Erotic Research (10 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Erotic Research
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His words, as always, affected her strongly and she began to push back toward his hand, silently asking for more.

As he applied more gel, she felt his finger seeking entrance to the dark portal. No one had ever breached her ass and she was surprised by the intensity of the sensations provoked by merely the tip of his finger. Slowly, he worked his finger in deeper and soon she felt herself pushing back against him, seeking more.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Let me in.” He removed one finger only to return with two. 69

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She gasped for breath as the pressure of his two fingers increased, becoming painful.

“Push against me,” he instructed.

She attempted to do as he asked, trying to decide if she liked his actions or not. It hurt, but not unbearably, and she had to admit there was some part of her that was deeply turned on by his wicked touch. Determined to learn all she could, she relaxed until he had both fingers buried completely within her.

“Christ, you’re tight,” he said, starting to thrust his fingers in the rhythm she’d come to love.

Arching back against him, she followed his movements, the pain decreasing as the pleasure grew.

“Ross,” she cried as the stimulation became too much, “more, please.”

Rather than giving her more, however, his fingers left her completely. She started to protest.

“Wait,” he murmured, his lips grazing her ear, his tongue darting out to tease her earlobe.

Suddenly she felt something hard pressing into her. She started to pull away, but Ross’s strong arm across her shoulders held her firmly in place. She felt him put the tip of the tube of lubrication to her anus as more of the sticky gel permeated her tight hole. Then he began to press the plug into her. A butt plug, she thought, recalling the instrument she’d seen him pull out of the backpack earlier. She’d read about them, but she never imagined in her wildest fantasies he would ever want to put one inside her. She understood the implication. The plug would gradually loosen the muscles of her anus and it would make it easier for Ross to fuck her there. He wanted to fuck her ass. The thought should frighten her, but instead she struggled to take the plug. She wanted him there. God, she wanted him anywhere she could get him. What kind of wanton woman had she become? What was he doing to her?

“Almost there,” he whispered, gently guiding the plug until she was filled completely. Once he finished, he soothingly massaged her buttocks again. 70

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“Lie back down,” he said, pushing her lightly on the bed. She struggled to accommodate the large plug inside her, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. Once he had her tucked back up against him, he asked, “Are you okay?” with such concern, Jules felt her heart swell.

“I’m fine,” she whispered hoarsely. “Ross,” she started to say, words failing her.

“What, Brown Eyes?” He kissed the top of her head.

“Do men like that? I mean—being with women that way?” she asked, suddenly very afraid Ross would think less of her for allowing him to do such an unspeakable thing to her.

He tipped her face up to his with his finger on her chin. “I can’t speak for all men, but I find I want you every way a man can have a woman, Jules. It may seem primitive or uncivilized, but I don’t think I’ll be able to rest until I’ve possessed every part of you—

your mouth, your pussy, your ass, all of you. You’ve lit a fire in my soul and it feels like it will consume me if I don’t quench it. Does that make any sense?” His eyes filled with apprehension.

“Yes,” she whispered, lightly kissing his lips, “it does. I feel exactly the same way.”

He smiled, returning her light kiss. “Can you sleep? With it inside you?”

She nodded shyly. “Yes.”

“Good,” he replied lightly, the real Ross reappearing, “because I don’t think I can wait much longer to have you there. I don’t want to hurt you and this will help. Have I told you lately how incredible you are?”

“Not in the last couple of hours,” she teased.

“You’re incredible,” he said, so seriously she was stunned for a moment. “Go to sleep, Brown Eyes. Busy day tomorrow. Research, research, research.”


The morning sun temporarily blinded Julia as she attempted to open her eyes. She knew before she did so that she was alone in the bed. She started to sit up, forgetting about the large plug still buried deep inside her. 71

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“Oh,” she cried.

Her distress brought Ross running from the bathroom, a towel wrapped low on his hips, half his face covered in shaving cream.

“What’s wrong?” He quickly crossed the room to help her.

