didn’t need to distract him. She’d wait until he left to clean up and get dressed, then she’d explore her new home a bit. Maybe she could convince Bane to leave the alarm off so she could venture outside.

He strolled back into the bedroom and she drank in the sight of him, all lean muscles and masculine beauty. His long blond hair was slicked back, his eyelashes still spiky from the water. She could stare at him all day. Well, maybe not all day. She’d eventually be unable to stop herself from reaching out and touching him, and jumping him. One time definitely wasn’t enough, even if he had blown her mind with the best orgasm she’d ever had.

He stepped over to the closet and pulled out a shirt and pants, quickly donning both. He grabbed his boots and sat on the edge of the bed to put them on. When he was finished, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“Will you be okay while I’m gone?” he asked.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’d like to go outside for a bit, though.”

“I’d feel better about leaving you if you were behind a locked door with the alarm set. I don’t want anything to happen to you. The neighbors don’t really know you that well yet, and I didn’t like the look Lafre was giving you.”

“Please, Bane?”

He grinned. “You know I can deny you nothing. Very well. Just be careful. This is a safe neighborhood, but that doesn’t mean crime can’t happen here.”

“I promise I’ll be careful. I won’t venture past the front yard.”

He nodded and kissed her once more. “I’ll see you soon.”

Ariana watched as he rose and walked away.

Chapter Three


Ariana had pulled a chair out into the front yard to enjoy the sunshine after Bane left. As a slave, she’d never had the freedom to be outside on her own before. It just showed how much Bane trusted her, and she wasn’t about to break that trust by running off. Besides, where would she go? It wasn’t like she could escape Keshpa and return to Earth.

She tilted her face to the suns, feeling the warmth of the rays on her skin. She smiled as she drank in the beauty of the day until a shadow fell across her. Opening her eyes, she widened them in surprise when she saw that Lafre stood beside her.

“I won’t let you get in my way,” the young woman told her. “Bane is mine.”

“He doesn’t seem to think so. He has no interest in you at all, except possibly the neighborly kind.”

Lafre hissed at her and struck her across the cheek, knocking her to the ground. While she was down, the woman kicked her in the stomach and ribs. “You’ll pay for your insolence. You should remember your place. You’re nothing but a slave, a possession, and when I’m standing by Bane’s side I’ll make sure he sells you to the cruelest man I can find.”

Ariana placed a hand over her throbbing cheek, rose from her curled position on the ground and narrowed her eyes. “You’ll never be by his side.”

“We’ll just see about that. There’s more than one way to get rid of you.” Lafre turned and stormed back to her house. A moment later, Ariana heard the neighbor’s door slam shut.

She wasn’t sure what to do about her neighbor. Should she tell Bane, or just try to deal with the problem herself? Her resources were limited, but surely she could stand up to the woman.

Ariana could understand where Lafre was coming from. Who wouldn’t want Bane? He was kind and caring, had a good job and would be an excellent father and provider. She wouldn’t be surprised to find out women were beating down his door. Keshpan women were known to be direct and go after what they wanted, and it was obvious that Lafre wanted Bane.

She didn’t doubt Bane’s commitment to her. She understood that she was more than just a slave to him, and that thought comforted her. Even if she hadn’t been more to him, she couldn’t see him falling into Lafre’s trap. The woman was just downright nasty. Ariana wasn’t saying she was good enough for Bane, but Lafre definitely wasn’t. The woman had a vile temper and obviously thought she was better than everyone else. It was probably her father’s doing. Bane hadn’t mentioned a mother in the house, and if Vryl had raised her on his own, he was sure to have spoiled her along the way. Perhaps he should have told her no more often.

Deciding not to chance another encounter with the viper, Ariana went back inside. She knew Bane had several books from her world and figured she would pass the time with a little reading. It had been one of her favorite pastimes at home. But if she didn’t learn to read Keshpan soon, she would be limited on reading material. She’d seen his library on her brief tour before heading outside and knew he had floor to ceiling shelves filled with books. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on them, assuming they weren’t technical manuals or science books. She knew he was an inventor, but surely he had a good bit of fiction mixed in there.

