Erotic Research (15 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Erotic Research
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“Quentin knows,” she breathed.

“So? Is he the jealous sort?” Caleb joked. When she didn’t smile, the light in his eyes dimmed, and he managed to look like he might be taking this seriously. “What did he say to you?”

“He gave me an ultimatum. You or my job.” She couldn’t resist. It only took turning her head the scantest of inches to trail her mouth along his jaw. “You think anything else could’ve kept me away?”

Roping the naughty girl is all fun and games until someone falls in love.

Knotty Girl

© 2007 Maggie Casper

Available now at Samhain Publishing

Shelby Langley was not sub, slave or Mistress, she was merely kinky. Point her to a BDSM club where she could watch and experience pretty much anything the mind could conjure, without the tangled web of an actual relationship, and she was in orgasmic bliss. Long into the lifestyle, Craig Jensen was able to spot a submissive in denial from a mile away. Usually he left them be to find their own way, only keeping an eye out for their safety while on his turf, but there was something about the sweet, young blonde who had a love for rope bondage that called for him to claim her as his own. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, anal play and an overall spanking good time.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Knotty Girl: She tasted sweet and hot, a mixture so erotic he felt an inexplicable need to go deeper, get closer, claim her for his own no matter the cost to either of them. It was Shelby’s whispered plea announcing the impending orgasm about to rack her body that finally pulled Craig from the depths of her cream-soaked cunt.

“Not yet, little one. Hold it back.”

She thrashed as much as the ties binding her would allow. Craig could only guess at what her frenzied movements were causing the rope still imprisoning her nipples to do.

“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…” The chanted words as well as the bunching and tightening of her thigh muscles against his palms told Craig just how close she was to coming.

He continued to work her clit and the pretty pink folds now swollen with desire. Deepening his voice, Craig warned, “Don’t you dare come without permission.”

His words didn’t seem to penetrate the fog of heat and need shrouding her, preparing her for the climax rapidly building in every cell of her body.

Craig slowed his torment of her clit. Once again lifting his mouth from her core, he spoke. “Look at me.” His words insisted she listen, demanded it. Her head rolled back and forth on the pillow. Each languid circle his finger made around her clit caused her to shiver anew.

“Now, Shelby!”

Something in the tone of his voice finally broke through whatever barrier surrounded her, causing Shelby to lift her head slightly, just enough for him to pin her with his gaze.

“You will do as I ask, Shelby, so concentrate.”

She was going to kill him. Kill him and gut him and feed his balls to the wild animals. Of course, in order to do that he would have to stop and God only knew that was the last thing she wanted.

His finger passed across the ultra-sensitive swell of her clit, stealing her breath. The single torturous digit slowed for a brief second, just enough that she could catch her breath, before starting over. Around and around it went in ever-narrowing circles until once again moving right over her clit.

No longer could she think, understand or acknowledge what was happening to her. The only thing her body and mind would allow was for her to feel. Every nerve ending was alive.

Sensation so piercingly intense washed over her and for a minute Shelby thought she might faint from the overwhelming need for completion. When the first peak of her orgasm got so close Shelby knew there was no holding it back, a strangled cry burst from her lips. Without thought to her actions, she shifted her hands from the headboard to the apex of her thighs, an unconscious plan to anchor them on Craig’s head, to hold him where he was so she could ride the wave of her release with the warmth of his breath upon her.

Her impending climax ranked right up there with all things too good to be true. Before the first crest could cause her to tumble over, a sharp sting to her inner thigh pulled her from the warm crashing waves of what would surely have been the most intense release of her life.

To say she was pissed would be putting it mildly. It took a second for Shelby to gather her wits and realize the sting had come from an open-palmed swat delivered by Craig’s hand, but when she did, the fight was on.

“What the fuck did you do that for?”

Not planned in the least and yet said all the same, the words tumbled from her mouth. Shelby’s hair stuck to her face, uncomfortably irritating her more. The expression on Craig’s face warned Shelby she’d made a terrible mistake.

“Are you using your safe word?” Menacingly low, his voice promised punishment. And yet, there was no inner argument, no worries for her physical well being.


“You disobeyed by moving your hands. Your punishment was a swat to your thigh. The extent of your outburst will cost you even more.”

Craig edged off the bed. It sounded as if he was rustling through his bag but from her bound vantage point, Shelby could not see what he was doing. The not knowing made her nervous, even a bit scared. Not enough to safe-word out or ask Craig what he was doing, but frightened nonetheless.

When he returned, his hands were full. Of what, Shelby had no idea. Without so much as a word, he eased back onto the bed, this time to sit between her widespread thighs.

She lifted her head from the mattress, wanting to know what he was doing. The view to greet her eyes caused a spiral of sensations to cascade one after another across her flesh.

His brown eyes bore into her as he tore open a box, removing a new purple butt plug, one that appeared to be ominously wide. He proceeded to spread lube across its tip. Shelby wasn’t sure whether she was tugging at her bonds in an attempt to gain her freedom or beg him to hurry the hell up. All she managed was a whimper of anguished need when he placed a single finger over the swollen bud of her clit.

“You belong to me right now, Shelby. Unless you safe-word out you will be experiencing a crash course in control. This…” Craig held up the lube-glistening plug for

her inspection, “…will remind you with every movement of your body, with every thrust of my finger into your weeping pussy, to obey me.”

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


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Young Adult

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