“Nothing,” she said, too humiliated to actually say the words.

“I heard you cry out. Are you hurt?”

“No. I just forgot—” she waved her hands around, hoping he would understand the meaningless gesture, “—you know. I sat up too fast.”

Grinning, Ross bent down and kissed her, covering her with at least half of the shaving cream on his face.

“Hey!” she complained.

“I’ll take care of you in a minute.” He laughed at her foamy face. “Let me finish shaving first. Actually, why don’t you join me? I want to shave you as well.”

“Thanks for the invitation.” She wiped the foam off her face. “But believe it or not, under all this shaving cream, I have no facial hair.”

“I didn’t mean I’d shave your face,” he replied, obviously pleased by the blushes he managed to evoke with just a few words.

“Oh.” She was stunned by his suggestion.

“Come on.” He took her hand and pulled her to the bathroom. “First we need to get that plug out of you and then we’ll discuss the shaving.”


Forty-five minutes later, Julia found herself showered and free of not only the plug, but her pubic hair as well. “How do I let you talk me into these things?” she muttered, pulling her terry cloth robe around her and running a comb through her freshly washed hair.

Ross grabbed her from behind to envelop her in a big bear hug, obviously delighted with his morning’s work. “Face it, Jules,” he joked, taking the comb from her hand and 72

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throwing it on the desk, “underneath that prim exterior, you’re as big a sex maniac as me.”

“God forbid,” she replied with mock seriousness as she leaned back into his warm embrace. “What’s for breakfast?”

“You,” he answered and before she could reply, he lifted her up and carried her over to the kitchen table.

She giggled as he laid her facedown on the cool wood, then she noticed the scarves he had tied to the legs. “Ross,” she said, trying to wiggle off the flat surface.

“That’s master to you, slave.” His voice once again took on its imperious tone. “I paid good money for you from the slave traders and I expect you will make a welcome addition to my harem. But first,” he added, a strong hand on her back holding her in place, “I must see to your bondage.” Ross managed to tie her arms straight above her head with relative ease considering the fact, catching on quickly to his fantasy, she had begun to seriously struggle for freedom.

“That’s right, slave.” He roughly pulled her hair back to give him access to her face.

“Fight me. It will make it so much more satisfying when I break your will.”

“I’ll never submit,” she cried, getting into the spirit of their game, kicking away from him as best she could.

The way he tied her arms kept the upper part of her body horizontal across the tabletop, while her hips and legs lay vertical over the edge. Gripping her feet, Ross proceeded to tie each ankle to a different corner leg on the table, leaving her ass and pussy open for his wandering hands, which seemed to continually caress her newly bared mons and ass impersonally as if truly inspecting his purchased goods.

“A feast fit for the gods,” he proclaimed when he had her securely tied. “My servants have prepared you well for me. And now, we begin your training. This cunt,” he said, touching her roughly, “is mine. If I choose to offer you to my soldiers as a prize, you will allow them access to it. Whenever I want to taste it, you will offer it to me. And your orgasms belong to me. Only at my permission will you come.” With this, he knelt 73

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between her legs and showed his appreciation for her rich bounty, his tongue parting her wet folds to plunge inside.

“Never,” she cried, secretly enjoying his invasion of her body.

“Soon, slave,” he said roughly, “soon, you will beg.”

His knots proved well tied in spite of Julia’s attempts to set herself free and attack her attacker. Not out of anger at the bondage, but out of anger at his teasing touches. He kept her poised on the edge of an orgasm for close to an hour, proving his words true—

she was at his mercy and she would beg. Each time she felt herself falling off the pinnacle he backed away, bringing her down with too-soft touches that merely dampened the fire within her rather than stoking it to a roaring blaze. Amused by her continual verbal abuse, Ross refused to be baited, refused to break character, and Julia felt sure she would kill him when he freed her. Each of her curses was met with more sensual torture. Soon, Julia found herself begging for release as she called Ross master, promising to be a good slave at his request, promising him anything he wanted. Apparently appeased by her surrender, Ross rose quickly and replaced his tongue with his fingers. Grateful for the sudden change, Julia choked back a sob, struggling desperately to impale herself more deeply on his thick digits, only to feel him pull away completely.