The COMM beeped, and she wondered if it were permissible for her to make her presence known. She wasn’t sure about all of the Keshpan laws but knew she needed to learn them soon. She knew about the big ones, the ones that could result in time in prison, or even death, but having never lived in someone’s home before she didn’t know what she was and was not allowed to do.

“Bane?” a voice called out through the COMM.

“He isn’t here,” she answered.

“You must be Ariana. This is Bane’s cousin, Kiro. Do you know when he’ll return home?”

“No, he was called away on business earlier. He said he would return as soon as possible, but he wasn’t sure how long the meeting would last.”

“Very well. Please have him call me when he returns. I’d love to come and meet you, but I don’t dare stop by while he isn’t present.”

“I’ll pass your message along.”

The COMM clicked off, and Ariana was left alone once more. She was surprised and a little amused to discover that one of the books from Earth was a romance. Had Bane actually read it? She had a hard time picturing him reading something like that. It was perfect for her though, as it was her favorite genre. The others were classics and one science fiction. He’d probably laughed his way through the alien book, considering just how wrong the author had gotten everything. It was an older volume and had been written before Earth realized life really did exist on other planets.

Ariana had been on her way to the planet Narkov as a bride when space pirates overtook her vessel. She’d never been so scared in her life. A mix of races, the pirates had ranged from human looking to the most grotesque beings she’d ever seen. She’d feared for her life, and the lives of the other two brides. The pirates had taken them and locked them in a cell on their spacecraft. It had been weeks that they’d been kept under lock and key, and then they’d slowly been sold off to the highest bidder. Ariana had been the only one sold to the Keshpans, and she often wondered how those other women had fared.

In the end, Ariana had been lucky. Other than her last day with Arko, he’d been fairly kind to her. That wasn’t to say her life had exactly been pleasant with him, but he wasn’t usually a cruel man. And now she had the joy of being with Bane. Perhaps it had been planned from the moment of her birth that she would end up on Keshpa and in the arms of Bane. She knew they could never be together in the sense of man and wife, but that didn’t mean she would love him any less. And if what he said was true, he loved her just as much, if not more so.

Now if she could just get rid of the threat of Lafre. She had no doubt the woman was going to cause trouble, or at least try to. A jealous woman could be ruthless, and she would be a fool not to worry.

* * *

When Bane came home, all hell had broken loose. There was a major fight going down in the middle of the street. He recognized one of the men as a neighbor from down the street, but the other was a mystery to him. He looked rough though, and he wondered if the man wasn’t a space pirate. Keshpan law stated he had to report it, along with a statement of what he’d witnessed. To fail to do so could result in imprisonment or worse. But the last thing he wanted to do was bring danger to Ariana, and he had no doubt whichever man had started the fight would retaliate.

Looking toward his house, he saw Ariana standing at the front door and nearly panicked. What if the men saw her, too? He hurried up the walkway to usher her inside. He looked back at the street, watching as the rough looking man buried a dagger in the other man’s stomach. Stepping back, he firmly closed the door, hoping the man didn’t realize he’d witnessed the murder.

“Are you going to contact the Prime Minister?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I don’t think that would be wise. What if they came after you?”

“Bane, you have to tell someone! It’s the law. If anyone discovered you’d omitted your testimony, there would be hell to pay.” Her eyes looked fearful. “He just murdered that man in cold blood. He can’t remain loose.”

“No one is going to find out we know anything unless you tell them. I doubt anyone saw me.”

“But you can’t be sure!”

“No, I can’t be sure. I just have to go on faith that we’re safe. I don’t know what I would do if you were taken from me. I could handle life in prison, but I don’t think I’d survive you being given to someone else. What would I do if you were injured? Your next owner might not be careful with you.”

“Let’s worry about that when we have to. Right now, I’m more concerned about you. I really think you should call someone. Take the chance that something could happen. You know something bad will happen if you don’t.”

He cupped her cheek, and she tried not to wince. The redness had faded, but the pain was still there. It didn’t go unnoticed and he frowned. “What’s wrong, Ari?”

“Nothing. I, um, just bumped my face on the doorframe earlier. I turned too quickly when the COMM came on. Kiro called.”

He didn’t look like he believed her, and he began running his hands over her body. She fought not to show any expression as his fingers passed over her ribs and abdomen. She knew there was a nasty bruise along her ribs, and she would have to hide it from him. Ariana hadn’t figured out how she was going to manage that, but she was determined that he not find out what happened. She had little doubt he would confront Lafre or her father, and that was the last thing they needed right now.

One problem at a time. Witnessing the murder was definitely higher up the list.

“Promise me you won’t bring it up, Ari. It isn’t safe for you to know what happened out there today.”

“But if we just told someone --”

“No! Do you honestly think the Prime Minister would protect you if that man has friends? He looks like a pirate, and I won’t chance you being taken -- or worse. As long as we pretend it didn’t happen, we should be fine.”

Ariana wasn’t convinced, but she wasn’t going to argue with him at the moment. She could tell she wasn’t going to get anywhere. If her body wasn’t battered, she’d distract him with sex, but something told her that wasn’t a good idea right now. One look at her and he’d go off like a roman candle, and then she’d have no choice but to tell him what happened. She didn’t know what she was going to do about Lafre. Maybe something would come to her overnight.

“What do you say to some comfort food tonight?” he asked. “I’ve become rather partial to several of your Earth dishes.”

“Can that gizmo make a stuffed roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and honey glazed carrots?”

He smiled. “Only one way to find out.”

She followed him to the kitchen where he began pressing buttons on the cooking unit. The screen showed pictures of his selections, and she pointed out the appropriate ones. Once their meal was complete, they sat at the small kitchen table to eat. He told her about his meeting, and that he’d have to go out again first thing in the morning and would be gone until mid-day.

She was sad to hear he’d be gone again so soon, but she understood he had to work. She was just thankful he did most of his work from the comfort of his home office so she wouldn’t be alone all the time. Not that Arko hadn’t left her alone plenty, but she was happy with Bane, content, and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. She supposed that’s what love was, to some extent. She’d never been in love before so this was uncharted territory for her.

After their meal, she convinced him she was tired and went upstairs to bed while he went to his office to work for another hour or two. She hated crawling into that bed all alone, but it was better than him trying to make love to her tonight. There was no way she could put him off for days though, so she would have to come clean sooner or later. She just hoped she had the situation in hand by then.

Ariana closed her eyes and breathed deeply, ignoring the pain in her ribs when she did so. She thought about the state of affairs with Lafre, and the only solution she could come up with was to speak with Vryl. She doubted he would want to hear that his daughter was unstable enough to attack another woman. He might not even believe her, but she had to do something. She couldn’t very well stoop to Lafre’s level and hit the woman back, even if the idea was tempting. As a slave, Ariana knew she had no rights so going to the authorities about the attack wasn’t an option. If she were bonded to Bane, it would be different. Oh how she wished that could be the case! She couldn’t think of anything she’d love more.

With a sigh, she rolled over and studied the moons through the window. There was no point wishing for things that would never come to pass. She’d heard that Vaaden had become advanced enough that their warriors were allowed to marry their slaves, but Ariana wasn’t fool enough to believe something like that would ever happen on Keshpa. There was nothing wrong with Keshpan women, other than their lack of stamina when it came to sex. If Keshpan men were given the chance to bond with their slaves, women who were more than capable of keeping up with them in the bedroom, then things would drastically change on the planet. She knew their government wasn’t ready for such a step, but it was a nice thought.

Maybe she and Bane could move to Vaaden, she thought with a smile as sleep finally overtook her.

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