“You please me greatly, slave.” As he spoke, he retrieved a vibrator he’d brought from his bag of tricks. Pushing it firmly into her dripping pussy, he savored her moans of pleasure.

“More,” she cried, a mantra Ross was secretly coming to love as much as he loved her.

“No, slave,” he said harshly. “It is I who commands you.” Removing the small vibrator now covered with her body’s juices, he slowly slipped it into her anus. When it was fully inserted, he turned it on low, listening to her cries of delight.

“You will not come until I say. If you disobey me in this, you will be punished severely. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master,” she whimpered.


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He watched her bite back a scream as he pulled a chair over and sat behind her, watching as she writhed helplessly, attempting to rub herself against the table.

“Please,” she whispered, when he refused to move.

“Not yet. You must learn your place, slave. You belong to me.” Reaching forward, he turned up the power on the vibrator and she began to tremble with the onslaught of an orgasm.

“If you come without permission, I will beat you.”

Leaning back, he watched her desperate attempts to still the tremors in her body. Taking deep breaths, she seemed to be struggling against the oncoming climax. Once more, he increased the speed of the vibrator and she fought back a scream. Sensing her distress, as well as his own overwhelming desire, he rose slowly. She whimpered as he approached the table.

“Good slave,” he whispered. “You’ve done well.” Slowly, he pushed his hard erection into her mouth, savoring the tightness of her lips as she drank greedily at his cock. Forcing himself to set a slow, steady pace, Ross continued to thrust as Julia’s sobbing pleas teased his sensitive flesh. Sensing she couldn’t take any more, he pulled out, demanding, “Now, slave, come.”

The convulsions of her climax spurred him to further action as he removed the vibrator from her ass and pressed his cock in her wet pussy. His thrusts became faster and harder, each one moving the table across the room until it hit the kitchen cabinets, finally holding her still for his relentless assault. No sooner did her orgasm end before another began. He counted five before he felt his own climax erupting inside her, powerful jets of seed filling her womb. His cries mingled with hers, his sweat pouring down onto her damp body.

For several long moments neither of them moved, and Ross suspected Julia had actually lost consciousness for a few seconds. When he finally felt the strength returning to his limbs, he untied her arms and legs, helping her to the bed, where he massaged the tension of her bondage away. 75

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She was nearly asleep when she mumbled something. Something that sounded very much to Ross like, “I love you, master.”

Grinning like the Cheshire cat, Ross lightly kissed her sleeping face before whispering his reply, well aware she wouldn’t remember her words or his when she awoke. “I love you too, Brown Eyes.”


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Chapter Eight

The next few days passed in a timeless sort of quality—Ross and Julia’s newfound relationship thriving in a magical world of undeniable lust and exciting fantasies. Although neither of them had truly spoken the words aloud, Ross couldn’t help but hope his love-scarred beauty was coming around. Each day they awoke to make love, followed by food, some light activity—usually him chopping wood and shoveling snow while she wrote—then more food and more sex. Although it hadn’t snowed again, the blizzard had dropped at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground, leaving them completely stranded. Not that he was in a hurry to return to the real world. Neither of them mentioned what would happen when they made their way back to New York. Ross attempted to bring up the subject a few times, but each time, Julia managed to change the topic. Unwilling to risk the rapport they’d built over the past week, Ross finally let the subject drop for good. His intentions toward her had not changed, but instead they had solidified to such a point that he felt certain he would not rest until he convinced her to marry him.

During the hours they spent out of bed, they talked about their lives, more deeply than they had in all their years as just friends. Ross told her about his childhood, growing up with four younger brothers and two very loving parents. Julia marveled that she’d never met any of Ross’s family and he even surprised her by inviting her to a family reunion planned over Easter break.

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